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The evening breeze felt good on Nayoko’s skin as he walked the streets of the market, heading to his destination with purpose, but at a leisurely pace. He enjoyed the markets right before they closed. The sound of shops closing up for the night, people thanking one another and assuring their attendance the following day, lights burning softly in the windows of the few places that were still open. Yes, the Hidden Leaf Village’s evening life was special to Nayoko. As he passed through the streets he briefly paused to turn around and look at the horizon. The sun would begin to set soon. Nayoko made a mental note to look out a window and watch it once he arrived at his destination. Nayoko was headed to a small library of sorts. The books were for sale, but the owner, Mr. Ariwara, was happy to have people come in and just read. The older man once told Nayoko that he had grown up without books, and now his only wish was to bring their magic to the lives of young people of Konoha. The twenty-two year old smiled as he turned the corner and arrived at the two-story building at the north end of the market. It had been one of his mother’s favorite places when she was alive and had helped her many times when she needed to relax or search for information. Now, Nayoko was on a mission of the latter nature. Let’s see if you have what I need, old man.

A small bell sounded above the boor as Nayoko entered. “Hello Mr. Ariwara, mind if I come in for a little while?” The old man smiled at Nayoko, “Not at all young man, come and take a seat somewhere.” Nayoko walked over to the desk that Mr. Ariwara stood behind. “I will of course, probably upstairs where it is secluded. I have a lot of reading I want to get done.” Nayoko hesitated for a minute before continuing, “Sir, do you have any history books? Specifically, ones about the clans and families of the ninja world? I’m um, doing some research.” The old man stroked his short, grey beard, deep in thought. After some time, he snapped his fingers and without saying a word beckoned Nayoko to follow him. They walked into the back of the shop where there stood a large shelf made of wood that was clearly very old. Ariwara hummed while he ran his fingers across the spines of the books, clearly with a specific volume in mind. After almost a full minute of waiting, with Nayoko about to give up and head home for the night, the old man exclaimed, “Aha! Found it! It’s a tricky little one, but it should help you.” He pulled a thin, hardcover book from the shelf and blew some dust off of it that flew up into Nayoko’s face. After a brief coughing fit, Nayoko smiled and took the book, looking at its cover intently. There was no title on the front, so Nayoko opened it to the first page and glanced at the writing there. A Brief Summary of the Clans. That seemed simple enough. Hopefully it had what he was looking for.

Nayoko thanked the man and headed up to the second floor where he took a seat on a large couch near the back corner. Flipping open the old tome, Nayoko began to read…

WC: 599

Last edited by Nayoko Nozara on Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total



Stretching out, Daiko rubs his eyes. He sits up and attempts to stretch his back, being a bit sore from his current sleeping situation. He hops out of the tree branch he was on, and walks back on the path he had made to the village. As he walks, he messes with his hair to get it looking somewhat decent, and realizes that it will probably not happening. Pulling up the hood on his jacket, he continues his steady pace in the village, looking for some place to shower for free. He did notice a crowd of children holding towels running toward something, so he figured that he may as well give it a shot. Where these kids ended up.. Daiko was very happy to find. He walked into the entrance to a place with a sign that read "Hot Springs". Where he was from they only had cold springs, and cold water. Everywhere. He was then informed that he had to take all of his clothes off and he laughed. He went to the changing room and did that, then dove into the hot spring. This was kind of a mistake, because it was really really hot. He sighed, and relaxed in the water for a bit. Putting his hair under, he shakes it underwater and messes with it until its all rinsed out and he just bounces. Putting back on his clothes he walks out through the village with his hair kind of wet. Maybe he should find a place to dry it out. Shaking it a bit, he walks over to a building that looks like it has something to do with Fuuton chakra. He walks in, and there are a bunch of bookshelves. He creeps over to one that says "Fuuton: Sealing" and opens the page, to have wind chakra blow in his face and knock all of the water out of his hair. It was a very strange feeling, but he decided not to question it. He puts the book back and notices that he accidentally sprayed the owner with water. Slipping out of the building, he runs a couple blocks and enters another bookstore.

