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1Heading out [Ano / NK] Empty Heading out [Ano / NK] Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:01 pm



Kai surveyed the the area as he headed out of the village. He has talked it over with the village officials, and gotten approval. No one with half a wit went desert camping and training without telling someone where they would be. Sure fire way to never make it back if anything happened. This way if he broke his leg and couldn’t make it back, the village would know where he was, and would go find him if he wasn’t back in a week. That was just common sense. Kai wasn’t particularly looking forward to this. It wasn’t going to be a pleasure excursion. Rather, desert survival training on his own.

He Had food and water stored away in his scroll, what he was coming to refer to as his camping scroll. It help the basics and more. This included 2 large tents, 10 gallons of water, water purification tablets, sleeping bags, lanterns and fuel, rope to secure things, like a tent if a sandstorm was to come, a whole 40 mre packets, a mirror, for signalling, a flint and steel, and a compass. Most things you might need for this. So his goal was to get to get camping site, and from there set up camp and try to NOT user his food and water where possible. It would test his discipline, and he’d half to learn ways to hunt and gather for food. Why bring food and water if you don’t plan to use? For one simple reason, without these he would die if he was injured. Even if you didn’t plan to use them, only an idiot brought none just incase. It takes a special kind of stupid to do that.

Kai walked along, the light wind ruffling his sandy Brown cloak, which had some dark brown accents and trim. On his head he wore a matching hat, with his long black-blue hair poking through the back in a ponytail. His mouth and nose were covered by a matching sandy brown and darker brown color schemed bandana, to keep sand out of his mouth and nose. Under all this, he wore sturdy pants and a sleeveless shirt, his shoulders, arms, and face all protected with some pretty strong sunscreen. Over his shoulder and cloak he had a messenger bag of sorts, containing some spare closes, and the somewhat large scroll containing his camping supplies, which wasn’t huge, but too big to fit in his pockets, and even if it would, it would be clunky and impractical to store it there. In short he looked like someone who was prepared for some desert traveling. Perhaps the only thing that might stick out about him was his black hair that shone blue respectively when in the light from certain angles, and his eyes. His eyes creeped some people out. He had black sclera, and bright, luminescent blue irises. These were from a type of hyperpigmentation.

Kai walked on until he came to the meeting cactus. He would be setting out from here. As a result he sat down on a large rock near the huge cactus, and took out a bottle of water. He didn’t want to dehydrate before he even got there. He took a short swig and looked around. Might as well be rested up before the trek or the campsite. It wasn’t horribly far away, but… still. Kai set his bottle of water down and pulled out a small compass. Sure he had one in the scroll, but It was always good to have spare. His destination was due northwest, almost exactly. If he went a little off it was okay, there was a large rock formation as his landmark. He’s set up camp against it as a windbreak. It was large enough to see from a ways off. So unless he went due north or due west instead of going roughly northwest, he’d see it.

Word Count: 650

2Heading out [Ano / NK] Empty Re: Heading out [Ano / NK] Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:14 am



It wasn't as if he was unfamiliar. He was quite at home in the bleak deserts of Wind Country...he had, after all, sufficed enough to live in the place for a few years on end.
He was just...disoriented, perhaps, was the correct word. He couldn't get his bearings just yet, after all; it'd only been a week or so since his...excursion. Since he died. And since he'd died, he knew that it wasn't the world he thought it was. It wasn't full of people that had any sort of moral sense. And, perhaps, that was alright. He wasn't universally correct. Having had some time to think, he could still forgive that person. It would be difficult, but perhaps eventually....

Such was his musing, sitting in the shade of a particularly large dune. He was quite used to living out in the harsh sands here. From his own parents to wandering merchants to spying on roaming bandits, Ano had picked up a few tricks. Of course, his extensive time in the wilds of Wind Country meant that he had had the groundwater and local flora and fauna as sustenance on many an occasion. Thus, his usual foraging and gathering was much easier than others', given that he had built up a relative resistance to any diseases they might have been carrying.  Scorpion venom, not so much, but he wasn't fond of the taste of scorpion to begin with. Soaking what cloths he had with the dew of the morn to get some extra water, and traveling at night rather than by day.

He had nothing on his person. This was the norm for a drifter like himself; scrolls got torn up with great ease in the absence of an appropriate holding pouch, and he was not skilled enough to release items from them, much less put some inside. All he had to his person was a long cloak-like garment, a bleached tan from the sun; the front was open and it reached to his ankles, similar to this country's native haori. His bare skin below, and an above-knee breechcloth serving for the locals' sake of modesty, were the only other adornments he wore save for his own cufiyeh, completing some relative darkness around his head and neck. Ano's feet were wrapped lightly in bandages for some shelter from abrasion, not heat; his normal bands had been...forcibly requested from him earlier in his travels. An objectively low-value item with little sentimental value was nothing that he wasn't willing to part with. This lithe, truly almost-bare frame was host to a mind that proverbially paced back and forth.

