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Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

Morning again. Sunbeams were working hard to weasel their way in through the tightly-drawn blinds. Kaiji Kyudoka lie supine on a dusty futon bed, damp cloth across his eyes and head pounding rhythmically to an incessant beat. "Don't forget the happy thoughts," he spoke through slatted teeth. "All you need is happy thoughts," attempting to reassure himself. The physical pain paled in comparison to that of the emotional sort. Three days (or had it been a week?) had passed since his incident in the Market District alleyway. It was the incident that left him bedridden. The incident that sent his synapses firing like live wire, that widened the cleft of his corpus callosum and had him drooling. Of course, this was referring to his sudden recollection of a series of past events, memories that he understood no better than sheet music or a foreign language. "Sa-chi-ko," each syllable enunciated with care. Kaiji sat up in bed, wet rag falling from his face and landing with a splat in his lap. "I know, Sachi... I know you're out there somewhere. I won't forget," his face contorted, "I can't..." Off to the side, in a corner of the room that was darker than the rest, a balled up piece of paper sat gathering dust. It was a letter, addressed to Kaiji, from his Father. The bespectacled archer lazily gazed over at it, eyes glazed with a sense of apathy. He'd written to his Father after the first set of memories came rushing back. Kaiji's letter was meant to be an update on his progress, how he had improved his archery and above all, unlocked the Takamegan's First Release. Also included in the note was a simple question: 'Who was Sachiko?' When the message had originally arrived, Kaiji tore the envelope open with fervor, desiring like mad to get an answer, but the contents were less than satisfactory. The gist of it went on about how he should train harder, but decent progress so far, don't slack, this, that, yada yada. Only... towards the end were two words, two words that Kaiji had poured over time after time, unfurling the crumpled loose leaf and balling it up again over and over.

'Forget her.'

| A few hours later |

Kaiji was dressed in his usual attire, long-sleeved shirt and simple pants. His thin-framed glasses were continually catching the glare of the sun, doing nothing to help the last remnants of his earlier headache. Noticing that no one in particular was around, he removed them from his face and clipped them to his neckline. The glasses were for show, serving as a way to beguile others into believing his eyes were nothing special. He had not yet had a chance to test this ruse, due to the isolation and recluse lifestyle he lived for the time being, but as a precaution the spectacles rarely if ever left his face. "Oh this heat," Kaiji moaned. "And here I was, just starting to enjoy this whole nature thing." Despite the sweat gathering across his body in shiny baubles of dew, the teen pressed on. Kaiji Kyudoka had a plan, or, an idea rather. Before, the memories regarding Sachiko came about whenever he'd pondered making friends, so it stood to reason that if he continued along that path, he may come to recall a better picture of this section of his past that stood shrouded in mystery. "Well," he spoke, "What do I know about friends? Mmm, no, too specific. What do I know about people? For one thing, I'm a person, so... there's that. Uhhh, people react unpredictably, they're irrational, petty..." Only vituperative adjectives were coming to mind, worrying Kaiji that this train of thought would go nowhere good. Sigh. He hadn't wanted it to come to this, but he could see it as his only choice. First-hand experience was the only way to understand the concept of friendship. "Curses!" he spat under his breath, advancing nearer and nearer a more populated area of the village. It was close by to the Hidden Leaf's heart, where the streets were bustling with activity and voices sounded all around. There were traveling merchants, schoolchildren, couples, even a few shinobi like himself. "A fellow shinobi is my best bet," Kaiji said, voice disappearing in the din of the crowd.

WC: 738



The time for the young Hattori to depart from Konoha was fast approaching. The travel plans with Shimada had been set and they both had only a few personal matters to take care of before they would set off in earnest for the Land of Water and Kirigakure no Sato.  As seemed to be tradition with Nayoko, he had rushed through most of his own last minute needs with a vigor that could almost be described as unhealthy, and so he now found himself waiting, with only packing left to be done. The twenty-two year old had always found that walking around the village passed the time for him fairly quickly, as he would inevitably run into something or someone to distract him and take his mind off of the seemingly endless waiting; today was no different.

Through a series of quick conversations with acquaintances around the village and his own reckless curiosity, Nayoko found himself sitting on the rooftop of a two story book store that he visited fairly frequently. He sat with his legs hanging over the front side of the building, looking out at all of the people filling the streets to go about their business from a perfect vantage point. Shopkeepers peddled their wares, friends laughed over jokes that were unheard by the young shinobi, and the atmosphere was bustling to say the least. Nayoko smiled and looked up at the clouds moving lazily overhead. I think I enjoy people watching a but too much.

