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1Golden opportunity [mission] Empty Golden opportunity [mission] Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:29 pm


The last crate was heaved into the back of the carriage, the back bolted securely in place. “We're ready, Mr. Trilby” Trilby hauled himself from the dirt where he was sitting, examining his equipment. Kunai, wire, sex appeal. His weapons were all in order, it seemed. Rounding the back of the carriage, he formed a quick few handseals, placing his hand on the entrance to the carriage, a small seal burned into it's face as he did so. “I'm ready, let's do this.” He said, hauling himself onto the carriage next to the coach master. “Are you sure you can handle this? No offence but I was promised a squad, not a single man.” Trilby sighed. He was sick of old idiots questioning his ability to do his job. “You don't need a squad, you have me. Now if you're done asking stupid questions I'd like to get going before whoever may be waiting to try and rob us gets bored and goes home.” The coach master rolled his eyes, cracking his horses into action.

The sun was breaking over the horizon, as the carriage dragged it's way along the sandy trail. The desert. Hell of a place to live, both the people and the environment were out to get you. Travelling in the desert certainly came with it's perils. If the heat, the wind or the wildlife didn't get you, it was the bandits. The risk was certainly increased when you were travelling with a caravan full of gold and an alcoholic coach master. Trilby and the driver sat in complete silence, as he slowly drank himself into a coma. Trilby wondered how he could even properly direct the horses while being so hammered. A loud bang from the back of the caravan dragged him back to reality. ”STOP THE COACH” Trilby yelled, grabbing a kunai and leaping off to inspect what happened. The noise was the seal he placed earlier detonating, which means someone human came near the back of the caravan. Approaching the back wearily, Trilby came across a man impaled through the throat by a large stone spike, while another clutched his abdomen, crawling desperately away from the van. They wore white robes, with a large open black hand printed on the back and arms. The black hand gang. But this was amateur work for them, they wouldn't send just two buffoons to rob such a valuable prize. There had to be more coming. More attacks, more traps. Trilby walked over to the living bandit, slitting his throat before placing another seal on the back of the caravan, this time of a rock clone, and returning to the front. ”Black hand bandits. That won't be the last we see of them today, they wouldn't send two morons for a bounty this great. Stay alert.” the old drunk gulped, stashing his flask and staring around nervously.

Another hour on the road, and the sun was increasing in intensity. Trilby leaned back, taking a swig from his water bottle when a loud thud sounded behind them, the cart suddenly locking up, the horses unable to pull it. ”Keep your head down.” Trilby said quietly, passing a kunai to the driver. ”If anyone but me gets near you, swing first, ask questions later.” Trilby drew another kunai, climbing off the caravan and examining his surroundings. A crossbow bolt lay in the sand, a wire connected to it running between the wheels. The sound of string releasing tension sounded to his left. Ducking, Trilby narrowly avoided another crossbow bolt aimed for his head. Charging for the direction of the bolt, he noticed a dark oak crossbow sticking out of the sand in the distance. The bandit realised he had been seen and bolted out from under his sand blanket, firing another round, which trilby blocked with his kunai. Dog, Boar, Bird. Stone spikes shot up from around the bandit's feet, piercing his heart and leaving him hanging for the vultures. Severing the cable binding the wheels, Trilby climbed back into the coach. ”Well, don't just sit there, we have places to be.” Trilby said, smiling cockily at the terrified driver.

Mid-day. A few wolves wandered casually past the horses, keeping their distance. ”We need to stop, the horses need a break and something to drink” The coach master climbed out of the carriage, and began to head for the back. ”Stop. If you go near the back you'll trigger my traps, and...well don't. I'll get the water for the horses.” Trilby hauled out the two buckets, and a large container of water, filling each bucket up and placing them in-front of the horses. Sitting down, he starred off into the distance. ”Is it just me or does that dust coming towards us look like... oh for fuck sakes. We've got incoming” the plume of sand being disturbed on the horizon turned out to be three men on horseback, all members of the black hand gang. Snake, Ox, Ram. Two large stone clones of Trilby rose out from the dirt. The horses were now close enough to get a good look at. Three men, all swords drawn. The three Trilbies formed the same set of hand seals in unison. Dog, Boar, Bird. Under every horse, sharp spikes shot up, killing each horse instantly. The two clones ran over, a kunai each, and quickly dispatched the dazed and incapacitated bandits. ”Right, let's move on”

Two pm. Three men fired on the caravan from the distance with crossbows. A well placed stone spear pierced through the legs of one man and into the chest of the other, coming out to stab the third in the head. Trilby wondered why no one ever had the reaction time to dodge that. It was something a shinobi could do, perhaps the bandits were just lower class criminals. Three pm. A five man squad approached from the east. Two horseback archers, and three swordsmen. Trilby created a few stone clones, which swung around to try and deal with the archers. Meanwhile, the three swordsmen dismounted, approaching trilby. Slamming his palms together, Trilby thrust towards one of the men, knocking him flying with an air burst. Another one of the men approached him, swinging his blade. Trilby ducked, plunging his kunai into his ribs. Looking up, he saw the third swordsman approaching the coach driver. He tossed his kunai in the man's direction, hitting him in the neck. Recovering his kunai from the man's throat, he turned to see his clones finished with the crossbowmen.

Five pm. The sun was beginning to set. Another group of bandits began to fire upon the caravan from a distance. Trilby sent a row of stone spikes after them, which they avoided. It seemed that his opponents had learned the graceful art of moving out of the way. Tossing his kunai, he caught one in the chest, while the other fired a crossbow bolt for his head. It bounced off the forehead protector wrapped around Trilby's neck, falling to the ground harmlessly before being scooped up and plunged into his neck. 6 pm. The town was almost in sight, and the sun was set, only the last rays of daylight could be seen. Two men on horseback approached, crossbows drawn. Again, Trilby used stone spikes to cripple the horses, killing the dazed men after they fell unceremoniously to the ground.

Eight pm. They had reached the town. Pulling into the courtyard, Trilby was about to help unload the crate when he heard the pounding of feet. Turning around, he saw 10 men, all armed with blades surrounding the caravan. They charged them, killing the driver instantly with a harsh swing. Trilby leapt out of the way of the blade, throwing the kunai he held into the neck of one of the men before quickly forming some handseals. Dog, Boar, bird. Sharp stone spikes impaled two of the swordsmen. Trilby leapt off the back of the caravan, diving and weaving to avoid sword swings. A man lunged at him, slashing wildly. He breathed deep. Knocking him back with a burst of air. Drawing another set of kunai from his pouch, he tossed them keenly at two of the men perusing him, killing them both. Meanwhile, one of the bandits approached the back of the caravan, triggering the seal he had placed earlier. A stone clone of Trilby rose from the ground, snapping the neck of the off guard bandit with ease. Four thugs were left, Trilby's clone charged the lot while the real trilby readied two more kunai. Tossing them both with pinpoint accuracy, he took out another two thugs. Two left. Drawing one last kunai, the real trilby and his clone fought the two thugs. Trilby blocked a sword swing with his kunai, kicking the man in the shin only to follow it through with a sharp stab in the stomach. The other bandit killed the unarmed stone clone, only to eat a knife in the chest. Gathering up his kunai, Trilby found a factory worker to handle the gold, his work here was done.

Word Count: 1514/1000

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