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1Bully Beatdown [D - Kiri] Empty Bully Beatdown [D - Kiri] Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:39 pm



A young man's eyes opened slowly as he gradually came to consciousness. Today, He decided that he was going to do a mission. With determination in his eyes, he got out of bed with a push of effort. He walked like a zombie over to his closet and put on his usual blue shirt, tan pants, and blue shinobi sandals. A quick movement was all it took for him to grab his trusty yari. He walked out of his room, closing the door behind him. His family already knew his plans, so he would talk to them after. He was already nervous enough with it being his first mission.

He bounced down the stairs with increasing energy. He called out "Bye, love yall!" before leaving and closing the door behind him. He quickly went to hear about his mission details. The trip was short as their house was close to everything important in the village. Mere minutes later, he was reading a document with the information. A bully? This sounded doable as he put the scroll away and headed to the alley in question. He took a deep breathe as he prepared to become a great shinobi like his dad, mom, and sister.

A few moments later, he turned a corner and put on his Kirigakure headband around his neck. As he approached, there were three children beating up a younger boy. Iro was horrified at their cowardly actions. "As a ninja of Kirigakure, I order you to stop attacking this boy!" He spoke with pride as he gripped his yari, just in case. Their obvious leader turned and laughed. He clearly was not impressed. It was silent, then the oldest culprit pounced forward, swinging his right fist wildly. The sessions with his dad obviously helped as he easily parried his using the hilt of the spear. He brought the yari around and swept his feet out from under him. His weapon followed the boy to the ground. The point was near his throat as he landed. This young fellow was terrified and yet Iro remained calm. "Leave him alone." Was all Iro said, but he meant it with every fiber of his body.

The boy nodded in shock before scurrying off. Iro walked over and helped the victum up. "If they bother you again, find me. Iro Hozuki is the name." With a bow of thanks, he to was gone. A sigh finally escaped his lips as his first mission was complete. He immediately returned to the mission building to collect his reward. This ninja thing was not bad at all. He walked calmly as he used the round end of his spear as a walking stick. Soon enough, he was back in the mission building and found the ninja he was to report to. "I arrived at the scene, found the boys attacking the young one again. I stopped it, defended myself." He thought about it and added. "No one was hurt though. We shouldn't have a problem again."

A 'Good Job' was followed by a small stack of Ryo. Iro bowed in thanks before taking it and putting it away in his pocket. He turned and exited the building, heading back in the direction of the Aisu complex. It wasn't long before he was approaching the house that he now called home. He burst in the door with a smile on his face. "I did it! Mission complete!" He would say to Strafe who sat on the couch. "Great job son, I knew you could!" He would respond with his usually pleasant tone. Iro grinned even wider and went a light shade of pink. Now he had to decide what to do with the Ryo he just got.


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