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26Inuzuka, Shippo [Stats] - Page 2 Empty Re: Inuzuka, Shippo [Stats] Wed May 30, 2018 4:26 pm



Shippo wrote:Strength : D-2 to C 975/975W, 175 Ryo
Speed : D-3 to C 525/525W, 100 Ryo
Endurance : D-2 to C 975/975W 175 Ryo
Perception : D-3 to C 525/525W, 100 Ryo
Reaction Time : D-3 To C 525/525W, 100 Ryo

Words: 3,525/ 3,793 (Words Remaining: 268)
Ryo: 745- 650= 95
Training Approved~ Please post in Admin Requests for Stat changed and Ryo deduction

27Inuzuka, Shippo [Stats] - Page 2 Empty Re: Inuzuka, Shippo [Stats] Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:58 pm



Nozomi wrote:
Shippo wrote:Strength : D-2 to C 975/975W, 175 Ryo
Speed : D-3 to C 525/525W, 100 Ryo
Endurance : D-2 to C 975/975W 175 Ryo
Perception : D-3 to C 525/525W, 100 Ryo
Reaction Time : D-3 To C 525/525W, 100 Ryo

Words: 3,525/ 3,793 (Words Remaining: 268)
Ryo: 745- 650= 95
Training Approved~ Please post in Admin Requests for Stat changed and Ryo deduction


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