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1Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Empty Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:40 pm

Ryuu Verona

Ryuu Verona

Sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffff "Aaaahh, it smells so wonderfully earthy here." Ryuu's nose was to the sky, taking in the robustly alluvial scent of the Hidden Stone. The boy of 17 planted his foot firmly into the dirt atop the Sightseeing Cliff and dug it in with determination. "It starts here. Here in Iwagakure, of all places. I'm gonna make my mark on this world, country by country, village by village, dish by masterfully crafted dish." From such great heights, all of the village and parts of the surrounding countryside were visible. The sheer possibility was almost enough to cause Ryuu to faint from the anticipation. He wiped a bit of drool from his bottom lip, and flashed the world a winning smile. "Now now," he spoke, sobering up from the high of prospective diners enjoying his meals, "There's an order of operations to this sort of thing. Question is, what exactly is it?" Ryuu sat down at a nearby park bench, the respite rejuvenating his sore feet. Over the course of about a month, the fledgling chef had set out from his place of origin, a small village in the area between the Land of Tea and the Land of Noodles. It had been a lengthy journey, but ultimately uneventful. To be completely honest, Ryuu yearned for some proper rest, somewhere with a proper bed and roof that didn't leak. "Maybe I'll... just... rest my eyes for..! I can't! There's work to be done, food to prepare, mouths to feed! Sleeping now? Tch. As if!"

Ryuu Verona rose to his feet posthaste, stirring up a massive cloud of irritating dust in the process. "Ach, ach, augh!" he coughed. "Ehem. Well, time to get cooking, err figuratively that is, at least for now." The time had come to lay out a course of action. Ryuu needed a plan of attack. "The first obstacle will be finding some hungry, hungry patrons. The village itself would be the most logical place to complete the first step, but hmmm," Ryuu pondered. "Only problem I can see there is that the village is probably already full of restaurants and the like. A small-timer like me doesn't stand a chance without things like advertising, and a real incentive to eat my food over others'. I'm... out of my league, aren't I?" Unease and doubt mixed to make a melancholy medley that sent Ryuu spiraling. "Can I... really do this?" Visions of white bespeckled the teen's vision, until he was reminiscing on that day way back when.

| Flashback |

The day was Wednesday. There was a thin layer of snow painting the village a stark white. It was the breakfast rush and Ma and I couldn't push pancakes out of the kitchen fast enough. They were selling like, well, you know the old adage. Hmph, oh Ma, your pancakes were the absolute best. Light fluffy perfection topped with syrup and a dash of confectioners' sugar. I was little more than a server at this point, but occasionally, we'd feature a dish or two of mine, and I'd be soooo so happy whenever it'd bring a smile to someone's face. Anyway, the diners were buying up pancakes by the droves, and I was running out of breath running to and fro from the kitchen to the bar. I remember those kitchen doors flying open, and witnessing something that truly took my breath away though. You had... fallen. I saw you lying there amidst batter and broken plates, and there was a cut on your head. It was no secret that you were sick, but had it really progressed this far? How!? How had I not noticed!? You assured me you were fine, and ignoring my protests that I should be here to take care of you, you balked and told me to follow my dreams. Oh Ma, why'd you have to encourage me?

| Present |

Ryuu Verona's knuckles were white from clenching his fist with every ounce of strength he had in him. Tears had cut paths down his face like twin rivers carving their way through a landscape. Ryuu steadied his quivering lip. "I won't give up here! There's no way in hell!" He stood atop the park bench and bellowed to the wide, wide world. "I hope you're hungry Hidden Stone! 'Cause I'm coming, so prepare your mouths for a taste of Ryuu Verona!" His voice echoed throughout the area, followed by a moment of silence. "Heh. Eheheh. That sounded kinda... hehehheh." The last thing Ryuu recalled was the warm feeling of blood pouring from his nose, and the world spinning round, round, round.

