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1Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Empty Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:54 am



The day had been partly cloudy as the small boy was making his way to the shop when all of a sudden their were explosions in the distance as storm clouds rose up from the heated activity in an area far away. Sadly he suffered due to one of the tree's being hit by a shard of ice and with some unforeseen circumstances the partly cloudy to sunny weather forecast, became a storm of rain as a tree that had been cut down by the ice shard began to fall, in the heat of the moment Elin failed to react in time, though through mostly luck the tree got blocked by landing on another tree buying him some time as he made a dash for it, though the ground became slippery like mud and the water made using his fire technique impossible as he was about to use his earth technique a flash flood burst forth and knocked him into the river.

Due to these unforeseen events the small boy had suffered an indirect injury thanks to the madness of the super shinobi battling as if a single step from them did not create enough earthquakes as it is.

Words 200

2Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Empty Re: Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:05 am



The small boy sat in the bed with bandages around his forehead and his left knee as well as his right elbow. He had fractured some bones and while medical shinobi could most likely deal with these issues rather easily, it was sometimes best to let them recover naturally rather then waste chakra everytime someone gets a few scratches, bumps or bruises. The boy looked out the window and began to focus his eyes as they hurt, he had gotten dirt, water and several other things in his eyes during his turbulent adventure down the river. Luckily some farmers had found him down stream as he was given emergency treatment in the form of hit his chest really hard so he breathes in hopes that they will not be forced to use mouth to mouth methods.

Elin was thankful, but to some degree he was disappointed in himself for not being more careful even though the storm was so sudden as he did not even know the outcome of what had happened other than there being many bandits rushing into the deeper parts of the village for safety. The boy waited patiently as the people began arriving with his food.

Words 200 + 200 = 400

3Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Empty Re: Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Sun Nov 27, 2016 2:24 am



The small boy sat their alone in his bed as the nurse placed his food next to his bed as he looked to her with saddened and confused eyes. "Where is Ame?" as the nurse pressed her hand on his forehead feeling the sweat as she interrupted him before placing a wet towel to soak up some of the sweat then dried off his forehead as she spoke. "you must rest, no one has come to visit and a lot of people are sick now so try to be strong okay" as she patted and rubbed little Elin's hair which made him feel a bit better.

He tried to smile a bit for her, but deep down he just felt like it would be wrong for some reason as the nurse sighed. "it will be okay" as the woman left he looked to the side at the plate that was set for him. It had some basic bacon and some soft boiled eggs and a bit of grape juice which made him feel a bit good, though it had been written on his medical card that he likes grape juice as he began to look around as he also did not always want people to watch him eat. He picked up the plate and put it on his lap and picked up the spoon and was about to eat it when it slid off his lap as it hit the ground the plate just made a loud sound as the bacon and eggs flopped around as the nurse came back and sighed.

The small little boy felt like he was about to cry as the nurse reacted quickly lifting up the plate and the bacon and eggs before looking down pausing for a moment to think as she rose up she looked at him. "just sit still and rest, I will be back so stay like that, no getting up and no crying, just stay" as the small boy was holding back tears she just wanted him not to start crying while he was so dehydrated even though he did get in an accident by a river he was actually out for a few days so his fluids had actually dropped and he had gotten sick as well as she needed him to get fluids and good food in his body again as she knew her work had only just begun.

Words 400 + 402 = 802

4Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Empty Re: Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:41 am



The nurse had left and the days seemed to pass by as there was only one thought going through the small little boy's mind was that he had to change. He began thinking back to when he was raised by the monks to how they all left him alone and how the accident occurred where he fell from the sky.

Long time ago the monk had told Elin a story, a tale about a small little boy with golden hair and bright red eyes who had been talented in the arts. He mastered techniques on a level that no mere mortal could ever understand as he rose from the level of genin to the heights of a kage god. However even he had someone stronger then him, one who had only ever learned one technique as the master of all faced the master of one and lost. He could not understand how a single punch could defeat more then a thousand jutsu. It was then that the master spoke and said that a technique that had only been mastered with the practice of being used a hundred times could never compare to a technique trained more then a million times from the day he was born. It was then the master understood and would train together as the master of one and the master of all became one for all and all for one.

It was then that he felt the need to get out of the hospital and begin his training again as he looked around carefully watching not knowing that one of the medical shinobi was overseeing him, not to stop him from training, but to keep him from injuring himself. The small boy made his way to the outside garden of the hospital as he looked around carefully before sitting on his knees as he decided to improve on the very first technique he had ever learned.

"Trap Hole!!" as he sealed a small bit of the ground wondering about it as he looked it was just his usual, he had to find a way to seal even more as he unsealed the ground back into its spot and repeated the process as the ground began to get weaker and weaker as the medical shinobi watched in amazement at the boy training such a weak looking and basic technique.

Words 802 + 393 = 1195

5Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Empty Re: Elin's Sick Day(Open/Training) Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:05 am



The boy looked at the ground and then thought of something as he realised the ground getting weaker. Then it occurred to him that he did not need to just remove it at the normal level and using different levels could make things more surprising, a secret sealing art that could not be seen.

He then remembered back to the exams, back to those moments when he felt like he was not good enough. The one who evaded his techniques with those evil eyes and left as if he was not worth facing while using strange illusionary tactics. Meanwhile the medical shinobi was a bit shocked that the boy was spamming this technique and wondered how low the level of the technique was, as it was then that the boy thought to himself to take a break and went to sit against the tree as he looked up to the night sky. The stars were bright and beautiful as he wondered if he could be as beautiful as them as one of the stars fell from the sky something occurred to him as a twinkle seemed to appear in his eyes.

"It's like its raining stars" as he thought to himself about the stars and the rain, the moon and the sun as he began to wonder if it was like him falling from the sky. Would he fall softly like drops of rain, or crash hard like the burning flames of the stars.

He thought to himself and just whispered something softly as he raised both hands up into the air as he then looked deep down inside himself and then said. "I will not be your little rain drop anymore" as he placed both his hands on the ground there was a shake and then a large amount of earth just vanished in a hole as the boy smiled before realising he cast the technique beneath himself.

"Waaahh!!!!!!" as the boy screamed it was on this day the technique was born, the bottomless hole made by him not holding back and sealing as far as he could.

Words 1195 + 350 = 1545

Training B-Rank Bottomless Trap Hole 1500 words

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