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Santaku Nariko

Santaku Nariko

Pushing open the doors of the bar, Nariko stepped inside, followed by her two male chaperones. She had somewhat expected people to turn their faces to see what the cat dragged in, but there was none of that. The ambiance of the bar was not too loud, with a rather soothing, almost dreamlike, music inviting everyone to sit back, relax and take a load off. Nariko already liked it, if only for the fact no one was gaping at her.

Seemingly at home, Nariko's eyes darted over the area, checking the guys and gals that sat down with their group, eyeing the cleaned up bar with the well-dressed bartenders and the open entrances towards the other parts of the Siren's Den, including the bouncers standing vigilant with their arms crossed. Nariko decided that, even if it was just to defy the unspoken age rules of society and strip clubs, she'd just have to try getting inside the strip club and see what it was about.

But before she would go out to cause trouble, a drink was more adequate. She satisfied herself with a lounge seat somewhere in the bar, tapping the stylish sofa with both her hands in a playful manner. Considering it comfortable enough, she ran through the menu card and decided to have a glass of fresh lemon soda.

"Genji. Get me a glass of lemon soda, and take something for the both of you as well."
"Thank you, milady."
"Oh, and I'd like a slice of that apple crumble pie too."
"Yes, milady."
"And while you're at it, ask the barman if there's an age restriction on the strip bar. I'm curious what's so special about it that it drives men in heaps inside."
"... Are you sure about that, milady?"
"Naturally. If those girls in there are that lovely, perhaps I might give one a hug myself. I'm not shy.", she said pointedly to her chaperone, flashing an amused smile as she saw him somewhat flustered about her question.
"Very well, Narikohime."

wc: 346

Last edited by Santaku Nariko on Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Not continuing this post.)



A satisfactorily buzzed Izumi tossed back another shot of courage, its sweet and flowery essence warming him from within. All of the patrons of the Siren's Den were rather obnoxious. If he could have a situation with just him and the bartender he would be satisfied with that, but this place had something alluring to it. There are a few things Izumi would normally think were worth taking note of in this place: when someone rifles through a bag to pull out thin, edged glistening vial; when the warm, vitriolic breath of an off duty ninja wet his ears; or even the the subtle taste of something alien sequestered in his drink. But compared to a young woman with two bodyguards, or whatever they were, whose gait almost betrayed a sense of noblesse, all these factors were filtered out of his brain as meaning less junk. Bodyguards meant status, and meant money.
"Genji. Get me a glass of lemon soda, and take something for the both of you as well."
"Thank you, milady."
"Oh, and I'd like a slice of that apple crumble pie too."
"Yes, milady."
A sly glance from the corner of his eye was all he was willing to give from his stool at the bar as the trio shuffled into facility as he usher more of the rice wine down his throat. There was a strange familiarity with her and this place. Though she seemed far from the type to visit here, she took to it far too well in Izumi's opinion. He could almost respect someone who expected to get their heart's desire whimsically, but he respected that she knew what she wanted even more. It is rare that such privilege and conviction developed together. Personally he had been unable to choose between the apple crumble pie and the devil's food cake. Thus why two near empty plates sat before him.
"And while you're at it, ask the barman if there's an age restriction on the strip bar. I'm curious what's so special about it that it drives men in heaps inside."
"... Are you sure about that, milady?"
"Naturally. If those girls in there are that lovely, perhaps I might give one a hug myself. I'm not shy."
"Very well, Narikohime."
With a genuine smile now forming on his face he made a simple gesture meant only for bartender, a tug on his hakama revealing a kiri headband shunted away inside of it. Then with tilt of his head he motioned where he assumed the bodyguard Genji would approach from, and slid his bribe to the bartender. He wasn't really sure how old the girl was, but the ryo that he passed the bartender was definitely worth see this girl in action a little longer.He grabbed his spiked shot as he waited to how the next chain of events would unfold before his eyes.

(OOC: I hope you don't mind that I joined. If you do just pm me.)

Santaku Nariko

Santaku Nariko

The chaperone called Genji arrived at the bar, gave a curt nod towards Izumi and the barman and ordered Nariko's request. The barman nodded, repeated the order and prepared the lemon soda and two waters, and told Genji he'd let a waitress bring everything, including the slice of pie, as soon as everything was ready.

