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11 AM Hospital Rendezvous [Invite Only] Empty 1 AM Hospital Rendezvous [Invite Only] Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:02 pm

Nakajima Naho

Nakajima Naho

Under the gaze of moonlight, the village of Sunagakure was silent as a grave. Darkness blanketed the land with the few dots of light the defiant industries that woke as everyone else slept. What little illumination of the full moon above outlined roughly the hemispherical domes of Sunagakure's houses. The average man would have stumbled, fingers clawing to make sense of his whereabouts, but to a ninja, the little light was ample help from mother nature. For a kunoichi like Naho, whose duties were given life with the setting sun, navigating through the webbing pathways of Sunagakure's roads were second nature.

Her walk was accompanied with a slight limp, with the bandage coiled tightly around her right thigh painted an ugly crimson if one could see in the cover of the night. Her pants were shredded from her right knee down, and her exposed midriff was marred by a small cut turning a sickening purple. The wounds throbbed as they always did when one ran unexpectedly into the company of a herd of desert scorpions half their size, but their toxins evolved to numb, not kill. That was what their pincers and frightening chelicerae were for. It would be hard to explain to her classmates and teachers tomorrow the obvious limp in her gait, in the best case scenario.

Worst case scenario she falsely recalled which scorpions she'd been ambushed during her parcel delivery and she'd become the victim of the rare desert stalker, whose toxin killed in six hours, which was a third of the time since she'd had that unfortunate run-in.

Luckily the deserts were rife with unexpected predators and their unorthodox habits of preying on unsuspecting victims. Her field trips to the Sunagakure hospitals had planted confidence in their toxicology, and Naho was going to fully exploit the subsidies attached to a ninja's name when it came to injuries sustained on missions, as the grandiose building of her destination came into view.

[ 332 | 332 ]

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

It was one of those nights when doctor's in the hospital had different excuses to leave. "I've been here since 6AM," or "It's my son's birthday today," were some of the reasons that doctors said. Apparently the second doctor had many son's and they were born like every day. Therefore, Sun was stuck in the hospital doing the night-shift. It happened. Maybe too often than it should, but Sun mad eher best effort to actually enjoy these nights. The whole hospital to herself! She can spend time studying books that otherwise are left untouched because of all the work she had to get done. She can read patient's files and history. How cool is that? Who would've thought that working in a hospital can provide some sensitive information for you, which you can use to blackmail people later? But Sun didn't really do that. She spent more of her time chatting and gossiping with other nurses. She especially liked those colleagues who brought some late night treats. A berry pie was standing on a table and being prised by the cook, who was actually a pretty hard-working nurse.
This kind of experience couldn't be gotten in the daytime, thus Sun didn't regret spending her time in the hospital like this. Only her parents sometimes disagreed when they had to welcome their daughter back home only in morning. They played mad for a while to make Sun rethink her decisions. Of course, actually parents were only worried about her (since they didn't want Sun to end up like her brother (even if Sun was showing the strongest medical capabilities that no Bulate in past has achieved)). And another thing what the parents were legitimately pissed about - Sun didn't get paid. It was like slavery. The girl enjoyed it, but parent's knew it was just wrong.

As Sun was munching on some of that delicous pie and awkwardly smiling while other nurses were discussing their husbands, a call from reception came:"Someone get in here!" no one was in hurry to go see what was the fuss about, even if it was something very serious. Since Sun was standing the closest to the door, all the other nurses voted that she had to go and check out what's going on.
Sun quickly stuffed the rest of the pie in her mouth and then went to the reception. The young medical-nin was wearing brown pants and red t-shirt, however it all was covered by a white smock.
As the young Bulate entered the reception room, she first looked at the nurse on-duty, who seemed quite shocked and unsure what to do. As Sun got closer, she noticed a lady, a little older than herself with wound on her thigh and belly-area. This woman seemed a little shorther than Sun, but perhaps it was only because she couldn't stand firmly due to the state she was in. The thigh was wrapped with loose bandage that was soaked in blood. This was no good - you't put on bandage only for it to gather blood. And there was nothing done about the belly.
Nevertheless, Sun wasn't there to judge the woman's ability to treat herself. The girl hurried up to the lady and offered her shoulder as a support. "We need to get you to a bed!" with an alarming expression Sun exclaimed.
All the other nurses were probably still talking and not coming to help. It was okay, Sun could help this woman get to a free room by herself. "What exactly happened?" Sun inquired since the woman didn't seem in a close-to-death state, "Is there any threat to Suna?" she seemed more concerned about other things that the problem right in front of her.