In this one, there were actually people and a bell alarmed at his arrival. He looked at it, then looked back at the two people in the shop. One was an older, wiser looking man, while the other was a man not very older than himself. He had a light brown hair that was quite interesting. This brown haired scholar was asking the old man for a book about clans. Upon hearing this, Daiko realized that he would like to also know about clans. When the man was to sit down and read the book, he would sit next to him and then look at him, and ask, "Hey I see that you got a book on clans there. I'd like to know more about my clan, do you mind if I check it quickly? Perhaps we could both study it together."




The Hattori clan is a long standing part of the ninja world, known for little and renowned for less on their own. The Hattori clan has the pride however for being one of the most well traveled clans in the ninja world, and easily one of the most numerous. Their stories and tales far too many and too plentiful to count as they have settled in almost every country and every village as their experience, skill and wealth vary from family to family and area to area.

Nayoko was already delving into the book before his body hit the couch. He was so engrossed in the book that he did not even hear the bell chime when another person entered the shop. He read so quickly, in fact, that he had to reread the page that he started on multiple times. After failing to actually garner any knowledge in the first three or four skims, he paused, took a deep breath, and exhaled fully, closing his eyes while doing so. He then opened his eyes and turned them toward the pages once again.

It was at this point that he felt a *plop* of someone sitting down on the couch beside him. This startled Nayoko, who visibly jolted at the feeling of another person joining him here in the bookshop. The store was usually fairly empty, especially this late at night. But who was Nayoko to judge? He was here late as well, wasn’t he? He turned his gaze that wanted so desperately to stay on the book to the stranger who had sat down beside him. It was a young man, like himself, probably not much younger than Nayoko. His blonde hair was shaggy and unkempt, but not in a way that was off putting or extremely unattractive. It fell longer than Nayoko’s own hair, and hung silently next to his baby blue eyes that reminded Nayoko of the Suiton chakra that he controlled so frequently to train. As the stranger opened his mouth to speak, Nayoko noticed his sharp canines. He certainly has the teeth of an Inuzuka, but there are no face marks…. interesting.

"Hey I see that you got a book on clans there. I'd like to know more about my clan, do you mind if I check it quickly? Perhaps we could both study it together." The boy said, smiling at Nayoko. He had planned on reading alone and learning about his families past in sweet solidarity, but for some reason, as this young man asked to study alongside him, Nayoko could not help but feel a sense of kinship with him. Nayoko smiled, saying “Well hey to you too! I don’t see why we can’t share, but not without proper introductions. I’m Nayoko, Nayoko Nozara. That’s just my family name though. I’m a Hattori through and through, see?” He turned the books toward the stranger to show him the pages he had been reading. “It’s pretty interesting stuff, but I’m hoping to find something more specific in here somewhere about another family. But the night is still young! What’s your name? I’ll see if I can find something about them in here.” He turned the book toward it’s index while he waited for a reply.

WC: 599+569=1168



Daiko sits next to the man, who seemed very enveloped in his current read. Moving his eyes across the paper, he notices something about a clan called the Hattori. That sounded interesting. Once the man replied, Daiko realized that he was actually part of the clan that he had been looking at. Nayoka Nozara. What an interesting name. He was just glad that he wasn't going to have to spell it. Shifting his glance over the pages of the book that were now held in front of him, Daiko nods. "Yes, interesting indeed. I, as a matter of fact, don't know my last name, or what my clan is called... My first name is Daiko, though. I traveled here from far away and I'm just as curious as you are about it" He scratches his head, thinking of one of the only things that can help him figure it out. "Oh yeah. The only thing that stands out is how I use water... It's strange, because I remember it my whole life but it wasn't until recently that I started using it...." Walking over to one of the desks, Daiko grabs a pen off of one of the counters. Walking over to the man that he had now been made acquaintance with, he takes the pen, holding it with his fingers, and he slams it as hard as he can into his forehead. The pen slips right through and falls out the back of his head, the area that it hit converted to a watery substance. "That one's a good party trick. I just wish I could remember the name of it." Walking back over and sitting next to the man he shrugs.