In true aristocratic fashion, the chaperone adjusted the gloves on his hand, more out of boredom than really in need of such, as he contemplated his wording about his lady's peculiar request. It was not so much the embarrassment of the request, which he was fairly certain she had done on purpose just for the sake of discomforting someone else. It was rather that this sort of request wasn't exactly fit for the upheld status of her family, not to mention that she was too young.

Clearing his throat to get the barman's attention first, he beckoned the man to come closer so he could whisper the request in his ear. Upon hearing the request, the barman blinked and eyed the chaperone somewhat cautiously, then eyed the girl as if he was trying to measure her age. With a shrug and a 'Looks old enough to me', he handled the question rather nonchalantly. To add deed to his words, he signed the guard at the door to let the girl and her entourage through should they wish.

Here too, the chaperone wasn't too sure what to think about this. Was it a good idea to allow her in the strip club and give in to her wiles like this? Perhaps. Perhaps not. But the idea of being denied and having to handle an endless rant of how her status is being tarnished by 'plebs' was just as bad. If anything, her pompous father had raised her... well.

Returning to his position next to Nariko, he shared the news with her, unlocking a bright smile from her and a glint in her eyes that promised mischief of the sort the chaperones were already regretting. And to make matters worse, she stood up herself.

"Wait here for our order to arrive. I have something to discuss."
"My lady?"
"I won't be far. Just over there.", she pointed at the bodyguard posted at the door.
"Are you sure th-"
"Yes, I'm sure."

That said, Nariko rose from her seat with all the royal elegance her father had taught her, and walked over to the bulky guard in front of the door towards the strip club. He eyed her with the same stoic glance he had done for the previous quarter or so, and lowered his head somewhat to listen to whatever she was whispering in his ear. The man was as tall as a tree, unlike her.

"Please, can you request two of your finest ladies to give my bodyguards some well deserved... attention?", she whispered in his ear, adding a most seductive smile to it. "It would be uncouth for them to request such themselves while in my company."

The bodyguard eyed the bartender, who in turn glanced at the Kiri-nin briefly before nodding at the bodyguard. Nariko had taken notice of the chain of approval, briefly wondering who exactly the guy at the bar was that the bartender had to glance at him, but as the guard approved of her request, she already forgot about him. Giddy her plan was going well so far, she walked back to her seat, took place and sniffed the apple crumble pie that had just arrived.

Eating her pie leisurely and taking the occasional sip of her lemon soda, she eyed her chaperones from the corner of her eyes. Though they were seated next to her, their discipline prevented them from relaxing the way she did, sipping their drinks with such stiffness it was almost ridiculous considering the place they were in.

Nariko remained undisturbed. While surely she ate properly in line with the masquerade she was keeping up for her lineage's sake, she was far more relaxed. The Siren's Den. It had a nice ring to it, for someone who counted herself a member of the ambitious yet completely chaotic genin gang called the Seven Songs. Even if everything was regulated quite well despite its appearances, Nariko could see a lot of potential to sow discord - at least to get rid of her chaperones.

As she finished her pie, she waved one of her chaperones to make room. Since she had been granted permission to enter the strip club, that was exactly where she'd go, and she was hoping the bodyguard would have made the proper arrangements for that. She hadn't really paid attention to it, as she was rather used to be served at her beck and call. A bad habit she had picked up from her father, thanks to him making sure the Niitah did exactly that: serving the Himura.

Genji moved away and Nariko left her seating spot, including the plate and empty glass as she expected either her chaperones or a maid to clean it up. And, indeed, Genji picked it up to bring it back to the bartender with a polite nod while she and Rin, her other chaperone, walked up to the bouncer. He nodded briefly and opened the door to let them inside.

As the three of them slipped into the new quarters, the atmosphere completely changed as well. The relaxed music from the lounging part turned into a more sensuous, alluring sort. Where natural light was able to illuminate the room through the many windows, the new room seemed to despise that natural light. The windows were blinded, cloaking the whole area in darkness that was dimly lit by red hued lava lamps and the occasional wall light. The furniture seemed to stay mostly the same - small tables with a lounging seat to make its customers comfortable as they drank and watched the artistry of the scantily clad feminine gender, with in the back, an almost exact copy of the previous bar, including stylishly dressed bartender shaking some cocktails.

