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1New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty New Friends ( Invite Only ) Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:46 pm



Walking throughout the forest on the path that led from the village since his return to the world it had been a total of three full days and two years if anyone wanted to be exact as he had not returned to the temple itself to pay off his respect to his dead parents. The sound of the critters rushing to escape the danger they sense within Burittsu but the danger was kept deep down inside of him. He only wanted to pay respects as he continued to onward his mind was only in thought as he only recalled how he met the chakra presence of his parents both cloaked as he was unable to see the face of either of them. Stopping as the sun pierced through the leafs of the tree’s it shined down brightly upon Burittsu revealing the males characteristics he had a brown toned skin. With no shirt but black parachute pants and a black scarf around his neck wrapped around his head was a black cloth as he walked around in sandals his navy blue eyes shined brightly in the sun and pierced through the darkness his hair was also a navy blue shining in the sun.

“Been a while I should bring some flowers.”

As he continued on his walk until it seemed he almost reached the intended location he needed to be he stopped as he spotted on the ground a bush of flowers with many exotic colors. As it came with baby blue and bright purple he gave it a quick whiff as he only hoped these flowers were just beauty without the effects of poison or attracting a large ignorant animal. Giving a smile he headed down the path once more as it indeed took him a while with his mind continuing to bobble as he recalled his first time ever to come out here to visit the grave of his parents. The black book that they gave to him was long gone as it was only a manual to show him how not to fall under the impression that all shinobi were only good as weapons and tools for the village. Every time he opened and read the information he felt as if he was living their dream by not being a tool or becoming a mindless killing mission with no heart or mercy.

This thought only brought a smile on his face as he came to a stop the stone path underneath his feet was cut off and buried by nothing but grass that went up to his ankle as the stone temple itself looked cleaner on the outside. As if more people came to pay their respects to the people who also died in this temple even if it was destroyed it was the thought that count as it was clear to see the only thing they thought with was with their hearts. Taking a step on the grass it felt as if he was getting tangled in a web full of nature it did not matter though as he crossed through the field looking at his main destination. Even if the walk was not long from the field of grass to the inside of the temple it only took a minute or two as it seemed Burittsu simply felt as if he had all the time in the world gazing around the hallways as civilians passed him heading back to the village. It felt good as he saw for himself once he entered the main room a series of civilians and shinobi alike paying respects to the family, and friends they have lost in the past he felt as if this was a safe place to come especially for stories of other fallen shinobi or family members. Heading to what seemed as tombstones now built inside the temple and implanted into the floor Burittsu simply bowed and dropped to his knees in a sign of great respect. Placing the blue flower upon his father's grave and the purple on his mother's he only placed his head upon the floor of the ground and began to speak.

“Father and Mother it has been some time but do not threat I am becoming a splendid shinobi believe me I will try to be the very best.. You have my word.”

WC: 721

2New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty Re: New Friends ( Invite Only ) Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:19 am



Ice frosted the mirror, as Mikori let out a small sigh her breath, chilling the mirror in front of her. The young konuichi, was simply getting dressed in front of her mirror, and she had simply dressed the way she usually does. In her white dress with a purple trim and a frilly skirt, that also had long sleeves. It was rather extravagant for something so ordinary to her, however she had found this to be becoming her usual shinobi outfit, with her headband hanging semi loosely around her neck, and a single white rose on the right side of her head in her hair. She stared for a moment looking over herself in the mirror. Was wasn't terribly pleased with how she looked, but she wasn't necessarily displeased either, and so the girl put on her white thigh high boots and headed out the door of her room, down the grand hall of the mansion in which she lived and out the front door, opening up the way to the Kaori Clan compound. The Compound was situation a fair distance outside of the village, but no so far that one simply couldn't walk into the village for supplies or something, but the compound was surrounded by a bit of forestry, with nothing but a path leading from the medium sized compound to the village its self.

