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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Alright. So, that was done. He could have been in the area sooner, but he was traveling with people, and they couldn't move as quickly as he could. He wasn't bothered by that, but it was a bit annoying; he'd gotten so used to being surrounded by people that could, or could handle being moved at his normal speeds by him, that he had to check the urge to grab the Natake kid and start sprinting. However, he didn't want to snap the kid's neck from the force of the acceleration, so he kept to a more... average, pace. Satoshi could handle it, sure; not that it was super comfortable, but he could survive a good stretch of that speed before he suffocated, or just collapsed into a puddle of human goo, as Amaya put it.

Oh Amaya, how he wished she was here... but he needed to leave someone behind that could handle Michizuka and the kids. Not that he was worried about Michi, that man could take care of himself just fine, but it was everyone else he was worried about. If Michi wanted too, or was angry enough, he'd break so many brains that Kenta'd come back to the village being reduced to a bunch of mindless bodies that breathed, excreted, and nothing else, because all higher brain function had been fucked into oblivion. It would take some serious frick ups for Michi to do it, but, well; people thought Kenta had a temper... Michi was so much worse when he wanted to be. Leaving Amaya there to keep him calm, especially with Naota off being MIA again, was definitely needed, even if he really wanted her here to keep HIM calm. He had a metric fuckton of problems with this country in general; most of them petty as hell and related entirely to Dengen; hence why he was here and not just sending a Sannin to do the politics. He needed to get over himself, and this was going to be the best way. Forcing himself to interact with the people of the country, see it for himself; immersion therapy, as Michizuka called it. Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't.

He'd sent Tre a few minutes ahead of him, so that there was some warning to him appearing in the administration building as he had. Oh, there had been plenty of messenger hawks sent ahead to give them time to prepare properly, and Kashi had arrived long before them with the paperwork and formal announcement of him traveling; but this was as much protocol as a common courtesy, he wasn't looking to scare anyone, nor have the same bullshit happen to him as to Dengen. He was Hokage. He was going to act like the fucking Hokage. There where ways Kage acted toward each other. This new Tsuchikage, Karumo, he was young and green, but he was the legitimate Tsuchikage, so he was going to be shown the level of respect and courtesy that was allotted to his status. As far as Kenta knew, Iwa and Konoha where on solidly good terms lately; especially compared to when he had been in charge originally; so he was trying to be... friendly? No, not friendly... non-confrontational. That, yeah. He wasn't looking to fight, but he didn't know enough about this new kid to do much else. In many ways, this meeting was going to have parallels with his initial meeting with Hikou, but he was having to force himself not to think about that. A sore spot, that was; he'd instantly bonded with Hikou in a way, and they'd become great friends so quickly... to have the male taken from him like that... It hurt, even after all these years. It made Naota laugh though, to see Michi get jealous over a dead man like he did sometimes; which was stupid, Kenta had never been attracted to Hikou in that way, but Michi couldn't help being dramatic over it. That was just how he was.

Living in his head as he was at the moment, he'd passed over paying attention to the village since he'd gotten there with his little group, checking into their hotel in the middle of the night helped with that, as there was nothing to do and no one around. Sleep had come easily enough, he was still adjusting to having things like beds and whatnot after so many years in the wilds; so the padded flooring mats where perfect for him. He liked the smaller secondary room of the suite they'd grabbed; he left Satoshi and Tre to argue over the bed and couch while he passed right the frick out. He proceeded to sleep like death (outside snoring hard enough to shake the walls and probably drive his companions insane), and woke up ready and rearing to go. Hell, he'd even demanded food, which given he hated eating when he first got up, as it made him feel sick and sluggish the rest of the day, was saying something. A last message sent ahead, and now he was there; ready to meet with someone he hoped would be less bumbling baboon and more... Kage. Or at least not a raging idiot.

He was in his robes, sure; but his hat was off, hanging from his shoulders via the little catch that was built into the robes. He hated wearing it unless there was a reason; it was hot and made it harder for him to hear, see, and smell the world. This helped him, though, because very few people outside of Konoha actually knew what he properly looked like, so it was extremely difficult to pretend to be him. The little things made him unique, his single fang mark, the exact shade of sun-bleached honey gold of his hair, the tiniest tinge of green to his golden eyes. His posture, his slight hiccup in how he breathed; the wheeze from his damaged lungs that was getting worse over the years, but not bothering him in the least today. Nothing was, really; he'd managed to convince himself, for the moment, that today would go well. It had him feeling good, and he liked that.