A sly smile played over Nariko's face. This was just perfect. Dimly lit area, some customers and pretties to keep the male counterpart occupied. Though she had to admit some of them were real beauties, unlike what she had been telling, she had no real interest in being with a woman at this moment. She was only here to get her chaperones distracted enough so she had an opportunity to make herself scarce.

Not caring much for their discomfort, which was mostly caused by them feeling out of place rather than them being shy about the sights they were seeing - men... - Nariko, walked up to an empty table. It wasn't exactly all in the front, but close enough for them to have a proper view, and plenty of room behind for Nariko to blend in with the darkness and use the people as a means to hide behind.

wc 1171 + 346
= 1517



Izumi has seen relatively few bodyguards interact with their charge, at least not from this close, and generally it was the same kinda shtick every time. Little guy moves, bodyguard follows. someone jumps the bodyguard squares her shoulders, all the while the little guy pretended he didn't need the bodyguards. This girl though, she was different she sent her body guards around like one would send around a subordinate, and they rolled with it.In a place like this there were always occasional drunkards and scoundrels, I mean Izumi was here, and your average human would feel at least mildly intimidated. especially if you were just some kid. That's why this girl was putting up flags for Izumi. She didn't even really think about it when she sent her bodyguards away to sate her whimsies, which was either a testament to their skill or a testament to her skill. As Genji approached the bartender his 'I don't care, truly' shrug almost pulled a small laugh from Izumi. He couldn't imagine what Genji was expecting, but the hesitance in his eyes was golden.

Then again she could have just been an arrogant, spoiled kid with too much dominion over her parents employees, Izumi thought to himself. Genji definitely didn't seem to think she was capable of protecting herself. Looking him up and down when he approached the bar Izumi wan't to confident about Genji's competence either. Really their was only one way to know for sure, and it was the most interesting thing going on right now. He went to throw back the shot, its slow acting poison tingled his throat just a bit more than he thought it should, but in the end he ignored it. Izumi's attention was minutely more focused on Nariko, and he went from passively observing through his other senses to occasional glance through reflections in the glass and brief confirmations with eye contact.

Glancing through the bar cabinet's reflective service Izumi was mildly jealous about the pie. Not the kind of jealousy where you'd want to take something from someone, but the kind you feel when someone else had a good idea. In this particular situation he felt ordering the same dish would be... awkward.

"Wait here for our order to arrive. I have something to discuss."

"My lady?"

"I won't be far. Just over there," she pointed at the bodyguard posted at the door.

"Are you sure th-"

"Yes, I'm sure."

To Izumi's eye, Genji and Rin were more like lap dogs than bodyguards, and they were affably obedient. He never actually thought that they'd let her head into that part of the Siren's Den.

thump thump

thump thump

His hand was halfway to a nearby tissue when the bartender gave him an inquiring look. "Are you asking me for permission?" Izumi's normal cool seemed dampened by the mere thought of what lay behind that door. He had been coming here for weeks hoping to get drunk enough to enter those doors, but everyday he left more dissatisfied with himself than the last. He looked at the tissue, barely even a drop of blood, this was a good sign.

The bartender motioned for Izumi to lower his voice, "Yeah man. If she's, you know, one of you then its no prob."

"Oh. Yeah. Yes." Izumi dismissively waves his hand in front of his face as if blowing away the near silent conversation, and the bartender's face grows serious again, nodding at the bouncer.

When Nariko actually went in Izumi mouthed to himself, "I didn't think this through." He quickly unsheated the appropriate amount of currency from his hakama, and placed it on the counter paying both for himself and the other party before sneaking into the... facility.

In this moment Izumi was the worst ninja he'd ever been. He noticed nothing. He was happy in this darkness, it was his shroud a two way barrier to protect his shame. He didn't have to see, and he didn't want to see. He relied on as few senses as possible to navigate the crowd. He noted that the shadows here were tricky, but the occasional light sources that caused him to actively avoid looking up provided a few moments where shadows where distinct.