The girl hadn't done much but sit inside recently, even though she had recently became a full fledged konuichi. She was kind of waiting for the administration building to send her a mission, although she wasn't really sure if there was some step or something she had missed for that process to work, or if she simply had to go and collect missions herself, and only certain missions were assigned. Either way the girl had spent way too much time in doors for her own good, and so she decided that today she was going to get something accomplished. She wasn't sure exactly what, but she knew that she would at least get something done. She did know however that at some point, she wanted to get some training in. Now that she was a Kirigakure shinobi, her mother couldn't be held responsible for her Hyoton training any more and anything she learned would have to be her own. Not that she was terribly opposed to the idea, just that she knew it was going to be a bit of a hassle and she should probably get at least some training into today, whatever it may entail.

As she stepped out of the house her boot crunched against the soft dirt beneath her feet that spread through-out the compound. Her bright purple eyes glancing around the compound simply to see what everyone was doing. It was still fairly early in the morning, and Mikori didn't really expect anyone to but up, and as she though there wasn't many. The most she could spot was a few servants here and there beginning to stare on the daily chores, and work they had left overnight. There were also a few kids running around here and there. Mikori couldn't really tell but she figured that they were playing shinobi, as she could detect hints of hyoton chakra floating around in the air. A game she hadn't really played as a kid, being the anti-social type that she was basically from birth. She instead favored reading, or exploring on her lone-some. As mentioned before, the Compound that surrounded the Kaori compound was a fair amount of forest, and Mikori had explored most of it. She was still finding things that surprised her however, and this exploration had got her in a bit of trouble before, but she figured that those situations only helped build her into the girl she was today.

Shaking her head, as she was getting lost in thoughts and memories, Mikori continued on walking towards the clan compound main entrance, in which she would be exiting. Giving a gentle nod or a wave to the few servants and children she had passed by, not really saying much at all, even if she was greeted with a generic "Good Morning" or something of that nature. Simply only giving a small wave of acknowledgement in reply. However this wasn't out of the ordinary for her, she had always been one for few words, and the people of the compound knew this, not taking it personally when she didn't reply but simply acknowledge them and kept on moving. She did however make a few stops here and there to avoid children whom were blindly running in her path. Not that she mattered much. She felt today was going to be a fantastic day, and even with the minor inconveniences, she still made it to the entrance of the compound in but a few short moments. She honestly didn't even know why she felt today was a going to be a good day. The air was refreshing from a rather light rain the night before, and the morning mist just felt right on her already cold skin, due to her Aisu bloodline. Maybe it was the fact that she was simply getting fresh air this early in the morning. She didn't know, and really didn't care, she just knew it felt nice and that was all that mattered.

Stepping onto the dirt road that lead outside of the clan compound she looked down both paths, not really sure which direction she wanted to head. With how good the really morning felt, she was seriously considering going to train, or simply browsing through the stalls of Kirigakure's market. But neither of them felt right. At least not at the moment. She definitely felt like she wanted to get some training done at some point today, maybe not right now, and it was at that moment she glanced at the wall which surrounded her clan compound, and noticed the Aisu clan symbol on it on the opposing side of the arc to the Kaori symbol a thought crossed her mind. The Aisu temple. It was supposedly a ruin of sorts, in which the Aisu clan used to reside, but now was just simply abandoned in the wilds of Kirigakure. She of course knew where the temples were located, that being taught in just about every Kirigakure history class ever, however the area was generally considered restricted access to Genin and Chunin due to how dangerous they were, but little things like that had never really stopped Mikori before, and so she figured why should she care about that now. With a simple nod, she turned towards the left side of the road that lead out of the Kaori clan compound, and headed further into the wilds of Kirigakure. And she was a tad bit brimming with excitement. She knew the area was dangerous, but she also was rather curious about where her ancestors lived and how they lived and things like that, and so even though it was probably going to be risky, and if she got caught she was almost certainly going to be trouble, she decided the risk was almost certainly worth the reward.