He chuckled to himself as he began to remove his jacket, cursing the heat tat had arrived out of nowhere and leaving him in only his black sleeveless top, his silver necklace baring  the Hattori clan symbol hanging out in the open for once. Even just sitting and watching the crowds roll by, Nayoko found himself wiping the perpetually returning sweat from his brow. Sighing, he glanced back down to the crowds below. Funnily enough, Nayoko was not one for being in crowds, despite his love for watching them. It was partially why he had found himself on this rooftop, to avoid people while also being near them. It was one of his many quirks, but he wasn’t ashamed of it. Though I do wish I had at least one person to talk to. It really does make the day go by faster. And who doesn’t like making new friends??

Determined to find someone interesting in the crowds below, Nayoko began scanning intensely, searching for a new face to get to know. Having grown up in the village he could at least recognise most of the people he came in contact with, but that was not the case with the face that his eyes finally settled on. There, moving into the busier part of town and appearing slightly uncomfortable was what appeared to be a young man, though it was only Nayoko’s guesswork at this point allowing him to determine his gender. His features were decidedly feminine; his hair was straight and a striking shade of magenta bordering on dark pink that fell down to his jawline, and his frame was not small, but petite. Regardless, something about this person's posture and how they moved triggered a slight certainty that he was, in fact, male. He searched his memory for any recollection of the androgynous young man but could not find any.  Nayoko smiled, “And there’s the interesting person I was looking for.”

In a moment of pure instinct, Nayoko raised his hand from the rooftop, attempting to catch the stranger’s attention, motioning for him to join Nayoko if he noticed. Heck, why not make a friend before I leave. That way I can be sure at least one person other than myself with remember me if I kick the bucket.

WC: 637

Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

Amidst the hustle and the bustle of daily living, Kaiji Kyudoka noticed an anomaly above it all, his eyes more perceptive to visual cues than most. That's a... a hand? he queried, No wait, an arm, it's an arm, attached to a body. Ah, there's no mistaking it, that's a whole person. But what are they... surely not... at me!? Kaiji blanched, realizing that yes, the waving arm and subsequent person that it belonged to were waving directly at him. "M-m-my glasses," stutter affecting his speech worse than ever before. The boy of 16 scrambled to find his purely decorative eye-wear, feeling that now was the time to enact his sham. He found his glasses in no time, being clipped obviously onto his shirtfront. "Oh boy," he sighed, twisting through the tumultuous crowd to make his way towards the building on which the waving man sat. To Kaiji's surprise, the structure was a bookstore, one that he'd actually visited many a time previously. Yeah, yeah, I recognize this place. Their fantasy section is lacking, but it's decent, I'll give them that. At the base of the bookstore, Kaiji inhaled deeply, going through the steps of a quick breathing exercise to calm his nerves. You can do this, you can. People are just like animals, remember that. And most importantly, don't forget why you're here...

Sachi, Kaiji's final thought before allowing chakra to surge to the muscles in his legs and feet in order to propel him upward with a swift jump. The rest of the way to the roof involved a touch of Supernatural Walking Practice, but in a short amount of time, he had made it. Despite wobbling and shaking like the leaves on the trees, he planted his feet firmly and greeted the fellow who had welcomed him. "Hello there, stranger," tone mouselike. "Are you a... Ah, stupid question, I apologize, of course you are." The man may have been seated, but the glint of a Leaf ninja badge at his belt told Kaiji all he needed to know. "I am a shinobi as well, of this village, that is. I d-don't recognize you, but that's not surprising considering I do not know anyone else from here." Kaiji's words were coming out in a fast-paced stream, but he picked up on this immediately and made an effort to quell it. "Oh!" he squeaked, brushing a strand of dark pink hair out of his eyes, the wind was stronger up here than down on the street, "I didn't properly introduce myself, s-sorry, again. My name is Kaiji Kyudoka, what's yours?"

| ???? |

Somewhere further away, in the recesses of Kaiji's mind, his thoughts were still trapped dead-center in a typhoon's eye. Images of Sachiko, the sound of her voice, it was so clear, almost as if Kaiji could hear it at this very moment. "I'm here, Kaiji."

| ???? |

Kaiji snapped out of the semi-trance state, blinking tears from his eyes and pushing those faux glasses further up the bridge of his nose. He wondered whether or not the stranger had noticed, and for that matter, how long he'd been out of it. It had only been seconds in all honesty, but in an effort to play it off, as he was unaware of the length of time, Kaiji spoke up, saying "Ahhah, don't m-mind me, I have a, a," he searched for the words, "A twitch. Heh." Smooth move.

