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The day was calm and the desert sands shifted step after countless step, as he was constantly trying to prevent his foot from sinking into the sand.  Both his left and right foot cloaked in a blue like aura that was warm, similar to wearing double socks in the winter.  It had just dawned upon him this morn, that he never reported his whereabouts nor was debriefed by the now Tsuchikage Karumo Sekuro.  A friend he made upon his first visit to Iwagakure no Sato a meeting that caught the attention of many, but this happening was a pure indicator at how much time flies by.  Suutei channelled his chakra to cause the winds to whip around as the sand flurried, as the dunes nearly are leveled by the force of his chakra.  

Still not strong enough…

He thought to himself as he lifted his sweaty shirt from over his head, and grabbed ahold of the swords he’d found near a frozen lake bed a few months back.  The blades were cold to the touch, and as hot as it was in the barren desert of the Wind Country.  The swords were as always ice cold, so cold that in order to grip the hilts of the blades he’d needed to infuse his hands with Katon chakra.  Even with his hands being warm the sting of the cold steel pained his hands, palms and fingertips similar to picking up snow with bare hands during the rawest time of winter.  What kind of swords were naturally cold to the touch like ice, but knowing his curiosity eventually the Monolith Captain would know sooner or later.

For now, his time would be focusing on learning exactly how to wield a sword properly.  Swordplay was much more complicated than it appeared, and it was an artform much like Hand to Hand combat.  Dating back to feudal times his grandfather and those before him were highly adept at Bukijutsu as well as Taijutsu, but it was their affinity towards the Katon Element that allowed them to create many great weapons.  Weapons such as his family's sword Windblaze, a blade that was so highly modified it was capable of flowing like the wind.  Taking the blades he went for a low stance, and waiting for his opponent with his one blade to his back tilted sideways, and the other upright in front.  Heat rushed down his neck and a voice lingered in his head, when a bearded man wearing a wide brim straw hat.  When he turned to face the man he was gone, but in turn was standing beside him sipping drink from a flask.

“Not a bad form there kid…”

When Suutei faced the man something about him made the young man feel nostalgic, and also less leary towards the man.  He broke down his features very carefully, he was taller obviously standings at about six foot four inches.  A cleft chin and high cheekbones with light facial hair, grey eyes and long wavy brown hair. His hair was tied back in a long ponytail, as his long bangs framed the left side of his face. He noticed he had a considerable amount of body hair on his chest, feet, and more than likely his arms as well. He wore a wide brim straw hat, that he tilted upwards just catching the sun's rays out of Suutei’s eyes.  The more outlandish of thing of his attire was the flowered pink lady's kimono, which he draped across his shoulders and over his clothes.

“The names Juunto, my friends call me Juun.  I was on my way to Sunagakure no Sato, but then I saw you over here with those swords and decided to mosey on by.  What’s your swords’ name kid, better question what’s yours?”  Juun leaned forward towards Suutei tilting his hat upwards, with a smirk on his face.

“I don’t have a name for my swords, but I’m Suutei Kimura.  I’m from Konohagakure no Sato, I’m just here visiting.”  Of course Suutei was lying, but he didn’t necessarily owe him an explanation.

The Man with the Pink Kimono [Plot/Private/Closed] 33242The Man with the Pink Kimono [Plot/Private/Closed] Yato

Last edited by Suutei on Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:20 am; edited 1 time in total



Juun leaned back adjusting his posture more comfortably as he shifted his weight to his left side, resting his arm on a hilt.  Suutei was on alert as soon as Juun revealed the weapon to his side, and remained vigilant before the man.  Unable to identify what kind of weapon the man carried, due to his baggy clothing covering below the hilt.  Juun had a habit of sticking his nose in places that they didn’t belong, and you would assume someone at his age would probably understand something most children learn young.  Yet it is such a challenge to break an old habit, especially if one finds joy out of pestering others.

“Konohagakure huh, I’ve been here and there in that village.  I even heard there was an issue with the most recent Hokage going MIA.  Your new Hokage is that Kenta kid right?  The who everyone presumed was dead.”

This Inuzuka Hokage was the first Suutei ever heard, mainly because he’d never taken focus on him in the history books during his time at the Preparatory Academy.  Suutei had to come up with some sort of lie, or perhaps cover his lie up with another if that would work.  Juun took another sip from his flask, and then tucked it way somehow in his sleeve.  Suutei could smell the sake on his breath, and could tell that the alcohol he consumed wasn’t for the meek.  Juun gripped the hilt of his blade, and called out it’s name as he unsheathed the blade attacking Suutei.  “KATEN!”  Suutei attempted to defend, but he was quickly disarmed as his blades flew from his hands.

