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1Clan in progress Empty Clan in progress Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:03 pm



Clan in progress Scv__z_w_e_i___s_moon_by_amanda18sato-d50ow45
Clan in progress FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Kurai-Hikari
Location: Village Hidden In Oblivion Scattered
Specialization: What specializations does your clan known for?
Elements: What elements does your clan known for?

Clan in progress HhU72Pp
Clan History: W.I.P.
Members: Prominent members of the clan both presently & historically.

Clan in progress Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Eco- The Power of Oblivion
Kekkei Genkai Description: 

Clan members were known, feared, and revered as god-like creatures. Being capable of tapping into a Secondary form of energy residing within their body. The clan has mastered said Chakra, however, it's dangers remain. The secondary Chakra while it may not be used to create Jutsu or utilize weapon abilities, it enables the user to tap into the powers of this secondary energy.

This energy is called Eco. Eco is a secondary form of energy that requires activation. It activates fully after performing certain actions. While it insanely boosts the user's power. It holds great restriction on the user and damages the user's body on overuse.

Two forms exist:

Hikari No Chikara: The user taps into his Eco and fills it with Yang energy. This Yang energy merges with the user's body and strengthens it. In order to fuse Eco with the aspect of Yang, the user must remain on a defensive side of the battle. Three levels exist to this form.

Yang I: 


Yang II:


I am currently writing too much already as this clan may not be approved. Appropriate drawbacks will be added as well as Yin forms 1,2, and 3 including the paths of the Shadow and the path of the Destroyer.

I will be trying to keep things balanced. I already have a list of Negatives, however, due to the many things I am told about creativity limitations. The very concept of this clan may not be something acceptable in here hence my postponing any further writing.

NOTE: Feel free to create something based on this clan or a root clan in this or any other website, however, please link me so I can see your work as I would love to. Secondly, simply give me credits for anything created by me and used by you. Have a good day.

Drawbacks: What is your clan bad at?

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