WC: 597 + 738 = 1335



Nayoko was able to pinpoint the exact moment that the stranger noticed his outstretched arm. He could not help but smirk to himself as the pink haired individual fumbled somewhat comically for his glasses that were affixed to the front of his shirt. After placing them on his face, the stranger began to weave and twist his way through the crowd, heading toward Nayoko. Nayoko watched on as he made his way to the base of the building, finally stopping there and inhaling deeply. The young Hattori nodded his approval as the petite shinobi; for his next action solidified the notion that he was in fact a shinobi, sprung upward with deftness and grace. His feet touched the side of the wall ever so slightly as the stranger propelled himself forward for the last few feet of the climb.

He stood there, wobbling slightly before seemingly regaining his composure and introducing himself. Nayoko smiled up at him while he listened. "Hello there, stranger," his tone mouselike. "Are you a... Ah, stupid question, I apologize, of course you are." Nayoko followed the clearly younger man’s gaze to his “forehead protector” that he always wore around his waist. Nayoko nodded along as the boy continued his stuttering introduction. "I am a shinobi as well, of this village, that is. I d-don't recognize you, but that's not surprising considering I do not know anyone else from here." The flow of his words was erratic and fast, but Nayoko could tell that he was just trying to compose himself. It only took a moment longer before it seemed that the stranger was finally calm. He brushed a strand of dark pink hair from his eyes as the wind blew it around, messing it slightly as it did Nayoko’s. "I didn't properly introduce myself, s-sorry, again. My name is Kaiji Kyudoka, what's yours?"

Nayoko, still smiling, stood from where he had been seated, planting his feet firmly on the edge of the building, not afraid of the proximity to a potential fall. Kaiji Kyudoka….Kyudoka? Not a clan name I recognize If I’m honest. He ran through all of the clans he could in his mind, searching for the nature of this shinobi’s ability. Sadly, he could not come up with one. Perhaps he does not use his clan name just like me. He nodded affirmatively before speaking, “Nice to meet you Kaiji. I’m Nayoko Nozara, and I am, in fact, a chuunin! That was some good detective work.” He laughed at his own joke, not trying to be insulting, only playful. “I guessed that you were a shinobi as well, judging by the way you handled yourself with that wall! Nice climb by the way!” He turned away for a moment, looking out over the village streets again. “Sorry for the sudden invitation up here,” he continued as he turned back to his new acquaintance. “I just saw you out there and I…” He stopped short, seeing the ninja before him staring blankly back toward Nayoko.

His expression was empty, motionless, and Nayoko could see the beginnings of tears forming in the corners of the boy’s eyes. Nayoko opened his mouth to speak, but just as suddenly as it had started, the trance seemed to end, Kaiji blinking quickly and adjusting his glasses. "Ahhah, don't m-mind me, I have a, a," he paused, seeming searching for the words to say, "A twitch. Heh." Nayoko raised an eyebrow and waited for a moment. A twitch huh? Riiight. I don’t think I believe that for a second. Not that it’s any of my business. He waited a moment longer, debating whether or not he should bring it up. He decided to let it be for the time being and pressed forward with the conversation.

“Um…right. No problem! As I was saying, sorry for waving at you out of the blue like that. I come around here often to watch all the people go by and I can usually recognize all the faces. Today was different! I just had to meet the new stranger that had walked close to one of my favorite book stores!” He paused again, offering him a smile of sincerity. “I hope that’s not too weird for you. I’ve been trying to make new friends lately, and it’s gone well so far, so I guess I was just expecting this to work out just as well.” He turned and sat back down in the spot he had occupied before, gesturing for Kaiji to join him if he so desired. “So Kaiji, what brings you out here today? Obviously, nothing too important, considering you were willing to climb a building for a stranger.” He chuckled and waited for a response from the new face, hoping that he wasn’t coming on too strong and could void freaking him out.

WC: 825+637=1462

Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

"Oh, a chuunin? Well," Kaiji paused, the joke soaring over his head, "Nozara-senpai, fret not, your sudden invitation was quite serendipitous."