WC: 787

2Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:15 am

Hitoshi Yasuko

Hitoshi Yasuko

Hitoshi would have been walking up to the top of Sightseeing Cliff, a habit he has gotten into doing every few days or so. The young Shinobi took in the fresh air of the world around him, enjoying the stroll as he began to relax, in both mind and body. It would be times like this where he wished he had a shamisen to play as he walked, and at the top. God, he missed that instrument. One day, he will be able to feel the cool, smooth wood in his hands again, his left holding onto the instrument, which would rest on his lap while his right would strum those three gloriously thin strings, playing the rhythms that played throughout the Genin's mind day in and day ou-

"Here in Iwagakure, of all places, I'm going to make my mark on this world..." Hitoshi would hear from nearby, taking him out of his thoughts with a start. Looking up at the top, he would see that someone was already there, announcing that they would make their mark on country by country, village by village, dish by masterfully crafted.. dish? Hitoshi wondered if this person was okay, and whether or not it would be even safe to approach them, but, considering Sightseeing Cliff is a public space and the fact that, with how odd the people he met in the past were, this person was far from the weirdest.

As he approached, Hitoshi would listen quietly as the other person would talk to himself, though he could faintly catch on to what he would be saying. He would hear somethings about an "order of operations" as he sat down on the park bench and, after some thinking, would continue on, mentioning something about "work to be done" and a clear spite for the need to sleep. 'Was this person some sort of criminal?' The Iwagakure Genin thought to himself, only to yelp as he was startled by how erratic the other male acted, rising to his feet faster than what he took him for, stirring up quite the large cloud of dust. After pausing for a few moments, he couldn't hear a single thing that the other male had said, instead he would just walk right up to him and ask.

Upon closer inspection, Hitoshi would be surprised at the sheer size of the other male. Honestly, he thought he was somewhat short, but he easily had a foot on this dude, though this guy looked as if he ate three of him in return. He also had an oddly-styled head of hair, which had a brown color to it, which is contrast to the messy blonde short mohawk Hitoshi had. Even their clothing seemed different, with this stranger's style being something similar to a chef's with a white jacket with red accents, a red apron tied around his waist, and a pair of black slacks. This more uniformed attire definitely differed from Hitoshi's more punkish one, which included a thin blue jacker with black stripes, the symbol of his clan on the back of it, with a white short-sleeved shirt underneath it and a pair of black pants on, completing his set with a pair of sandals. They were colors that didn't really match at all, but it was meant to be expressive, not be nice on the eyes.

Getting closer, Hitoshi's suspicions would, thankfully, be put to rest, as this individual would talk about the village already being full of restaurants and the like, mentioning how a small-timer like him doesn't even stand a chance without things like advertising, an actual interest in eating his food, and other such things. It almost made the teen feel bad for the stranger, especially since he's doing something as rude as listening in on this person talking to himself, but he didn't know whether or not to intervene and talk to the person about it or to just listen at this moment. It's obvious he was talking to himself, so perhaps it was better to just listen and then speak up after he was done?

Once more, however, Hitoshi would be startled as the short male would begin to cry, announcing that he won't give up here, that there's no way in hell that he would before standing up on top of the park bench, bellowing out that he hopes that Iwagakure is hungry, because he's coming, so they should prepare their mouths for a taste of Ryuu Verona. Hitoshi would be stunned into silence as he listened and watched, not even knowing what the hell to say to this erratic person. At this moment, he pretty much lost his sympathy and instead was more concerned for the individual's mental health, or physical, for that matter, as the stranger would start getting a nose bleed, looking almost as if he's going to faint at any moment.

"Watch out!" Hitoshi would yell as he ran over to the stranger on instinct, arms out to catch him in case he fell over. He had no idea what he was doing, but it was clear that this person wasn't a criminal and it was also clear to him that he may faint and hurt himself at any moment.