"Geez a warning would have been nice!"

“You call that defense, where is the link between soul and sword?”  Juun rubbed his temple with the hilt as he let out a sigh of disappointment.  As Suutei looked confused as what he meant by core, and quickly reached for one of the swords.  He took a crouched fencing guard, with the blade in his backhand and his hand outstretched for balance.  Juun was slightly confused as he broke down the error Suutei made, and as well as his openings.  Taking in consideration Suutei was a novice he would explain to him the error of his ways, and stood with his katana’s to his side.  “Alright Suutei first thing's first, when wielding a sword the first thing you should never do is leaving a limb exposed.”

Juun swung his sword at Suutei’s exposed hand, but to his surprise Suutei had reacted promptly and went for a rising slice.  This quick action caused Juunto to quickly defend simply by parrying Suutei’s sword, and thrusted his sword towards Suutei’s neck.  Suutei’s displayed excellent body control, by tilting his head and changing his swords trajectory to a side slash.  Juun was pretty impressed by this young man, and his ability to maneuver.  Though it was his inability to effectively use his sword, and unleash its potential because the sword was strong as brittle as it may have been.  That was Juunto’s true intention to actually inspect Suutei’s sword, and inspect its raw power.  Juunto gracefully backwards as he was ready to give Suutei further instructions on what it is he needed to understand about swordsmanship.peddled backwards on his back leg, and slid to a stop shaking his head in more disgrace

“You focus is on control Suutei, what you need to fix is that your off hand is either placed on your hip, behind your waist or on your chest.  For example, fencers who put their hand on their chest do this because it feels the most comfortable to them or so they can use their off hand."  Juunto demonstrated by turning side ways, pointing his blade towards Suutei and bowing his other arm parralel with his chest.  “Swordsman face forward because they’re using their weapons two-handed. It’s basically a requirement. Think of it like holding a broom stick or whatever kind of stick in both hands while facing sideways. You neither have reach nor do you minimize yourself as a target. And while there are stances that utilize this, it is always very brief and usually a transitionary move instead of an actual stance.”



Most of the lecture from Juunto went in one ear, and out of the other as he’d tried his best to explain the art of the sword.  Though he could tell Suutei was actually retaining some information, if not, at least he took in some of the important points from this impromptu lesson.  Tightening the grip on the sword Suutei lunged forward at breakneck speed, but never touched the ground due to his gliding ability.  He expected Juun to make a quick counter so he prepared his fastest technique and executed it perfect.  Quickly shifting behind Juunto before actually striking him, and reappearing for a downward slash.

“I see you won’t learn then huh?”  Juun questioned sarcastically as he tracked Suutei’s movement.

Much to his surprise Juunto was able to counter with spectacular timing, and quickly spun around blocking the downwards slash.  As persistent as Suutei was he held true to force the man down, and at least gain some ground over him.  The comparison of these two men’s composure was that of a coin; Juunto a man with battle history far more immense than Suutei’s and a seasoned mind for battle, and on the other side was Suutei a young man with nothing to boast for, but an empty title and a hunger for the latent power he desired.  Both men were and more than like will soon be one in the same, as time moved forward the boy will mature and even spark growth in the aged man.  All it will take to spark this change will be time, all in due time the elderly woman spoke upon her soft lips.  As she watched from afar the small bout between Suutei and Juunto this old woman was nobody special, but a widow in the sands who tended to the flowers that bloomed near the ‘Meeting Cactus’.

Suutei finally backed off and fell to one knee supporting himself with the katana, and the blade descending beneath the sand.  Struggling to his feet and breathing more heavily than before, the boy took his stance this time with both hands on his blade.  He channeled his chakra from within as everything around stilled in it’s place, and it seemed not even a grain of sand dare shift.  The young man’s chakra seemed to seep slowly from his hands, working slowly up the hilt towards the habaki and finally the kissaki.  The blade was shining marvelously as it’s sheer cold handle and blade, seemed to fine tune with Suutei’s explosive fiery nature.  Making the bitterest enemies into a great force to be reckoned with, and one individual to wield such force.  Juunto was quite impressed that even though this kid hadn’t completely unsealed his swords power, the boy was now enlightened with the knowledge of what was lying within.  Unsheathing his second blade he took his stance readying for Suutei’s next attack, and he watched very closely for he wasn’t necessarily sure what to expect now.

