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Most people, when they went to Diamond Heights University, were there for the university. Tourists liked to see the grand bastion of education that was one of the best in the country, boasting sights as tempting as their syllabi. Scholars flocked from all four corners of the world to work for a diploma under the guise of one of the best teachers in the world, and sometimes you just felt like using the school's amenities and facilities, maybe for research or just to fool around and waste away an afternoon.

Kuni was here for a much different purpose. She was a kunoichi for the village, so most would expect her to be here in pursuit of some question on chakra, jutsu, or kata. But the binoculars in her eyes hinted at a different story, especially with the girl perched perilously at the edge of the window, legs dangling outwards and body leaning lazily against one side of the stone windowsill, carved like those arches out of fairytale castles where it was so easy to fall out of.

Her eyes were trained on the entrance, though from a glance one would assume she was just appreciating the scenery. The small note in her pocket, a request of sorts to put it nicely (she'd never admit it was borderline criminal) would show otherwise. Written in handwriting only she'd grown to learn how to decipher, she was supposed to make sure a small shipment of... questionable substances made it their way through the gates.

Well, she wasn't meant to. She just needed to report to some people who had dirt on her whereabouts that she either saw or failed to see it coming in.

That was all Kuni was here to do.

293 words



It was just another day at Diamond Heights for Ekko, incredibly boring. When he got bored he tended to get into a bit of mischief and today was no exception. His main form of mischief tended to involve climbing and free running about the walls surrounding the university and horsing around on the roof. Today as he was running about the compound, doing tricks and having fun, he spotted a girl perched on the windowsill with a pair of binoculars trained at the entrance gates. He wondered just what she was up to and came up with a plan to prank the girl to fall back into the window. Since she hadn't seen him yet, he knew he would have the upper hand. His Yuurei abilities would certainly come in handy for sneaking up on the girl. She would never know what hit her.

Using his Shuko, climbed the wall adjacent to the window to remain out of her sight. He chuckled to himself thinking about how scared she would be when he popped up on her. After a few moments of climbing he had reached a height just above where his target would be and then began to climb around the wall to the side where she was. With a flick of his body, he landed on his feet on the wall and clung to it using chakra to hold himself. He walked over above her head, with her still being oblivious to his position he had no shadow, no sound, and his chakra was suppressed so she wouldn't be able to find him unless she saw him. He kneeled down on the wall so that he could easily spring off and catch her off guard but first he wanted to figure out just what she was looking at. He looked up towards the entrance and saw a man holding a small parcel. "Is she waiting for someone?" he thought to himself. "O well...time for some fun" he continued to contemplate to himself. He moved himself down closer to her left ear and yelled "BOO!" at the top of his lungs surely to get a startle out of the girl.

WC: 373

Last edited by Ekko on Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC)



Kuni's eyes remained trained on the entrance as she lounged dangerously under the arched window. Sitting on one of the highest floors, the cold stone surface tickled the underside of her thighs playfully. Once in awhile, when the gate was clear of any visitors she let her eyes wander around, falling on the activities fair in the courtyard promoting the many sports and interests unrelated whatsoever to ninja life. Some were even strictly off limits to people with proven capacity to manipulate chakra, from the paranoia of cheating fogging their judgment. Kuni remained perched on her ledge, satisfied with simply observing the flyers float in the wind and the free merchandise wasted on opulence.

The cheap plastic binoculars rested loosely in her left hand, the safety strap coiling twice around her left wrist. Every once in a while when curiosity got the better of her, the binoculars would raise to her eyes, spying on the fair down below, and whenever a new foot stepped on the university soil she compared the newcomer's appearance to the vague description she'd been given. She was completely ignorant of the mischievous boy climbing up and around her with his artificial claws, making absolutely no sound as he circled over her.

It was when she was looking through her lens that she heard the sudden “Boo!” in her left ear. Aside from her scream of surprise, she reacted purely on instinct. Her left hand shot out, the imagery of the intruder's posture traced out in her head. Her fingers would wrap around his collar, and the suddenness with which she jerked her hand, considering the binoculars were tied to it, would rappel horizontally into the boy's face. Still caught by surprise, with the embarrassment of being peeped on her left hand yanked him out of his hiding spot from above and through the window, pelting the stone floor with his form.

614 words



With his plan in motion, he was curious just how the girl would react. Hopefully she would just fall backwards into the window and land safely inside. If she fell forward that wouldn't be too good but he was close enough that he would be able to catch her if he needed to. As soon as the words left his lips, the girl screamed in fright and Ekko began to laugh, but it would soon turn into confusion as she grabbed his collar and pulled him in the window with her as she fell. His body flew on top of hers as the two fell to the floor. "Owww..." he said as he rubbed his head. He was on top of her at this point, straddling her body with his. "Well uhhhh this is awkward" he muttered as he stood up over her extending his hand to pick her up from the floor.