He entered the waiting area of the Administration Building, walking right up to the secretary and attendants that guarded the doors to the rest of the building and walked right up like he was just another person coming in to handle business; which he saw himself as. Hokage or otherwise, he was just another dudebro that didn't care for being treated differently unless it was needed. Outside of political bullshit, he didn't want anyone treating him differently. At the negotiation table? All respect was expected, and he did try to at least earn it, until someone gave him a reason not to; at which point he stopped caring. He approached the group of Iwa people that suddenly looked like they where going to shit themselves (how often does the Hokage just wander in wearing full ceremonial robes acting like another random no-name ninja), and offered a simple introduction: "Inuzuka Kenta, Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, here to see the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure no Sato. I do believe my attendants had sent word ahead that I would be arriving this morning."

WC: 1237



It was a quiet day to say the least, missions were handed out and tended to and paperwork had been set aside and delegated down. All the reports were set up and the guards of the village were set to a low alert status with the arrival and stay of the Hokage. Having such a prominent figure as a guest in the village to meet the Tsuchikage and the village elders all in the same place could lead to an interesting opportunity for those seeking to harm the world. Karumo though, didn't have much worry about it, he always thought himself not a very worthy target for anything more than a symbolic attack against Iwagakure no Sato itself. A pointless endeavor otherwise, he wasn't strong or some great war hero for Iwa, he'd been mostly dealing with the internal and domestic affairs of the village for a long time. Combined with a fairly active and analytical mindset and he'd somehow risen up the ranks and was left in charge, though he found himself to be far more suitable as a strategist rather than the front line stone to weather any incoming storms. Still, this was his responsibility and his burden to deal with as the time comes, the responsibilities of Tsuchikage and whatever that entailed.

Today though, it would lead to a potentially more exciting territory than doling out missions or making some executive decision putting out fires (mostly in a figurative but sometimes literal sense?), across the village when they sprang up. The Hokage and his entourage had made it into the village, and it was their duty to play host to all of the happenings and proceedings. He left the intricacies of everything to the elders, always so accustomed to their traditions and grandstanding, he couldn't care for any of that, though it did mean that he would get a chance to spend most of the day relaxed. Well, where he wasn't analyzing and playing the game of politics or for whatever other events that the Hokage might have in mind.

For the Hokage, upon his arrival he would be directed up to the Tsuchikage's office, third floor of the administration building. Upon entering into the hallway, several rooms and offices would run around leading to a large set of double doors at the end, the walls of that same brown drywall color that everything else seemed made of in the village. The Hokage could knock or just enter into the room if he so chose, but what he would find inside would be a probably all too familiar sight for him. A large desk in the center of the room and a clean cut appearance in a neutral color otherwise. A few file cabinets off to the side and plenty of stacks of paper and folders around the room. Karumo stood leaned against the window overseeing the village, bits of smoke and steam rising out of restaurants and other buildings that were getting setup for the day. Otherwise everything was oddly quiet to say the least, the cool wind blew in flustered breezes in short bursts and birds chirped in small packs.

For Karumo though, staring out of that window was a small calming moment before he would have to tend to everything today. Not that the pageantry was exhausting or anything like that, it was just exhausting in a different form. He'd never admit that it might be a majority anxiety and worry over what the Hokage was actually doing in the village. Now would be a good time for a cigar, that small itch in the back of his mind would nag for a moment as he awaited the Hokage to be escorted up to his office whenever they would arrive and potentially with their entourage.

[639 words]

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Ah, the similarity of it all. It seemed that for all the purported differences between the peoples and nations of their world, they all had fairly similar tastes in architecture. At least, to a degree. He could appreciate that, but it was in the differences that his mind was drawn to. So sterile, this place felt. He knew it was likely, far more so, that he was the exception to the rule here: in every way this place of regality and power felt almost... empty. Lonesome. There was a lack of life here, and it wasn't... off putting, no; just cold. It screamed business and distance and he didn't really like that. But that was his innate prejudice acting up;  not everyone was as family oriented as an Inuzuka, let alone him. His entire floor of the admin building back home was covered in faded finger paintings, crayon drawings, claw marks and water stains; the entire place smelled of dogs and fire and water and love , and he missed that as he walked these familiarly foreign halls.