31 AM Hospital Rendezvous [Invite Only] Empty Re: 1 AM Hospital Rendezvous [Invite Only] Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:12 pm

Nakajima Naho

Nakajima Naho

Naho's familiarity with the village hospital – the grandest she knew – was evident the second her right foot stepped past the doorframe. Eight years of kunoichi livelihood demanded her repeated visits whenever her missions went awry, as it did tonight. Her internships, short as they were, further engraved the many corridors' twists and turns into her mind. But the icing on the cake was her graduating class' Sai Ningyou, a woman her age who contributed part-time at the hospital when she wasn't off with her own team.

A few passing glances were spared as she walked as dignified as she could muster to the receptionist counter, with no nurse or doctor tripping over their own feet at her injuries, not when they were invested with more life-threatening wounds of their other patients. The nurse at the counter was busy typing away at the keyboard, filling in some forms or sending a love letter online, and Naho impatiently slapped her hand onto the top of the reception's desk to get her attention without hesitating a beat.

The sudden noise bought her the attention she wanted, and she nearly smirked in humour as the nurse's eyes went wide. She admitted she was an interesting sight at an hour past the chime of midnight. Ninja didn't often get ambushed by desert scorpions (mostly because they saw it coming a mile away) so her injuries didn't much make sense. The ugly wound on her side was likely the most frightening – the tell-tale sign of poison was obvious to a student and she herself would've been petrified with fear, having carried it in her system for two hours. At the moment though she was more petrified because the so-called poison was the numbing agent that'd gotten her right knee injured.

Well, best case scenario.

"Someone get in here!" the nurse called in a hurry. Even so, it took a good fifteen seconds for someone to respond, walking out of a random room at an arguably languid pace. Not that Naho minded. You got used to the way they carried their carefree natures and white smocks.

At the sorry sight of the state of her person, the brunette quickened her pace and offered her shoulder, which Naho welcomed. As she threw her arm around the nurse's neck, the brunette exclaimed, "We need to get you to a bed!" The two shuffled a few steps to the right of the reception, with the receptionist's concerned eye trailing after her, before the inquiries began as they always did. "What exactly happened? Is there any threat to Suna?"

"No, no threat," she managed, though it came out with labored breath. She doubted it would go unnoticed. "Just an accident with some desert scorpions. At least I hope they were desert scorpions."

The implications in her words that they weren't went unsaid. The nurse would know what to do. Probably. She'd seen Sai at work aplenty – she was often the medic nin who treated her injuries when she barged in during the wee hours of the morning, but she supposed Sai didn't begin work until after four – and it always carried the air of a professional, the same air she felt around most medics nowadays.

Once they were shut off from the rest of the world and she was sat down on a bed's edge or a chair, she'd manage partly humorously, "So, does it look bad?"

[ 585 | 917 ]

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

The patient maybe used Sun's shoulder too much, for the two of them were now limbing forward with Sun almost falling down. The bandage on the thigh were getting even looser when Sun accidently touched it with her body. Whoever had treated this shinobi had done very poorly. But it was better than nothing.
Priority now was to get the victim to a bed. Good thing that this time of the day wasn't favourite for people who wanted to crowd in the hospital without any real issues. Thus the first room was only around 30 meters away. The tricky part was to get through the door, because this lady definitely was resting on Sun too much, and if Sun was to let go, then the patient might just collapse on the floor. And then they would need the whole nurse team to get her in the bed.

The room was actually nice and clean. It was kind of a typical hospital room - white floor, white wallpapers, a window, two made beds with a metal frame and white sheets, and a little table between the two beds with an empty red vase on it. But the floors were swept and there were no spiderwebs on the ceilings. Although it kind of reeked of medicine, but that was the case in any room. What would you expect from a hospital?