wc 895

3Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:15 pm

Ryuu Verona

Ryuu Verona

"Uwaahh!" Ryuu cried in surprise. One minute he had been plummeting, and the next, he found himself cradled in a handsome stranger's arms. "Mmm hello there," he said grinning. "Looks to me like you've saved my life, stranger. Ohh, but stranger carries such negative connotations, why don't you tell me your name so I can properly thank you." Ryuu's eyelashes were fluttering, and though he thought he was being flirtatious, it would appear more like a twitch or a tick to anyone observing. Reluctantly releasing himself from his guardian angel's toned arms, the aspiring master chef brushed off his apron, tightened the drawstrings behind his back, and pirouetted in place with all the grace of a trashcan fire. "My name," he began theatrically, "is Ryuu Verona. But forget all the honorifics, just call me Ryuu, it's more personal that way," he said with a clumsy wink. "So tell me friend, you don't mind me calling you friend, do you? Hahaha," a stilted laugh, "ANyWay," voice cracking, "What I wanted to ask was, are you a native of this village?" Ryuu took a seat on the bench from before, out of breath though he wasn't completely sure as to why. "I am a chef--A master chef! Of great import! My quest is a noble one, you see; I intend to take the shinobi world by storm! I'll artfully concoct the finest dishes that the hidden villages have ever seen! When I accomplish this goal, everyone, and I mean everyone, will know the taste of Ryuu Verona! Ahaha hahahah!" He paused, placing a hand under his chin in thought. "That laugh needs work, indeed."

"I've just come up with the most scrumptious of prospects! You!" he bellowed, pointing his index finger at the teen, "If you are an inhabitant of this village, then I'd be ever so grateful if you could get me some, ehem, exposure." Ryuu Verona was now smiling ear to ear. "I'd be willing to pay, by the way, I'm no cheapskate. And if you need a sampler of my talents, well, I'll cook for you anyway~" Standing, the cook began to pace back and forth. Atop the Sightseeing Cliffs of the Village Hidden in the Stone, an invigorating gust swept Ryuu's pompadour astray. "Ah, this simply won't do," he said, pulling a comb from his apron pocket. What followed was a bout of feverish hair management that caused the chef train of thought to unceremoniously derail. Once his hair had been put back in proper order, Ryuu stopped in his tracks. "Uhhh, what was I saying?" After a bit of contemplation, "Oh yes, promotion. What I require, and feel free to say no, is a bit of advertisement. I want the villagers here to know who I am, through my cuisine. I had considered just setting up a stand, but I fear that I'll be overshadowed by better businessmen. I know I can cook more expertly than the best of them, but," he gritted his teeth, "But, I need some way to stand out." Ryuu prepared his most powerful pouty face and placed his hands together in an almost prayer-like position. "So, what'do'ya think? Care to help a chef in need?"

wc: 787 + 554 = 1341

4Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:14 pm

Hitoshi Yasuko

Hitoshi Yasuko

This person... was far heavier than Hitoshi thought, making the Genin almost fall over himself, though he was able to stay up, saving himself from needing to be saved, as well. He would hear the stranger make a rather flamboyant sound as he fell, and would look down at him, seeing that the chef would be grinning, greeting him and claiming he saved his life, though that the title of stranger carries "negative" connotations, requesting instead for Hitoshi's name so he can properly thank him. As he said this, the Genin noticed that his eyes were twitching as well, probably a drawback from whatever happened to him at that moment, or whatever episode he had.

As the stranger would release himself Hitoshi would begin to introduce himself, getting ready to bow respectfully when suddenly, the stranger would begin to spin around, introducing himself as Ryuu Verona, though he can forget the honorifics and call him Ryuu, saying that it's more personal that way. Hitoshi would blink twice in confusion when he would realize that this guy was flirting with him, making the Genin blush lightly as he rubbed the back of his head, chuckling with embarrassment. "The name is Hitoshi, it's nice to meet you, Ryuu." He'd say in response, shrugging off the flirt. He didn't mind guys flirting with him, but he doesn't even know Ryuu outside of his being a chef and his name, so he didn't exactly feel all that comfortable flirting back.

Before he could response to the inquiry about whether or not the chef can call him "friend", he would almost immediately continue on, voice cracking as he did so, asking if Hitoshi was a native to this village. Nodding his head in response, he would see that the shorter male would take a seat, out of breath from what the Genin could assume was his own erratic actions. He would be genuinely surprised when Ryuu would make the claim to be a master chef of great import, stating his quest was to take the Shinobi World by storm, artfully concocting the finest dishes they have ever seen. He would finish by saying that everyone will know the taste of Ryuu Verona, before laughing rather enthusiastically.