The doors he needed where obvious enough, the markings and symbols different, but the idea the same. The solid projection of strength and power manifest into physical form; exactly as the Kage themselves were meant to be. The power and heart and will of the people, always. He was having to relearn what that meant, so many years gone, so much change to his people. And now this, changing himself to be a better person and leader; or trying to, anyway;  overcome his useless hatred toward an entire people over stupidity. A sense of optimism, that's what he was aiming for. But that he was sure he could hit that, but he was willing to try, and that was a step for him. A knock, he might be expected, but he would not barge, not without some announcement, not without a reason to be that rude; singular but still something, then he was pushing the doors open and entering with little by way of flourish or fanfare. He'd never gotten that trick of making his robes swell and sway in that important manner that other Kage did. Maybe he was too down to earth still; he'd dreamed big and won the stars, but he'd never forgotten the boy sitting on Daddy's lap listening to harrowing tales of his ancestors and predecessors. His kids still called him Dad and his people knew him as more than just an aloof figure on a mountain. He was still just a punk Inuzuka kid with a lick of talent and a rough mouth, playing at leader and somehow managing not to accidentally a war.

"Lord Tsuchikage. A pleasure to finally meet you. I do apologize for my late appearence, and I hope I have not caused you any undue burdens."

Wc: 482

1719 total.

Last edited by Kenta Inuzuka on Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



A knock at the door rang out against his short musings in silence, his eyes would rotate to focus on the door silently opening before him. Anxiety struck him in a small wave, but he didn't understand why, this was a situation he'd prepared for. But Karumo was so new to the scene of politics, to be so nervous was amateurish on his part, he was the Tsuchikage after all! But yet, this was the Hokage, another figure of world importance and absolutely stronger than Karumo in terms of physical power. Karumo wouldn't shy away from that fact in the slightest.

His worry faded quickly as he took a deep breath and straightened himself up some, standing straight and dawning a small smile. In walked the Hokage, a presence to say the least, the classical robes of the Kage confirmed that it was him, not that the detail would escape him. Karumo's own robes were a little different, obviously trading the name Hokage for Tsuchikage and a hat of a different symbol too, not that either of them were wearing it. Karumo had his tied around his back for the time being, if needed he would dawn it for the sake of ceremony but for now, he didn't worry about it. "Lord Tsuchikage. A pleasure to finally meet you. I do apologize for my late appearence, and I hope I have not caused you any undue burdens."

Karumo shook his head a bit with a smile, showing body language that it was fine to accompany his words, "No no, it hasn't been a trouble in the slightest. I only hope that our accommodations were... accommodating?" he would ask with a raised eyebrow briefly as he stepped forward towards his desk to not seem so distant. He wasn't sure of the details of where they'd been lodged to stay or any of that, though he should probably be aware of it. He hadn't worried about it too much and left the intricacies to the elders and their own hospitality.

But assuming all was fine, or not fine, Karumo would wave to his desk with an open hand and pass his question, "Would you like a seat? I wouldn't want to keep a guest standing.." he would take another step towards his desk to initiate it, but would follow suit of his guest. If the Hokage were to decline he would write it off and remain standing himself, and if he were to accept, he'd continue on to his seat on the opposite side. Nothing more than courtesy at this point, Karumo didn't have the unbounded confidence to do as he pleases, and as the host here, he was going to obey the rules.

[464 words, 1103 words total]

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Ah, an invitation to sit; good, good. Kenta wasn't about to decline that, the chair looked comfortable enough, and he was a lazy old dog at heart. He took the invitation and moved to almost flop, settling heavily into the seat in a way that spoke of not having a worry in the world at the moment; there was a sense of attempting to be on guard, but he was also the type to not care if he was the strongest in the room. That aspect of 'jungle law' about his mind; if someone was fast enough, strong enough, or just damn good enough, to jump the gun on him? They deserved to do it, then. Only the best survived, yeah.

