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Felix didn't even try to stop the small, trouble frown that tugged his lips downwards. Everything was in flames. It was rather dramatic, honestly. Maybe, like a few other of Kirigakure's patrons, he would be on the ground screaming and crying too... But the sight was beautiful. The black fire burning everything to nothing... Felix wasn't sadistic nor twisted, but it was a gorgeous sight. Not only that, but his family had survived. They had made it out in time. Hell, he could see the complex of houses where he was a resident from here, burning. Magnificent... Tragic, but magnificent. Felix shook his head. It was sad. He was upset. It was no time to admire the aesthetics of the substance that was killing his home village.

So... What now? What did he do now? He knew he family had made it, but they were now separated. He didn't know where his cousin, Miso, was... He didn't know where anyone was, really. He was on a hill scorched by the heat of the flames a few hundred meters outside of Kiri. Suddenly he was crushed by a sense of helplessness, which was honestly new to him. He never lacked direction, even if it was misguided. Where was he supposed to go now, though? Think realistic, Felix, examine the situation; he chided himself. There were quite a few other main villages and lands in the ninja world. He could go anywhere. He was a trained genin, the headband on his head signifying this. Where was anywhere... though?

Konohagakure. The Land of Fire. The Village hidden in the Leaves. That was where the Hokage was, correct? Hikou Misora, the previous Mizukage, had good relations with him... Did that last? Would he welcome refugees? Felix sighed lightly, shaking the frown of his face and replacing it by a thin, determined grin. He had direction again, at least. Even if he was turned away, anywhere was better than... This.

Now only if he didn't have to go it alone.




Blue eyes stared at the scene once more, the same as he did everyday since it happened. While, the initial shock had long wore off, there was still the quiet storm raging within. The voices that screamed in protest, that this was just some cruel genjutsu one of his younger siblings had caught him in.. but no. If it were a genjutsu, his father would have released him long ago. No... this was real. The heat of the flames was very real.

He shifted slowly, a hand lifting to remove the ice shard from his mouth. He'd been contemplating on leaving the village; he seen other do so as well. But he'd always stayed, hoping to see if he could find a trace of his family; he'd seen none so far. By the time he'd realized what happened' the male has rusehed home, only to find it ablaze. The entire Aisu compound was on fire, the pleas for help, coming from people trapped by the fire. The sound of mothers screaming, of children crying as the flames licked at their limbs. He'd seen it with his own eyes, heard it. His own house was burned to the ground when he'd arrived, nothing but ash and black flames to be seen. The pictures on the wall, clothes (not that they'd be missed), his family...


Even his prized bow, a present from his parents for graduating, was go-- no. It was propped in a corner, burning slowly. Wonderful use to him.

And so, the male had set out, leaving the village. He didn't travel far; camped out on nearby hill, safe from the black flames. He'd shed his hoodie several days ago; the heat wafting from the village had begun to make wearing it unbearable. The undershirt he wore was about to go as well; several days in, and it was no longer white...

“...Well, fuck.” The shirt was removed, allowing pale skin to appear to the air. He rubbed his arms a bit, and began to walk. It was time to leave. From the looks of things, there was nothing left for him here. Everyone else had to have gone; but to where? Perhaps... Konoha? Yea.. Konoha. Konoha had always been a stable village... and last he knew, Kiri and Konoha were on very friendly terms...

As the male moved, he came across a small fountain. Without even thinking, a hand was waved, drawing the water from the fountain, allowing it to flow around his body. After a moment, the male gve it direction, and began to move his hands. The liquid responded, shaping it self out into a staff before freezing solid. Not the best weapon, but he was without his bow-- this would have to do for the moment. At least, until he found something better. And judging by the looks.. there was someone nearby. Blue eyes focused on the figure in the distance, head tilting..



"Hey cutie.~ You headed somewhere?"

He had almost given up hope, having spent a good few minutes at least trailing around for a companion. Someone. Anyone. He wouldn't have even minded that crabby old lady that lived across the street, bless her heart if she lived. He couldn't find any survivors. God, how long was this fire going to rage... It had been days. The thought sent a shiver up his lithe spine, his eyes flashing with chagrin. How long was the journey, he wondered? Was there even a path he could follow? How was he going to make it, exactly? He tried to picture how far away Konoha was from Kiri, exactly, but that only made his feet ache.

He didn't have his backpack. He didn't have any weapons, just in case there were bandits or rival ninja. And with that, he was still mediocre with his jutsu. Not to mention he had been taught Kenjutsu his entire life... And he didn't even have a damn sword. Useless. Sealing and sword skills were helping him so much right now, right? If only he could seal those flames... That would be the day, huh? Ugh.

