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As Good A Place As Any

Crisp and cool...

The air at this altitude hugged the skin in a chilling embrace that seemed to calm, to relax one’s being much in the way the other side of the pillow does in the middle of the night. Sometime ago Kino’s ears had popped and with that seemed to come clearer thought and more purposeful thunder claps betwixt synapses. High above the sun smiled down on him, midday heat warming the aforementioned cool air just enough to keep him warm despite being so poorly dressed for his current locale - something he would hastily rectify once he’d found himself a place to rest his head.  At present Kino wore his usual attire; a pair of thin loose fitting white pants and a white tunic that hung from his frame as if it had been stretched. On his feet a pair of traditional shinobi sandals from which his toes peeked out. Over his shoulder was slung a bag within which various sundries of his long journey resided.

Kino paused for a moment. His slender brown fingers brushed the thick black locks, that had managed to fall lose of his hair tie, out of his face. His head tilted back slightly, as if prompted by the prior motion of his hand, shifting his line of sight upward toward the sky. A vibrant light blue wisped by streaks of white glared back at him. A deep sigh slipped between his lips in response. “As good a place as any to take a break.” He said as he reached for the pack that hung at his side. He slid the thing around and reached into it, producing a cylinder wrapped in paper. He glared at it for a moment, deciding if this is what he wanted. A slight nod confirmed that it in fact was.

Kino turned around, facing the bridge he’d just crossed. He’d come quite a way since his last stop at a small village where he’d procured the tasty morsel he now held in his hand. He nodded again in agreement with his prior statement; this certainly was a good place to take a break. A few steps brought him to one of the pillars that accented the bridge and he leaned against it. There he began to unravel the wrapping around what would turn out to be a burrito like snack, full of various meats and vegetables.

Utterly delicious…

His meal stuffed down his throat and belly full it was time to get back on the trail. Iwagakure wasn’t much further off and he hoped to arrive before nightfall. Not that he was even sure that he’d be allowed entry into the village. It was worth trying though. Worth the experience and lessons that could be learned. Most importantly his hunt for Hao had led him here. There had been word that persons at least affiliated with the man or at worst simply the horrors he had committed could be found here. Anything that might bring him even a step closer to the monster demanded Kino’s attention.

The paper his burrito had been wrapped up in was quickly balled up and tossed aside and his bag was repositioned. He looked back at the bridge one last time, letting the beauty of the scene sink in - it was worth remembering. There was no telling if he’d ever come across it again, no telling where his travels might take him next.

Word Count: 580



The young Hattori was certainly misplaced. His mouth had never been so dry and his skin yearned for rain. Iwagakure was nothing like Amegakure, not geographically and hardly even culturally. Enma was glad that they both spoke the same language. His black hood covered his eyes from the beaming sun as he wiped the sweat from his brow. No matter how much water he drank from his canteen, it would never be enough to to escape the arid heat that manifested the northwest. Enma told himself that he was going to enjoy the struggle, embrace the hardship of the journey but this was not fun to him at all. The very nature of traveling had always appealed to him but perhaps, he was only focused on the romanticized aspects. Regardless, his body moved forward in search of the Aoi Bara.

Enma felt vulnerable. Without the use of his bow or his scrolls, he had to rely on basic shinobi tactics and abilities. Enma certainly was much stronger than he is right now but without his equipment, he cannot put on quite the show that he is capable of. This would frustrate the young adult who would be more proactive in the world around him. His back felt naked without the quiver and bow wound on it, the urge to hunt was not becoming overwhelming. His feet would continue to kick over mounds of dusts and break peddles of dirt one foot at a time. The trek was not unbearable but something quite close to it.