"If there is an index or something like that, we could search clans that have something to do with Suiton chakra... As it stands right now I don't really have a clue..."

Daiko was honestly curious about what his bloodline held. As it stood currently, he could see random vivid moments in his mind of him very young practicing these very techniques, but he really does not remember well enough to pick out any specific faces or figures that were any of these daydreams. He decided that he would do his investigating today with this man that he had just met. He seemed like a nice person. He was glad that he was able to find someone friendly enough in Konohagakure. Studying along with Nayoko, he would wait to see what kind of discoveries that they would be able to make in this night. Daiko had all of the time in the world, so he wasn't really worried about it. The couches in this place were comfortable, and it was nice and warm, but not so hot that wearing a sweatshirt caused any kind of problems. Stretching his back, Daiko listens to whatever the man that he had recently met had to say and would probably respond to any questions that the person had to ask him, whether it be about his clan or his background.

-5 Chakra, -2 Hydropoints; Hydrification Technique

145/150 Chakra
13/15 HydroPoints

Jutsu Used:



The young man briefly glanced at the pages that Nayoko had thrust in front of him before replying. "Yes, interesting indeed. I, as a matter of fact, don't know my last name, or what my clan is called... My first name is Daiko, though. I traveled here from far away and I'm just as curious as you are about it." Those words left Nayoko taken aback. He tried not to show it on his face, but Nayoko could not understand not knowing one’s own clan. Nayoko had always known he was of the Hattori, and even though the clan itself had not played a major role in the twenty-two year old’s life, he was proud to be a part of them. He did not know very much about them, hence his research today beginning with the clan, but he had always known that members of his clan were usually adept at certain skills, whether they were elemental or specialization related. Nayoko himself had a natural affinity toward Suiton chakra and was able to use jutsu that were more powerful than many of his peers when he was at the Academy.

Nayoko was briefly lost in these thoughts as the young traveler before him scratched his head and continued by saying words that excited Nayoko more than anything. "Oh yeah. The only thing that stands out is how I use water... It's strange, because I remember it my whole life but it wasn't until recently that I started using it...." Daiko said as he began to stand. Another ninja with an affinity to water? Maybe he is Hattori like myself! He could even be a cousin of some sort! Nayoko was so excited at the possibility that this chance encounter had led him to more family that he did not even notice what Daiko was doing until it was too late. He glanced over to see the Shinobi holding a pen to his forehead, balancing it with his fingers. For a second, everything seemed to slow down. Nayoko saw the young ninja’s arm muscles tighten as he began to apply a sharp force to the pen. Nayoko was about to cry out in confusion but nothing more than a grunt escaped his lips before he saw the pen go through Daiko’s head and pass completely out of the other side of it, landing on the floor behind him, covered it what looked like water.

Daiko seemed so unimpressed about it has he walked back over to the couch and sat down. Nayoko was still staring straight ahead when Daiko continued talking. "That one's a good party trick. I just wish I could remember the name of it." A party trick…A PARTY TRICK? That was incredible! Nayoko heard the traveler mention something about an index dealing with Suiton chakra but he was already flipping through the book at a blistering pace. “That is an amazing ability Daiko! I mean, I myself am fairly adept when it comes to Suiton chakra as well, but not to that degree!” Nayoko said as he perused the pages. “I’m looking through this here and I don’t see anything about that kind of ability and I’ve never even heard of such a thing. At least not of a Konoha clan.” Nayoko was losing hope that he would find anything, and on top of that he was so excited about his new acquaintance's power that he was having a hard time concentrating on the words as he read. He closed the book and handed it to Daiko. “Why don’t you take a look. You said you traveled here, right? Where are you from? I don’t know many people from outside of the village.” While Nayoko was genuinely interested in getting to know this Shinobi, he also felt the only way to truly get to know someone was by training with them. Daiko would be a great Shinobi to test my abilities with. Plus, he seems like a pretty nice guy! I’ll see what he says and then maybe I can ask him for a training session tomorrow or something…