Am I being too formal, he thought. No, no, of course not.

Despite Kaiji's, for lack of a better word, fear, of everyday human interaction, this shinobi, a fellow shinobi same as him, showed no signs of revulsion towards the young archer. In fact, as Nayoko Nozara carried on speaking, a brilliant smile never left his face. For the first time, Kaiji took a good, long look at the man to his right. He had alternating spiked and neat hair, fair in tone, and an angular face that felt simultaneously soft around the edges. Similar to his hair, the man's eyes were a rich shade of brown, a far cry from Kaiji's gold and black. Handsome, objectively so. Probably a charmer, though genuinely friendly, and good at whatever he puts his mind to. This was a step beyond simple people-watching, it was an effort to pick apart all that made up a human being with nothing but a glance. He appears trustworthy as well... Atop the bookstore's roof, Kaiji Kyudoka found his equilibrium and relaxed a bit, the tension in his muscles evaporating and giving way to a surge of calm and contentment. Simply speaking to another person, this wasn't something to shy away from. Words began to come easier to Kaiji, his stutter corrected itself; he was eager to respond. "People watching, huh? I guess you could say that's something I like to do as well. I'm... fascinated by the whole concept of, well, human relationships. You probably think that's weird, and yeah, you wouldn't be wrong." The magenta-haired ninja balked, fighting to stay afloat amidst the ocean of emotions he was currently experiencing. Kaiji's glasses, thin-framed and merely cosmetic, slipped down the bridge of his nose just a hair. Two stories was not that great a height by any measure, but staring at the hard ground down below and standing a couple measly inches from the precipice, the distance felt to Kaiji like miles. A couple steps forward and splat!

He popped a hard candy in his mouth, cinnamon flavour, as he listened to his rooftop companion speak on. "Ah yes, well, you're right. I had no particular destination in mind when I made my way into the village's center today. I was just walking t-to clear my head, nothing major." He scratched at a nonexistent itch near the crown of his skull. The visions of Sachiko clearly had no intention of leaving his mind. Dealing with them at times such as this may be difficult. "Forgive my forwardness, but while we're here, and considering the fact that you said you didn't recognize me, maybe it'd better bridge the gap of unfamiliarity between us if I told you about myself? Heheh," he laughed nervously, hoping with quiet desperation that this was the right direction to lead the conversation in. "S-s-so," that wretched stutter rearing its ugly head once again, "First thing's first, I'm not originally from the Hidden Leaf, so there's that." A sigh escaped his peach-coloured pursed lips. "My original village, my original home," he felt he was doing okay so far, "--is a small village in the Land of Rivers. I come from a clan, not so well known in this era, known as the Kyudoka."

Why am I revealing so much? Inwardly, Kaiji was fretting. He blinked rapidly. "My clan specializes in archery," the teen continued, passing off the brief intermission of his introduction as another one of his 'tendencies'. "Do you, Nozara-senpai, belong to a clan as well?" Kaiji neglected to mention his clan's Dōjutsu for the time being. To him, it felt like a secret, special thing, worth safeguarding.

WC: 656
TWC: 656 + 1335 = 1991



Nayoko raised an eyebrow at the younger shinobi’s formality, momentarily worried that he may have been too informal himself. Nayoko nodded along, listening to every word his new acquaintance had to say while mentally noting to correct his own honorifics. The Hattori male could not help but feel sorry for Kaiji, as he stumbled on though his explanation of his fascination with others. He really is having a hard time with his, isn’t he?  He watched as the younger man pulled out a candy and casually popped it into his mouth, the faint scent of cinnamon wafting toward Nayoko. The magenta haired shinobi admitted to his lack of a destination upon the arrival at the village square, which relieved Nayoko ever so slightly, letting him know that he had not interrupted something major that the person before him was supposed to be doing.  After scratching his head for a moment, Kaiji Kyudoka nervously laughed and pressed the conversation onward.

