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Hmm...what was there to do in this sandpit of an excuse for a village...? nothing much actually...if you weren't shitting out sand you were spewing it out...Suna was bad for it's little storms from time to time but thankfully there was none today...Kuja didn't have to worry about his hair getting sand in it today! Full on beautification! Sitting at his dresser and mirror, Kuja pulled out a rather expensive looking brush before brushing it through his bright blue hair, his white teeth reflecting the suns rays off of them and into the mirror, near enough blinding hiself as he fell backwards off his wooden stool. A thud, a skid and a rage later, Kuja left his household with a spring in his step. The world can yet again view upon his beauty as he strutted his stuff as he swayed through the market; his hips swaying from left to right as he placed his left hand on his hips and his right hand busy playing with his hair.

Thankfully Kuja shaved the fur off this morning cause his revealing clothes were turning heads both in shock and some in lust. Perfect. any attention handed to Kuja made him happy as he winked his eye at the villagers and the blew them a kiss. Some ninja shaking their head in disapproval. Who the fuck cared, bitches be dropping like flies!
Stopping in the middle of the market, Kuja stood there, jerking his hip to one side he ran his fingers from his pearl-surfaced legs up past his smooth stomach and then through his hair as he groaned in pleasure. Having woke up in a good mood, Kuja was set for the day. Time to either sass about people or compliment their beauty; which was rare cause to Kuja, he was god's gift from heaven.
"Hmm, this should be fun~!" He groaned as his turquoise eyes flashed with excitement as he noticed a box of strawberries on sale...Me Gusta!


Trilby wrestled with the fabric of his Flak Jacket. The aged, miserable rag of a thing was beginning to degrade further. He'd have to be rid of it soon enough. A shame, too, he had had it in his possession since before he moved to Sunagakure all those years ago. The wind threatened to tear the Trilby from Trilby's head as he wandered along, roaring through the streets of the small market district. People were shuffling about left and right, forcing Trilby to awkwardly sidestep and edge around people going in the opposite direction. It wasn't long before he bashed his shoulder into a man's arm. "Sorry!" Trilby said, turning around to come face to face with an effeminate, half nude male who seemed most enamoured with a pack of strawberries.



As Kuja was elegantly dodged, ducked and weaved his way through the crowd to make his way to the strawberries, only a foot away with his hands outstretched; grabbing air as they slowly made their way to the packet before being thrown into the crowd. His face went from happy and excited to shocked and frightened. What the major hell just happened? One minute he was standing there and the next he was thrown to the Kuja flew through a small group of people, them all dispersing and cursing at the fact that there was a half naked boy in the middle of them, he couldn't help but work his charm by running his index down to the side of his mouth as his eyes twinkled, tears beginning to form in them as he shivered in an exaggerated pain.
"Please...I-I didn't mean to hurt you..." He winced, his lips quivering as he spoke. Perfect. They fell for it as they either hit the floor in shame or ran away crying for being mean.

Kuja smiled as he rolled back slightly, his hands brought back and touching the ground before he pushed himself up and through the air; over the passer byes before landing in a rather provocative perching stance, legs open as he lent forward, one hand balancing him on the wooden pole and the other brushing through his hair. So this raggedy man beast is what knocked him through the air? The hell? He was kinda cute, his body looked ripped...Kuja smiled in anticipation.
" knocked me over? How about we strip you down and you can borrow some of my clothes at my house." He winked at the man. Typical Kuja. If he's not hellbent on killing someone, he's flirting for his own greedy needs.


Trilby grimaced slightly as he watched the after-effects of his display of clumsyness. The man went flying into a crowd of people. "Good god, either this guys soft as hell or I am a lot stronger than I was yesterday" Trilby thought to himself, placing his hands on his Trilby and looking around nervously as the man began to... check him out? " knocked me over? How about we strip you down and you can borrow some of my clothes at my house." The man said, winking at Trilby.

Trilby turned a bright shade of red. He'd never been hit-on before. Even though he wasn't particularly interested, he was still flattered by the advance none the less. After all, he didn't really socialise often, and when he did it was with a small pool of friends who were all heterosexual. He didn't really know how to react without coming across rude, especially since he just sent the man flying. "I, uh, that's sweet but I'm uh, not really game" he stammered, Tripping over his words. It wasn't often that someone made Trilby blush, but this was one such occasion.