WC: 723+1168=1891



Once the pen fell to the ground, Daiko took note of the man's expression. He figured that he probably shouldn't show that to as many people, but this guy seemed like he was alright. Daiko smiled slightly when the man said that doing that was amazing. It also was good to know that this person worked with Suiton chakra, as it meant he would have someone to train with that he could possibly learn something from. As it had turned out, Nayoko had actually never heard of a clan like his own.

"Oh, you are proficient in Suiton as well? Perhaps there may be a few things that you could show me later on. I have some cool water tricks up my sleeve as well."

Daiko looked around, and saw that the only other person in this shop was the old man that was seemingly the owner. Returning his attention to his new friend, he decided that it is time to play a little trick. "Oh, speaking of water tricks. There is a way to actually bring swamp life like frogs and stuff right to where we are, and then they will disappear. Would you be interested in seeing?"

If the man had said yes, Daiko would bring him in close and whisper. "Okay, we need to be kind of careful though. We don't want and swamp monsters to get us..." Returning to his happy composure, he continues, "Okay. So now look at my hands. Then we will begin our safari adventure." Daiko would then make a ram hand seal, and the genjutsu would be activated. There wouldn't be anything at first, so it would seem like everything was normal. "Okay.. I don't see any of the frogs in here... Could you look out that window to your side? There might be some out there."

When the man would go up to the glass, from a puddle of water outside the window would come a swamp monster that would come up to the window and howl at Daiko's friend, hopefully giving a slight scare. If it did, the thing would then smile and give Nayoko a thumbs up and disappear.


After the shock wore off or if the man said no to his question, Daiko would continue actually answering the questions that he was asked.

"Yes, I did in fact travel here. I grew up in Kirigakure, but it is a bit too cold and wet for my liking. I decided one morning just to walk across the ocean, and here I am. I feel that we would have better luck searching in a book that has details about the clans of Kirigakure. Perhaps then we would be able to find out what my abilities are. Maybe I could try a few out with you later on."  

Daiko smiles, continuing on with the conversation. He wondered which one of them was going to either look for the book or go up to the man and ask him about it. He wasn't to worried about it, but he waited to see what his new friend had to say.


-5 Chakra, From the Deeps
140/150 Chakra
13/15 HydroPoints

Jutsu Used:



Daiko, now having returned to his seat, seemed to be pleased with the fact that Nayoko had enjoyed his little spectacle. As Nayoko waited for a response, the young ninja seemed to ignore the question entirely for a moment, as he commented on their common affinity to water based jutsu. Nayoko could not help but brighten up a little when Daiko mentioned that he wanted to exchange techniques with him at a later date. Finally, my perfect in to ask about training! But as he opened his mouth to speak, he noticed that Daiko had started looking around the room, possibly for other people. When he turned back to Nayoko, he smiled and said, ”Oh, speaking of water tricks. There is a way to actually bring swamp life like frogs and stuff right to where we are, and then they will disappear. Would you be interested in seeing?" Nayoko was taken aback for a moment and was a little confused, but he had to admit he was interested in what this boy could do. Even though he was clearly younger than himself, Nayoko knew that talent and ability was not dictated by age alone.

Nayoko nodded approvingly, saying, “Alright, lets see this frog summoning trick of yours!” Daiko’s face suddenly became darker as he reached out and pulled Nayoko close. Nayoko was startled once again, but as he started to protest Daiko whispered in his ear, "Okay, we need to be kind of careful though. We don't want and swamp monsters to get us..." As he released Nayoko he gestured toward his hands and told him that all Nayoko had to do to see this trick was to look there. Nayoko, unsure of what to expect, slowly but deliberately glanced down at Daiko’s hands. He saw them form the Ram hand seal, and then looked back up to Daiko, half expecting his body to be covered in frogs. To his disappointment, there were no amphibious lifeforms anywhere to be seen. Daiko was looking around inquisitively.  "Okay... I don't see any of the frogs in here... Could you look out that window to your side? There might be some out there."

