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1Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Empty Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:21 am



Name: Akai
Species: Canine
Rank: E [Seijutsu Combat Pet]
Specializations: Ninjutsu | Seijutsu
Elements: Suiton | Futon
Akai is 38cm tall and weighs in around 7.2kg. He has yellow and white fur and Yuki often has him wearing a red scarf. He has gold and white fur and green eyes, his fur silky smooth and short length. His front paws are white and his back paws have gold around the toes. He has claws that are 0.63cm and his fangs are around the same due to him being a puppy.
Personality:  Akai is an easily excitable puppy, generally in good spirits. While she is with Yuki or around the other Inuzuka in her pack his tail never stops wagging. He loves to play and treats Yuki more like a sister than anything else. He is extremely protective of Yuki and the others and when they are threatened he will bare his fangs and park, though at his current size and age that doesn't do too much to intimidate people.
Techniques: N/A due to E-Rank.

Teeth and Claws:

E Rank: N/A
D Rank: Akai can deliver 3/4-inch cuts with his claws and fangs and very light bruises.
C Rank: Sharper now, Akai fangs and claws can deliver full inch cuts and piercing.
B Rank: Sharp as the average blade, his claws and fangs can deliver 1.5-inch cuts and piercing.
A Rank: Akai's Claws and fangs are sharp as medical scalpels and can deliver 2.25-inch cuts and piercing and can cut into but not through bone.
S Rank: Diamond sharp claws are able to deliver 3-inch cuts and piercing and hew through whatever bone they come into contact with. .

Akai's stat boost is +1 Reaction, due to his heightened canine senses, and -1 endurance.

Last edited by Yuki on Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Empty Re: Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:22 pm



Your pet's stat boost of +1 Reaction Time should be balanced by an equal drop of -1 in another stat.

That should be all for now.

3Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Empty Re: Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:54 pm



Yuki wrote:Name: Akai
Species: Canine
Rank: E [Seijutsu Combat Pet]
Specializations: Ninjutsu | Seijutsu
Elements: Suiton | Futon
Akai is 38cm tall and weighs in around 7.2kg. He has yellow and white fur and Yuki often has him wearing a red scarf. He has gold and white fur and green eyes, his fur silky smooth and short length. His front paws are white and his back paws have gold around the toes. He has claws that are 0.63cm and his fangs are around the same due to him being a puppy.
Personality:  Akai is an easily excitable puppy, generally in good spirits. While she is with Yuki or around the other Inuzuka in her pack his tail never stops wagging. He loves to play and treats Yuki more like a sister than anything else. He is extremely protective of Yuki and the others and when they are threatened he will bare his fangs and park, though at his current size and age that doesn't do too much to intimidate people.
Techniques: N/A due to E-Rank.

Teeth and Claws:

E Rank: N/A
D Rank: Akai can deliver 3/4-inch cuts with his claws and fangs and very light bruises.
C Rank: Sharper now, Akai fangs and claws can deliver full inch cuts and piercing.
B Rank: Sharp as the average blade, his claws and fangs can deliver 1.5-inch cuts and piercing.
A Rank: Akai's Claws and fangs are sharp as medical scalpels and can deliver 2.25-inch cuts and piercing and can cut into but not through bone.
S Rank: Diamond sharp claws are able to deliver 3-inch cuts and piercing and hew through whatever bone they come into contact with. .

Akai's stat boost is +1 Reaction, due to his heightened canine senses, and -1 endurance.
Approved for 1500 ryo.

4Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Empty Re: Akai (Free Inuzuka E-Rank Pet) Mon Nov 14, 2016 7:03 pm



I dont get what part of free Inuzuka pet warrents the 1500ryo but either way its going into my locker because its free. It is on the Inuzuka clan, so if you disagree please refer to there. It is on my character sheet if you cant find it. Thank you

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