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1Seiko Clan. Empty Seiko Clan. Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:54 pm



Seiko Clan. KyGOjDe

Seiko Clan. FAHfQ33
Clan Name: 悽子 / ダークチャイルド・一族, Seiko / Dākuchairudo Ichizoku, lit. "Dark/Gruesome Children"
Location: Kumogakure no Sato.

Specialization: Any.
Elements: Any.

Seiko Clan. HhU72Pp
Clan History: "In the world of Shinobi there have been a great many evolutionary jumps, those in a certain area gaining an ability to get ahead of the competition. The world has always seen fit to regulate itself in such ways. We have been created by such a jump, but we are new in our entirety. We are the future ... Manifest Destiny, my brethren!" -- The Kemono No Haha, a passage from The 'Shi No Tenrei'

It is unknown where the clan originated from, some say they come from the Bowels of the Netherworld itself, they would heartily disagree of course. Unfortunately most of the clan's history has been lost to just that; however, what is left has been written in the clan's holy book: "Shi No Tenrei", a passage of which can be seen above.

The book states this, (In so many words):

Many a year ago, in the first years that the clans of this world chose their homes in the villages of ninja, two shinobi arose. The two have since lost their names to history but are referred to as, the Kemono No Haha, and the Chichi Torikkusutā; the Beast mother, and the Father Trickster. Two people who shared the womb of a clan-mother who had seen it fit to leave the world after giving birth. The two were not the first of the clan, but they are the two most significant members in it's history; now 'Godly Ancestors', they have in large strides have formed the legacy for the Dākuchairudo. From birth the two were groomed by their clansmen, the Kemono No Haha by the Don'yokuna puredetā, and the Chichi Torikkusutā by the Kurai torikkusutā. Chosen at birth to change the legacy of the clan, to lead them into a grand new life...

You see, back in the days of yore the clan had a penchance for extreme violence leading them to trouble with the many villages, and the many clans who inhabited them. Being as they were, those who eat Shinobi' hearts, in a perpetual state of war with many. While the Kemono No Haha relished the constant battling, the Chichi Torikkusutā had quite the opposite view upon the situation. He wished to ally himself, and his clan or at least the half he controlled, with a country. The Kemono no Haha would have no part of this, instead opting to continue the traditional ways of killing any and everything that the Don'yokuna puredetā set their eyes upon, taking no mind of her brother who she felt was a lesser being for his wish to assimilate, and perhaps even an enemy now.

So taking his stake in the clan he left for the only sensible choice in country, Kumogakure. During this temultous time the Raikage sought help with the protection of his people, and making a deal with the devil seemed a sensible choice. The deal was simple enough, the Dākuchairudo had to promise they would not feast upon any Shinobi of the village without warrant from the Raikage, and that the Chichi Torikkusutā would bring the Kage the head of his sibling to ensure the loyalty to the village of Kumogakure no Sato. Without hesitation the Kurai Torikkusutā and their leader the Chichi Torikkusutā.

Upon finding the Kemono no Haha, as she was committing to her infamous speech which can be seen above, the two spoke for the final time. The Chichi Torikkusutā stressing that they would assimilate or die, the Kemono No Haha stated that assimilation was death in itself.

The battle ensued, and due to the arrogance of the Don'yokuna puredetā it was quite the lopsided fight. An utter slaughter, but of course both sides always have casualties. Both parties lost their respected leaders, both with blade plunged into the chest. Without leader the two groups once again joined into one, out of fear for survival, a fear the Don'yokuna felt for the first time. Together once more the clan returned to Kumogakure, with not one but two heads to present to the Raikage.

Now, in modern times the clan holds a firm foothold in Kumogakure, of course most of the average citizens have a certain distaste for the clan due to their nature, but with that distaste comes fear, and with that fear comes a certain amount of respect... Unfortunately, this respect does not translate into the inner workings of the clan, while they are unified the two sides are often embroiled in strife. Suffice to say both sides does not particularly get along with each other...