Marching on, he had not stopped to think the last time he rested and he certainly was due one. His eyes wandered beyond the path to a cliff of some sort. Figuring that could be a rest stop, his body followed suit. It only took a moment for Enma to see something that he did not like. A brown man, a little darker than he was threw a wad of paper behind him and continued towards the path. This man was a bit bigger than Enma was but Enma was not deterred. The Hattori knew many people have not seen battle as much as he had, making him a hardened veteran. Enma watched as the black dreadlocks bounced their way out. Being triggered by his short fuse, Enma walked up towards the paper wad and picked it up in his hand. Noting that it was from food, he watched the dreadlocked savage take steps away from him.

He brought the ball of paper close to his eye and closed one eye for sighting. Twisting his hips, he flung the ball towards the beast aiming at the back of his attention. With full confidence that the ball would hit a strike, he stood with his eyes glaring over towards the man. With no words yet, he would simply wait.


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On the road again...

Kino’s mind wandered for a moment. It sifted through disheveled piles of thought and muddled memory until it finally plucked a moment worth dwelling on. A dangerous endeavor, at best. Despite Kino allowed himself to be inundated by the wave. As if still in the moment he could hear his older brothers voice in his mind spouting words of encouragement. He could feel the warm winds of the Land of Grass against his skin once more. He could see his family’s home on the outskirts of the village. It stood proud on years of tradition and skill.

He could hear his mother's voice, scolding him for not upholding that very tradition and skill, for being slow to develop the ability to utilize the clan's doujutsu. It had seemed he’d never become a warrior as other members of the clan. He could hear his mother claiming him to truly be his father's son, something he’d not understood until later in life. Both he and his father had been slow to develop, both had shown exceedingly little skill in combat. Worst of all, according to his mother, neither men were capable of using ninjutsu which only served to make using the clan's doujutsu all the more difficult it seemed. Despite, under his elder brother’s tutelage Kino managed to overcome his shortcomings - something that made the two as close as they could possibly be. This was the reason he’d chosen to take his brother’s name after the monster Hao’s attack.

Suddenly, Kino was snapped from his train of thought. Something had hit him, just what he was unsure. Swiftly, Kino pivoted on his heels his eyes darting about in search of the culprit. First he found the wadded up piece of paper that had been used against him. It was immediately recognized as the trash he’d left behind. Next his eyes fell upon a figure not far off. His eyes narrowed on the man. How dare he attack him?

“What the fuck?!” Kino shouted back at the man. “Is there a goddamn problem?” He questioned, already angrier than he should be over the whole matter. Even as he spoke his legs were already carrying him in the direction of the stranger. Time spent alone had shortened his patience and enflamed his temper. No longer was he the tender hearted boy of old. No, he’d grown into a rage filled man. His eyes wandered the man’s frame, sizing up his soon to be opponent. His hands moved to the pack that hung over his shoulder. It was quickly pulled up over his head and allowed to hang freely in his left hand.

Cue the fight soundtrack…

Word Count: 454
Total Word Count: 1,034



Enma wanted to break into a burst of laughter and managed to hold it off with a grin that could have been construed as sly or perhaps, canny. Though, the reason why Enma was in this bit of laughter was because of the way this guy reacted. What a great shot, Enma was certainly proud of himself for making the hit. Too bad the other people around were not so fond of his abilities. Shouting out a what the fuck, the man certainly jumped the gun and was clearly pissed. Enma did not intend to cause him so much turmoil. However, the Hattori stood his ground and watched as the man came closer to him with a bag. There was little to no way for Enma to know what was in the bag, which made him cautious of what was in the bag. Perhaps, this man could be fucking with Enma just like he did to the man. Regardless, Enma waited for the man to get comfortable but not before he noticed that there was a giant piece of metal perched against a tree and what seemed to be a discarded wheel from a caravan across the road.

"My name is Hattori Enma." The name would have certainly rang some bell in some parts of Amegakure but being in a foreign land, his name was hardly worth the weaponry he was carrying. And, this was simply because his name was not hard pressed or even tested in these lands. Enma knew he could not blame or be upset with people not knowing him, it was not like he was a big deal or anything. "You may not think this way, but this land is a home to many. For you to throw your trash on the ground is not only disrespectful to nature but also to every living being that calls this place home." Enma held his ground but certainly did not want to engage in any battle. He had no weapons, no scrolls and he needed to rework his summoning jutsu. Most importantly, he threw the most effective weapon and it did no damage. In fact, it probably made things worse.

