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1Shinka Clan (WIP) Empty Shinka Clan (WIP) Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:01 am

Kazuko Shinka

Kazuko Shinka

Shinka Clan (WIP) FAHfQ33

Shinka Clan (WIP) Latest?cb=20150504025834

Clan Name: Shinka
Location: Scattered
Specialization: Medical (Renkinjutsu)
Elements: -

Shinka Clan (WIP) HhU72Pp
Clan History: The Shinka clan originated as a group of wandering scholars of medicine. They traveled the world, using their unique medical abilities to heal those they met. However, these men and women were not ninja, nor did they practice ninjutsu. Instead, they practiced an art known as Renkinjutsu, allowing them to create healing mixtures that rivaled the powers of shinobi in their potency. Through this, they made the immense power of the medical ninja available to everyone, even the commoner. Of course, the flip side of this was that they could suggest any price they desired

One day, the precursors of the clan met with a wounded ninja, a man named Atarashī Shinka. Atarashī had been badly injured in a battle and was minutes away from death. Though the precursors held some negative opinions about Shinobi, they agreed to help him after a younger member of the clan, the woman who would become Furui Shinka. She appealed to their reason, suggesting that a Shinobi would make a powerful ally.

Furui was allowed to nurse Atarashī back to health, provided that he stay with them and provide them with protection. He agreed, not having much other choice. In time, he was brought back to health, though he lost his left arm as a result of his wounds. He adapted quite well to this, and asked to learn the art of Renkinjutsu. Furui taught him in secret, and in time, the two fell in love.

Atarashī appealed to the elders of the group, presenting the suggestion that they combine their Renkinjutsu with the medical ninjutsu of the Shinobi, demonstrating their effects when paired together. Some members saw the reason to it and sided with him, but most were too stuck in their ways to allow their art to be “Tainted” with the way of the Shinobi.

Atarashī and Furui left, taking a sizable chunk of the group with them. Those that remained continued to exploit the common man, while those that left began to learn from Atarashī, and in time, becoming masters of medical ninjutsu as well as Renkinjutsu. The clan moved on, as it began to experiment with the human anatomy, altering it to become more receptive to alchemical concoctions.

In the end, they developed a mixture to alter the body completely, finally succeeding in creating their masterpiece. However, it came at a terrible cost. Those that partook of the mutagen also suffered horrible, sometimes disabling medical conditions after consumption. Though the cost was great, the clan continued to develop more powerful alchemical mutagens using their newly altered anatomy.


Atarashī Shinka, Co Founder of the Shinka clan
Furui Shinka, Co Founder of the Shinka Clan

Shinka Clan (WIP) Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Renkinjutsu
Kekkei Genkai Description:

Just before reaching adolescence, members of the Shinka clan consume a mutagen that forces their body to undergo drastic changes. The results vary from person to person, but they are always permanently scarred, usually developing a major illness or disability due to the extreme stress this puts on the body. The benefits, however, are incredibly powerful. Shinka clan members possess a very fast metabolism, allowing them to create and consume alchemical mutagens during combat, receiving their effects almost immediately.

Due to the natural toughness instilled into their bodies by the brew, members of the Shinka clan receive a bonus of +2 to endurance. In addition, their body becomes more receptive to positive medical ninjutsu, increasing their effectiveness by +1 rank. Likewise, ingested items meant to grant positive effects also carry a +1 rank bonus in potency when consumed by a Shinka clan member.

Members of the Shinka clan are masters of Renkinjutsu, or alchemy, and are able to craft all manner of alchemical brews, receiving a 20% discount for purchasing alchemical items and ingredients. Using their natural talents, they can create specialized mutagens, compatible only with their unique biology, that can grant them temporary benefits. Permanent mutagens can be crafted, however, the process is delicate, and takes much longer, as well as being far more expensive.

Renkinjutsu Basics:


Members of the Shinka clan must take one of the following SCs: Fatigue, Born Ill, Lame, Blind, Deaf, Numb, or Missing Limb.

In addition, their bodies are incapable of molding elemental chakra, taking away their ability to learn any elements.

Due to their vastly mutated biology, they cannot receive or transplants of any other Kekkei Genkai except for dojutsu. Their own Kekkei Genkai is similarly unobtainable.  

Due to the incredible strain put on the body during the mutation process, members of the Shinka clan are required to possess the Strong-Willed SC, which must be balanced by a negative SC.

Shinka Clan members must begin with medical as their primary specialization.

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

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