The one known as Genji was the first one he spotted, followed quickly by Rin and Nariko herself. He noted Rin's shoes, along with everyone else's he had seen. Not because he was interested, but mostly because every time he looked up a sly wink would pierce his veil and a body in motion would cause blood to creep from his nose like lava. Using some of the crowd as cover as he walked behind the Nariko, to make his presence known to her, he would form the boar and the Hare seal hidden within the sleeves of his hakama before seemingly walking away, carefully avoiding physical contact in this crowded space.

From his perspective in the shadow it was impossibly difficult to avoid looking at the people and activities that blazed around them. glaring like beacons in the darkness of this area. Izumi realized that this place, while being everything he ever dreamed of, was in this one moment his own personal Hell. Napkins and tissues that he had grabbed while stalking through this raging onyx inferno had been burned through by the heat generated off of every inch of exposed flesh that pierced the imaginary veil he constructed. His heart was pounding in his throat as he struggled to maintain at least a shred of his focus.

The two gorgeous women would come after what seemed like an eternity of burning hell fire, and eventually they made their way to the Rin and Genji, and a nearby tissue transformed, almost spontaneously, into two bright red drain plugs. Izumi was patient though, and he would wait for the two bodyguards to be whisked away by persistent vixens, before revealing himself from his comfortable shadow. He wanted to have a conversation with this girl, and her bodyguards were probably going to be inconveniences to him if he didn't wait for them to leave.

[WC= 1020 words | Total= 1500 words]

Jutsu Used | Chakra -20:

Santaku Nariko

Santaku Nariko

Without a hint of shyness, Nariko looked at the dancers and strippers in front of her. From the corners of her eyes, she could see how the sensuous bodies of the maidens were doing exactly that which she had hoped for - lowering their awareness as they fought to keep their attention with the one they were supposed to chaperone. Even when one of the dancers came closer seductively, running her tongue over her lips with a trained desire in her eyes, Nariko was the one inching closer to fuel the fire. Knowing it was more a tease than anything else, the two girls didn't hesitate to share a tender nuzzle, triggering the reaction of the two chaperones looking away. How quaint.

Not much later, the dancer removed herself and two other ladies brazenly set themselves on the lap of the chaperones, cooing about the men's looks and how they wouldn't mind a little affection from such strong men. At that moment, as they were distracted, Nariko simultaneously slipped from her place on the couch onto the floor and kept her seat warm with a clone. Unfitting of her status, she rolled away under the couch to end up behind it and slipped into the crowd.

Her original plan to tip-toe out of the room right at this moment had made place for a small detail she found in need of investigation. This guy... he was wearing a Kiri forehead protector, and though  the two of them didn't know each other, he had followed her into this room without much subtlety. As if he wanted to talk to her. Or perhaps flirt? It was hard to say with this darkness. He hadn't exactly looked shyly at her. Or overly confident as if he could get every girl in the world. Perhaps he really wasn't there to flirt at all.

Her gaze drifted through the room in search of this stranger, but she didn't exactly see him in there. Yet, she had the odd impression to have caught the vague scent of blood a few times in her vicinity. Not exactly a smell she expected to catch here, of all places. Sweat, alcohol, tobacco... sure, but blood? In a place like this, it would be the last scent to expect as a strip bar of this renown was usually very meticulous on hygiene and safety. But what then exactly did she smell?

Assuring herself her clone was doing a good job still, she saw how her requested company for her chaperones weren't exactly inclined to leave early. Nuzzles, promising whispers, a hand resting 'innocently' on their chest as they shared a most seductive smile... Nariko could see the bouncer at the door had done his best. Peachy. Just peachy, she thought, as she giggled softly behind a raised hand. It was just adorable to see how the two men were trying to refuse the persistent girls without breaking their high-class etiquette in the presence of Nariko-clone.

That said, since she couldn't find the stranger-nin, her eyes drifted for the next best exit. There was the road back from whence she came, or the fancier exit that ended back in the streets, including, most likely, a row of people and more security than the one she entered from. Better to take the less protected one, then.