Kuja whined as the man said he was not of "game" What a shame... Kuja placed his free hand on the pole before pushing himself up and straightening his legs straight up, now in a handstand position before bringing his legs down, placing his feet on the ground and now his nose touching the mans; Kuja still smiling at him, eyes wandering around his person.
"I could have made you see the stars. What a shame~!" He teased, his hands running alongside the mans hips before Kuja stuck his tongue out and licked the tip of the mans nose.

Pulling away and twirling teasingly, Kuuja bought that packet of strawberries before tearing them open and scoffing down 5 strawberries at once. A relieved sigh escaped his lips as he relished the taste.
"You know, strawberries make you skin silky smooth." He said, his eyes meeting the mans before he winked.
"Wont lie, I love a bit of rough myself~!" He said as he checked out the mans 'Special place'


Trilby was slightly shocked, and stood completely still as the man grasped at his hips and licked his nose. "I could have made you see the Stars. What a shame~!" the man said with a smile, before twirling away to return to buying his strawberries. Trilby took the moment to breathe out deeply. He was still completely baffled by what was going on. He was just groped and propositioned by a complete stranger in the middle of the street. Sure, he was flattered, but he was still incredibly awkward about the entire affair. It was times like this that demonstrated how inexperienced he was at certain aspects of social interaction.

The man turned back to find Trilby exactly where he was, an awkward smile snaking it's way across his face. "Wont lie, I love a bit of rough myself~!" the man said, his eyes wandering down to Trilby's belt. "I...uh, wouldn't know anything about that" He blurted out nervously, his eyes darting around the environment. Trilby had no idea how to handle this situation whatsoever, though he couldn't help but notice how, even though he was a man, Kuja had quite appealing features. Desperating looking for something to distract him, Trilby pulled a kunai from one of his pouches, only to put it into the one on the opposite side. He was stumped as to how how handle this situation, what to say, how to feel, or if he should just leave entirely. "I'm, uh, sorry for banging into you earlier." he mumbled, still bright red.



Kuja looked up at the man and laughed, the man was clearly uncomfortable with the fact he was being hit on. Awh, poor baby! Continuing to shovel down the strawberries, Kuja ran his free hand around his waist as he circled him, giggling the whole time as he finished and walked back to where he was before waving his hand in a dismissing manner.
"No need to worry my dear, I'll just wait until you're least expecting it." He smiled, another strawberry being thrown down that hatch as he could feel himself becoming healthier by the minute. Ah glorious of days!

Heh, bang into me? This person claimed to be straight and he's making puns? Oh my lordy lord! Me gusta! Kuja chuckled as he threw the last Strawberry into the air, eyes still looking at him the whole time.
"Hmm, down boy, don't make me hose you down right here and now...Cause I will." He purred as he brought his hands to run down his stomach smoothly and then his legs before catching the last strawberry with his mouth, slowly sucking it in and down his throat.


Trilby was still uncomfortable, but his senses were slowly beginning to return to him. Breathing deeply, he began to reason his way through what was going on. "I'm sorry, but I'm really not interested" He said with more confidence, the colour beginning to return to his face. Trilby stepped back as Kuja ran his hands over his waist, sighing a bit. What was the deal with this horny git he had stumbled across? He had no self control, throwing himself at random strangers. Still, Trilby was flattered he seemed so...taken with him. Either it was a commentary on how attractive he felt Trilby was, or a statement on how low his standards were. It was irrelevant whichever one it was, however.

"Hmm, down boy, don't make me hose you down right here and now...Cause I will." Hmm. He seemed to have taken Trilby's attempt at an apology as an innuendo. "I didn't mean it like that" Trilby said with a sigh. This stranger certainly was single minded, it seemed. Trilby turned, facing the crowds charging around them. He couldn't remember why he was here to begin with, and wasn't sure if he should head off for something less hormone driven.



Kuja laughed as the man was becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second, oh well; might as well drop this little act. To be honest, this man was no where near Kuja's type. He only wanted something to do to kill his boredom... Placing his hands on his hips, his body language much more arrogant now, flicking his fringe to the side as his once most excited eyes were now blank and void of emotion.
"Simmer down. Name's Kuja, you?" He said as he examined his nails, checking for any dirt...thankfully there wasn't any in sight so that was one less thing to worry about.