"Forgive my forwardness, but while we're here, and considering the fact that you said you didn't recognize me, maybe it'd better bridge the gap of unfamiliarity between us if I told you about myself? Heheh," Nayoko nodded, ever smiling to the boy, “That sounds like a wonderful idea!” he said, hoping it would diffuse some of the awkwardness that he felt gathering. "S-s-so," the stutter that had plagued his speak resurfaced for a moment, "First thing's first, I'm not originally from the Hidden Leaf, so there's that." A sigh found its way from the boy’s lips before he continued. "My original village, my original home, is a small village in the Land of Rivers. I come from a clan, not so well known in this era, known as the Kyudoka." For a second time, Nayoko’s eyebrows raised with intrigue. Now that’s why I don’t recognize his name! A clan I’ve never heard of…interesting to say the least. Just as he was about to inquire further into this clan, Kaiji answered the question for him. A clan that specializes in archery…fascinating. Nayoko had always been interested at the limits that each clan’s bloodline possessed. Some elements that only certain people could control, some powerful dojutsu that could change the tide of any battle, and some like his own, that just made him better than average at something.

“Well, Kyudoka-san, I must say I find that very interesting! I’m not one for weapons myself, unless of course you count these,” he raised his hands and chuckled for a moment, trying to lighten the mood for the clearly nervous shinobi before him. “Maybe someday you can show me just how good you are with a bow! Talented weapon users of any kind have always impressed me if I’m honest. As for myself, I am actually a member of the Hattori clan.” Nayoko reached down and pulled up his necklace to show off the silver symbol that hung around his neck, a gift from his mother. “We’re a clan that’s spread far and wide. Nozara is actually my father’s family name. My mother is…” his voice trailed off, a strange pause filling the air for a few seconds. Nayoko then continued, softer, but still smiling. “Was. She was the member of the family who was actually connected to the Hattori bloodline. She passed away a few years back.” He could not help but allow his mind to drift to the last time he spoke with her, lying in the hospital bed, breathing heavy and erratic. It made him visibly shudder, clearly in contrast to the intense heat of the day.

After taking a minute to compose himself, Nayoko tucked the necklace back beneath his shirt, looking up to Kaiji to further explain his clan’s abilities. “The Hattori are gifted in usually one element or technique, whether it be ninjutsu, genjutsu, or otherwise. I, myself, am particularly adept at the use of Suiton chakra. It certainly comes in handy more often than not! As far as where I’m from, I’ve lived in Konoha my entire life. But I’m actually going on a trip very soon with a close friend of mine! We’re headed to Kirigakure no Sato and the Land of Water for some…personal business. I’ve got to admit; I’m going to miss it here.” Throughout his little speech he found himself balancing on the edge of the building, continuing to ignore the height. He looked back over to his companion, sizing him up briefly and almost subconsciously. “What about you? Do you like it here in the village Hidden in the Leaves?” He would respect the younger man’s opinion to be sure, but he hoped that Kaiji liked his home. It was important to him that he make everyone feel welcome to the village he loved so much.


Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

"Interesting, you say? Mmm, well yes, I suppose it is..." Kaiji Kyudoka grinned as the words trailed from his lips like a wisp of smoke. Mention of Nayoko's own clan, the Hattori, was also of interest to Kaiji; he had never heard tell of it until now, and he admired its supposed versatility. More worthy of note though was the man's mention of his mother and the accompanying grimace and shiver. His words struck a chord within the young archer. "I am... sorry to hear about your mother. Regrettably, I almost understand the feeling." He made an attempt to choose his next words carefully, looking to cause no offense. "My own mother abandoned my father and me while I was still a child. Her reasons are," there was pain in Kaiji's eyes, "Her reasons are still not clear to me, and it pains me to say I may never know." The conversation had taken a downward turn, the heavy weight of past hurts bearing down upon them both, as far as Kaiji could tell. But there was no way he was going to let this ruin his first possibly meaningful interaction with another soul. "Ah but a journey, hm?" He allowed a halfway genuine smile to grace his pale face. "Now that is something, eh!" Kaiji felt himself loosening up; perhaps he was getting a feel for this whole communicating thing. "And to the Hidden Mist, wow!" One could feel the lightweight, carefree ease that had ebbed into Kaiji's speech pattern. Indeed, it was a far cry from his earlier tone, the tone he usually employed when speaking. "I hope that one day I too can travel to far off lands, I bet there are some great book stores out there in the world, hah!" Was that a laugh? Had Kaiji actually laughed? Intentionally?

He heard Nayoko Nozara's question and formulated a response, more naturally than he was used too, but taking advantage of the lofty sensation of this... this... dare he think it, friendly exchange. "You know, when I first made my way here from my old village, I would have responded with a resounding 'no', but now, yes, Nozara-senpai, I believe I can freely admit that I do kind of like it here." Kaiji felt like he could fly. All of his worries--his father, Sachiko, fitting in, the path to furthering the Takamegan--these things could not have been further from his current thoughts. Right now, in this instant, he felt normal, he felt accepted, and the most liberating thing of all was that he felt that he was on his way to making a friend.