Knowing she could not exit this spot without being recognised or without having her chaperones with her, Nariko decided she'd make use of a disguise, one she had been practising a lot of times in secrecy just for occasions as these. She slipped through the crowd into the equally dimly lit girl's rest room. Compared to the habitual situations with the rest rooms for ladies, this one wasn't crowded at all. She easily picked a free room, locked the door and removed the robes she was wearing to reveal a brown student's sweater, pleated skirt, black stockings and tidy shoes. She ran her hand through her hair as she blew off some steam, and took out a pair of glasses from her tool belt. Before leaving the rest room to gussy up in the mirror of the girl's department, she rolled up her robes and tucked them away as good as possible. In the event her chaperones would be searching for her, at least they wouldn't easily find her robes.

Nariko unlocked the door and left the rest room for the last touch. Standing in front of the mirror, she adjusted her attire and braided her hair in two long braids. She preferred her hair loose, but for this disguise it was vital to add as much finishing touches as possible. She placed a ribbon at the end of each braid and finished her disguise with the henge no jutsu, now looking all meek and shy. She winked and blew a kiss to her mirror image, happy with her new disguise.

Chakra 140/150:

wc: 833 + 1517
Total: 2350

(Don't bleed out now ;] )



There was no relief from this personal Hell as Nariko dipped beneath the surface of her bodyguard's conscious awareness and wandered of. From his perspective everything in this club was causing his heart to race until the giggle two people flirting caused doldrums to symphonically pound a cacophonous thunder rang in his ears.

Thump Thump

Thump Thump

From the beauty curves of dancing women glistening with sweat, to the marbled exposed chests of powerful men sliding down pole every sensation was torturous as a thin napkin stuffed inside of nostrils dripped rubies. Just as his will began to falter, Nariko made her way into a bathroom, and while one would think that this would only make matters worse Izumi viewed her as only a child, and his heart rate began to settle allowing him enough clarity of mind to pinch his nostrils as the kunoichi before answered more than a few questions he had been wanting to ask.

The disguise she had was not so dramatic that Izumi's averted could tell a significant difference, but he could definitely tell she was casting a jutsu in here. While he missed the clone jutsu earlier in his more... "distracted state", it was now readily apparent to him that he was dealing with someone who had at least a little bit of shinobi training. Someone who wanted to escape from here and had gone through rigorous preparation to do so.

This was something he could work with even he could benefit from someone of an additional person coming with him to escape the village. Assuming that's what she was trying to do and not him projecting, he thought that it was possible that they could come to a reasonable negotiation. You an "I scratch your back you scratch mine" kind of deal where he could make a pretty penny or two from a rich girl.

Ending his jutsu and removing himself from her shadow once she was done, he would reach out and put a hand on her shoulder. He had been trying to evade attention so that they could have a moment like this, and even if the four walls of the bathroom weren't the optimal place to hold the conversation he knew he couldn't hold it in there. So, with his head turned away from her to hide the liquid rubies falling from his rosy cheeked face, he said to her.

"You have the look of someone who's running. You seem to have been born into a family with prestige, power, and wealth." Though his voice didn't seem demeaning there was a sharpness to it that indicated he thought that what she was doing was a waste of a lucky opportunity.

"I won't ask you what you're running from, but I know that the road out of this village can be rather perilous. If you are hoping for anything more than a one night out on the town without anyone watching over you, good luck." Izumi, starting to enjoy a rare monologue smirked as he said this hoping and presuming he was dead on, though there really wasn't much that he was going out on a limb on. Nariko was obviously trained a little as she use an academy technique, and in his mind her apparent age and the skill requirement for that jutsu matched up. She also had displayed her power over the two that were with her multiple times, so as opposed to any really flaunting deductive powers that Izumi had he was more so flaunting the alcohol content of his blood that made him think he was some sort of super sleuth.

"Like let's say you wanted to break away from here, as someone who has ninja prowess you should no that villages aren't particularly fond of training runaways. Furthermore, I'm sure your Mizukage is probably particularly strict, so if you think your getting past her hunter nin without a kunai in your throat then you will definitely need a lot of help" Izumi's head began to turn as his confidence swelled up even higher.