"Desert scorpions?" asked again, "We don't have those in Suna..." she wondered and once they got into the room, she continued the questionnaire "What were you doing with those scorpions in the first place?"
They were almost by the bed. The Sun was exhausted by supporting all that weight. She really needed a workout if she was going to handle patients in future. Sun's intention actually was to push the lady into bed so she would lie down. It was safe to lie down here since the lady obviously had no broken bones or strained jointed and she could use some rest. It was 1 am after all! However, with some finnese the lady resisted the little push from Sun and ended up sitting on the bed.

The young nurse was ready to give medical treatment with no hesitation. "I don't like the look of that," Sun pointed at the purple-ish belly after being asked. She was honest. Perhaps it made the patient to be very nervous or even paranoid, but Sun was just answering the question.
The girl then proceeded with the treatment. She carefully removed the poorly applied bandage that was all bloody and left her hands with blood too. This wound was more dangerous because of the intense bleeding. The area around the cut was pale. What Sun said previously was totally true and she needed to get to dealing with the other wound, but bleeding had to be stopped first. No bandage or band-aid would solve the problem here, thus Sun created a light green glowing ball of chakra in her hands and closed it to the wound on the leg. "This won't hurt," Sun was speaking the truth, because this technique only created a temporary scab that would simply keep the blood where it needs to be - inside the body.

"Now, to this," with a confusion in her eyes, Sun looked at the purple skin around the wound on the lady's stomach. Was it infected? Was it just blood that had stuck there? Was there something else that this woman wasn't telling Sun?
"This will tickle a little," Sun warned, but in reality it should be gross and hurt. Sun placed her hand on the wound and released a fleshworm from her hand into the wound. The purpose of this was to see if the worm would survive. If yes - it's all good and will only need time to heal. If the worm dies - oh well, bad news.

Chakra 140/150:

51 AM Hospital Rendezvous [Invite Only] Empty Re: 1 AM Hospital Rendezvous [Invite Only] Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:49 am

Nakajima Naho

Nakajima Naho

"Desert scorpions?" the nurse asked. "We don't have those in Suna."

"Of course we do," Naho managed nonchalantly, ignoring any look of reprehension that may have snuck its way onto the nurse's face.

"What were you doing with those scorpions in the first place?"

Naho made herself as comfortable as she could on the hospital bed, their texture like concrete to the cushions she had at home. "Delivering a statement from a border settlement," she answered briefly before asking, "So, does it look bad?"

Naho was prepared to wait after her question as the nurse inspected her carefully. Barely any awkwardness had the luxury of introducing itself as the nurse almost immediately answered, "I don't like the look of that,", gesturing to the ugly looking wound on her midriff.

"Yeah, no kidding," Naho answered flatly. "I don't like the look of it too. It doesn't feel like Christmas either."

Perhaps because of her snarky retort, the nurse moved to treat her bleeding thigh first, unwrapping the already loos bandages that draped in coils like a mummy's best friend. The second the red-drenched material was dropped onto the floor, blood began leaking out of the straight wound that went two inches in. Numbness propagated from the area from the blood loss, and Naho grit her teeth in preparation as the nurse raised both hands to the wound, glowing green with medical chakra signature to anyone with the specialisation. God knows she'd Sai do it enough that she could recognise the technique anywhere.

She saw the bleeding stop, if only temporarily, listening silently to the nurse's "This won't hurt," as she leaned herself back slightly, resting on her arms stretched out against the hospital bed. Naho had always been curious why nurses didn't choose to fully close the wound immediately, and Sai had brushed it off defending her meager chakra reserves. It was no exaggeration they couldn't use medical jutsu designed for emergency use in combat as freely as they wished, though Naho always scoffed at the answer regardless of the logic substantiating her words.

"Now to this," the nurse said, turning her attention back to the purple wound. "This will tickle a little," she said as she placed a hand on the wound, and Naho felt something small slither into the wound.

"You didn't have to put a Kyoni in there," she spoke, trying to fight the tickling in her lower abdomen as the worm moved around. "The poison's not lethal. Hell it doesn't even hurt, it just numbs the hell out of my right side."