The man then grabbed his hood and reeled it off his head revealing a thick black mane matched with black eyes. His eyes were not entirely hidden but this way, the man would be able to see Enma's eyes and know where he was looking; Enma was looking directly at the man and staring into his eyes. 'Come on big boy, make a move.' He thought tauntingly as he was prepare for the man to strike. The man did not seem like a shinobi but the only indicator that Enma could find was those shinobi sandals that he was wearing, no headband though. His eyebrow rose in intrigue and with a sense of caution. The rush of never knowing what was going to happened helped fuel Enma's body with adrenaline. His heart pumping blood around his body, he had not felt this rush in quite awhile. Typically, he would not be so thrilled about such an adversarial encounter but Enma had very few weapons. He knew that even if this guy was of genin power, that it would be a uphill battle. Enma just had to play it cool. Reaching into his cloak, he slowly pulled out a box of cigarettes in such a fashion that one would question what he was truly doing. Flicking a cig out of the box and quickly lighting it; he then waited while releasing smoke from his nostrils with once again, his famous grin.

WC: 604
Total: 1,077

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As Good A Place As Any

As the tension builds...

The upper right portion of Kino’s lip quivered, or perhaps twitched. How dare this stranger stand their so smugly after having been so rude? A deep breath followed. Was any of this actually worth it? The mans hood did give a rather foreboding appearance to him. There was the possibility that this wasn’t a fight that Kino couldn’t win. He sucked his teeth. There was no such thing. Nevermind the fights he’d lost in the past, they were all learning experiences and thus victories in their own right. More importantly this mysterious being had slighted him, and while his back was turned no less. This demanded retribution. Despite, Kino was not prone to jumping head long into battle without a plan or at least a clue. He’d bide his time for a least a few seconds longer, perhaps the hesitation would create the illusion of true fear as opposed to caution - something that would surely work in his favor when the fighting started. With a little luck he’d be underestimated, perhaps even allowed to close a bit more of the distance between them.

Hattori Enma…

He’d introduced himself. The name rang a bell, somewhere in the back of his mind. Kino had traveled a great deal of the world, as he knew it. Though he couldn’t place a story with the name he knew he’d heard it somewhere, perhaps whispered in a corner or gleamed from a passing conversation. Though in truth it was more likely that it was the family name he was recognizing than the man himself, still he couldn’t help but wonder just what was so familiar about it. Unfortunately, this was doomed to the realm of unanswered questions.

Enma, as he had called himself, continued with a statement that seemed to explain his prior actions. This, however, did not soften the sting of the slight nor did it quell the rage brewing beneath Kino’s skin. He hadn’t always been so quick to anger, yet the last two years had changed him in ways he still wasn’t sure of. “There’s more important...” He paused for the briefest of moments. “There are people that destroy entire nations and you’re worried about my littering? I think you might be missing,” He paused a second time as if searching for the right words. “reality, maybe.” He finished. “What’s so important about one piece of paper in the whole scheme of things, Enma?” He questioned, using the man's name as if to point out that he’d not offer his own.

Kino’s eyes wandered, searching their surroundings, familiarizing himself with the lion maned mans build as best he could. The bridge behind them and pillars that marked it caught his eye for a moment, as well as dead trees, rocks, the broken caravan wheel, a few randomly strewn logs and broken branches. For the most part what could full well become their arena was an open space. This would serve well for combat, but would do poorly should the young man need to flee the battle.

