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A wash of alcohol swam down Kuni's throat, before the empty glass was reunited on the tabletop with its three siblings. Four glasses, yet she was still sober. Raising a hand, Kuni waited for something, someone to get her order.

D-rank ninja like herself weren't often found in the Rock Pit. Normally they hadn't seen enough bloodshed and violence to need to drink their troubles away like some Chuunin or Special Jonin, who numbered the majority in Iwagakure's most famous ninja pub. Kuni though was having a bad night. Jerked away by the shrieks in her nightmare, she walked down to the bar dressed in an everyday red blouse and blue jeans, a stark contrast to some of the other patrons who were decked out in ninja gear, returning fresh from the kill with reds of blood dried out on their brown flak jackets.

She needed to get stronger. The last eight years had been kind to her, but she didn't want to go back to the Imaeda mansion. Not even the Tsuchikage could stand in the way of her problem, for no man regardless of his status or power could sleep at night knowing he'd divided a family, whether they wanted to be or not.

Hand getting lazy, she let it drop back down and reach for her empty glass, tilting it to her lips again to feel the small droplets of alcohol that remained, before demanding another round.

247 words

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Clad in his basic, black training gear, chain rattling around his neck, the large, bear-like figure of Oki Kuma walked down the streets of Iwagakure, his pet bear plodding alongside him and looking up at him with concern. His eyes looked heavy, as if the genin had not slept a wink, and his shoulders were slumped as the, technically under aged, ninja went to one of the renowned drinking locales. While not technically supposed to be there, Oki had been introduced there by his parents, allowed in without question due to the facial hair that the young, large shinobi had for a long time. So, as he opened the doors, nobody looked twice as he walked in, heading straight for the bar. He took a glance around the current locals, all grizzled shinobi. He recognised quite a few of them. A few, but not all.

He tapped his somewhat overly long nail on the bar, so as to get the attention of the current bartender. Debu meanwhile slumped its head up, continuing to look to Oki. Something was up, and the brown bear was clearly concerned with such. As the bartender of the evening arrived, the genin nodded, before speaking up. “I’ll take a whisky please… I kind of want to knock myself out tonight.” He explained, aware that the barkeep knew how much of a light weight he goliath was, and going to fetch the drink as the bear man got out some coins from the purse at his side. Putting the coins on the bar, he took his drink as the man handed it to him, before looking for a place to sit. Nearly everyone in the building looked grizzled, as if weighed down by the weight of battle. Yet there was someone, who, in colours brighter than those of the rest of the room, seemed weighed down with a different kind of thought. Deciding it was important for an Iwagakure ninja to know others of his village, the bear genin sighed to himself, before walking over to the table, drink in hand – the chubby bear named Debu plodding along behind the entire time.

Looking down at the woman, he hummed slightly, swirling his drink around slightly, before deciding to get her attention. “Hey.” His voice was somewhat hushed, likely not wishing to break the silence that many in the tavern were enjoying, or at the very least, taking in, a solemn silence to allow the weight of the world to just… Exist. “I’ll admit I don’t come here often, but, regardless you look to me somewhat new around here. Mind if I take a seat?” he gestured to the seat opposite her with his drink, the bear with him just looking to the woman now, waiting.




Someone passed her a drink. She didn't know who, but it smelled rank enough so it was bound to be bad for her. Poison wasn't an issue – she noticed a nurse chugging down tequila in the seat three booths down. Drunk as she may be from the flush on her cheeks, she seemed halfway decent from the small glow of green on her hand, which broke down the alcohol as she chugged it down. Cheating, but she guessed her friends were too far gone to notice. With that comforting notion in mind, Kuni tilted the glass to her lips, savouring the idea that it would be her last drink.

Of course, seconds passed and she didn't die. She teetered between relief and disappointment.

"Hey," a voice, firm, loud, called out. Kuni's drooping head turned right, meeting the waist of a giant who towered a head above her at least. His combed black hair sagged from the weight of the day, and his taut muscles screamed at her for rest. A small motion behind him alerted her to the huge bear plodding timidly behind him. It was a scary sight for sure, if Kuni hadn't just wrestled one the day before and left its empty carcass over a campfire when her client got hungry.