"Comfortable, yes. Simple, efficient. That's all I would have asked for; I never understood the call for opulence some senior politicians and such demand. That is the Inuzuka in me, though; I can, and do rather regularly, sleep under an open sky with nothing but the grass or dirt to keep me comfortable. I do believe my escorts are happy, neither has complained anyway." He shifted around a bit, moving so that he was able to comfortably lean forward and rest his arms on the edge of the Tsuchikage's desk, hands clasped together, and focus placed on the younger male. "Forgive me if I seem... impatient. I'm not one to play games, no beat around the bush. I attempted to clearly explain my reasoning for coming here in the letters I sent; and I was being as truthful as possible. I have a rather... colorful past with your country and it's leaders; which has left a rather... nasty taste in my mouth, you could say. However, I am not the type that enjoys judging an entire people by the actions of a few... well, morons. I really do believe there was something mentally deficient in Dengen. I would like to hope that I hold an incorrect opinion over the country itself; and from what I have seen, Konoha and Iwa have gotten along decently well in the years I've been gone. Seeing that, I've decided to try and correct my opinions on your country. Satoshi and I have become fast friends, which has helped me to release some of my prejudices. I'd like to think that by meeting some actually Iwagakure natives, I could overcome that bad stain left by your former leader; as well as get to a place where I don't get irrationally angry when I have to think about trade agreements and such." He offered a bit of a smirk; one that spoke of the humor he was trying, and likely failing, to interject into his words. At the moment, he'd yet to find anything with the country that bothered him, and that was a very good thing. Depending on how Karumo acted, he would likely be able to do what he planned on; and get over himself.

"More so, It is roughly time to work on adjusting said agreements, and I am the type that likes to handle those things in person; either by going to the ally in question, or they coming to me. So here I am; I figured it would be a bit more appropriate, as you are far newer, and this way you're on your home turf. I don't enjoy intimidating to get my way, I'd rather agreements be mutually beneficial."

WC: 583

2302 total.



Fire red hair bounced as Satoshi walked towards the Administration Building. When Kazu was Tsuchikage, he spent quite a bit of time here. He didn't personally know Karumo, but he had hopes that everything would go well. Kenta had already left before him, which was fine. He continued forward at a normal pace as the building came into sight. Several people waved as he approached, and he returned the favor. He had been gone for a while, so he could understand the enthusiasm. "Going to talk with Lord Karumo and Lord Kenta. They know I'm coming." He spoke calmly and he was ushered through with a vigorous nod from the lady behind the desk. He turned immediately walked towards the office he had been in multiple times in the past. It wasn't long before he turned a corner and approached the large doors of the office. A polite knock on the door was all he decided to do before he spoke up. "Satoshi Kanetsu, figured I'd be here in person." He spoke with a fire in his eyes that had not been seen for some time.

He would wait a few moments to be told to come in before doing so. He then pushed open the doors and entered. Kenta, his new friend and mentor sat in a chair across from Karumo, who sat behind the Kage's desk. "Lord Karumo, nice to see you." He spoke with slight bow before sitting a chair similar to Kenta's. "Hey Kenta, sorry I'm a tad late." He spoke with a voice that you would use with friends. That's because in their short time together, they had become just that. Even with Kenta teaching him, their relationship was one of trust and loyalty, which had been rather nice. He moved his mind to the conversation at hand, hoping he hadn't missed too much. Just being present was an honor for any shinobi.

Word Count: 327



The Lord Hokage continued on with his verbose, seemingly eager to take a seat across from Karumo, he spoke plainly, a quality he could do nothing but respect as Karumo leaned back and crossed a leg over, folding his hands in his lap. He continued on with his wording, moving towards the reason of his arrival, to renegotiate their agreements and alliance. A move that intrigued Karumo, they had always been on shaky ground but until recently where they maintained a sort of neutrality.