Still, despite dropping the sting of worry that had been accompanying him as of late, he repeated that one mantra in his head. Don't worry, Sachiko. I haven't forgotten you. I won't. Not now, not ever.

"I must say, and don't take this the wrong way or anything, but... thank you, Nozara-senpai. Just... thank you." The light, midday breeze whistled across the rooftop, blowing Kaiji's dark pink locks errantly across his face. His head was down now, and he was trembling with emotions he'd never felt before in his time on this earth, as far as he knew of course. "I've never..." his fists were clenched and his knuckles were beginning to turn a white-ish hue, "I have never had such a nice talk like this before. I-it's almost like... like... I've made a friend. So thanks, thank you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Nayoko Nozara. I-if it is not too much to ask," Kaiji took an awkward bow, feet planted firmly on the surface of the book store roof, "Please, will you be my friend!?" His final words were a heartfelt shout.

WC: 645
TWC: 645 + 1991 = 2636



Nayoko nodded along with the young man as he told his story about his own mother. He tried to find consoling words, but decided against speaking them, considering he had probably heard them all before. The melancholy mood that had settled around the two shinobi was not one that Nayoko wanted to stay in, and he was relieved when Kaiji brought up his trip. He seemed so excited, and the Hattori man’s smile from earlier involuntarily grew. He laughed along with him for a moment at his quip about book stores, voicing his agreement. “I’m sure there are! I intend to find all of the best ones if I can. I’ll be sure to bring you a list when I’m home.”

Nayoko was pleased at the young archer’s answer to his question regarding the village. He turned on his heel, still standing at the very edge of the building’s roof and looking out over his home. “I’m so glad. I hope I’ve been a part of that change in opinion. The village Hidden in the Leaves can be a pretty exciting place sometimes, but my favourite thing about it is that it never really changes. Sure, It has ups and downs. But at its core, it’s the same village from all those generations ago.” He looked over his shoulder to the Kyudoka boy. “I love this place, and I hope some day you grow to love it too.”

He finally stepped down from the edge onto the rooftop proper with Kaiji, and stretched his arms above his head while standing on the tips of his toes. He yawned loudly, followed quickly by a sigh. I’m more tired than I thought. The thought was fleeting, as Kaiji spoke up soon after its inception. "I must say, and don't take this the wrong way or anything, but... thank you, Nozara-senpai. Just... thank you." Nayoko’s eyebrow raised once more. What have I done for this guy? Maybe he just wanted someone to chat with? Nayoko watched as his companion dropped his gaze to his feet, looking down and slightly trembling. The boy’s fists clenched up and he mumbled something that Nayoko could not quite hear. He leaned in to try to understand, but as he did som Kaiji began speaking louder, to the point where it startled Nayoko. "I have never had such a nice talk like this before. I-it's almost like... like... I've made a friend. So thanks, thank you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Nayoko Nozara. I-if it is not too much to ask," without a moment of hesitation, the boy planted his feet and bowed awkwardly, before shouting loudly, "Please, will you be my friend!?"

A silence hung in the air for a few seconds. Seconds that must have felt like an eternity for someone asking such a question. It was not that Nayoko was hesitating because he did not want to be friends with Kaiji. Quite the opposite in fact. He was surprised because he thought that by chatting, they already were friends in his book. Nayoko stepped over to Kaiji and reached out a hand, resting it on his shoulder. He smiled softly, overwhelmed at what the boy before him must be feeling. If he was that desperate for a friend, I can only imagine how lonely he must be. I’ll have to change that, any way I can. “Kaiji Kyudoka,” he said, gently but with a semblance of formality, “I would be honoured to be friends with a shinobi such as yourself.” And with that, he stepped back from him, and bowed as well, somewhat in jest, as would be clear, but in such a way that Kaiji would know he was serious as well.

As he straightened up he chuckled, “You know, I was really hoping to make a new friend today! Looks like your timing was perfect! I’m glad we got a chance to meet, but I can’t stay much longer. I have packing to do for my trip, and some missions that I need to clean up. I’ll have to find you as soon as I get back! You’re not leaving the village any time soon are you,” he paused dramatically and smirked, “friend?”


Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

To say that Kaiji took his new friend Nayoko Nozara's words in stride would be a bold-faced lie. He couldn't bear to look up from his clumsy bow. There were whitewater rapid rivulets of tears stinging the archer's eyes and pooling in a puddle at his feet. "I'm so... relieved," he sniffled, wiping a sleeve across his messy face. This was nothing like the old Kaiji. The old Kaiji who knew emotion as but a word used to describe the feelings of characters within the novels he frequently read. No, the Kaiji standing upon that book store rooftop, next to someone who he considered a friend and vice versa, was a new Kaiji. He felt free, almost reborn, as if living up to this point had been a farce and only now had life's journey truly taken off. The boy's mouth curled into a luminous smile, miles wide and genuine. He lifted his head and stared his newfound comrade in the eye, meeting his gaze with something reminiscent of pride and joy. "I won't let you down, Nayoko," Kaiji said, words empowered unlike ever before. "I'll never let anyone down, ever again," this time quieter but still proud.

But as quickly and haphazardly as this meeting had come about, it, like most things, had to end. Kaiji Kyudoka, no longer alone now, did not necessarily consider this a bad thing though. He was promised by his pal that although their convergence here was over, they would once again meet up after he returned from his business in the faraway island nation of the Land of Water's hidden village Kirigakure. "Before," Kaiji started, grin still adhering to his face, "Before you go, I just want to say that you have..." his thoughts were taking their time coalescing, but he soldiered on, "You've changed me, and for the better. I know this may seem overly dramatic, but for a while now, I have felt lost." The pink-haired youth breathed a breath so gentle that it was lost in the ever present breeze. "And coming into the village today, I felt more lost than I ever have. But something has changed. I can't say that the feeling has completely gone away, but it's different now. Heh," Kaiji laughed, "This must sound so disjointed and insane, and maybe it is, but I don't mind if you don't understand it. What I want you to know is that your being here, talking with me, and accepting me as a friend, it has all been invaluable to me, and this is surely an experience that I shall never forget."

The day had passed by as normal for all the people down below, shopping, chatting, living, but for Kaiji Kyudoka, once lonely archer hailing from another land, the day had been anything but normal. "Once more, Nayoko--err--friend, heh, that'll take some getting used to... But yeah, just... Thanks. Have a good trip, and return so that this friendship may continue." Kaiji strode to the roof top's lip, looking down and gathering resolve in his heart. "See you later," and his words descended with him. He took one last backward glance towards the man known as Nayoko Nozara, and then lost himself in the dwindling crowd below, though he was no longer lost, it seemed.

"You'll never guess what happened today, Sachiko," the archer muttered.


WC: 578
Final WC: 578 + 2636 = 3214




Nayoko could not help but tear up ever so slightly when he saw just how emotional his new friend had become. He stood up from his bow, tears streaming down his face; his emotions laid bare before a man that he barely knew, but yet had decided to be his friend. What a story you must have, Kaiji Kyudoka…I would like to hear it someday. Seeing Kaiji smile though his tears was infectious, and soon Nayoko was beaming back at him.

Nayoko listened to his words carefully, weighing their every meaning. He was not wrong, that was for sure. His words sounded dramatic, disjointed, and yes, even a little bit insane. But they also sounded sincere, which was more important than any of the other traits. Not to mention that they seem just the slightest bit familiar, Nayoko thought to himself as his mind wandered to Shimada and the breakdown he had been with her for in the hospital. “Kaiji,” Nayoko finally spoke up, “I’m glad that I could help this change along for you. I hope that you never feel as lost in this village ever again. And I can assure you, I will never forget this experience either. After all, I never forget a friend.” He meant every word.

He watched on as Kaiji Kyudoka, the young shinobi, bid him farewell and made his way off of the rooftop, back into the sea of faces below. “See ya,” Nayoko shouted after him, hoping that he heard as he took off. Before heading off himself, Nayoko took one last glance around the street below. What a strange experience. The briefest of meetings seem to be changing me almost daily…Who knows what the rest of today might bring! With that thought in mind, and a slight sense of restlessness finding its way into Nayoko’s bones, he set off toward to administration building to find some sort of mission to complete in hope of having the rest of they day go by; that he may be one step closer to his trip to Kirigakure no Sato, and one step closer to unraveling the mysteries that had entered his life.

[Exit Thread]



Perception, Strength, Reaction Time, and Endurance from C-2 to C-3 (2800/2800)

Unused WC: 577

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