"I'll admit I don't come here often, but, regardless you look to me somewhat new around here. Mind if I take a seat?"

His drink motioned to the empty spot opposite her, the red of the cushion torn in a few places to unearth the yellow material that gave it its spring.

"Help yourself," she answered, taking another gulp. "But I don't think your pet bear is going to fit."

538 words

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Her reply was simple, and as she took a swig of her drink before finishing her sentence, Oki couldn’t help but change tone entirely, going from the quiet, sombre giant into the jolly look of a gentle goof, laughing happily as he took a seat, setting his drink down on the table. The bear meanwhile, simply adjusted position, sitting on the floor next to the big guy and looking at the strange, alcohol loving lady with its head tilted. Sensing the trepidation in his furry companion, the big loaf began petting it on the head, grinning as the tension left him slightly. “Ah, yes, this guy isn’t a pet I’m afraid! This is Debu! My companion, training partner, and best friend for life!” he nodded, scruffing up the top of the bears head fur before moving his hand back to his drink, taking a light sip. “Which reminds me! I am Oki, a member of Iwagakure’s Kuma clan!” his voice was cheery as he set the drink down, claw-like nails of his hands wrapped around the drinking vessel loosely.

After taking a second swig of his whiskey, the genin smiled to the person, stroking his goatee as if in thought before speaking aloud what was on his mind. “So, stranger. Everyone here tonight seems to have a story to tell. Sometimes it’s that they’ve just grown to love drinking, but, I get the feeling your case isn’t. So, care to share? Oh, but, well, your name first if you’re comfortable with sharing anything.” He nodded, setting his drink back onto the table as he returned to stroking his bear. The duo were clearly Iwagakure ninja, with both Oki and Debu having a forehead protector around their necks like a collar, noticeable now that they were this close. Debu, meanwhile, after getting a quick pet, laid down.

306 + 459 = 765



The man in front of her gave a loud bellow from the depths of his gut, the sound breaking the silence eerily hanging over the bar, as expressions jumped between faces and the atmosphere lifted. He took a quick seat opposite her, resting his glass on the table just in front of hers – her eyes flickered for a moment to the glass in hidden anxiety – before petting the large bear that seated itself on the floor beside him. She still felt slightly on edge if her firm grip around her glass was any sign, but she swallowed any objection with another mouthful of alcohol.

A large grin was already plastered on his face when it came back into view, rising above the horizon of her glass. "Ah yes, this guy isn't a pet I'm afraid! This is Debu! My companion, training partner, and best friend!" he introduced, hand moving from his friend's head to the still drink between them. "Which reminds me! I am Oki, a member of Iwagakure's Kuma clan!"

One of Kuni's eyes narrowed. She didn't keep up with all the clans, but the more famous ones stood out. The Kuma clan made a reputation for their ferocious tags with their bear companions. But it brought her attention to the nails on his hand, extending outward well enough to simulate the claws that bears had on their paws.

"So, stranger. Everyone here tonight seems to have a story to tell. Sometimes it's that they've just grown to love drinking, but I get the feeling your case isn't. So, care to share? Oh, but well your name first if you're comfortable with sharing anything."

"Hmph," she grunted with a visible swirl of the liquor in her glass. She hadn't intended to interact with anyone but the bartender when she'd dragged herself down from her apartment. "Kuni," was the monotonous reply, like an arrogant little girl who found herself somewhere she didn't want to be. And much like the little girl in her head, Kuni would much rather be in the calming embrace of her sleep, but the nightmarish concerns haunted her bed until she could drink enough to brave her demons.

"I don't come from a clan," she continued with a small pause. "I'm just Kuni Koyanagi, another ninja. And I just like the taste of alcohol."

Rudeness lapped at her consciousness and she mentally kicked herself for continuing, "What about you?" she forced with another gulp.

