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1Chi Empty Chi Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:53 pm



Chi Latest?cb=20090120000625


Chi FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Chi
Location: Konohagakure
Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu [Primary or Secondary]
Elements: Suiton

Chi HhU72Pp
Clan History: For many years a war raged on in secret between the two halves of this clan. The Tenshi (Angelic) path believed that they were holy beings and must purge the world of their evil cousins. They lived rich lives and were revered as saviors. However they were not as strong as the Oni so they were only able to hold on by the grace of their allies. The Oni (Demon) on the other hand where violent as could be. From the poorer parts of town they grew to survive as thugs and murderers. They perfected their art of killing and envied their wealthy cousins greatly. Often attacking them in the night and murdering many of them if they could. This war raged on for over 50 years with the family slowly dwindling down. It was when a child was born of both clans that everything began to change.  He was known only as Shūtai (Abomination) and he was more powerful than either clan by itself. He combined Genjutsu and Ninjutsu to begin to enforce peace between the two clans. It took 5 more years after he began but finally he had established peace between the three paths of the clan. Now his own blood line has grown over the generations and the peace still hangs in the balance for the family to honor him. However chaos erupted in the clan after a bastard child was born. He was powerful but tainted. The heads of the paths did not welcome him and sought to use him for their own gains before tossing him aside. However the child grew, stronger than them all, and defeated his foes. But he did not kill them. Rather he worked with them, compromised with them, and brought the clan together in some illusion of peace. His name was Chi, Rippa.

Despite unity, the clan is still divided between branches which must be stated on character applications:

  • Angelic Branch: The Wealthy branch that has the riches of the clan. They call themselves the true Chi and disregard their fellow clan members. Their compound is near the Village Hospital.

  • Abomination Branch: This branch is comprised of individuals whose powers surpass both branches. They are middle clan and police the Angel and Demon branches. Homes are in the shadow of the Hokage Mountain.

  • Demon Branch: This branch is made of the lowest of the low. Most of them are struggling to get by so they resort to being members of gangs and thieves. They are the most violent of the branches. They are located by the village docks.

Members: Chi Rippa - Clan Head

Chi Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Chiryū (Blood Dragon)

Kekkei Genkai Description: Members of this clan are born with their chakra deeply infused with their blood. They are constantly producing more and more artificial blood made of chakra and must expel it in some way or another unless they want to be sick. Typically methods would be donating the blood or cutting themselves to let it bleed out however these method can have some poor effects (though this makes it so it takes 2 posts longer for them to bleed out). Therefore they use their artificial chakra blood in as many ways of possible either to heal or harm. But be warned, there is a reason their abilities are known as the Blood Dragon. Artificial Blood is +2 against Katon & -2 against Doton. Artificial Blood is always the same rank as Suiton.

  • Holy Claret (血聖, Chisei): Angel Branch

Chi members of the Angel Branch can leave some of their artificial blood on someone within 10m radius and use it to heal them. A Genin can heal one person up to C-rank wounds for 15 chakra. A Chuunin can heal two people up to B-rank wounds for 20 chakra. A Spec Jounin can heal three people up to A-rank wounds for 25 chakra. An A-rank Jounin can heal four people up to S-rank wounds for 30 chakra. They must wait 6 posts before they can heal another person and use this ability again.

  • Blood Fiend (血鬼神, Kekki): Demon Branch

Chi members of the Demon Branch can create enough artificial chakra blood to create puppets that appears as monstrous demons called Blood Fiends. The user can create one puppet and gain the ability to control one more per rank up (i.e Genin: control 1 fiend Chuunin: 2 fiend Spec Jounin: 3 fiends Jounin (A): 4 fiends Jounin (S): 5 fiends). The fiends all have claws doing base cutting/piercing damage of the rank of the user (Genin: 3/4in cuts Chuunin: 1 1/2in cuts Spec jounin: 2in cuts Jounin (A): 3in cuts Jounin (S): Completely pierces through others and cut directly through bone) and have the same speed, reaction, perception as the user. Their strength can only cause slight bruising. They must stay within 10m radius of the user at all times and can be destroyed by two jutsu of equal rank to the fiend. The blood fiends are created by dividing the user's chakra among them and they can only last 5 posts and must wait at least 6 posts before creating them again.

  • Cruor Frenzy (血激怒, Kekkido): Abomination Branch

Chi members of the Abomination Branch begin to change when injured such as when they actually begin to bleed from wounds such as open gashes from small open wounds. Their eyes become completely black and they turn more violent. The Second stage is when the wielder has sustained heavy damage and is bleeding profusely from any damage that would cause intense bleeding. They lose control of Their actions and enter into a blood frenzy. Their artificial blood jutsu do ¾ more cutting/piercing damage and their strength gains +2 tiers. This can only be kept up for 5 posts however before the user passes out. They expend 10 chakra a post for this ability.


  • Must take born ill and frail without balancing

  • Limited Element: Can only start with Suiton. Learn Second element at Spec Jounin. And Learn Third element at S-rank. Chi members cannot learn a 4th element.

2Chi Empty Re: Chi Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:00 pm



Why, in particular, does this become +2 versus Katon and -2 versus Doton? There's not much reasoning given, which is required if it is not readily apparent.

I'll reiterate what I said on the Kishimoto - please don't try to cram jutsu into a Kekkei Genkai when we removed them for a reason. If the ability isn't something that jutsu can do normally, then it's more considerable for addition. However, Holy Claret and Blood Fiend are really just regular jutsu trying to be passed off as a KKG ability.

The Abomination Branch is the most acceptable of these abilities, and I really like it, it's flavorful.

Suggestion for the Angel Branch: Making contact with their blood stanches wounds, forming a protective scab. (It might even act as if a weak defensive jutsu for the purposes of protecting openly wounded areas from further damage.)

I have nothing for the last one, though. I know it was a puppet idea originally, and creating base shells is alright by me. Controlling them without the Puppet Technique or another method is crossing that jutsu boundary, especially with inlaid damage.

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