For Karumo though, he wondered how and why this came about, whether this was an intent to renegotiate and rebuild the grounds from which they stood previously or if this would be some political ploy to gouge at Iwa's resources. An interesting point, but Karumo would just have to wait and see before finding out where the countries really stood with each other and what their intentions would be in the end. Karumo nodded along though with a slight smile in agreement of the sentiment, mutually beneficial would be wonderful grounds to continue on from, but before he could speak, the sudden and unanticipated arrival of Satoshi Kanetsu interrupted them. He welcomed him in and at the greeting of Karumo's name, would motion towards a seat before he would continue on, wondering what brought him here and why he felt the need to be here in person.

Once everyone was seated and settled Karumo would smile a bit and clear his throat before addressing the Hokage directly, "Well, I appreciate the sentiment, taking into account my inexperience so heavily..." he laughed a bit, merely posturing and trying to give the Lord Hokage a bit of grief, though, also meaning nothing by his statement. "Let me put your worries to rest though, I'm nothing much like any of the predecessors you may have met. Though, I'm unaware of what transgressions you've faced in the past, I'm pick and choose form the ideologies I fall from. However, there is an interesting rumor that the fence-sitter Tsuchikage has been reincarnated, I can live with that sentiment... since I care not for getting too involved in the rest of the world's affairs? But all the same I won't take it to the isolationist extremes that a lot of our recent historical leaders have." he held his smile, hoping that his words would impart some relief to his concern that Karumo would continue on the tradition of Iwagakure slighted against Konoha. A worthy concern, given the wars and battles they've waged historically and Iwa's time of harboring missing ninja, from the hidden leaf all the same. However, this was a different era, set in motion by Akira and intended to be continued in a far more progressive and growth-centric direction from Karumo.

A short pause should either want to intervene here, their choice really as Karumo wouldn't wait long to continue on if they chose not to do so, sitting up in his chair a bit and exhaling slightly, "But anyways, I'm curious what exactly you'd like to work out and negotiate, I'm all ears for it, and I'm also curious about what brings Satoshi to the table as well? Last I remember was signing off on your travel to Konoha, I see you've made some friends in high places in the meantime..." he'd turned his attention to Satoshi with a bit of a smile, trying to keep everything at ease, before returning his attention back to the Hokage, or whomever would be the next to speak up here.

[607 words, 1710 words total]

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Well, I appreciate the sentiment, taking into account my inexperience so heavily..." ... "Let me put your worries to rest though, I'm nothing much like any of the predecessors you may have met. Though, I'm unaware of what transgressions you've faced in the past, I'm pick and choose form the ideologies I fall from. However, there is an interesting rumor that the fence-sitter Tsuchikage has been reincarnated, I can live with that sentiment... since I care not for getting too involved in the rest of the world's affairs? But all the same I won't take it to the isolationist extremes that a lot of our recent historical leaders have." ... "But anyways, I'm curious what exactly you'd like to work out and negotiate, I'm all ears for it, and I'm also curious about what brings Satoshi to the table as well? Last I remember was signing off on your travel to Konoha, I see you've made some friends in high places in the meantime..."

The fact that the other male was able to attempt at humor, and was willing to admit inexperience; even in a meeting with another leader with the reputation Kenta carried. Not that he really felt any need to use or abuse that; not yet anyway; it was just handy to be thought of as a legend or whatever; it gave him a leg up when everyone in the room was secretly pissing themselves, or expecting him to be some perfect demi-god figure. Or something. Michizuka sure seemed to get a kick out of whatever most people thought of Kenta, but the redhead would never share the details. Too bad. He was happy that Satoshi had finally appeared, he didn't really want to put Karumo, or be put in himself, the position of negotiating basically trading Satoshi to Konoha, with nothing to offer in return outside of trade agreements and whatnot. Not the position most Kage want to be in, and he was ready and willing to deal with the stress of this if it turned bad. He wasn't going to go to war over it; but it wasn't going to end well if this turned sour over this one point of contention.

"Well, if you're not like those types, then you and I should get along just fine. I don't expect us to be best friends or anything like that; but I would like to strive for at least friendly terms; both between the villages and ourselves. It's far easier to keep national negotiation fair and simple when the leadership gets along; although that's never been much of an issue for me. If the Kage don't like me, they usually get along with Michizuka or Amaya, and that's always helpful. While I may be the Hokage on paper and whatnot, I tend to share that power with my closest advisers; a sort of... council rule, in a way. It's worked well for us; not that the Land of Fire's Daimyo enjoys it." He waved off the rest of that train of thought with that 'it's not important' gesture that all politicians eventually gained; moving back to the matters that actually mattered.