961 words

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

The stranger replied, albeit somewhat rudely, and revealed her name to be Kuni. She wasn’t the most polite person in the world, although, Oki had met ruder, so, perhaps it was just a thing that people were getting trendy with recently? He never kept up with the acts and leisure’s of his peers. Still, it seemed this Kuni person wasn’t supremely confident in herself, as she declared herself to simply be ‘another ninja’. He wasn’t too sure how true her statement of why she was here was, but, he wouldn’t pry – that wasn’t how Oki Kuma do.

Mimicking the motion of drinking from his alcoholic beverage, he took a fairly decent glug from his drink, before setting it down with a satisfied “ah…” Then, he shrugged, putting the glass on the table. Debu yawned, lying down lazily and flopping its weight down on the wooden floor as Oki decided to resume speaking up. “I’m here because, quite frankly, I’m a light weight, and right now, I need to knock myself out!” he gave a good old jolly chuckle, nodding slowly as he looked off to the side, almost distantly, and stroked at his goatee in thought. He shook his head, his chuckle dying down as he took a slow, drawn out sip of his drink. “I had a bad night. It felt… So real. Wandering, lost, without my companion to help me. I found this ruin with this person that manipulated shadows… We were attacked by a crazy lady, and the shadow man disappeared. I… Have you ever felt like you were dying, had a dream so realistic that it felt terrifying? I can now say I know what it’s like to drown on your own blood…

Furrowing his eyebrows, the bear genin chugged the rest of his drink quickly, before sighing and putting the empty glass on the table before him, cheeks flustered. “Yep… Lightweight… I’m sure I’ll have a nice old nap here any moment.” He chuckled lowly once more. Debu meanwhile, had decided to be adventurous, taking the chain off Oki’s neck, and wearing it like the goliath was, before standing on its hind legs… A posture of a bear that was probably a bit too startling for the drunken patrons of the pub, some who stood to fight the thing they deemed a threat, others backing away. However, all tensions ended when the bear simply leant on the table, licking Oki on the cheek, who simply laughed it off.

413 + 765 = 1178



As she drank, so did he, both patrons raising their glasses in an unspoken toast to the cruel hand of life that had forced them to this bar. But where Kuni took a small gulp of the disgusting liquid she couldn't deny, Oki Kuma drank more voraciously from his cup, setting it down with a satisfied, “Ah...”

“I'm here because, quite frankly, I'm a lightweight, and right now, I need to knock myself out!” he laughed, stroking his goatee with a reminiscent look growing on his face. “I had a bad night. It felt... So real. Wandering, lost, without my companion to help me. I found this ruin with this person that manipulated shadows... We were attacked by a crazy lady and the shadow man disappeared. I... Have you ever felt like you were dying, had a dream so realistic that it felt so terrifying? I can now say I know what 's like to drown on your own blood...”

The mood at their booth quickly turned a somber gray as his words spilled out. Or, more like his mood dulled to match hers. A bad night was her every night, traumas and fears eating away at her soul, wandering and lost like she was ten years ago in the wastelands that led to the doors of Iwagakure. She wanted to snap that a dream he'd just described was exactly the reason she were here, but the dry taste of sarcasm died in her throat.

“Yep... Light weight... I'm sure I'll have a nice old nap here at any moment,” he finished after emptying his glass. A low chuckle reverberated in their booth. His friend-pet-bear-thing slipped his chain off his neck, and he didn't mind. Kuni watched the rare exchange of friendship missing from most ninja teams displayed in front of her, with the bear parading around with his accessory to the concern of the other patrons in the club. She just watched it with narrowed eyes, trying to reject the amusement that crawled out of her throat.

She wanted to be sad, drunk, and depressed for the night, until she passed out and morning called. And she was.

“Normally I go to bed if I want to drown like that,” she chuckled darkly after a pause . “Still, I can see why people drink their problems away now.”

