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1Hello :D Empty Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:57 am


Good afternoon (at least where I am it's afternoon)!

I'm Elisa and I'm completely new to this (rp included- well, kind of, I really like Chatzy and I was once in a Percy Jackson RP...) ANYWAYS I'm very, very excited, although a little nervous - blame social anxiety.

And once we're all here, let me ask a question:
I had already created an account when I was reading the character guidelines, when I found out that the account name must be the same as the character's name... Although I could use Elisa as a character's name, Flemer is simply not a Japanese surname (it's german, actually).

So, I'd like to know if there's any way I can change my username or, in case I need to create another account, how can I delete this one...

Thanks in advance and have a great day :)

2Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:56 pm



Hi! Welcome to Saga! From what I understand once your character is made and you have a name just post in the admin requests to get your name changed and they will do it for you :) looking forward to seeing you around.

3Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:59 pm

Izayoi H

Izayoi H

As Nayoko has said, if you want your username changed, just request so in the admin requests section~ It'll be done with the next admin clear~
Also, welcome to Saga Elisa! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask away~
Have a nice day, and look forward to seeing you around! (For the record, my first account had a non-character name as the username, so, I can say with certainty it's cool to change~)

4Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:44 pm



Hi there! There is an admin that can change your account name, like Bokuden or Gin :) Hope to see you around!

5Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:02 pm



Hey there, Welcome to Saga! If you have any other questions feel free to ask and see you around the site~

6Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:13 pm


Thank you so much, guys, YOU ARE AWESOME! :D

7Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:43 pm



It's good to have you onboard! No need to be anxious with us. We'll all get there together.

8Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:16 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu


9Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:37 pm



Welcome to Saga Elisa.. Lovely name btw

10Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:15 pm

Ieyasu Tokugawa

Ieyasu Tokugawa

Hey, welcome to Saga, Elisa! You can change your username in the Admin Requests. If you have further queries, don't hesitate to ask in the chatbox, through PM, or this thread!

11Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:13 pm

Nakajima Naho

Nakajima Naho

Welcome to Saga!

12Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:03 pm



Welcome to Saga, looking forwards to seeing you around.

13Hello :D Empty Re: Hello :D Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:24 pm



Hiya darling, welcome to Suna

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