Ekko didn't think the girl would have gotten so frightened that she would grab him the way she did but he probably should have considered the possibility given his proximity to her when he shouted boo. Hindsight surely is 20/20 but there was nothing he could do about it at the time. "Soooo uhhh what were you looking at there in the window huh? Shouldn't you been in class or something? I saw you looking at that guy coming in with a package. Why were you watching him like a creeper?" Ekko asked inquisitively. He wasn't really super interested in what she was doing but he figured if he bombarded her with questions she would forget that he had scared the hell out of her. It seemed the daze and confusion of the fall plus the barrage of questions left her in a bit of a haze so he figured he might have a shot at getting away with it without getting in trouble.

WC: 331



Her balance compromised, she dragged the mischievous prankster down with her, although it ended slightly less than ideally for the brunette. The two of them crashed into the ground, Kuni finding the cold stone floor against the flat of her back and a slight knock to the back of her head more of a nuisance than the splintering pain a civilian would've suffered. The binoculars rested against the palm of her hand, resting on its back against the same rough surface that made up the floors in the more archaic architectural make-ups of Diamond Heights University. She'd heard a distinctive scratch that she'd regret, but one more white line across the surface of dark blue was just another member of the family, though when she rose to inspect it and her eyes opened, she was made aware of one more very, very important piece of information.

Something heavy rested on her stomach, and as her vision cleared she saw the cheeky face of the boy atop her. His body was upright, and he nursed a bruise on his head. Red flushed to her cheeks, and a string of gibberish escaped from her lips as she struggled to match syllables with words in a hushed whisper that didn't reach the boy's ears, with her voice refusing to raise any louder than the squeak of a frightened mouse. In due time the oblivious boy with dark skin removed himself from her, but she could feel the residual heat pooling in her stomach, her skin suddenly very sensitive to the warmth that was once pressed firmly against her.

He extended a hand in welcome and two seconds – an eternity for ninja, even for Genin – rolled by before she noticed the outstretched palm, clasping her right over it and giving it an unwelcome squeeze as she pulled herself back up. She dusted herself off, avoiding eye contact with the asshole who'd interrupted her before inspecting the binoculars in her hand and registering with a resigned stare that the scratch was the boldest of its cousins.

"So, uhh, what were you looking at there in the window, huh? Shouldn't you be in class or something? I saw you looking at that guy coming in with a package. Why were you watching him like a creeper?"

Fuck, she thought. Her body moved before she realised and she spied through her binoculars the man passing the suspicious document off to someone. He matched the description she'd been given and she fought down the sigh of relief as she turned with an annoyed stare at the boy who watched her like a hawk. Obi would be satisfied with that knowledge alone but her pay would probably be severely cut if someone else were to find out about his mostly covert underground operation, with tendrils creeping into the Tsuchikage's administration that placed a veil of misdirection over his questionable activities.

"I don't study here," she answered. "I'm on a mission. Some parent wants to know what her son's been doing in his free time rather than attending high school so she's asked me to follow him. I'm just here to make sure he's hanging around the wrong crowd before I report back," she lied with a straight face, which quickly devolved into extreme, extreme annoyance. "And what are you doing here, sneaking up on girls and jumping on them, you pervert?"

1192 words



The girl awkwardly extended her hand out and pulled her self to her feet with his assistance, although it took quite some time and Ekko had his hand stretched out for what seemed like an eternity. She began to speak and reply although it seemed him landing on her caused her to turn beat red. "I don't study here," she began to say, "I'm on a mission. Some parent wants to know what her son's been doing in his free time rather than attending high school so she's asked me to follow him. I'm just here to make sure he's hanging around the wrong crowd before I report back" Her face quickly turned sour with what seemed to be annoyance with Ekko as she began to scold him, "And what are you doing here, sneaking up on girls and jumping on them, you pervert?" "Well for starters, I study here and also I didn't jump on you, YOU pulled me onto of you. Ain't my fault you scare so easy," he retorted back in a sarcastic tone. "It didn't look like you were spying on a kid, that was definitely a grown man. So either you're lying or bad at your job it seems," he continued on. "So what are YOU really doing here then? I ain't a snitch you can tell me. Either way it looks like your guy is gone" he questioned her as he turned to look back outside the window, noticing the man she was watching had disappeared. "Tough luck I guess..." he said to her as he walked back over to her and stared her down waiting for her answer.

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