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Deliver food Mission.:

Taeru would lean down pressing her tightly bound flattened chest against her thigh only to lift her leg up as she tugged on her boot as she slowly forced it on to her foot slowly attempting to be careful as her frame still throbbed after the training with the kids and the elder brother. She would pause before slowly letting go of the boot as she felt a familiar tiny hand against her side, the placement against a particularly sore area a stone had hit during the training, her right arm would lift as she peeked through the long strands of pastel violet hair to look at the little brother before placing her arms around him as his found there way around her as best they could. She would nuzzle her cheek against his as she whispered "You have healing hands" his little giggles would be muffled in her hair for a moment before pulling back as she spoke at a normal tone registering that elder brother were waiting "I shouldn't be long I have a simple mission for my first. " she would release the child watching him scamper back a touch as the elder brother stepped closer. The child would grip at elder brothers good leg as Taeru stood to face them as a subtle smile tugged slightly at the corner of her lips remaining on the lower step. Elder brother would take a step closer placing his staff against the wall before reaching out to untie the hidden stone headband she had received at her graduation to becoming a Genin from the chest section of her shirt where she usually wore it. A puzzled look would crease her brow only for her expression to twist into slight shock as the elder brother slipped the cloth under her hair at an angle just enough to draw the hair from her right eye allowing the striking yellow of her hue to come into view. A smile would crawl along her lips as he tied the headband into place making sure that  the hidden stone symbol could be seen atop her hair tilted at an angle on the side of her head as the cloth were hidden, its knot resting just below and behind her left ear. "Now you should be able to see a little better."  his hand would shift before running his fingertips down along her face causing her to close her eyes in the process before nodding. She would take a deep breath in before turning on her heels only then opening her miss matched hues the left remaining out of sight, overshadowed by her hair as she stepped away from the house.  

She would slowly pick up her pace as she made her way towards the inner sections of the city passing by the market area as the stalls were being set up on her way to the food bank occasionally checking the scroll she had received with the mission details making sure she would arrive at the food bank just before it opened, not wanting to be late she had woke early just to be safe. Having arrived a bit earlier than planned her hands would dip into the pockets  of her trousers as she lent her seemingly masculine frame against the building facing the food bank as she watched and listened to the hustle a busstle of the stalls getting ready to open, attempting to take in as much detail as possible, it had been a while since she had been out and about the streets of Iwa like this. Her foot would raise behind her placing the sole of her boot against the wall she lent on to support her position a little more. A short while would pass until a worker of the food bank began to open up the shop, though seeming to struggle with the shutters she would push from the wall stepping quietly closer before pausing beside the shop-keep finding the women older than Taeru had first guessed. Taeru would reach out to lightly tap the shop-keeps shoulder before speaking "Would you like a hand with that Dono, it seems as though it's sticking." Taeru's voice held a dull tone though flowed sweetly from her lips as each word clipped at one another still holding a slightly different accent. Her head would tilt a touch to one side as her body lent down a touch closing her eyes some as she smiled hoping not to unnerve the shop-keep. For a moment the shop-keep would simply stair at her before taking note of the headband them smiling "If you wouldn't mind.. It's so nice to have a helpful young man around.." Taeru would crouch down before sliding her arm along the underneath of the shutters to dislodge what ever were trapping the shutters as the shop-keep continued to speak "I'm sure your parents must be proud of you if you go out of your way to assist those in need like myself." Taeru would slowly draw her arm from behind the shutter before pressing her other hand against the bottom to push it up before standing to her full height of five foot five brimming at the edge of five foot six. She would lightly incline her head before stepping to one side as she spoke "Thank you for you kind words." She would step out of the shop-keep's way as she waited patiently for the food bank to open fully before stepping inside, she would lightly clear her throat before retrieving the scroll from inside her jacket pocket and handing it over to the somewhat surprised shop-keep, "I've been sent to pick up a box of food before transporting it to a family within the Iwagakure hospital Dono." Taeru's frame would incline forwards slightly as she spoke dipping her head down in the process. The old shop-keep would simply smile before patting at Taeru's cheek a few times, just enough to leave a slightly pink mark that quickly faded " Of course of course." The shop keep would stamp the first part of the  scroll before handing Taeru an empty box only to slip her arm through Taeru's guiding her around the shop filling the box to its capacity. As the shop-keep pulled her around the bank she would note that there were boxes already made and sealed but would brush it off as she followed the shop keep about before leaning down into a crouch as the shorter female taped up the box. Taeru would slip the scroll back into her pocket before thanking the shop-keep and stepping back out hearing the shop-keep call out as she left "You come back some time ya hear." Taeru would chuckle lightly to herself as she bustled through the still streets heading towards the hospital.  

Upon arriving at the hospital Taeru would look up at the building taking in its structure and surroundings before stepping inside, she had been here once before when the home had first taken her in. She would shrug off the thoughts before stepping inside approaching the reception desk before speaking "Excuse me, I have been sent to deliver food to a family.." She would pause as the nurse turned to face her with a bright smile. "Awe how sweet of you, right this way.. Your quite early, most of the families will be resting" Taeru would nod trailing after the nurse as she lead down the corridor. "You start work really early dono" the nurse would simply chuckle before speaking "No earlier than you it would seem.." A subtle rose hue would dust along the bridge of Taeru nose at the nurses words before nodding lightly as the nurse continued to speak " we do twelve hour shifts here, days and nights" she would pause at a door before checking the notes and nodding "This is your stop, I have go on my rounds now. " with that the nurse would step away leaving Taeru stood outside of the door. Taeru would straighten her form before knocking lightly against the door as she juggled the box of food before waiting. Taeru would draw her ear close to the door as she listened hearing a quiet voice inside "come in." She would quietly open the door before carefully closing it behind her as she stepped inside. She would blink a few times adjusting her eyes to the darkness of the room compared to the hallway, the heavy curtains were still closed most apart from a small opening where the curtains didn't quite reach one another. Her eyes would scan over the family within the room all seemingly still asleep about the room before allowing her orbs to rest on a young male around the age of fifteen sat up in the hospital bed. "Ouh, I'm sorry to intrude I have been sent to bring food to the families here in the hospital.." She would whisper before ducking her head down into a bow cutting her sentence short. The boy would simply stifle a chuckle as he watched her before lightly shaking his head "No, not at all please don't be sorry.. I'm sorry the others arnt awake to see the girl that came to our aid in our time of need.. Thank you." The subtle dusty rose hue would return along the bridge of her nose slightly spreading along her cheeks, now being thankful the room were so dark hoping the lad hadn't seen the light blush. She would smile before inclining her head "Thank you. I hope the food I've brought is to your liking, and I wish a good day ahead for you and your family."  with that she would exit as quietly as she came pausing outside of the door before slipping her hands into her pockets as she stepped back towards the reception desk down the corridor. Reaching the reception desk she would this time be greeted by the receptionist wearing the same sort of smile the nurse had wore. Taeru would give a soft smile in return before handing the scroll to the receptionist giving the room number of the family she had delivered the food to. The receptionist would stamp the scroll before handing the scroll back to Taeru. Taeru would incline her head before exiting the hospital and returning to the administration building to return the stamped scroll planning to take a look at the missions board whilst she were there.  

((Word count left: 1136))

((Training Strength from D1 to D2: 400/400))
((Training Endurance from D2 to D3: 450/450))
((Word count left:286))

[ Exit Thread ]

Last edited by Taeru on Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:40 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Using the left over word count for training stats.)

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