His mind only emerged from its sanctum in his skull when he noticed the sun waning. Even in this time of year, the area around Suna was hot, and the nights were brisk. He needed...some sort of sustenance before he was to begin, given that he had been sleeping in the hours of the sun. It was a search, however, that he was not apt for, and he was much better at gathering than hunting. He had, on more than one incident, cooked animals that had collapsed from heat-stroke, which was his main source of sustenance. At the very least, he was good at finding berries and edible flowers from the local cacti.

He walked the dunes, looking to the surrounding small mesas, as he munched bit by bit on a succulent rose. That star, large on the horizon, cast the sky above in a rainbow of pastels; that same light passed through the light-colored clothes on his person, flapping in the light oroshi that came in from the north-west mountain range. A cactus paddle gave him some much-needed water; he winced halfway through eating the waxy leaf, one spine he neglected to remove taking him by surprise.

He had one rose left after his small meal, and he journeyed eastward, towards the near-oasis area that was home to many cacti. The westward area, he'd had enough of for now. Perhaps he was ready to interact more with people.


3Heading out [Ano / NK] Empty Re: Heading out [Ano / NK] Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:10 pm



Kai smiled slightly and stood, reading to begin the long trek toward his camping site. This was certainly going to be fairly interesting. Sure he has spent time in the desert. No village ninja hadn’t. Desert survival was a critical field of study for any ninja or warrior who wanted to serve this county. Heck, they had been out on field trips to some sections of the desert. Everyone learned the very basics at the very least, of you payed any attention. But there was a difference in learning and actually using a skill, polishing a skill. He needed first-hand experience of what desert survival really meant, get on the obvious things like don’t leave too much skin exposed because dry desert winds tended to suck the moisture out of the skin, and of course the hugely problematic sunburn that could give. That was why Kai wore this flowing outfit, it provides it’s own cooling shade to His skin, was loose enough to allow evaporation of sweat without drenching his clothes, and shielded his skin from the dry winds. But, clothing wouldn’t keep him fed and we'll watered. He needed to actually practice and refine the skills that would help with that. Perhaps some future Kai(ya) would be glad be had done this.

His thoughts were somewhat erratic, going over what he must do and how he was supposed to, reminding himself of things he had learned, and how to use them. Things like fire starting, making water catchers using condensation, what insects he could eat and which were poisonous, and more. There was so much to work on and refine. As he was walking he spotted a creosote Bush nearby, one of the plants that were made for surviving the desert. Their leaves had a resin that prevented water loss. Kai grabbed a hand full and crushed up the leaves, rubbing them on his hand. Sure the sun was waning, but it was still hot, and she didn’t want her hands sticky with sweat.

As she stepped into a dun not far from the meeting cactus an interesting sight met her eye. A traveler, one with a very different desert philosophy. He had left his chest exposed and wore what, from a distance,she guessed were shorts. His feet seemed, at her best guess, to be wrapped in bandages. His tan was sunbleached and he seemed rather makes for desert travel. Heck he might freeze when it came to true nightfall. What to do… his slightly gaunt appearance worried her, had he not eaten? Kai made a brisk pace towards him, somewhat worried I for the man. She could only imagine the horrifying sunburn he must have been through.

”Heeey! You okay?” or was a simple question, but she worried I for him a bit. But fortunately, the nearby meeting cactus was close enough to the village, and he might get help there. As she closed the distance somewhat she stopped and didn’t just barge into his personal space. Still, what was he to do here? He did seem a bit gaunt. Was he hungry, thirsty? Best not to look particularly putting. He could be from some clan who simply looked that way, there were wearer clans. ”How are you? Wasn’t expecting to see another person traveling here. Anything I can do for you?” Kai stood in a rather masculine, confident enough way he supposed, but if one saw beneath the claim his androgynous body would make one wonder. A guy shouldn’t have small breasts, let alone in Kai’s shape. But, he was intersexed after all, not that you’d know it.

Word Count: 609
Total Word Count: 650+609=1,259

4Heading out [Ano / NK] Empty Re: Heading out [Ano / NK] Wed Dec 28, 2016 3:07 pm



He passed the time with simple walking. It was not as if the sands blistered his feet as he pounded that proverbial pavement, it cushioned him and eroded away any blisters he might have garnered throughout his travels. As long as he had some gel from the native succulents, he needed not worry of any scratches or dryness that he might encounter from a simple death. The sands of Wind Country were but one of many homes to him. This bemused and yet befuddled him at the same time. He knew not the reason for his seemingly self-imposed exile, and yet he served it almost as if he were glad for it.