With this information in mind, Mikori set off towards the destination she had vividly painted out in her mind. the young konuichi moved along tree branches and bushed, moving as silently as possible not wanting to alert anyone as she wasn't really allowed to be heading towards where she was going, and she didn't want to get caught. She actively avoided roads as much as possible, but still stuck close enough that she could use the roads and paths as a guiding point to her destination, and it took not but a an hour or so for the girl to reach her destination. Having only encountered a slight amount of issues along her travel, like a few animals and creature that she wasn't sure as to what they were and so she didn't want to stir them, having been told the location is not only filled with dangerous missing ninja, and such, but also dangerous creatures as well. But also in the brief few times she had to cross paths there was a few time where there were patrols or simply citizens moving along that paths and so she had to remain hidden as to not alert anyone. The patrols didn't seem too high rank, maybe a Sp,jounin at best, and so she as long as she remain out of sight and unmoving for the minor duration that they crossed her path she was relatively fine moving how she liked. She had found the experience rather entertaining, and was had enjoyed it. She also found it to be similar to training in stealth, and she knew for a fact she could use that, and she wouldn't mind doing it again, or simply moving around these paths seeing how stealthy she could be. She figured it might make a good exercise for her at some point or another. But non the less, she reached her destination and was... woefully disappointed.

The area she reached, looked like what she had been informed of only slightly tweaked. There was a rather large path leading into a few ruin-esq looking buildings, however there were a fair amount of people moving back and fourth through-out the area, and some of them being children. Definitely not a place where missing nin, and dangerous creatures lurked if there were children and mothers about. And thus, disappointment  ensued. Mikori knew she had been tricked, just like she was sure many other Genin, whom had been tempted by the dangerous appeal that had been shared in classrooms had. The area definitely seemed ruin-esq and was perhaps at one point a part of the temples, but now had been turned into a tourist spot. Or so it seemed. With that said, there still weren't a lot of people about, maybe only but a few, and as Mikori investigated further she found out a little bit more. The area was most likely a part of the temple at some point, but what part she now knew, seeing the gravestones line courtyard, and buildings, she knew that this was most likely the graveyard, and it appeared it was even a graveyard with recent burial's as there were a few mourning. However Mikori could actually care less. This isn't what she signed up for and was looking for, and she had obviously been tricked by the academy. However, only slightly. Because this was most certainly a part of the temple at some point, meaning that the actual temples probably weren't far off, and so all she had to do, was search from here using this place as a starting point, and she could probably find the actual temple where the Aisu used to lived. She was sure the the history books weren't just farces in order to cull genin to some random graveyard and actually had some historical accuracy too them, but of course the academy teachers wouldn't actually tell you where they were located. But that was for Mikori to find out, but first she needed to investigate a little bit. Looking around she noticed a few things, firstly the area seemed a bit trafficked. having paths in and out, but also there were several areas where tall grass stood. Secondly there was only a few people in this location, so she couldn't imagine that it was a SUPER common spot for people to know about, and or visit frequently especially since it was rather out of the way. The third and most odd detail, that each of the temples where relatively close to one another suggesting that the three clans which these temples are said to be for, probably weren't a terrible amount of distance from each other either. With this in Mind Mikori began to look around each of the three temples for more information as to where the actual temples of her ancestors might lay.

WC: 2040
Total WC: 2040

OOC Note: Okay, so reading the description for the temples it reads "These ruins are dangerous and filled with traps, Wild predators and missing nin. It is often policed that Genin and Chuunin are not supposed to be within these sacred areas," which definitely didn't sound like the scene you set up, so i worked in a way were both could exist, and gave Mikori the objective of finding the actual temples and not a public tribute to the temples/graveyard. Also potentially giving the trio a way to move, if this setting doesn't suit them for long.

3New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty Re: New Friends ( Invite Only ) Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:51 pm



*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

These were the loud noises heard from one of the tables inside the restaurant. It was an early morning for all, some just getting up, getting ready for work. Others who just wanted a nice quiet breakfast. And for Kairyu, a delicious meal. Of course, as the large person he was, he was eating a lot of it, fast and loud. Today was not a very special day for him- just another day where he woke up starving, and wanted a good ramen meal. The delicious soup was still in the bowl, waving to him, waiting for him to eat the rest of the bowl. His weapons were sat nicely next to him, each cleaned and polish as if new. He himself was wearing his standard garb, a long, black overcoat seamed with black hemlines over a blue long sleeved shirt, with tied ribbons in a criss-cross pattern to prevent the sleeves from getting in the way while he is fighting. He also wears a black pair of open-toed boots. On the back of his overcoat is the Natake clan symbol, the clan he fought and showed so much pride in. His headband was firmly on his right arm, gleaning in the light.

