1 A Horrible Patient... [Karoshi/No Kill] Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:40 pm
Axel Nekonote
Multiple yells could be heard down the hall. It's source was one single room. One voice stood out and seemed to be ordering doctors to go away and let him leave. Axel was sick. Not sick in the head, but physically sick. A common cold. Typical runny nose, coughing, that sort of thing. He seemed to be in a odd position on the medical bed. His back was against the wall and his legs propping himself up against it. He happened to be holding his sword and it was pointed at the crowd of doctors trying to get close. Axel sniffed once from his small sickness. The reason he was being defensive and stubborn was because of a single sentence. "The best way to cure you is a shot." Now, Axel didn't particularly like getting sick, but the sickness would be so small that there would be no need for a trip to the doctor. That, and the fact that he had a giant fear of needles.