Once more, Hitoshi would blink twice. He wondered if he accidentally ate a weird mushroom today or drank anything weird. If memory serves, he didn't, but this was possibly the oddest, though entertaining encounter he had today. He would once more blink twice as he would pointed at, told that Ryuu has just come out with the most scrumptious of prospects, saying that, if he were an inhabitant of this village then he would be grateful if he could help him get exposure, mentioning that he would be willing to pay. Listening up until this point Hitoshi would shake his head in denial. "I don't need paid, this sounds like something fun, so I'm down to do it."

He would continue observing the cook pacing back and forth, a gust of wind ruining the pompadour he had, encouraging him to, after pulling a comb from his pocket, fix the hair in a feverish manner. He would wait patiently as the chef fixed his hair before trying to figure out where he left off, his fixing his hair having caused a derailment off of his train of thought for a small bit, before he would catch up with what he had said before. He would claim to require a bit of advertisement, that he wants the villagers to know who he is through his cuisine. He had considered setting up a stand, but he fears being overshadowed by better businessmen, and that despite knowing he's a better cook then them, he still needs to stand out.

Watching as the small chef would place his hands together, essentially pleading for his help, Hitoshi would merely smile, attempting to poke the cook in need on the forehead. "You're cute, I'll help out. It shouldn't be that hard anyways. A lot of the food here isn't all that great." He would ensure Ryuu, his mind already circulating in order to figure out what their first step would be. Perhaps his partner had an idea.

wc 716

twc 1611

5Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:56 pm

Ryuu Verona

Ryuu Verona

[OC: Sorry about the lengthy wait in between posts, I'm incredibly busy with school lately. Thanks~]

"Hitoshi-kun, hmm? That is a fantastic name, if I do say so myself!" Ryuu declared, words ringing out with vigor. Intent to receive a response to his inquiries, he began hopping from one foot to the other. His excitement was palpable. Would the first leg of master chefdom be underway this easily? Surely not, but Ryuu Verona could only hope. He stared intently at the Hidden Stone shinobi, eyes locked on the target of his affections err--no that wasn't right, what he had meant was, the target of his questions, yeah, that was it. With brown eyes glistening and just a hint of saliva trickling over the crest of his bottom lip, Ryuu got an answer from Hitoshi.

"I don't need paid, this sounds like something fun, so I'm down to do it," Hitoshi said, giving the chef a playful poke to his forehead. "You're cute, I'll help out. It shouldn't be that hard anyways. A lot of the food here isn't all that great."

The boy's reply staggered Ryuu, causing him to physically, and dramatically, shuffle back a few feet. "Y-you'll really do it? And for free? Wow, I mean, I never imagined..." He inhaled deeply, and exhaled with an audible whoosh. "I could just," Ryuu bridged the gap between them in an instant, "Kiss you right now," he said, lips puckering. "Buuuut, I think I'll save that for after you help me out, as a thank you, eheheh." Success. A mile-wide smile graced the cook's round face, it's sheer magnitude illuminating his other features. "Oh Hitoshi-kun, this is a magnificent development. My, oh my, you don't understand how happy you've made me. With you on my side, this village will know my name in no time. And," Ryuu spoke with braggadocio, "Once I make it big, I'll name a dish after you. I think it will be a fitting homage to the one who helped me to accomplish my ultimate goal."

"Alright," said Chef Verona, putting his arm around his new companion, "We've gotta spread the word, and get my name out there. I've considered flyers perhaps, or maybe a provocative display in the village's center-most point? Anything to let people know that my food is an almost orgasmic presentation of beautifully crafted flavours that will send your taste buds to place from whence they shall never desire to leave!" Ryuu had rehearsed that line time and time again, planning to use those exact words to draw in potential diners. "Just imagine it, Hitoshi-kun. V-E-R-O-N-A plastered in neon lights, the end-all-be-all dining experience." He was shuddering from the mere thought of it all. "Well anyway, I'm open to suggestions, you know. As my partner for the time being, you do have a say in this." Ryuu removed his arm from around Hitoshi and pulled out his trusty comb again, sweeping it through his hair almost obsessively. This action had a dual purpose: 1) It kept his pompadour styled, and 2) Ryuu used this repetitive action as a way of occupying himself while thinking. "Well, one thing is for sure. We're not gonna get anything accomplished atop these cliffs overlooking the village." He triumphantly pointed his finger at the buildings down below, though he had not yet done a single thing. To Ryuu, that didn't matter. Triumph was the only option here. No excuses whatsoever; his mind was made up. "Tell me Hitoshi-kun, where do you suggest we go from here?"