The bear leant down on the table, licking Oki on the cheek. Kuni heard another laugh escape his lips. “I think he doesn't want to be left out,” she offered finally, after a disturbing silence between them that felt out of place with the bustle of the bar. Making conversation was difficult on a good day, and each friendly word felt forced; it was easier to empty her dimming wallet with each round of drinks. “Is he old enough to drink?”

She'd share the night for once with the stranger. Kuni had heard rumours about the nonsense you got into when you went to bars late at night. She supposed making friends for the night over a drink was one of them.

1483 words

Last edited by Kuni on Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

It seemed this person was certainly not the most cheery of people, especially not with the tone of which she spoke. How… Tough, for the jolly giant. Perhaps she was in fact a meaner person than that of the grumpy guy that he had fisticuffs against. However, it’d be rude for Oki to judge a person on first impressions, so, perhaps that was a terrible idea. So instead, he shrugged. This person could be grumpy all they wanted, it was not skin off Oki’s rather hairy back. Books were more covers than their judged pages – that was how the expression went right?

Regardless, as she spoke up next, Oki found the mood somewhat lightened again. He felt the heat rush to his cheeks, reminding him that, in a few minutes at best, he’d probably be zonked out, and remember none of this. He nodded, until she asked if the bear was old enough to drink. For a moment, Oki was stopped, like a deer in the headlights. His mind raced, for a moment thinking that his current drinking partner was talking about him. Of course, the silence that had preceded this was extensive, and awkward, thus making Oki a bit… Tenser than he would have liked to admit. The jolly muppet was used to being honest, and prideful. But, living in a house of warriors, one gets… Accustomed to drinking younger than one perhaps should. He rubbed at the back of his neck, continuing to smile, red cheeks quite rosy now as he showed signs of fluster. Debu meanwhile, could already tell this was about to go bad, in one way or another, from Oki’s sheer stupidity.

Taking a deep breath, he shrugged slightly, almost ignoring the question for a moment before speaking up, his voice somewhat neutral and plain. “Well, technically, it’s debatable on when a bears drinking age is, as, bears have different cycles of age to us.” He nodded, allowing one of his few bits of knowledge to go out of his mouth before one of his many bits of stupidity also let out in the form of; “and technically speaking, I am not of age either. We of the Kuma clan are… Introduced to bad habits at a younger age. Traditional celebration and all.” He then picked up his glass, looking into it with a single wide eye, almost as if probing, inspecting it, while Debu hid his face behind his paws. Oh, the stupidity. Oki, almost at the point of passing out, then began smiling like an even bigger idiot than usual, holding the glass above him now so as to inspect for any further alcohol to consume. What a freaking light weight.

448 + 1178 = 1626



The person paused as if Kuni had punched him out of the blue. She found his expression funny, but she didn't let the smile show on her face, hiding any small instance of it by drinking her now emptying cup and snapping her fighters to signal for another. Anything to pass the time while he thought of his answer, and Kuni dipped her finger curiously into the liquid and swirled it around, bored.

"Well, technically, it's debatable on when a bear's drinking age is, as bears have different cycles of age to us,”
he began, though the way the words left his lips suggested even he wasn't entirely sure if his bear was allowed to be in here, much less taking up her offer of having a drink. “And technically speaking, I'm not of age either. We of the Kuma clan are... introduced to bad habits at a younger age. Traditional celebration and all.”

Kuni only listened half attentively. Even the alcohol was getting to her brain now, and she supposed she was the type to silently fall asleep when their brains were overwhelmed with the foreign substance. Her vision blurred for a split moment before she shook herself awake. The bartender seemed reluctant to hand her the drink, the sight of her moments ago worrying him that she'd leave a mess he'd need to clean or start a fight he'd need to quell, but she snatched it out of his hand with annoyance when he simply froze on the spot in hesitation.

Of course, Kuni heard his words, her inebriated mind taking a moment longer to process them than normal. “In that case I think your pet bear deserves a treat,” she muttered with rosy cheeks. She slid the glass over to the brown mass of fur, watching intently. She'd never seen a bear get drunk but she thought it'd be hella funny if he began thrashing around in the bar. Whether Oki would let him though, was up to the man himself, and in the case that it was turned away, she'd nurture the glass in her slender fingers before downing half of it in one go.

