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1Trying on some makeup [Invite] Empty Trying on some makeup [Invite] Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:38 pm

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

After joining the second squad of Sunagakure's shinobi, many thing have happened in Sun's life. First, she has a crush on an older guy. Who happens to also be her squad mate. How lucky for her. Futoshi is his name. Together they saved jounin's life. Then they visited ''Eating kings'', where Futoshi treated Sun to a meal. And next thing they met at the Oasis. They went swimming together. Sun still remembers how Futoshi blushed seeing her petite body covered only with bikini. And then they ended up together in squad 2. Where Futoshi stopped messing around with her and broke her heart. Then he went absent and that's the end of Sun Bulate's love story.

Although she hasn't seen him for weeks, she would still like to attempt to make herself pretty. That's why she is in the bazaar. With the earned money from the first missions, she is able to buy some makeup. No, her mother didn't support the idea and gave no coins before for this purpose. Neither did she share her own makeup collection. Sun grew up without cosmetics and she was completely fine with that. She disliked girls who tried to show off with glitters and expensive perfume. But now she understood. She too wanted to show off and get Futoshi back. It would be worth enduring someone pampering with her face and claiming to be ''making her pretty''. But Sun didn't even have earrings in her 16 years. Best she had is some simple jewelry to put around her neck. And she is unsure if she looks good in it.
Stalls in the Great Bazaar offered a wide variety of things she could want. The truth was - she didn't know how to apply most of the things. She didn't even know the origin or name of some things that were more expensive than the finest shinobi gear. "500 ryo for a small bottle of that?" was what went through her head.
Though bottles of 'nice scent' wasn't what interested her the most. She wanted a visible effect. Lipsticks, liners, powder shadows, tan colors, blushes, moisturizers, color glosses, eye shadows. She couldn't even distinguish some of these, but that's what she was looking for now.
Most of these things were sold by middle-aged plump women who already looked like clowns. And they offered to test the products on your hand (or your face if you were daring enough).

Sun wasn't daring enough. She wouldn't let those women close to her. Other middle-aged women didn't see it as a problem and gladly took the offer to be experimented on. They all looked awful afterwards, no surprise. "Where do teenagers get their makeup?" Sun wondered to herself for she didn't see anyone her age around.

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