"As for trade and whatnot; both villages are rather self-sufficient, which means that we're able to better trade, as we don't end up relying on outside forces to support us. Because of that, I can be comfortable with trades of... less conventional natures. I'm not above setting up exchange programs for ninja between villages; or trading weaponry and such as needed. These are, of course, just examples; I'm not suggesting that's on the table right now. As far as current agreements and whatnot; from what I've seen they seem to be in order overall, unless you know of issues you'd wish to discuss. In regards to Satoshi, well; I'm going to let him discuss that with you; that's something between Iwagakure ninja, and I really have no say in it."

WC: 690

2992 Total.



After Satoshi had settled, the two leaders continued their conversation. The jounin made himself comfortable as he listened to what was a very important conversation that was long overdue. The bad blood of the past was just that, in the past. There was no reason to harbor any grudges on either side, at least in Satoshi's opinion.

"Well, I appreciate the sentiment, taking into account my inexperience so heavily...Let me put your worries to rest though, I'm nothing much like any of the predecessors you may have met. Though, I'm unaware of what transgressions you've faced in the past, I'm pick and choose form the ideologies I fall from. However, there is an interesting rumor that the fence-sitter Tsuchikage has been reincarnated, I can live with that sentiment... since I care not for getting too involved in the rest of the world's affairs? But all the same I won't take it to the isolationist extremes that a lot of our recent historical leaders have."

Satoshi listened with intent as he watched the Tsuchikage. He had not had a lot of experience with the man, so he honestly didn't know what to expect from him. Satoshi agreed with not getting overly involved with the outside world, but trade and allies were within reason. Satoshi had been in the village for quite some time, and he knew of some of the events the Hokage mentioned.  With that, Karumo began to speak again.

"But anyways, I'm curious what exactly you'd like to work out and negotiate, I'm all ears for it, and I'm also curious about what brings Satoshi to the table as well? Last I remember was signing off on your travel to Konoha, I see you've made some friends in high places in the meantime..."

Satoshi nodded at his name being mentioned. He didn't like the idea of just leaving the village permanently. It was his home, and he had many shinobi comrades fall before him while fighting for Iwagakure. However, he needed to further develop his skills and this also happened to help village relations. That could only be a good thing in his eyes. He waited to speak however, allowing the other leader to get in a word before explaining himself.

"Well, if you're not like those types, then you and I should get along just fine. I don't expect us to be best friends or anything like that; but I would like to strive for at least friendly terms; both between the villages and ourselves. It's far easier to keep national negotiation fair and simple when the leadership gets along; although that's never been much of an issue for me. If the Kage don't like me, they usually get along with Michizuka or Amaya, and that's always helpful. While I may be the Hokage on paper and whatnot, I tend to share that power with my closest advisers; a sort of... council rule, in a way. It's worked well for us; not that the Land of Fire's Daimyo enjoys it."

"As for trade and whatnot; both villages are rather self-sufficient, which means that we're able to better trade, as we don't end up relying on outside forces to support us. Because of that, I can be comfortable with trades of... less conventional natures. I'm not above setting up exchange programs for ninja between villages; or trading weaponry and such as needed. These are, of course, just examples; I'm not suggesting that's on the table right now. As far as current agreements and whatnot; from what I've seen they seem to be in order overall, unless you know of issues you'd wish to discuss. In regards to Satoshi, well; I'm going to let him discuss that with you; that's something between Iwagakure ninja, and I really have no say in it."

Satoshi sat patiently as he listened to Kenta's reply. The way the man spoke alone always seemed to make Satoshi chuckle. He was an old soul that had seen much, something that Satoshi could relate to. He mentioned the types of trade they could bargain and his views on the current agreements between the nations. Satoshi was a tad ignorant on this front, but he hoped to soon correct that fact. He also noted that he shared his power, and that was something that Satoshi knew to be fact. Konoha was a very loyal village and the people there adored him. It was only fitting that he allow them a hand in their own ruling. After a few more moments, Kenta mentioned allowing Satoshi to speak for himself, to which the ninja would turn and give a nod of thanks. It was his time to explain his idea and plans.