Nevertheless, Naho let the nurse work the way she did. She never understood the need for half of Sai's assessments; she'd just let the Bulate do what she needed.

[ 471 | 1388 ]

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

Sun was focusing on observing the worm she had released into the wound. She wasn't actually listening to what the woman was saying. It was only important to keep her talkative, because it means she is still conscious. There was a trigger word on which Sun reacted less subtly than just nodding in agreement - Kyoni. "Was it that obvious, haha?" Sun asked rhetorically. She wasn't allowed to insert the worms into others. It can cause bad consequences. The worm can go hostile after discovering itself in new enviroment and chakra that isn't edible, and recipient's body can simply reject the Kyoni and make unnecessary amount of white blood cells.

Sun retrieved the kyoni after the lady finished expressing her feelings about the wound. "Yeah, sweetie. As I said, we don't have scorpions roamins Suna's streets. You were in wilderness, I guess. Unless you are one of those weirdos who keep scorpions in their homes," Sun didn't look into the eyes of the woman she was speaking to. She was just closely observing the Kyoni that had just exited it's temporary host. "You know why you find it numbing?" Sun still wasn't looking at her audience, and she decided to not finish her idea. For the worm in her hand was dead.

"Well you know how late it is, right?" Sun was pretty serios now. A playful and helpful expression was changed with a worried one, "you should stay the night here. Feel free to lay back and fall asleep whenever you want," the purpose of this was to slow down the metabolism of the patient. Who know how far she has walked? For how long she has been poisoned. It feels numbing to her, because there's nothing to feel with. Neurons are gone! They're dead! The cells are dying. All that purple stuff is just a mass of dead cells that serve no purpose in the body.
Whatever had done this, wasn't just a desert scorpion. Probably in the middle of night it was easy to confuse them. Sun had dealt with poisons before. It was easy - just slow down the patient's body processes and then inject the antidote or serum. But Sun had always assisted a doctor, not done it by herself. All of those other nurses were unreliable, thus Sun was all alone in this.

"I will leave for some equipment now," Sun said with a calming tone and hurried away. She had to get to the laboratory refrigerators where antidotes were kept. Luckily there weren't huge security protocols, therefore the refrigerators were freely open for anyone. They weren't protected by locks with multiple keys or anything. Sun just went in and faced the next challenge: finding the appropriate vial of antidote. Which wasn't that hard since there was literally one glass titled ''poisonous scorpions''. The young nurse then took a dose of it in a syringe and hurried back.

"Sorry to wake you up, if you were sleeping, but I have to give you this," she held up the syringe and released any excess air by squirting out a little of the liquid onto the floor. Without awaiting any protests by the woman, Sun injected the antidote near the purple wound that was still looking awful. "Wasn't that bad, was it?" Sun came up with a convicing lie to let the woman fall asleep faster:"Those were actually things to relieve you of any pain and make you sleeeeeepy, haha," she laughed to relieve any stress or fears the kunoichi might have. "Now, I will bandage your leg while you are sleeping. Don't worry! See you tomorrow morning!" Sun waved goodbye and exited the room after switching off the light.

Nakajima Naho

Nakajima Naho

"Was it that obvious, haha," the nurse laughed at Naho's statement, with humour absent from her face.

Naho discretely raised an eyebrow whilst the nurse's attention remained fixated on her woundo, along with the small worm wriggling around within her. It didn't take long for the nurse to retrieve the little slithering Kyoni from her abdomen. Feeling the living worm sliding out of her wound was as spine-tickling as feeling it first introduced, but she didn't respond save for the miniscule shiver of her shoulders. While Naho had experience aplenty as a ninja, she could count on one hand the number of times she'd heard the disgusting schlick of something gently but rapidly squirming within her wound.

"Yeah, sweetie. As I said we don't have scorpions roaming Suna's streets. You were in the wilderness, I guess. Unless you are one of those weirdos who keep scorpions in their homes," the nurse said as a matter-of-fact without even making eye contact.