Nayoko raised an eyebrow. “Um, okay. If you think they’ll be out there then I’ll check.” Nayoko got up, starting to wonder if that pen that Daiko shoved through his brain was affecting his ability to summon these creatures, or if the young shinobi could even do such a thing. As he glanced out the window, looking very closely, he began to see movement coming from a puddle outside. Strange, Nayoko thought. I don’t remember seeing that puddle before. In fact, it hasn’t rained in a while! Before Nayoko could think any more, he watched the puddle shift and shake for a moment. “Whoa Daiko, I think the jutsu wor-“ he cut himself off abruptly as suddenly, bursting from the puddle was a creature that Nayoko could only describe as a swamp monster. “Gwah! What the heck is that!” Nayoko yelled, dropping into a stance and preparing to fight off this creature. He grabbed the window, and as he went to open it, he felt a cold fear grip his being. He did not want to fight this creature. As he stared at it, it stared back menacingly, almost begging for Nayoko to try something, before it abruptly stopped, smiled, and raised a hand giving Nayoko a thumbs up.

What in the world?!? Nayoko thought as the creature seemed to fade. Nayoko squinted, then turned abruptly to Daiko who was sitting on the couch still. A Genjutsu, it must have been. What a clever kid. Nayoko smirked and headed back to the couch. As he walked over, Daiko finally answered his question. Kirigakure was the ninja village in the Water Country! As those words left Daiko’s lips, Nayoko barely even listened to the rest of the things he had to say. “What’s it like there?” Nayoko abruptly said. "I mean, other than wet and cold like you already said. You see, the reason I’m here is to try to find out about my mother’s family. She wasn’t always a Hattori, only by marriage to my father. Her family is originally from the Land of Water and I’m hoping to travel there someday to learn about my ancestors. It’s kind of a dream I have.” Nayoko chuckled at that. He stood up and called the owner of the store over, asking him for any books on Kirigakure and their families. As he walked off, Nayoko plopped back down onto the couch and smiled. “Oh, and I would be happy to have you try out more abilities on me, as long as I can try some on you! Maybe in the training fields tomorrow?”

WC: 847+1891=2738



At this question, Daiko had to stop and think for a second. It was an interesting place, to say the least. There weren't nearly as many ninja out and about as there were here, and they were a bit... stranger. His friend Genbu wasn't strange; in fact he was quite helpful. He will never forget that one woman that he had met, though. Just being around her made his adrenaline rush and he somewhat desired to see her again. Returning his train of thought back to that of the question, he gives a decent awnser.

"Kirigakure... It's an interesting place to say the least. It's a bit less inviting I would say than I have seen in this village so far... There are some strange people in that village..." He scratches his chin. "But of course, who's to say that there are no strange people here. All I mean is those that I have met seemed like there was something darker about them than meets the eye." Daiko ponders for a second. "Like I said, I walked here from there. It wouldn't be too much of a task for me to take you there. I can even show you around and make sure that nobody tries to mess with us." He smiles. "Two is better than one, right?"

Continuing with the conversation, Daiko hears that Nayoko wants to train with him later. That sounded good to him, as he had been a bit lazy as of late, his only real training had been messing around with people around the village. "Yeah. Training tomorrow sounds good to me. We can show off some of our abilities, and maybe have a little spar. Whatever we end up doing, we will likely gain skills from it, seeing as we are both users of Suiton." Smiling, Daiko questions, "Oh, do you know a second element? I know Katon, it would be a great coincidence if you did as well."

