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1Shaking this feeling [Solo, Training] Empty Shaking this feeling [Solo, Training] Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:36 am



Those eyes. This burning anger. Ryuko couldn't shake it, and the more she thought about it, the more sure she was that she did indeed fact hate the Tsuchikage. She hated him. She didn't know why she did but she loathed him, and it was honestly something that she couldn't shake, and she didn't know why she hated him, but everytime she even thought about those purple eyes of his a bit of anger flared up inside of her. Ryuko couldn't have this. Especially if the man was meant to become the girl's sensei. Ryuko needed to blow off this steam and resentment she had been building up ever since she saw the Tsuchikage and he told her that he was going to be training the girl, and the Young Uchiha knew just the place to do it.

The coliseum was home to all sorts of events and training grounds, but Ryuko didn't want to train, at least not at the moment. She needed something real. She needed not just something to hit, but something that would hit her back. She would make use of the coliseum to get a fight. Fights weren't uncommon in the coliseum. It's what the place was known for, and there was almost one person fighting another, with several rooms simply dedicated to fighting someone to fight, and challenging other people. If you wanted you could spend all day at the coliseum watching several different people go at one another, and somethings there would be multi-facisted fights. which only made the betting circle all the more interesting. Ryuko never really cared for such events, nor even really fighting people but right now she really needed to just scratch this itch, and this was honestly the only way she could see to do so. Ryuko cracked her neck before stepping into the room for meant for genin and chunin to wait for a fight.

Her wait wasn't long. really, all the raven haired girl was look as angry as she felt, and within but a minute or two she was approached for a challenge. Another genin. The boy seemed pretty cocky, and honestly it was just what Ryuko needed. So she accepted, and the protocter was made aware of the fight, and the two were escorted to an arena. Ryuko lead to one side, and her opponent to the other. She hadn't even gotten the kids name. She didn't care. She just wanted grind his face in the dirt and make him taste his own blood. Now the arena had a rule about killing, but Ryuko wasn't terribly concerned about that. If the boy that had challenged her was half the shit he talked up to be, then he would likely be able to handle most of what Ryuko had in store without just outright dying. The girl was then jestered into a sort of 'air-lock' where a gate closed behind her, and the gate to the arena was ahead of her closed as the crowd that was watching over this arena  was introduced to the fighters about to be fighting. A bit of oo's and aah's when the word uchiha came out of the annoucers mouth, but Ryuko didn't care. It didn't boost her confidence, or make her any less nervous for the fight, because in truth, she really wasn't nervous. She just wanted to beat the little shit that had challenge her, and then maybe she'd be able to those damn purple eyes of the Tsuchikage's out of her head.

Finally, after but a breath moment, the gate opened up before her, and she stepped out, her eyes red with a single tomoe in each. Her face twisted in anger as her hand gripped tight in a fist. she was ready. the boy that had challenged her gave a cocky grin, and grabbed the katana strapped to his back and unsheathed it. doing a flashy little spin to show off for the crowd. It didn't impress her, she didn't care. She couldn't care less. She merely walked out, her raven black hair flowing behind her as her eyes gleamed red. They felt like fire, but unlike the time she had activated them, this time it felt comforting. Like it felt off of her rage. Had she not been so angry this fact might have terrified her, but it didn't. the girl merely stepped towards the center of the medium sized arena. There were no obstacles in this arena. Nothing to hide behind or run too. Just meant for pure fighting. Ryuko flexed her hand, and then cracked her knuckles. Never once taking her eyes off the boy who was still proceeding to put on a show. Ryuko stood there. WAiting for him to make the first move, as she was sure he would. It didn't take long.

Only but a few moments later, after the boy pointed at her, and gave some stupid speech about how she was going to be something like his 100th victim in this arena, blah blah blah she stopped listening, and only grinned when he charged her. He moved faster than she could. That was for sure, but her gleeming eyes caught it all, every little side step he'd make, every time he'd switch something up to catch attempt to confuse her, and they were the reason the boy was surprised when the girl merely moved to the side as his rapier lunged into the spot she had been in only but a few moments before hand. He stumbled, she capitalized. bringing a shoulder down into the center of his back, and hearing his body slam into the dirt below, and his groans. She then kicked him square in the ribs, knocking him away a few meters. The poor kid yelled out in pain. Ryuko then only muttered a few words under her breath as the boy took a few moments to stand on his feet ''Get up.". Once he finally managed to do so, he finally took a real look at his opponent for the first time, he realized she wasn't going to be some scared little genin that had wandered into the arena on a dare or by accident so many fights the genin had blown through on a breeze. This one wasn't going to be so easy. Then he saw it. Her eyes. Her eyes gleaming red, signature of the uchiha. The sharingan. Eyes filled with hatred and sorrow, and they were focused right on him. Unwavering. It was then Ryuko moved. She ran straight towards him. No tricks. No tactics, just right towards him, head on and unarmed, even though he processed a weapon. The boy lunged, but before his very eyes, and kunai appeared in the hands and she used it to not only deflect the rapier lung, but she then slide her kunai along the side of it, and dug it in deep into the boy's hand and dragged it up his arm, leaving as deep of a gash as the kunai would allow. Ryuko then twisted her body, bringing her left heel up into the air and connecting straight into the genin's nose, as she then used her right leg to srping board off of the boy's arm, and launched herself away. Sliding away she threw the kunai towards him. The teenage boy barely managed to recover in time to use his rapier to deflect the kunai, but as soon as it reached the air, it poofed into a cloud of smoke, and reformed into the girls had as she began to stand up. Focusing her eyes on him once more.

The boy panicked. What was she? A monster? The boy dropped his rapier, and began making hand seals. He had been told he wasn't suppose to use this technique in the arena as it was too danger to use on allies, but he had no choice at this point he was going to die to this girl. A massive mass of water in the shape of a dragon launched out towards the girl, but the girl merely stuck out her hand, and a wall of sealing text spread out from her hand to a wall in front of her, catching the dragon only moments before it hit her, and sealing it away in an instance. The boy stumbled back a bit. That had been his strongest technique. Ryuko then exhaled, a bit as she begun to make handsigns. gas leaving her mouth as she exhaled. Then as she finished making her handsigns she inhaled deeply, and then exhaled once more, a massive fireball being unleashed from her mouth, hitting the cloud of gas that she had just released and exploding into a mass of fire, the technique being on par with the dragon he just released, however the boy had no defense, and the massive fireball collided with him and tore through the earth. slamming into the boy and shoving him into the wall that had been several meters behind him, and leaving him covered in burns. He merely collapsed on the ground. Ryuko however hadn't even stayed to look at the result of her fireball she knew there was nothing the lad could do stop it, he was one to pick on the weak, and exploit them, and for now her rage had ceased. The redness in her eyes faded to the black color they usually maintained, and she let out a breath. The crowd clapping furiously at the results of the fight, but she didn't care, she had come here for her own purposes, not to please a crowd or for glory, and she had accomplished that goal so she was done. For now. So with that all done with, and her rage subsided, Ryuko left the arena, and instead headed to a small little tea shop she had helped out on a recent mission in which she made friends with the owner.

WC: 1691
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