1853 words

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

As the Kuni person, clearly influenced by alcohol at this point, stated her rather… Joyful intentions, Debu took a couple plodding steps back, away from the leaning offer of the drunken stranger. As an actual bear, just the smell of the toxic substance alone was displeasing to the bear, who was only in the building because Oki was. He didn’t seem aggressive, simply shying away from the table for a moment like one would imagine a scolded, or startled, dog might. Oki, cheeks still rosy, chuckled a final time for the evening, raising a finger as he began speaking in an attempt to seem wise. “Ah, right, well, um, bear boy Debu boy, here, had a bit of a, well, a, hum, a bad situation involving drinks!” his voice was wavy, loud, and broken – it was only a matter of time before-

In an instant, a loud thud resounded as Oki’s head hit the table, followed incredibly swiftly by the sound of snoring. His chest rose and sank as he breathed in his sudden sleep. A moment’s pause as the brown bear that had previously disassociated itself from the drunkards reappeared, getting close to the table, and biting onto the fabric of Oki’s trousers, dragging him slowly, and carefully, to the edge of the seat, before unceremoniously, with an even louder thud, dragging him to the floor. The loud thud of such a large bulk of a man hitting the ground caused several patrons to turn around and look at the commotion, however, as always, they soon returned to their drinks, and their chit chat, allowing the moment to be, well, the moment they were already in. The bear began dragging the bear genin towards the door, being careful to not pull too fast and rip the clothes, before stopping, looking up to the looney, grumpy alcoholic. Almost human-like, the bear waved its paw in a way of saying goodbye, before dragging off the Oki out of The Rock Pit, and back to the Kuma clan grounds. It would be a low trip back to the place that the duo called home, especially for the still conscious Debu that was used to keeping Oki out of trouble. But, at least he wasn’t going to disturb the rest of the pub with his drunken stupidity, right?

385 + 1626 = 2011





Debu shied away when the glass of liquid slid towards him, legs retreating as if he'd been slapped. His head was tilted down and a pitiful look of apology on his face, the way Kuni'd expect a celibate to react. Her eyes narrowed in woeful annoyance as she snatched her offering back from the ungrateful bear, downing several mouthfuls to show him what he was missing out on. She gave an ungraceful belch from the sudden intake, but her face retained its childish disapproval like a girl who'd been denied the toy she wanted.

Oki, face painted red with the influence of liquor, let out a sounding chuckle. He raised his finger like a grownup, admonishing her for her little attempt. “Ah right, well, um, bear boy Debu boy, here, had a bit of a, well, a ,hum, a bad situation involving drinks!”

Kuni could feel the wavering tone of his voice, and there wasn't a sliver of chance his pet bear missed it either. As if a cue card dropped, so did Oki's head onto the hard oak in front of him, just barely missing his empty glass. The loud crash of skull on wood caught the concerned expressions of their immediate neighbours, who dismissed it as alcohol overdrinking (which wasn't untrue). Kuni looked with disbelief at his laughable alcohol tolerance, wondering if she should do something about his hulking mass and lamenting his size. If she needed to carry him out of the bar, she'd find herself seated for a challenge with her inability to focus.

Debu, though, was already two steps ahead, teeth clinging onto Oki's trousers and dragging him carefully to the edge of the seat. With a louder thud that suggested a bruise, Oki was dragged onto the hard floor, his large frame giving off an even louder noise of objection that brought a wince to Kuni's face. More heads were turned, but with the nonchalance of late night party-goers they turned their heads back in, the light drinker the new hot topic for the next thirty seconds. Debu dragged Oki painfully and painfully slowly to the door, before standing up and giving an amicable wave goodbye to Kuni. It was the funniest and most unusual sight greeting her eyes for the night, and she couldn't help the wave in return or the upward curve of her lips before Debu left the bar.

2262 words


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