Kuja took a step back as he lifted himself up on a ledge and crossing his legs as he lent forward a bit before narrowing his eyes to the man; nothing really special about him though he did have a slight interesting value to him. A smirk grew on his face as he stretched up, letting out a small groan of pleasure.


Like the flip of a coin, Kuja's personality changed. From flirty and energetic to harsh and arrogant. Still, Trilby preferred it to his sex obsessed side anyway. Removing a kunai from his pocket, he fed out a tiny length of wire from one of his pouches before cutting it off, using the kunai to dig a tiny hole in the seem of the left shoulder of his flak jacket. "Simmer down. Name's Kuja, you?" the odd man stated coldly, climbing up onto a nearby ledge.

Trilby ignored him for a few seconds, feeding the wire through the hole to help repair the seem of his flak jacket, he couldn't have it falling apart on him after all. "Trilby" he said, devoid of any emotion. Now that the man had stopped crawling all over him and making him uncomfortable, he had returned to his stoic disposition. Trilby raised his left hand to his chin, revealing his Ouroboros tattoo as he scratched at a small bug bite, trying to figure out what the deal was with this two-faced sack of energy.



Kuja giggled to himself as he waved his hand, gesturing for Trilby to ignore it. The fact that he was using a kunai to sew up his trashy clothes? Oh retro. Kuja's eyes gleamed as he looked over the mans was an eyesore and Kuja felt slightly sick as a small burp made it's way up before swallowing it back down...Shaking his head he flicked his legs once more, changing position and now his right crossed over his left.
"You're just going to ruin your clothes a lot more than they already" He said as he pulled out a small packet with the contents of brushes, perfume and some stitching needles and thread. Picking out a needle, Kuja threw the man it. Surely if he was a ninja he'd be able to catch it without much difficulty.


Trilby kept his hands where they were, catching the small needle flying towards him with his teeth. "Thanks" he forced out through a clenched jaw, holding the needle in place while he stashed his kunai. Threading the wire through the needle, he set about to repair the seem of the shoulder properly. The wire was high quality, and with the assistance of the needle it would last a lot longer. He could tell from the man's expression that he disapproved of Trilby's appearance, which made sense considering how vein he looked. Still, vein or not, Trilby's visage was rather ghastly. Everything he wore was the same ancient fabric he got when he broke out of the baron's mine all those years ago, dusty old relics of another time. He never even knew why he kept wearing them once he could afford better, sentiment, he supposed.

Throwing the Needle back towards the man, he tightened the binding on his headband, which was hanging from his neck, before turning his gaze back to kuja. "I take it you dislike my apparel?" he said in a half-arsed attempt at small-talk.



Not liking his apparel? Was it that obvious? Oh my. Kuja thought to himself, a small glint sparkled in his left eye before he shook his head. Might as well tell the truth...he could lie his way out of it but where's the fun in that when there's nothing at stake here. Sighing, Kuja cracked his neck and lent to the side, his right arm supporting him up.
"Not my style so yes, I do find it rather displeasing." He said, exasperation in his voice as he yawned and stretched once again.

Still looking at Tril, Kuja's blank eyes and emotionless face seemed to shine in the sun...ah, the power of strawberries!
"How long you been here then? Don't quite remember pummeling you to the ground back at the academy." He moaned, scratching his brown with his pinky while scratching the tip of his nose with his index. Sheer boredom swooning in...Kuja would have kicked his teeth in if it wasn't for the fact that he had just got his nails done...damn you timing.


Trilby frowned a bit, contemplating his choice in clothing. Perhaps he should really update his outfit. Perhaps once he graduated from the chuunin exams. After all, he really shouldn't be wearing a flak-jacket at all without being at least a chuunin, though no one had objected thus far. Perhaps they all assumed he was one, or just didn't care. Still, Sunagakure had decent tailors, he'd have to get something made. He was sick of mending this old rubbish anyway.

"How long you been here then? Don't quite remember pummeling you to the ground back at the academy." Kuja said, the boredom clearly visible on his face. Trilby wasn't even sure why he was bothering to converse if he was so bored by the goings on. "A fair few years, probably graduated before you did. And I assure you, you wouldn't have pummeled me into the ground, sir" He said, Flexing his muscles as he stretched out. A loud twang sounded as the wire in his flak-jacket's shoulder snapped by a rung. "Son of a bitch..."