The sun, at his back, warmed the cloth draped from and wrapped 'round his brow. Leaving nothing to chance, the cloth-robed figure opened his arms to allow that flow, the slightest waft and coolness that a desert wind could bring. The same wind enticed and allowed the sand beneath him to fly, though his own coverings allowed him a modicum of grace in dealing with such. It parted past the rather thin fabrics, forming a light and grainy cloud behind his figure. He stepped lightly onward; 'pressing' was hardly the word here. For travel in a place such as this, pacing was key. He stepped with neither haste nor sluggishness. Too fast, and he would overexert himself, and the exercise would induce sweating. Too slow, and the air currents could not cool him fast enough to counteract even the indirect rays of the sun. Similarly at the coming night; too fast, and he would tire too quickly, or perhaps step on a desert creature that was harmful to him. Too slow, and he would chill himself to death. The climes of the Land of Wind even during this time of year were hardly approaching freezing temperatures. That truly was all that mattered. With his garments to shield him from the wind, all he required was sustenance to heat him back up.

A figure in the distance, lit by the large star behind him. Rather....ceremonial in garb, or at the very least opulent, compared to the little that Ano wore. A swathing, embroidered cloak, pants similar to what the locals had addressed as hakama...still. The person before him waved and shouted to him. Curious.

Words of concern. words of inquisition. Words of...kindness.

It'd been far too long since the last show of benevolence from another human being. This person...they'd not even seen Ano for the breadth of ten seconds and they already were offering things of their own.

"Adị m mma, daalụ."

A polite declination of their aid, to be sure, but....he had slipped up. It was a fault of his, perhaps, to forget the fact that the tongues he knew were not common here. He even understood what was said to him. was not as natural to him, yet?

"O--oh. This fine. Thank you for your kindness. If you might like, we It has been a long time since I have talked in this."

His vowel pronunciation was a bit exotic, certainly not that of one who grew up knowing what was considered the common language here. The words, some not quite appropriate or concise. His manner of speaking in general, almost embarrassed. Slow pace, and almost shy in delivery.


|OOC: Have no excuse, allow me to beg for forgiveness of my lateness instead.|

5Heading out [Ano / NK] Empty Re: Heading out [Ano / NK] Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:23 pm



May-be it wasn't right of him. To do this. To seek help from some-one he did not know at all. Deserv-ing....the ability to say "this is the right way of what I should be receiving" made little difference to Ano, yet....there was some sort of feeling. Deep in his gut. Still too start using words like that. Words like 'deserve'. Then again, perhaps that was all in Ano's head, such a sense of right and wrong concerning services and items.

At times, he felt like the trade he had made was undeserving to be in his favor. Then again...had he known, at all, that it was a trade? Miko...that skeleton had left behind a good spirit in Mainyu. But what of her sacrifice? Was it worth anything? Maigo....Izayoi....perhaps they would make up for it. He saw it, though. That moment before the column of light had enveloped his body...was that truly his body? He had woken up on a beach, and it was entirely possible that it was his spirit down there...his own corpse simply washed up on a sandy shore. In either case, before he was surrounded by the radiance that had descended upon him, he saw her hair fade, that ectoplasmic substance. And her began to crumble. To dust. He had always heard that resurrection was an art that required a life for a life, but he thought Miko had it figured out. After all, it was....suicide. He was not sure. Perhaps she had thought it would work before they arrived. Was it the condition of the beast of the lightning element? Not enough power to send three meager souls back to the Impure World?

It wasn't as if he wasn't grateful. Perhaps he was the most of all, actually. A person with no ninja skills or other trades to contribute to the world at large....certainly it should have been him that stayed, then? If he had, perhaps she wouldn't have had to give her own....

But it was not in due service to her memory that he thought these things. Yes, he was, in fact, a living memory now. He could even make more, to impress the will of a dead shamaness into this world. Perhaps it was drive he lacked, not skill. Indeed....if he were to make the most of his life, he would do it at least not for himself, but for Miko. People like Miko. Those who gave everything for the sake of others...not just her singular sacrifice. She dedicated her entire un-death to bettering the existences of those around her.

It was with a forlorn look that he gazed upon the person before him, who had greeted his words only with a smile. This person, however, seemed to have been setting up camp for the night, while Ano had just awakened, only beginning his trek across the desert's night. He excused himself, however polite as it was taken, and went on his way. He had his desert rose to nibble at. He left a trail, either through laziness of mouth or determination of spirit. Perhaps someone would find that trail and come along his path.

It was only through dying, it seemed, that he was more fond of the living.

And as he plodded through the erg, the sea of dunes that was so pervasive of the Land of Wind, he felt a small chill through him; the same wind, cooled by the lack of the sun. The night air, however, was now so mild compared to what he knew as death, though.

The sun was setting. Those colors streaked across the sky, a gentle swathe of absolute pastel beauty. It was a wonder he never looked upwards, or even past the ground, before now. The thought that a natural process probably beyond his comprehension, yet also beyond the scope of a human's means could be so breathtaking...Perhaps 'twas out of self-preservation. The scorpions and snakes, after all, were rampant in the more sandy parts of the Endless Dunes, particularly near the underground river that fed such a symbolic plant like the Meeting Cactus. But it was standing nowhere in particular that he wondered.

Perhaps he, too, could become a person like her.


All training towards Senjutsu.

Ano left the thread.

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