Naho waved off the comment. Clearly the nurse was too absorbed in her work to have heard her. The dry humour was a kick to the face though, not that she would exonerate Sai of having done the same in the past. Or herself. It was a ninja thing. They were just dicks to each other. It was the best hidden but most significant telltale symbol of camaraderie between strangers.

“You know why you find it numbing?” the nurse asked.


The nurse's gaze simply rested on the worm in her hand, still. Naho wasn't idiotic enough to fail to connect the dots. She was adequately educated about the Bulate, and their worms fed on the tissue of their host. It having died from the contents in her wound should've rang alarms in her mind. Yet the Nakajima merely stared curiously at the worm, sighing as she did so.

“That bad, huh?” she muttered. Well it wasn't like she'd had much luck outside the village's walls lately. Her mind whirled as she sought an excuse to keep Kazu from fawning over her wound the next day, or to leash Gyukudo from another of his arrogant rants.

“Well, you know how late it is, right?” the nurse asked with a concerned expression carved onto her features. “You should stay the night here. Feel free to lay back and fall asleep whenever you want. I will leave for some equipment now.”

Naho watched the nurse's retreating back before collapsing backwards onto the bed, hearing the objecting creak as it screamed under her weight. Rude. An audible sigh slipped past her lips. Her father would likely be concerned, even if his face would remain impartially stoic, and checking out of the hospital – assuming her wound wasn't anything life-threatening, which it wasn't or she'd be dead by now – would definitely make her late for her lecture. How spiteful the gods had to be just because she did a bit of wetwork. In the back of her mind, she still had a trump card in case it was fatal. The Nakajima were very resourceful. That mad scientist holed up in his bunker should have something to get rid of whatever had freaked the nurse out.

“Sorry to wake you up, if you were sleeping,” came the familiar voice from the doorway. “But I have to give you this.”

“Um, al-” Her consent was cut short as she felt the sharp tip of the syringe down at her abdomen.

“Wasn't that bad, was it?” she asked. Naho only shot back a dry look at the child-like treatment of her adult person. Her relatives doing it was annoying; hearing the same tone from the nurse was creepy. Much more than the Kyoni she'd pulled out. “Those were actually things to relieve you of any pain and make you sleeeeepy, haha. Now I will bandage your leg while you are sleeping. Don't worry! See you tomorrow morning!”

The deed was done swiftly, and much more compactly than she herself had applied it. The lights went off, and Naho dropped her head back onto the hard pillow provided for hospital patients, raised before to watch the nurse leave.

[ 714 | 2102 ]

[ Exit ]

Strength, E-0 to E-1
Endurance, E-0 to E-1
Reaction Time, E-0 to D-3

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

Sun had treated the patient successfully. However, the condition of that woman was horrible. Had it been an hour later, she might not have survived. Knowing this made Sun uneasy and she couldn't go back to the cozy staff room where all the nurses were. They probably were playing cards now and discussing their husbands while the underage girl wasn't around. Thus Sun just went into random empty room, sat down on the bunky bed and thinked about today. It felt good to help someone hurt in action. That's what she wanted to do with her life - help people, so they do not end up like her brother. But before she could accomplish anything like that, she needed much training and experience.

About 3AM, Sun wanted to check up on the patient she had treated and bandage the leg. The scab should be wearing off soon. Armed with simple bandages and scissors, Sun quietly sneaked into the room, careful to not wake up the sleeping lady. First thing was to check for pulse - because Sun still wasn't entirely sure. Thankfully, the pulse was stable and resulted in about 52 beats per minute, which was okay for a body that was fighting any remains of poison.

Then the young nurse proceeded to treat that leg. Carefully, to not disturb the sleep, she first applied the sterile gauze directly to the wound, and the wrapped it all with elastic bandage. It was just a basic treatment - something she had done more than hundred times.
Slowly and quietly, just like she had entered, she left. She was planning on reuniting with the other nightshift nurses. "Hopefully there is some pie left," Sun whispered as she started to pick up pace in the corridor.

Total WC: 2224
2 C rank jutsus: Earth Release: Cast Colony Technique and Living Cadaver Touch 2000/2000
Leftovers: 224

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