It was then that a figure caught his eye. No, not the person, the figure. Just his luck. Suddenly, Felix was giddy with excitement, and if he was a dog his tail would be wagging right about now. That hair, those eyes, those lips... That chest. Hnnng. The boy was such a tease. He wasn't even wearing a shirt, for sage's sake. It took about.. Well, a few moments for Felix to focus himself again. It's not his fault he was a sucker for cuties like this guy. Or rather... He made them suckers for HIM. It took another few moments for him to remember how his feet worked, and to make his way towards the other male.

He was vaguely recognizable. One of those... Malkavian children, was it? The thought almost caused Felix to stop his advancement, but it clicked a bit more at the coloring of the boy. Aisu. Wasn't the woman an Aisu? There was that Malkavian man.... And his wife. Yeah, he thought he had it now. A crossbreed. The kid was a crossbreed... He looked more Aisu than anything, though, and Felix couldn't deny he was intrigued now.

He halted his steps a few feet from the... Rather pretty, honestly, ninja. He had been in his class, right? It was starting to frustrate Felix. Surely he would have hit on the kid by now, but he couldn't remember knowing him well. Than it hit him. The other children tended to... Shy away from the Malkavian ones. Had he simply fallen in step and ignored his existence? Surely his appearance could have changed his mind...

Oh. If he had ever given him a second glance... Suddenly Felix felt terrible. He'd make it up to him, though.

And that's what brought him to what he said.




An eyebrow was raised as he approached, the frozen staff he held raised some. For a moment, he didn't process the words, his brain running on auto-pilot. When the words clicked, his eyes widened in recognition, but frowned again; he knew this male, and didn't particularly like him. He was a class mate, known for his fondness of making the other males fall in love with him. What was his name...?


That was it; he was sure. And with the remembrance of the male's name, came the memories of why Nevan particularly didn't like him. Felix, like many of his classmates, avoided Nevan due to his family. Apparently, there were still issues with people of crossbreed heritage. Or, it could have been simply that the majority of the Aisu clan were simply not thrilled with the idea of one of their more prominent daughters married outside of the clan; the fact that she married a Malkavian was just adding insult to injury.

While Nevan didn't mind what the clan thought of him, it troubled him slightly when the other children, mainly those who were not of his clan, avoided him as well...

Nevan approached slowly, the staff lowering slightly. “You--.. why did you call me cutie? You never called me that before.” A frown crossed his face. Why was he being nice. He'd never acknowledged Nevan's existance before-- why start now?



The other male knowing his name caused him to start, abruptly, his eyes flickering in surprise. If he knew his... Did he know his? C'mon, Felix, think... What was the name..? His thoughts were lost in momentary fear at the sight of the icy staff in the other's hands. It didn't look very sturdy, really, and was nothing compared to Felix's old sword... But it was still a weapon of a sort, and could still cause him pain if he upset him.

He didn't seem like the other, chaotic members of his Malkavian family though, Felix noted. The mixedbreed ninja was more calm and reserved, as his Aisu half, rather than giving off a strong aura of madness. Felix felt nothing out of the ordinary right now, really. So why did he stray away, before? Just because... Just because of his blood ties...? That was so wrong of him, and he felt a flicker of anger flare up inside of his chest.

"... Nevan. That's your name, isn't it, Nevan?" He was sick with himself right now, and his brow was furrowed in response to the other's. The question left him speechless, and he wasn't sure how to answer. Was it wrong of him to make advances on someone like Nevan, especially right now? But... He looked so... Nice. This was the first time in awhile that Felix had felt anything but lust and flirtatious readiness when around another guy his age. He was hesitant, and ashamed.

So he stood there, and as the staff of Nevan's was lowered, his eyes followed it. His gaze centered on the ground, his shoulders slumped, for just that second. He needed to pull himself together, he knew. Nevan would be the perfect partner on his travel, he was sure- And he was all he had right now anyways. How did he explain himself, though?

"... I'm sorry." He muttered, lifting his head once again. His head would tilt slightly to the side and his right arm would wring his left wrist, nervously. That was all he was going to say on that subject, all he was going to elaborate with, but it was true. He WAS sorry he had ignored Nevan all these years... Very much so considering the situation they were in. Who else did they have right now?

"... But I meant what I said!" He announced, starting off slowly at first, before jumping right into it. He was forcing his usual cheerfulness to come back, and the feeling and tone fit around him easily- Naturally. So he continued with a wink, a sly grin stretching his lips.

"You ARE pretty damn cute. Are you heading somewhere? Maybe... I could tag along?"

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