Maybe wasn’t all that bad…

Word Count: 527
Total Word Count: 1,561



Enma could still frustration, annoyance or even anger in the man by his posture. By the fact, that there fumes exhaling out of his nose. Of course, he was not that mad but still. The unnamed man seemed to have something to say and as soon as he finished Enma shouted with a reply that almost did not follow his own advice. "Think before you talk!" He said in a mocking but honest voice. "There are certainly people destroying entire villages, ruining the lives of civilians." He then paused for a moment to allow the sun that was over him to cast him in the light of some sort of revolutionary. "Wanna know how they do it?" He said with a smirking grin that plastered his face or broadly that Kino would have been able to see it. " Each shinobi only What is ONE thing going to do? With the selfish attitude you have, I would not be surprised if you were the one ransacking a country."

Enma might have been a little harsh on the man but it certainly was the truth for him. His arms crossed and his body turned slightly to the side. "It seems like you are attacking this world and that paper is your weapon." Then his body turned forward in a scolding sense. "AND! Don't tell me this is the only one that you have ever done. I know you have littered before." Enma said as he was smoking a cigarette and took a long pump to reignite the cig that was being held in his hand the entire time he was talking. The man then pulled out a few bundles of trash from his pockets. "See, I do not harm the earth. I carry my trash." He shouted as his little rant continued, still waving a cigarette.

Nevertheless, Enma realized that the man would probably not want to change if he were being yelled at. This way, Enma might actually have a chance in stopping littering. A crime that often goes unpunished simply because the earth is the victim and no one cares so much about the earth. Enma's mind rushes to the scorched earth that he has seen on battlefields. His hand reached back into his pocket as if he was pulling something out that could hurt Kino. Pulling out a flask, he took a swig of rum...waiting to see what this man would do or say.

Total: 1490



As Good A Place As Any

Aww, nevermind…

Kino watched the body language of his newest acquaintance. He didn’t seem to be readying himself for battle. It was entirely possibly that the young ronin had jumped the gun so to speak. That realization didn’t soften the anger that was welling somewhere inside him, however. It didn’t give this stranger the right to throw trash at him. Surely, there was no reason good enough to justify that. Still, Kino paused before acting again. It was during this time that Enma responded to his initial statement.

Kino’s body relaxed a bit, ‘think before you speak’, he’d told him. How that applied to what Kino had said was lost on him but the intention was not lost on him. Though it was the admission of his own point that softened his mood. The obviously rhetorical question posed next peaked his interest. Would Enma’s justification of his actions come attached to the answer he would provide? Perhaps. Would be sufficient? Doubtful.

As Enma spoke, Kino’s eyes wandered to the cigarette he was smoking. For a brief moment he wondered if the man was indeed a fighter himself, it seemed unlikely given the damage he’d be doing to his own body. Though it was entirely possible that the man was capable of ninjutsu or some other art that did not so solely and strongly rely on the health of one’s body. An unrelated thought that was quickly dashed aside in favor of the point Enma was making. He wasn’t wrong, of course. However, just how did the loss of life correlate to the paper he’d dropped on the ground. It seemed somewhat a stretch, yet still the mans point was made and understood.

Now came the accusations, these too had truth in them. Kino simply stood silently, allowing the man to finish before he spoke. The ronin would have responded but the punctuation that Enma ended his speech on robbed him of his train of thought. Had the man really just pulled a ball of trash from his pockets? Kino burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter; “Haha! Did you really just do that?” He barked between hysterical laughter. Welp, there was the thing that made it all okay. “Point taken, Enma, point taken. To save the world we all have to carry a bit of trash in our pockets.” He laughed a bit more, the initial shock finally dying down. [i]“Sacrifices must be made. That, I can agree with.” He continued as he moved to sling his bag back over his shoulder. Had Enma been inclined to attack him he’d have gotten a free hit in at that moment as the movement he’d performed himself was lost among Kino’s laughter.

Kino turned on his heel to continue his journey. “Shihana Kino, by the way.” He finally offered his name. “I should hope that we cross paths again, Hattori Enma.” With that Kino started on the road again. What Enma did next was entirely up to him.

Exit Thread - Training/Social Complete

Word Count: 508
Total Word Count: 2,069

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