They have since changed their form of address to a more appropriate Seiko.

Physical Characteristics:

Members: Jishin (Former Clan Heir)

Seiko Clan. Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Voracious Predation (捕食飽無, Hoshu Ama)

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Seiko are known, and feared, for the fact that they quite literally eat the heart of any who oppose them in the field of combat. Due to this, they naturally have sharper Canines and Incisors; the changes allow the user, if the choose to do so, to use their teeth as D-Ranked weapons, piercing up to 1" into flesh but not into bone. As their Strength increases to each rank higher than D, they, unlike others, increase the power of their jaws as well, their teeth and mandibles equaling a maximum-damage weapon of equal rank for both crushing bones and slicing through flesh.

They continue with their rather macabre practices because they have the innate ability to draw in a certain power from eating another being's life source. While it is unknown exactly why, the user gains a certain amount of cellular regeneration from the process, healing wounds they may have maintained in battle. The amount of healing depends upon the rank of the person who had been eaten. However, at all ranks, they outclass even the Hinode's regenerative powers in that they can regain stamina, whereas that clan only heals physical wounds.

Effects Per Rank:

Obviously, the Seiko must fully consume the heart, liver, both kidneys, the brain, or a similar amount of organ tissue from a freshly killed or still-living person to gain this effect; this takes a reasonable amount of time, and is highly unlikely to be completed while under direct attack. Their bodies react to the specialized tissue of non-skeletal muscles, digesting and metabolizing them at a preternatural, nearly instant rate. If in a thread with another player, you must get permission to gain this healing from eating NPCs.

In addition, this cannibalism affords a more permanent bonus. A Seiko gets a 20% discount on Stats Training wordcount and Ryo costs. However, the threads in which this potent bonus is applied must contain the Seiko eating the organs of a person (NPCs are fine) with higher stats than them in the trained area(s), and the person must have died within that thread at the hands of the Seiko. (This is very rarely accomplished without some sort of struggle.)

If the Seiko eats the heart or other organs of a Player Character or Pet, the stats Ryo cost is eliminated, though they must still complete the wordcount (they can still use the 20% discount). The organs must still have belonged to someone with a higher tier or rank in the stat(s) that are to be trained; thus, a stat can only be trained free of Ryo cost this way up to the tier and rank of the person. This may be done for any dying or freshly dead person or animal controlled by another Player Character, not just those that the Seiko kill.

So, a Special Jounin can't take the organs of a Genin to gain a bonus to a B-rank stat, but if they had a C-2 Strength, they could eat the organs of someone with C-3 Strength to get the discount.

Also, these bonuses only apply to those who release the hormones specific to those who are nearing death (which also persist postmortem). Thus, a person who is not actually about to die, such as someone who actively knows they're going to be healed, can't give this bonus. (This is mainly a safeguard against 'harvesting' people's organs and then regrowing them later. Don't do it, kids.)

Drawbacks: For obvious reasons, a Seiko cannot take the Necrophobia SC. They also may not take negative SCs implying poor health, such as Pharmacophobia, Hemophilia, or Born Ill.

If not due to immediate recognition as a Seiko, those of this clan are They have great difficulty in making deals with others, and are often prejudiced due to their ritualistic and -at least to others- disgusting practices. They pay 10% more for all items, and their Social Thread wordcount requirement for ranking up is increased by 20%.

Ingesting organs so directly entwined with others' Keirakukei has a muddling effect on a Seiko's own chakra. Seiko must take the "Hesitant (Element)" negative Special Characteristic without balancing it.

While carnivory is natural, cannibalism is not. The many chakra signatures and even bits of consciousness lingering in said chakra interfere with a Seiko's ability to use Sage Arts. They require double wordcounts to learn Senjutsu.

2Seiko Clan. Empty Re: Seiko Clan. Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:20 pm



Seiko Clan. Mitsuo%20Approval

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