"Lord Karumo, We don't know each other that well, but I am a loyal Iwagakure jounin that has served this village for many years. I have watched it fall, rise, and then transform time and time again. I love this place and it is my home. With that being said, an opportunity has risen with my travels to Konoha. Kenta here has taken me under his wing to train and learn some very private techniques and fighting styles. We trust each other despite our short time together, and so I wanted to personally present an idea to you. In past times, villages have sent diplomats or representatives to other villages for various reasons. I want to take that one step further. I would like to live in Konoha and continue to grow in my abilities while also keeping my loyalty to our village. The idea was that I could be a representative for Iwa and could exchange the gifts of knowledge that they are sharing with me in return for my service in the village. If you would ever need me, I would only be a message away, and I feel like it would strengthen the people's willingness to trust this meeting of former enemies. With Konoha's strong alliance with Kiri and now our cooperation, we would solidify ourselves in case of invasion, and also be there to help when are allies are attacked. I hope I am not being to forward in suggesting this, but I honestly believe it will benefit both villages greatly."

Satoshi finished speaking with a sigh, as he was finally glad to get the question off of his chest. Most Kage were not so willing to allow people to leave permanently for any reason. He just hoped that Karumo would see the benefits of this idea and agree. There was no guarantee of course, but he had to try. "I know this won't happen over night, but I'm willing to put in whatever work necessary to make sure both of our village stand the test of time." He would finish with that statement as he awaited the judgement of the Kage. His nerves were not something he usually struggled with, but even he felt the jitters as he anticipated the man's response. He would look to Kenta with expression of hope as he prepared himself for whatever answer was coming.

Word Count: 1218
Thread Word Count: 1545



Karumo listened quietly, hearing out Kenta's words, he was right but Karumo also felt that trade agreements could be worked out among emissaries and through dispatch, a personal meeting is a lot more to ask for. He listened calmly though, as the conversation shifted towards Satoshi and what he was here for as well as what Karumo would suspect be the real reason for their visit...

It was all interesting, Karumo crossed his fingers in his lap as he nodded along and listened to explanation. A call to move to Konoha, a sort of full time commitment to say the least but he also didn't want to advertise it as officially cutting ties with Iwa altogether. He continued on with his justifications, reasonings and reassurances. Karumo supposed it would be good enough to provide them, though he didn't really need them. He understood well enough what he meant though, moving to Konoha and not necessarily.. changing allegiance but a retirement from the village?

Well, retirement in a loose sense of the words but still, that's what it would come to but it wouldn't help to keep close ties with other villages and who was Karumo to restrict someone from doing what they want? Sure... other elders might be worried about the restriction of information, to and from the village and security and all. Letting a jounin walk away would be quite problematic but then again, the former Kage Akira had a policy of letting in non-native ninja in Iwa's ranks and the globalistic approach would be good for everyone, for nothing more than a show of union among villages.

Better he work together than be played as a fool and have someone leave as a missing nin on bad terms anyways. Karumo nodded along again, speaking up briefly as hummed to himself, "I see... so a permanent relocation to Konoha, huh?" He mused for a moment, Satoshi's commitment to this seemed clear enough and a bit enthusiastic, perhaps rightfully so. Still, Karumo didn't want to give them any trouble on this, he was fine with the idea and logic of it, though whether there were any other motives behind leaving? Whether it be something like a significant other or a negative like to spite the village then so be it. Such would be Karumo's lot to deal with or not to deal with.

He would end his brief musings quickly though, "I understand though, I haven't any qualms with it though letting a Jounin walk from the village might be troublesome for some elders to hear. Retirement is one thing but moving to another village? Well, you should know the angst and worry of our elders... Still, I'm curious how does Konoha view it? Is there anything specific you have in this or terms you'd like to see along with his transfer?" Karumo turned to Kenta for his approval, his tone light, affirming that none of this would really be a problem in any form outside logistics. But Satoshi himself could handle that.

Still, Karumo continued on and listened in to what they would have to say. A smile on his face, hoping to remove any anxiety or tension from the situation, this after all, was nothing to worry about or stress over. Karumo was different from his predecessors and far more open minded than most peoples.

