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1Shihana, Ameko[Stats] Empty Shihana, Ameko[Stats] Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:41 pm



Shihana, Ameko[Stats] 240816862d6e6e9455e8177b9e58e17be95cf5ea_hq

Base stats
Strength: E-rank
Speed: E-rank
Endurance: E-rank
Perception: E-rank
Reaction Time: E-rank

Available Modifiers
+1 to Reaction Time (Reflexes Special Characteristic)
+1 to Perception (Ace Eye Special Characteristic)
+2 to Reaction Time (Clan Bonus)
+1 to Strength (Taijutsu (Strength))

-1 to Speed (Hesitant Special Characteristic)

Current Stats
STR: E-1 ‖ SPD: E (-1) ‖ END: E ‖ PER: E ‖ REA: E-3

Shihana, Ameko[Stats] New-ke10Bukijutsu (Kyujutsu, Kenjutsu): S-rank
Shihana, Ameko[Stats] Taijut10Taijutsu (Strength, Striking): C-rank

Shihana, Ameko[Stats] Water11Suiton: A-rank

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