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1Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:29 pm



Mission name: Lightning Rods in Need

Mission rank: C

Objective: Place lightning rods in the ground of the outskirts of the village to guide the lightning away from path to Kumogakure.

Location: Thunder Grounds

Reward: 160 Ryo

Mission description: The Thunder Grounds is on the outskirts of the village that rains down lightning as though it was water. Unfortunately many key merchants who trade with Kumogakure use trails that tends to cross into the Thunder Grounds. Using 8 long 40 feet lightning rods, plant them on different spots of the villages; 2 rods to the north, 2 rods to the east, 2 rods to the sound, and 2 rods to the west.

Mission details: While setting up the lightning rods, you will be ambushed by 5 thugs who want to charge merchants who want to get into Kumo with a protection fee. You are to fight these thugs as well, but the last thug takes a merchant who is just now walking towards Kumo as hostage. You are to take down the thug without any damage done to by the merchant.


Name: Ba
Age: 19
General Appearance: wears a blue bandanna around head holding a tanto knife
Personality: cruel
Motivations: make leader Tank famous
Fears: Tank's anger and spiders
Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] 185px-Thug1

Name: Dai
Age: 17
General Appearance: Tall and skinny, uses a staff to fight
Personality: quiet and stutters a lot
Motivations: make leader Tank famous
Fears: Tank's anger and spiders
Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Oshiba10

Name: Mimi
Age: 21
General Appearance: blonde and childlike appearance, uses a kunai knife for fighting
Personality: like a spoiled brat
Motivations: make leader Tank famous and to become Tank's wife
Fears: Tank's anger, getting older
Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] 12040310

Name: Baki
Age: 25
General Appearance: bulky man with multiple scars and uses a hammer to fight
Personality: intelligent and rational
Motivations: make leader Tank famous, gain money to support his family
Fears: not being able to provide for his family
Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Rainbo10

Name: Tank
Age: 26
General Appearance: wild shaggy hair and weilds a rusty sword
Personality: cruel, venamous and thug
Motivations: To become the most dangerous villan of Kumo, to gain as much money as possible
Fears: drowning
Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] 010

Last edited by Sanosuke on Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:59 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Re: Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:42 pm



App the thug NPCs that are participating.

3Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Re: Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:33 pm




4Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Re: Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:29 pm



No picture of each NPC?

5Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Re: Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:33 pm



i didn't thought using a picture was required

6Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Re: Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:41 pm



Oh, I'm sorry. No picture. Just a rough, good description of what they look like. You can put the picture up there if you want to.

7Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Re: Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:49 pm



ok sooo...what do i do now?

8Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Empty Re: Lightning Rods in Need[Kumgakure-C] Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:58 pm




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