[570 words, 2280 words total]

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"I understand though, I haven't any qualms with it though letting a Jounin walk from the village might be troublesome for some elders to hear. Retirement is one thing but moving to another village? Well, you should know the angst and worry of our elders... Still, I'm curious how does Konoha view it? Is there anything specific you have in this or terms you'd like to see along with his transfer?"

Ah, right; the other shoe, as to say. It would be a rather... interesting trade by most standards; what could equal the 'loss' of a Jounin to a village, in as such as to balance the transfer of power and knowledge that this relocation would entail? "If anything, I see it as a net gain for me and my own; we gain a badly needed Jounin, and that's always welcome. Even in times of peace, having those with the experience and power to become a leader within the ranks is necessary, and sadly my... successors? predecessors? However you wish to view those Hokage that came between my terms within the position; have allowed the village to wane rather heavily. It seemed to be a theme with most of the villages, hence why I don't feel any reason to hide this fact from you. On a personal level, I've come to rather enjoy Satoshi, I count him as a friend, and my children adore him. Having him living within the village would make them happy, and as a Father, that is my highest priority; above and beyond even that of the Hokage. That was always my policy; family first, politics second. What good is a Kage that can't keep their own family happy and healthy, right?" The canine merely gestured with a simple flicking of his hand in the air; something that was purely neutral and in no ways hostile; a twitch that worked with his words to convey a point; although what that point was might easily be missed or passed over entirely.

"As to what we would offer in return, I have stated that I am not against opening up trade of personnel on a more active level; you've likely been told of the solider trading Kiri and Konoha undertake on a regular basis. Beyond that, I am more than willing to consider any price or exchange you deem fair to both parties; within reason. As I stand, this is a request from Satoshi himself, not as much from myself, or my people and village. I stand in the neutrality camp here; whatever your decision, I will respect. Your people are your own, I have no power here; merely a voice, which I am pleased you have been willing to humor so far."

Noticing the time, the blond began to rise to his feet; moving in a manner that was relaxed, yet spoke of a bit of urgency that was being respected, while not being allowed to cause worry among the other ninja in the room. The last thing he wanted was to cause an incident just because he realized that he'd taken more time than he actually had to spend in this meeting. Lazy nature, curse it. "Forgive my manners, but I must end our meeting here. I have... personal issues I must to attend to; and unfortunately I don't have near the time I wished I would have here, due to the slow travel that our group undertook. I must depart for now; however I will leave Satoshi to finish any discussions you and he need to have over anything. He's been given my blessing to act as he sees fit, and anything that must be handled on an administration level can be forwarded via the normal routes, and will be given top priority once I make it home." Now that he was to his feet; he showed just how not like other Kage he was, by offering the younger of them a rather formal bow, one that would make more sense being given by someone in a position far below his; but that was given in a way that spoke of pure respect and not a drop of irony or anything like that. He'd yet to find a reason to be a dick to the new Tsuchikage, so he was being properly polite and such. He could do that, when he needed, or wanted, too.

"I will take my leave now, Tsuchikage. Thank you for your time." He seemed to just vanish into thin air. That speed, gotta love it. He tended to just suddenly vanish in similar ways; it was why and how he was earning the title as Konoha's New Yellow Flash. Fun times.


WC: 796

3788 total

S-Rank Jutsu 'Water Dragon Tsunami' 2500/2500
C-rank Jutsu 'Bullet Ball Barrage' 1000/1000


288 leftover.



Their meeting ended as abruptly as it began, as the Hokage rose to his feet, Karumo couldn't help but rise in return, bowing along as he received the message that he must adjourn. Karumo knew he could offer no sort of warrant against it, the point had been made and all else, and a Kage is not someone to refuse or command so easily, no matter who or where they are. So with that ended, Karumo's first meeting with the Hokage himself was coming to an end, his second meeting with a Kage ever. And just like the first, abrupt endings and lack of clarity, maybe he wasn't really cut out for the game of politics in the end... or perhaps it was all just too different from what he'd expected.

[135 words, 2415 words total]
[Exit Thread]

[OOC: Just exiting this thread finally, it's been dead a while I know, but figured I should offer some small exit and such]


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