Suutei’s attack came at breakneck speed and was much more fluid than before, as the sound of metal clashing and scraping continued persistently.  Juun was effortlessly defending many of his attacks, but it was his Will that Suutei was beginning to instill upon this man.  A Will that yearned for power to crush those in it’s wake, and the ability to hone this power into a substance not a weapon.  Juun could feel this young man’s heart calling out with the aid of his blade, it was finally heard as he shifted his position.  Instead of defending he would now go on the attack, and give the young man a show.  Calling from within his core to draw out his swords power, he began smoothly attacking Suutei who found it a challenge to attack.  His guard being broken with each clash, Juunto continued with one slash, a spin into a cross, and another slash.  This repeated over and over until Suutei was finally disarmed, and fell to the ground defeated.

Suutei watched the aqua blue sky as it reflected from his eyes, and the thought of defeat lingered in the back of his mind.  He fell on his back unable to come up with any reason to continue, any reason to continue fighting because he’d finally met his match.  Juunto stood over the boy similar to how his father once did when he was much younger, and after falling down he was brought back to his feet by a man.  A man who saw great promise in him, very much like his father did and stood firm.  Suutei shed a tear as it blew away before hitting the ground, and he seemed to come back to his sense of being.  As he could hear the winds of the desert blow violently and the sands shift far off in the distance this man.  This man named Juunto had touched him in a way that made him feel powerful, and he would never mistake such a feeling as this.

“Thank you Juunto.”  Suutei said with much more respect than when the two first introduced.



Juun sheathed both his blades before approaching the battered Suutei, offering him a hand up from the ground in which the young man clasped firmly.  Being lifted to his feet Suutei bowed in respect to Juunto, as the older gentleman waved out the gesture seeing as he didn’t deserve much of it.  Tilting his hat upwards and Suutei stepped past him he turned to watch him gather his things, and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see the day Suutei awakened with his twin blades.  That much raw and explosive power stored in one young man was much greater than he’d ever imagined, and he wanted to be apart of it.  He’d needed to see it with his own eyes and he planned to make sure of it with this one question.

“Say Suutei I’m sure you could use a little bit more assistance learning how to use those swords of yours.  So I’ll tell you what if you accompany me to take care of some business I have in the village, I will tag along with you and teach you more sword skills and ways to wield those blades.  So how about it?”  Juunto asked this question playing on Suutei’s thirst for growth and his ability to learn things in a cinch.  How could he turn down such an offer…

Suutei sat back to contemplate Juunto as an asset more than a burden, but it would be foolish to turn down the opportunity to have someone teach him.  Also saving him time rather than travelling or just finding Juunto again by luck, and so it was worth a shot by letting the old man tag along.  He’s sure he could teach him much more than swordsmanship, he actually reminded him more of his uncle than anything.  Juunto seemed more trustworthy than he’d considered prior to their meeting, and so he’d accepted the offer to travel into the village.  Though he was just a tad curious about Juunto’s reason to want to join Suutei in his travels.  Grabbing his bag he dusted off the sand that managed to cover it, and removed from the bag his fishnet shirt with three-quarter sleeves.  Slipping on over the shirt as he hoisted his bag over his shoulder, and carried the blades in a sheath made to carry two blades on one side.

“Sure that be cool with me old man, just don’t slow me down too much alright.”  Suutei gave the man a slick reply, as he headed in the direction of the village.  This could very well be a new chapter of his life.

Juunto however wasn’t to pleased by the reply thinking that he’d finally earned some respect as he scurried towards Suutei, and beating him over the head for being called old.  “I’ll have you know smartass I’m only 39!”  Suutei laughed in amusement at the man’s age, as if he could still consider himself young.  Though he was the oldest person he’d faced and quite frankly if the saying was true about experience, then Suutei was surely ahead of his time.

The young man’s curious side began to take over, itching to know more about Juunto.  Beginning with simple questions about himself, and he would be more than willing to answer any questions now that he knew he could trust the man.  Focusing on what relationships he had elsewhere.  “Do you have any kids?  You seem like a man who gets around, especially with that kimono draped around your shoulders.  Real lady killer huh?”  Suutei joked.  “I actually do have a daughter, and she lives in Iwagakure no Sato her name is Kinko.  Though I haven’t seen her in years, and I believe you and her might be the same age.  Though don’t try any funny business you little creaton, cause I’ll cut you down faster than you can say your own name.”


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