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1A Cure for What Ails You (Shitai/NK) Empty A Cure for What Ails You (Shitai/NK) Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:18 am

Alistair Drake

Alistair Drake

The Doctor was sitting in a small abandoned building that he had purchased upon moving to the village of Iwagakure no Sato. He had decided that while he was her, as he might be for a while since it was a fascinating little area, he should set up a shop in the event that someone might need his help with anything, plus it would give him an opportunity to perform his experiments in relative peace, as there wasn't likely to be anyone poking around the area. Most of his equipment wasn't state of the art or anything like that, using an old chair and bench and a lot of his larger instruments, though his scalpels and drills and whatnot were all brand new, as you never perform surgery with old equipment, unless you want them to die, which Doctor Alistair Drake occasionally did want to see such things happen, or at least to see what infections on the tools would do to the patient.

The sun was dipping down behind the mountains and Alistair was standing in front of his shop, admiring the plaque that said "Dr Alistair Drake, General Practitioner" on the door. He looked towards the young assistant he had hired to take care of his patients. She was pretty enough, though Alistair mainly hired her so that people would feel more at ease around the building. Having an assistant often made your business look more legitimate, which was an important thing if you wanted people to come and see you. Her name was Kiyoko, and she was a sweet lower twenty something, a girl who had never gone to the famed ninja academy to learn how to channel chakra, which was somewhere that her and Alistair were similar. Being from outside of the continent, he had also never been to an academy, besides a medical college. He was lucky enough to have learned about chakra from a man who was a member of the legendary Guanyin clan, one that to Alistair's knowledge were known as the greatest medics in the shinobi world.

"Mein dear Kiyoko, I belieffe you can leaffe for home for the night. Ach ! It doesn't zeem like anyone elze is koing to come through our doors tonight, as the zun is falling and it is nearly time for bed. If anyone comes, I shall take care of zem myzelf." Kiyoko smiled and told him she would see him in the morning, grabbing her coat and leaving Alistair alone to stand in front of the medical shop and keep an eye on the streets. He contemplated his day's work, having had a man who had come in with a gangrenous limb, which he had removed a piece of before healing him. He had studied the gangrene, and attempted to put it into another person's cut, telling them to come back in a few days so that he would be able to check on the progression of his healing. It wasn't an extremely busy day, but that was something that he was certainly curious about. He often did things like that just because he was curious. His eyes would wander once more, his white coat flowing gently in the breeze as he pushed the glasses on his face up the bridge of his nose with his finger, making sure that they were in place as appearances were everything...


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