Look at this little genin, so sure that he could overpower a taijutsu user with chakra flow at his disposal. How cute! He didn't look like any taijutsu user...more of a ninjutsu user. Kuja couldn't help but let out a small coo at the man.
"Awh, how adorable." He said as he jumped from the ledge and landed right in front of him as he snapped the wire. How cute, if Kuja didn't know any better; what Trilby had said sounded more like a challenge than a statement.

"Here you go dear." Kuja cooed as he pulled out some thread from his little pouch which he had shown earlier, holding the thread in his hand but above his head, wanting Tril to reach for it and come closer to him.


Trilby began pulling out the various objects stashed inside his flak-jacket, Transferring them to pockets and pouches elsewhere on his person before undoing the jacket and pulling out his lighter, sparking it and holding it to the loose threads of the jacket. After a few seconds, they caught and began to burn, slowly climbing their way up the jacket, until Trilby blew some wind chakra into the blaze, quickly engulfing the jacket that he then dropped at his feet to let smolder away. "I'm good." he said grumpily, glaring at his jacket. It was about time he got a new one, that damn thing could hardly block a wet noodle anyway.

Trilby leapt onto the roof of the nearby green grocers, walking along a few feet before sitting on the chimney stalk and staring out at the city. It didn't really have anything of substance to say to the odd man floating around him. He began surveying the environment. Surely one of these shops must sell flak-jackets, he'd never really done any clothes shopping in Sunagakure.



Good riddance is what Kuja thought, finally having seen yet another horrific style of clothing been burnt to a crisp, the smell of it's ashes now lingering in the air...maybe he shouldn't have decided to burn it in the middle of a market district, the people shouting in fear as they crowded away from it, trying to walk around this imaginative bubble? Seriously people, it wasn't going to turn round and bite them in the ass. Like seriously...oh god, these melodramatic bitches, flailing from side to side if a fly farts.

Watching as Trilby walked on by the crowd and leaping onto a 'nearby' roof to them without much ease. How quaint. He was light on his toes and a good jumper to make it all the way up there. Kuja soon followed, leaping into the air as a small crackle of lightning released from his shoes as he stretched out his arm, grabbing the roof. Not like he needed to though, his jump alone was enough to allow him to land with ease upon the roof.

Trilby had went and sat on...a chimney? Oh der god ew? that could mark Kuja's perfect skin with a big black line? No thank you! Kuja shook his head as he perched himself next to Trilby before flicking his hair in the wind.
"So, wanna go shopping?" He giggled. Trilby obviously needed clothes and that alone was enough to convince Kuja that Trilby wan in need of Kuja's help.


"So, wanna go shopping?" Trilby sighed, pondering the notion. It sounded reasonable, though he had no intentions of walking around half naked like Kuja himself did, it would be interesting to have an accomplice to shop. "I suppose so" he said, leaping from the rooftop into another street. He could see a small clothing store in the distance, so he made his way over to it.

He could see the store was full of every kind of apparel you could imagine, from camouflage and desert survival gear to skirts the likes of which Kuja wore. Pushing the door open casually, he stepped in, contemplating what he should consider buying.



Kuja smirked as Trilby accepted his proposal, jumping from the roof and landing with the utmost care...pfft, twinkle fairy. Kuja followed not long after Trilby had jumped from the roof, having been admiring the sunset's golden and orange hue that set across Suna, he landed about 5 feet away from him, slipping through a small group of people who were more or less stunned by the sudden appearance of the sexy.

Kuja noticed him walk into a rather tacky little clothes shop...oh hell no! As long as Kuja was there, he was going to go shopping the RIGHT way. As Kuja followed Trilby, pushing the door and keeping it open with his left hand, he reached on in and yanked Trilby off his feet, forcing him out the shop while he held his arm.
"As long as you're with me, you wont be shopping there." He smiled happily, looking at Trilby. Kuja seemed to have taken a liking to Trilby but might aswell follow on through with this new found friendship.
"A sexy beasty, needs to look sexy. It's the law." He smirked, pulling him into a small passageway which soon led into a T junction street; a nice little shop set up right in front of them. Perfect.

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