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1Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Empty Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:08 pm



Name: Hawky
Species: Messenger Hawk
Rank: E
Specializations: Ninjutsu and Taijutsu
Elements: Fuuton
Personality: Hawky is a messenger hawk who is loyal to its owner Kashizudoto. He can at times be fidgety, and if he sees another pet, he may begin to roughhouse with them either out of jealousy or in the interest of intimidating them.
Techniques: Hawky travels by flight rather than foot. He has sharp talons on the hands and feet and large wings to attack with.

Last edited by Kashizudoto on Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:51 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Empty Re: Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:11 pm



1. Please use the Pet and Seijutsu Template for all pet applications.

2. I'm not too sure about your generalisation of Hawky's abilities with regards to the decrease in speed. However, for Flight, Hawky seems to be far too well-equipped. You will need to significantly tone down the height at which he can fly. You might also have to look at the number of posts he can stay airborne. His speed will be determined by his rank, as is normal with pets.

3. I doubt we've had too many airborne pets prior, so even if this is satisfactory, it'll only be approved on a probationary basis.

Sorry for the wait. That should be all for now.

3Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Empty Re: Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:11 pm



Kashizudoto wrote:Name: Hawky
Species: Messenger Hawk
Rank: E
Specializations: Ninjutsu and Taijutsu
Elements: Fuuton
Personality: Hawky is a messenger hawk who is loyal to its owner Kashizudoto. He can at times be fidgety, and if he sees another pet, he may begin to roughhouse with them either out of jealousy or in the interest of intimidating them.
Techniques: Hawky travels by flight rather than foot; however, after a certain amount of time in flight, he must perch on a surface to rest. He has sharp talons on the hands and feet and large wings to attack with.


E-rank: Flies up to 2 meters above the ground and must perch after one post of flight.
D-rank: Flies up to 4 meters above the ground and must perch after two posts of flight.
C-rank: Flies up to 6 meters above the ground and must perch after three posts of flight.
B-rank: Flies up to 8 meters above the ground and must perch after four posts of flight.
A-rank: Flies up to 10 meters above the ground and must perch after five posts of flight.
S-rank: Flies up to 12 meters above the ground and must perch after six posts of flight.
Approved for 1500 ryo on a probationary basis as I'm not completely aware of the statistics of birds and flight on Saga.

4Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Empty Re: Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:12 pm



It's been decided that bird flight is not something that we regulate; if you want, you can remove the limitations on Hawky's flight.

5Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Empty Re: Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:51 pm



Ashes said that I need to app pet jutsu with item mods.

Name: Shielding Wings
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: E-A
Type: Defensive
Element: N/A
Range: Personal
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: Hawky charges up his wings with chakra and then puts his wings together in front of his body to act as a defense. It can defend against one technique of a rank higher, two techniques of the same rank, and three techniques of a rank below it.

Name: Targeted Sphere
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: E-A
Type: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: Direct contact
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: Hawky brings his wings together, collecting fuuton chakra within the gap between his wings and his body and shaping it into a ball. He then fires the ball at a target. Although the ball begins with a radius of 0.25 meters, it expands immediately to full size once fired.

E-rank The sphere of wind moves at 5 m/s for 2.5 meters, expanding to have a radius of 1 meter when fired. Upon impact, it causes negligible scrapes.
D-rank The sphere of wind moves at 15 m/s for 15 meters, expanding to have a radius of 3 meters when fired. Upon impact, it causes 1/2 inch cuts.
C-rank The sphere of wind moves at 25 m/s for 32.5 meters, expanding to have a radius of 5 meters when fired. Upon impact, it causes 1 1/4 inch cuts.
B-rank The sphere of wind moves at 35 m/s for 50 meters, expanding to have a radius of 10.5 meters when fired. Upon impact, it causes 2.5 inch cuts.
A-rank The sphere of wind moves at 45 m/s for 70 meters, expanding to have a radius of 22.5 meters when fired. Upon impact, it causes 3.5 inch cuts.

6Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Empty Re: Hawky [E-rank Combat Pet] Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:15 pm



I'm sorry, but I don't have the authority to moderate jutsu, even if it's pet jutsu. I've spoken to Jet on the matter and she's agreed to look over your pet's jutsu if you resubmit it. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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