Daiko didn't really care whether or not he had katon, but he didn't really look like the type. Seeing as it was a coincidence for them to both have Suiton as their primary focus, the young ninja wondered if he would be so lucky as to have someone to teach him better in the ways of fire ninjutsu. After the man awnsered his question, he would look through the book that the shopkeeper had brought over. Flipping to the index, he sees several different names of clans home to Kiri. He saw several different names... Kaguya, Osada... One that caught his eye was a clan known as the Hōzuki clan. It probably caught his eye because the o looked cool to him. Flipping to the page, he read details on how the clan had a very deep relationship with suiton chakra, to the point that there physical composition was made out of a water-like substance. Huh. That sounded an awful lot like him. He was happy that he got a clan with a cool name, he would've been a bit upset if his name had turned out to be Daiko Osada. That just sounded weird.

Closing the book and happy with his newfound knowledge, Daiko smiles at the man. "It looks like I am of the Hōzuki clan... Tomorrow at the training fields we will see each other's skills, no? It was nice meeting you. I will see you then." After saying his farewells, Daiko exits the shop and walks off into the night to find a better place to sleep than a tree.


1000/1000 Learned Fire Style: Fire Clone Technique
1000/1000 Learned Water Release: Fountain
118 Words discarded~




Daiko seemed to be thinking about the Land of Water in great detail. Nayoko waited in anticipation, excited for anything and everything that the young man could tell him about the land of his ancestors. Cold and wet. Even that was interesting to the leaf Genin. I wonder if it always rains, or if it snows all of the time. I wonder what the people are like and how they act toward people from other places like myself. All of these thoughts went through Nayoko’s mind while Daiko thought about an answer. Finally, the traveler answered him. "Kirigakure... It's an interesting place to say the least. It's a bit less inviting I would say than I have seen in this village so far... There are some strange people in that village..." He scratched his chin. "But of course, who's to say that there are no strange people here. All I mean is those that I have met seemed like there was something darker about them than meets the eye." The young man stopped and began to visibly ponder for a moment. "Like I said, I walked here from there. It wouldn't be too much of a task for me to take you there. I can even show you around and make sure that nobody tries to mess with us." He smiles. "Two is better than one, right?"

Nayoko’s eyes lit up. An offer to take me to the Land of Water? I’ve really hit the jackpot tonight! I absolutely love this bookstore. I’ve gotta come here more often. After the initial shock wore off, he replied, “Yes! Yes, that would be amazing! My goal is at least to be a Chunin before I travel that far, so it will take some time, but ya! I would love to go there with you! Two is better than one for sure.” This evening was turning out to be one of the best of Nayoko’s life.

Daiko then mentioned that he would love to train and see their comparative Suiton abilities at work. Best. Night. Ever. When he then asked about Nayoko’s ability regarding his elemental powers, Nayoko replied, “Unfortunately no. I work more with Fuuton, but maybe someday we can swap those techniques too! After all, I’ve always thought Katon was a particularly powerful element and would love to learn more someday.” Nayoko was getting so excited about this potential training session and maybe future travel plans, that he didn’t even notice with Daiko started flipping through the new book. Nayoko was snapped out of his waking dream when Daiko began to speak again. He mentioned that he had found his clan in the book! The Hōzuki clan huh? I don’t know much about them, but I’m so glad that he figured it out. Daiko closed the book and stood up and proposed that they start some training tomorrow. Nayoko agreed, smiled, and shook his hand before Daiko left.

Nayoko smiled and thanked the store owner, asking if he could borrow the first clan book. Mr. Ariwara agreed happily and then, book and hand, Nayoko headed out the door toward his home, feeling even better then when he arrived, the cool evening breeze keeping his smile alive and well all the way home.

[Exit Thread]

WC: 584+2738=3322


Strength: E-2 to D-1 (850/850)
Speed: E-3 to D-1 (625/625)
Endurance: E-2 to D-0 (525/525}
Perception: E-2 to D-0 (525/525}
Reaction Time: E-3 to D-1 (625/625}

Unused WC: 172

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