He ordered one more bowl, to the looks of disdain for everyone around him. They all wanted to eat in peace, and here this person was, eating as loud as possible. But, as he was a farmhand for a large portion of his life, he didn't really develop too many manners over the years. Now that he was graduated, he was finally getting somewhere in terms of respect and manners, but he still was trying. But right now, everything that is on his mind was satisfying his stomach.

As soon as he was done, he thanked the chef and paid for his food. He was finally ready to be on his way. He heard of an interesting place, somewhere he couldn't have gone without permission before. Now that he was a shinobi, he was ready to explore more of the area he lived in. There were mysterious temple ruins that everyone knew about, and Kairyu had to check it out for himself. Knowing the village is as important to being a shinobi, and experiencing mysterious things is equally as curious. Although he was told before not to go until he was strong enough to deal with the unknown, his curiosity would always get the better of him, and at this point, he was just so damn curious as to what actually occurs at these ruins.

As he was walking along the path from the city to the area where the ruins were, he started recognizing parts of the city he already discovered. He was so excited that he was on this path, where he would be able to fulfill his goals, hopes and dreams. Not soon after he thought for a long time while walking, he finally got to the area from where the place from which he was forbidden to lay. And yet, disappointment set in. He was barred from going anywhere from this place? This tourist destination?

The moment he arrived he was bewildered. How in the world did this mysterious place, one from which younger children were barred from, be so.. lively? Besides the grave sites surrounding him, he didn't expect to see so many people here. And the temples- they were there as well. As soon as he noticed them, he started seeing a lot of people around him. He took note of everyone, hoping to find someone who perhaps could show him around. As he was new to this part of town, he had no idea what he was looking for. It was then he saw the beautiful girl walking ahead of him. He was almost stunned at her beauty, but waved it off immediately. He had a mission for himself- explore these ruins. And as the girl seemed to be just as bewildered, he figured they would be able to help each other out.

Besides, it was nice to get more friends, something Kairyu lacked. He jogged a bit over to the girl, hoping not to startle her that much. He poked at her shoulder and put his hand behind his head, and waved shyly as soon as she would turn around. He wanted to be as non threatening as possible (especially considering he has his sword on his back, and his shinobi tools on his side).

"Hey! Do you know where you're going in here?", He asked, hoping to find an answer that didn't involve her running away from him in fear.

WC: 784

4New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty Re: New Friends ( Invite Only ) Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:35 pm



After spending only a couple minutes after his set of words of respected words to the dead he lifted up his head for a mere second and looked around only to see the remaining civilians leave the area and head out. Even if it was a respectable ground where all came to pay respects he only knew this was a calm place where no one dared disrespect due to the fact the actual temples which kept most likely hidden information about the clans of the village. Maybe also is home to the dead who fought for what they also believed he did not have time to think as it he paid his respects. Standing up as he bowed before turning his back to the graves he barely took a step away as he felt the sudden warmth and pressure upon his left shoulder as if someone placed their hand on it. He felt a warm presence of nothing but love and nurture as he quickly looked over the presence and the pressure he felt suddenly disappeared. Indeed he wanted to wish it wasn’t in his mind but he believed in second chances as he smiled to himself happy to know that he was always being watched over.

“Till next time thank you..”

As he walked towards the corridor he was hesitant to look back as stopped for a mere second and looked over his shoulder hoping to see a figure or sign standing there waiting for him. His answer was just a empty room full of nothing but dead corpse he only took this silence as an ideal answer turning back to face the corridor and began to head his way back out to the exit. As each step he took he felt the warmth in his heart forcing him to give out a huge grin he felt as if the tears were going to simply rush out of his eyes his steps became heavy as they echoed throughout the corridor he could see the light to the world suddenly become blurred. Feeling the warmth of the tears shed down his face as if it was powered by a water pressure the stream continued as the faint tapping sound of droplets hit the ground. Happiness was in his heart as it took him time to gather himself quickly wiping his face he simply jogged throughout the hall entering the light as the beam of sun rays pierced his eyes blinding him for a moment.

“Really bright..”

