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1Earthquake Relief [Mission!] Empty Earthquake Relief [Mission!] Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:01 am



Day One

The soft rumble of the carriage crawled to a stop, shaking Trilby from his slumber. “Last stop son, Ikonami.” the coach master called out, Opening the door to the goods cart Trilby had been napping in. He had caught a ride on a supply caravan to the earthquake ravaged town of Ikonami, their mayor had sent for shinobi aid to help deal with the poor state of the area, and Trilby drew the short straw. Looking around, the town was in shambles. Most of the less posh houses were partially collapsed, and those that weren't had shattered windows and horrid messes inside. The only house that wasn't even partially damaged was the Mayor's manor, exactly where he was headed. Takaoushi, the leader of the village, was in-front of his manor, directing repair efforts. Upon seeing Trilby approach, he quickly finished his conversation with two surly builders and came over to greet him. “So, you're the shinobi they sent huh? Hopefully you're a fan of manual labour.” “I can keep up I suppose” Trilby replied, ignoring the snide tone the mayor had thrown at him. “Where am I needed?” “The doctor's office was hit quite badly, the entire place is in shambles and we're having difficult sorting it out, swing by and do what you can.”

The Ikonami medical centre certainly was hit hard by the earthquake. The entire building was in ruins. The rubble of the left wing had been cleared away, and a group of civilians was shovelling away, trying to clear the area. The foundation was fine, and a small group of builders was already working on salvaging what they could to rebuild it. As there was nothing for him to do in the left wing, Trilby figured he would help clear the ruins of the right wing away, so they could begin repairs properly. Snake, Ox, Ram. “Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu” Six identical stone clones of Trilby formed from the rock at his feet, setting in to work on the rubble.

The rubble of the right wing had been cleared away, caravans were delivering wood and everything was in place for the rebuild. Trilby and his clones were had at work, building support frames and moving around the larger, heavier planks to be sawed into more workable sections. The sun was hot, and the day was generally miserable. Still, he pressed on. Young children crowded around, watching the workers. “Hey mister, why are there so many of you?” One of them yelled, his high pitch voice grating at Trilby's ears. He hated children. They were alright at a distance, but loud, stupid, obnoxious midgets was high on his list of “things that need to be killed”. Still, he ignored them, helping to join the struts of the support beams together. The frame of the doctor's office was complete.

The sun had set, and the outer structure of the doctor's office was finished. The mayor had arranged a room for Trilby in the local inn. The smell of old scotch and tobacco filled the room, the inn had a bar connected to it, and many elderly man sat around, smoking and drinking. Trilby sat down at the bar, taking off his headband and resting it on the bench in-front of him. “Miserable day...” he muttered to himself. He hated working in the sunlight, and making and sustaining so many clones drained him. Still, thanks to that they managed to complete in one day what would've taken them the better part of a week. “Bourbon and coke please” he said to the barkeep, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Tomorrow would be a long day, hopefully he'd be able to finish the construction of the Doctor's office with a bit of elbow grease and a lot of clones. “On the house” the barkeep said, dropping a glass of thick black liquid in-front of him. “Thanks” Trilby replied, taking it and sitting at the large table with the old men. “Aren't you a bit young to be drinking that boy?” One of the old drunks said, glaring at him. “I'm nineteen, old enough to drink. And even if I wasn't, I just did the work of 10 men out there so I think I’ve earned the damn drink.” Trilby replied angrily. “Hah, he's got fire in him.” another drunk said, laughing.

Trilby spent the rest of his night drinking with the men of Ikonami, they were grouchy, harsh old men, but they began to grow on him. They were good people, though their harsh exterior made it hard to notice. He drank with them until they all gradually cleared out, before going upstairs to pass out. Tomorrow would be a long day.

Word count: 783/1000


Last edited by Trilby on Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total

2Earthquake Relief [Mission!] Empty Re: Earthquake Relief [Mission!] Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:07 am


Day Two

Trilby set in on the doctor's office once more. Overnight, shipments of building materials had arrived and been stacked up outside of the frame, plyboard, roof tiles, insulation and floorboards were all piled up in-front of it. So, Trilby and ten of his clones set in, adding walls to the frame of the doctor's office. A few builders worked with him but for the most part it was just him. It took a few hours to get the outer walls sorted. The inner walls didn't take long for him to sort out either, a simple matter of placing in insulation and nailing plyboard over it. The roofing was sorted by my mid-day, and the entire building was done by sunset. Trilby's work was done. He'd only been signed out for two days, though thanks to his ability to clone himself he had done the work of entire crew of workers, and sorted out the much needed medical centre for the town.

Trilby climbed onto the carriage, waving to the small crowd of workers, and his drinking buddies, who came to wave him off. He'd only been there a short time, but he had done a lot of work for this town. They'd pull back, eventually. But he was glad to do his part to speed up the process. There weren't too many major injuries, but a lot of minor ones. And with a proper office again, the doctors could treat people properly instead of shambling around.

Word count: 1029/1000

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