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1A Challenge! [C-Rank Mission | Private] Empty A Challenge! [C-Rank Mission | Private] Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:24 pm

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Mission name: A Challenge!
Mission rank: C
Objective: Meet the man within the village and Beat him in combat.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 140
Mission description: A man from the Wind Country has come to the Capital and asked the Kazekage to send a Genin from his Village to fight him in non-lethal combat. This man is a Taijutsu Master and feels it is his job to gauge how powerful Sunagakure Genin really are.
Mission details: With the minimum of 1000 words describe how you take out this man. Note that you don’t have to win to receive the reward. Also note that the taking on of this mission is only open to Genin.


Sunlight poured through the window of Nakazo's tiny room in the slums of Sunagakure. The morning light roused his from his slumber, and he rose slowly, still feeling groggy from his deep sleep. He took his time waking up, going about his routine methodically. The genin washed his face in a small basin, and then changed out of his night wear. He dressed himself in his favorite loose fitting dark shirt and dark blue shorts than extended well past his knees. His forehead protector was next, and he tied it tight just above his brow. Finally, he donned his ninja pouch after checking it contained his kunai and three shuriken. With that finished he grabbed a quick snack and some tea before he left, hoping that small nourishment would carry him until at least lunchtime. His mother wasn't up yet, so he left as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake her. He stepped out onto the tight alleyways of the Sunagakure slums and began making his way to the mission offices. Nakazo wondered what sort of jobs would be available this morning, and he prayed for something that would test his ability. Of course he would take whatever was offered, himself and his mom could use every penny. The city began to wake all around him and the once quiet streets began to fill with the sound of work. Before long he had arrived at his destination, and knocked the sand off his shoes and entered.

He entered the building and was quickly waved over by a Jounin at one of the desks. Nakazo walked over and the man began to explain the mission. It was a strange request Nakazo decided, as the higher ranked ninja started giving out details. Someone from a village here in the Wind Country had requested a fight from a Genin. It appears that they wanted to test their abilities, and were even willing to pay for it. Nakazo so no problem in that, as long as he was getting paid he was happy. Even better this would also be a chance for him to get some experience and practice of his own. Apparently the man was a Taijutsu specialist, and was quite experienced. With the briefing finished, Nakazo headed out to meet his opponent and complete the mission. The Jounin gave him the location of the fight, and bid him farewell and good luck as he went out the door and back into the scorched sand of Sunagakure. The meeting place was at the Tsumi Sand Grounds, a typical location for duels like this. He made his way over there, sweating bullets in the heat. Nakazo stopped for some water at a local shop before continuing onward, understanding the value of staying hydrated in these extreme conditions. Before long he had stepped into the fenced enclosure of the grounds and met his opponent. There was a man standing in the center of the grounds. He wore a black tracksuit, and had closely cut black hair. Even with the suit on Nakazo could tell that this man was in excellent shape, and the thought of fighting such an opponent excited him. He approached and held up a hand before speaking.

538 WC

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

"I am Nakazo, the Genin assigned to fight you."

"Ah excellent, right on time," he replied, "I am Jihn and I shall be your opponent. Thank you for taking the time out to fight me."

"Of course," he replied, stretching his neck out slightly. "Just one question though, why did you request this? It's not cheap, and fighting a Genin is a rather odd request."

"I desire to test my own strength, as well as that of my country. I want to see if I could have ever made it as a ninja, and I want to know that the Wind is in good hands." He replied, crouching into a fighting stance. "Shall we begin?" He held up the shinobi hand gesture as a sign of respect, despite not being one himself.

"Best of luck," Nakazo replied, reciprocating the hand signal.

With that the duel had begun. Jihn erupted from the sand as soon as Nakazo dropped his hand. He's fast! Nakazo didn't even have time to bring his hand seals to bear to perform a jutsu as Jihn was already in his face. A fist came speeding into the Ashitaka's chest, and he barely managed to block it, throwing up both arms in a cross formation across his body. Jihn moved around Nakazo after that, trying to flank him. Nakazo quickly concentrated his chakra around his body as he turned to stay face on with his opponent. The energy he collected created a thin defensive layer around his body that would protect him from harm as long as it was sustained. Jihn sent another fist out to strike Nakazo, but he let it hit him, using the opportunity to quickly form the Tiger hand seal and exhale in sharply. The punch from Jihn struck Nakazo in the chest, hard enough to deplete his chakra defense, though the defense successfully blocked the strike. He's strong too! Nakazo instantly knew he was outclassed in this fight, but he had to do something to surprise his opponent. He exhaled the chakra gathering in his throat sharply, merging it with fire nature as he did so. A look of surprise washed over Jihn's face as a fireball appeared point blank. His opponent managed to barely dodge the attack, though his left arm was badly singed, with nothing remaining of the section of track suit covering it.

Jihn rushed forward again, the surprise of Nakazo's attack being a momentary thing. The pair traded blow after blow, and the Ashitaka kept up for a few moments. Jihn began pushing him back though, a fist there, a foot there, breaking through his defenses bit by bit. He was out of tricks to counter the Taijutsu master and despite his best efforts was getting overpowered. He tried tossing a kunai out at Jihn as he rolled out of the way of a punch but the man expertly knocked it away with the back of his hand. Shortly later Jihn had Nakazo on the ground, and the fight ended with his fist inches away from his face. He held his hand out to help out his opponent and Nakazo grabbed it and was lifted upwards and back on his feet. Jihn thanked him for their duel, and even though Nakazo was defeated he explained that he had a newfound respect for the ninja of the sand. He was surprised that a mere Genin was able to go toe to toe with him. Jihn explained that he had been training six hours a day for the last twenty years, and he wasn't expecting a Genin to be able to hold out for long against him. They both left that day with a desire to strengthen themselves and reach new limits. Despite losing Nakazo was glad to have the experience, and he headed back to the mission offices to collect his Ryo.

Chakra 125/150:


650 WC | 1188 Total WC
1188/1000 Words (Mission Complete, requesting C-Rank Jutsu as reward)
188 left over

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