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1DeviantART of the Horrible Me  Empty DeviantART of the Horrible Me Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:09 pm



Ahem, not to make advertisements for my art or anything. This is totally innocent. <-<
Besides, there is nothing to brag about really. I'm also putting this up here for anyone who can't reach me up on the site. I check it everyday, so that's a plus?


And maybe, one day. I will do commissions or something. If I am better of course. /me sucks so bad I made myself cry

2DeviantART of the Horrible Me  Empty Re: DeviantART of the Horrible Me Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:34 pm



Damn you are good o.o

3DeviantART of the Horrible Me  Empty Re: DeviantART of the Horrible Me Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:32 pm



your not bad at all... alot better than i can do

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