Wc: 1341 + 609 = 1950

6Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Ishiyaki [Open/No Kill] Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:23 am

Hitoshi Yasuko

Hitoshi Yasuko

After hearing Ryuu compliment his name, Hitoshi would watch as he was hopping from one foot to another, clearly excited about the whole ordeal. It made Hitoshi himself fairly happy, knowing he can help someone out in their time of need, but nonetheless, he was nervous to admit that he didn't really know anything at all about what to do. Granted, from how the other male reacted, which involved him dramatically shuffling backwards a bit, it wasn't as if he could just back out at the moment. He could only hope his acquaintance had an idea in regards to how to begin doing this, as he himself didn't. He knew how to play music, he knew how to swing weapons around, he knew how to embarrass himself in front of his squad, even, but when it came to cooking, Hitoshi was even worse than a pigeon.

Hitoshi would immediately back up a foot or two out of surprise when the currently backed up Ryuu would quickly close the gap between the two, puckering his lips as he continued on with saying he could just kiss him right now, but before he could, he would stop himself, saying he'll save that for after he helps him out, as a thank you. This would leave the Genin with an eyebrow raised as Ryuu would continue, a mile-wide smile on his face as he told him about how the current situation is a magnificent development, expressing how he doesn't understand how happy he made him. He seemed to be fully confident in the Genin's abilities, as he made the claim that with him by his side, the village will know his name in no time, and once he makes it big, he will reward him with a dish named after him.

"I like that..." He would say as he took his eyes off of Ryuu for a moment, imagining how cool it would be for a dish to be named after him that people enjoyed, though he wondered what taste he would be.. a cannibal could probably tell him, if he ever met one. He would be knocked out of his thoughts from the arm of Verona ending up around him, telling them that they have to spread the word and get his name out there. He admitted he considered flyers, perhaps even a provocative display in the village's center-most point, but most of all they need at least something to let people know his food is an almost orgasmic representation of flavors that will send their taste buds to a place they will never desire to leave.

The dialogue hadn't ended there, however, as Ryuu continued on with telling him to just imagine "Verona" plastered in neon lights, the end-all-be-all dining experience, shuddering all the while. He would be told that he's open to suggestions, and that, as his partner for the time being, he does have a say in this. Hitoshi would nod his head as he would sit on the bench, putting his hand on his chin, the fingers wrapped into a fist with the thumb positioned underneath it. He would begin zoning out as Ryuu would tell him that they're not going to get anything accomplished on top these cliffs overlooking the village. Hitoshi would nod in agreement as he continued to zone out into his thoughts, now completely placing his focus onto the task at hand.

Considering how big Iwagakure is, and how Hitoshi is no one of fame, but instead merely a no-name Genin from a clan that's so expansive that he and his family aren't even known in it. Frankly, he has no cards in his playing field other than the fact that he's a local, and even then, the hidden village is definitely large enough that that won't do much, if anything at all. No, if anything advertising would do nothing but have their efforts be placed on a gamble of whether or not people will even look at it, let alone go and try out the food. But, people do like free food...

Smacking his right fist on the open palm of his left hand, Hitoshi would look at Ryuu would a smile. "That's it! We'll set up in the middle of the marketplace! If there's anything people like, it's good, free food! We can add flyers afterwards, but if we don't make a public display where people can actually see and taste what you're offering, they're just going to look at the flyers and not care, so introducing you as a person offering free food in the middle of a crowded place where people are trying to get their things while saving money is great!" He would explain excitedly. Granted, he was putting what he himself would think if he saw free food being offered into consideration, but still, what kind of nut doesn't like free things?

wc 842

twc 1558

ooc It's all good, lol, I'm sorry for lagging behind for a second there myself

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