"Let's not eve-" As his eyes caught sight of the disguised Nariko he paused mid-thought. his eyes jumped from point to point with as his synapses were overwhelmed by the disuise. He had drastically underestimated her. Megane + School Girl...

A small, nearly inaudible cough escaped his lips sending a few particles of blood into his mouth as he froze for a second.

Within all of us
There is an endless geyser,
So let it spring forth.

After a few seconds of near silence from Izumi he took a few slow steps back and faintly whispered "Me... Megane." A large localized spurt of blood sent his two makeshift nose plugs rocketing away, and he had to throw himself into the sink as he raipdly lost blood into the sink. Quickly he would run the water to prevent staining either of their clothes, letting Nariko lead the conversation as he was re-submerged into his personal Hell with new found light-headedness accompanying him this time.

[WC= 855 words | Total= 2355 words]

Jutsu Used | Chakra 125/150:

Santaku Nariko

Santaku Nariko

As she stood before the mirror, her shadow suddenly laid a hand on her shoulder and revealed a somewhat familiar face. That guy. The nameless one that she had been looking for was here, standing all distantly cool, face averted as if she wasn't even worth his attention, obviously in total control if everything he was, is and would be. The overly confident sort matching his own handsome looks that, by chance luck had his attitude backed by splendid timing and therefore became the popular guy at school wading through the attention of girls all around him.

Nariko's inner fangirl already squealed for his attention and wanted to throw herself at his feet, but instead, seemingly completely unfazed, Nariko kept working on her disguise as he bluntly stated his findings about her trying to run away from something. Obvious jutsu aside, his perceptions were spot on, and that made him dangerous already. Perhaps he was the bishounen that not only played it cool, but actually is cool.

When his words came out of his mouth, though, he lost somewhat of that perfect attractiveness. The way he deducted her origins and spoke about it as if it was nothing special, worse even, a wasted opportunity made her feel as if not only he had no clue of what a nightmare it was, but perhaps hinted even at a certain jealousy about it. His speech going on as if she wasn't even there, not dissimilar to her continuing her disguise as if he wasn't even there, making her aware of dangers that would never be there - she was a Wanderer, not a Kiri-nin - and subtly hinting at him possibly being 'the hero she needed' in such a way that could only match his bishounen popularity, was actually endearing. So he, a total stranger, wanted to watch over her as if she was a precious jewel? Inner Nariko already melted for the cool guy's attention that wasn't really meant for her anyway.

And still the guy went on, until he turned his head, finally allowing her a clear sight of his handsome face and... he ruined it as he choked on his own words, faintly mumbling something about her glasses. Two curious red plugs plopped out of his nose and he dropped his head into the sink without much care for anything else but running water. The balloon of splendour deflated without so much as a sound. Disappointing. Endearingly disappointing.

Nariko brought her hands up to her chest, seemingly clutching herself as her shoulders drooped a little in feigned discomfort. While this would probably be the moment where other girls screamed on top of their lungs for the pervert in the girl's room, she played the meek and fragile girl who was torn between concern about his well being and him intruding in a private area he wasn't supposed to be.

"N-niisan. I don't think you're supposed to be here.", she said with a timid voice. "I only ran here because... because... I don't think this place is for me."

As if hinting it was his idea they were here in the first place. Here to satisfy his own perverted desires as the healthy young man he was, entering a place as this just to prove he was manly enough. And, burdened by the care of his 'younger sister' had somehow tried to convince her to join him. Sure, it wasn't the plan she had in mind, but if this unknown 'hero' wanted to save her, she guessed she could include him into the plan right away.

"S-shall we go now? Please?", she asked as she turned away her gaze from his poor state, and in perfect disguise with the completely submissive sister subjected to the grand dreams of her elder brother.

Chakra 135/150:

wc 644 + 2350
= 2994

(Yeah, Bunshin poofed and the two chaperones might be looking for her)

Santaku Nariko

Santaku Nariko


[It's been 2+ weeks and no reply was received on the reminder PM]
We both have 3+ threads and 2000+ wc, so this should be allowed to count as a social.

Since I don't like power playing other chars or suddenly ditching them as being non-existent, I'll just close here and consider Nariko's escape a success for plot reasons.

Total WC: 2994

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