Standing tall and proud with his hands over his eyes Burittsu could not see the slightest bit as he looked around only to stop exactly on the path where he came from all he saw was pure white for a second. Squinting his eyes he seemed to see two silhouettes standing in the field he couldn’t fully make out the figures as the sun seemed to be affecting his vision harder than he anticipated. Remaining still even if he could not see what they could be doing he took no chances he always remained on his guard but they did seem harmless as his eyes began to finally adjust he could only make out the figures of a boy and female. But instead of being a detective he knew it was time for him to head back to the village and either do a mission or train he never had time to do anything else except for meet others around the village. He never knew when or where he would meet new people but indeed he enjoyed every aspect of every meeting. Picking up his feet through the grass he began to make his way towards the individuals in hopes nothing lethal occurs as his only thoughts were for him to regain his vision fully before it was too late for him in such a problem.


5New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty Re: New Friends ( Invite Only ) Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:37 am



Grass, and Graves was all that made up these make-shift tributary temples. Nothing of really interest, nor had Mikori found anything that could possibly help her in discovering even where she should begin to look for the actual temples. Not that she really cared about the Kaguya and Osada clan temples. No, in fact she didn't care for them at all. She simply wanted to know where it was her ancestors had lived, and maybe she might be able to find some of the writings on their techniques or something of that nature, and maybe she could possibly even find artifacts. her mind went over the several, several possibilities of what she may possibly uncover in the temple of the Aisu clan, and where the actual temple may be located, however while these thoughts were going on, and even before she got the chance to actually investigate the grave site as much as she would like, a man approached her. he was considerably taller than her, and had messy purple eyes, and vibrant blue eyes. If Mikori was actually into men she may have found him attractive. Unfortunately for him, Mikori had never really found an interest in men. She didn't know if this was simply because she was broken, or if all other girls she knew played up men to be a whole lot more attractive than they were. She couldn't tell. Either way none of that mattered match as the man approached her and spoke.

"Hey! Do you know what's going on here?" Honestly the kind of question Mikori was hoping someone would ask her. This whole thing felt like a senbon straight into a nerv she didn't know she had, and so she turned around to face the face that had approached her, and looked him over briefly before saying. "Yes... Actually... kind of... I think I've got the jist of what's going on here..." She would say before pausing briefly. Looking over his facial expressions, to see how he would be reacting to what she was saying. "And this is me assuming, you're referring to the fact that this is supposed to be an ancient temple filled with danger and ruins, and it's actually quiet populated, not at all dangerous, and is most definitely a cemetery."" She would say, giving another brief pause for the man to respond say that this was indeed what he was talking about, and if it wasn't she would simply say "Oh... Never mind then" before walking away. However if it was what he was referring too than she would continue on her tangent. "Right. So i'm going to go out on a limb here and assume your here because the ninja academy told you that this was the place of a dangerous ancient ruins where some old Kirigakure Clan used to reside. However we were lied too. I mean it only makes sense. Why would you tell a bunch of kids where some dangerous and supposed secret ruins where hidden? It makes zero sense. But it got me thinking. This is a graveyard. If you look around at the buildings they seem much too old and much too real to simply be tribute building that Kirigakure built to trick genin into coming to a graveyard. Which then leads me to the assumption that we weren't necessarily lied to. While these aren't the whole ruins, clearly much to small to house three of Kirigakure's biggest clans, these were once a part of it. It seems odd to make a tourist location a graveyard doesn't it? That's because they didn't choose to make it a graveyard, This is the actual graveyard of the that the three clans used long ago to bury their dead. But it's noticeably a ways out from the real temples or else we'd be able to spot them from here, and i doubt the Kirigakure Academy would have ACTUALLY told us where this was located. But in better news, this would at the very least need to be somewhat near-by for the Clans to have come and buried their bodies here, and held ceremonies, and mourned. So at the very least, we can't be too far from them. At least this is what I assume, if you think i'm wrong feel free to tell me... Now where I'm lost on this whole bit, it that actually location of the Ruins themselves. these graves don't really indicate where the main ruins are located, but they have to be near-by. So i think the best course of action is probably just to get out and go look for them. Agreed? " Mikori would pause for a brief moment from her slight rant, and gauge the man before her's reaction as well as to see if he actually was committed to finding these temples. If he didn't say yes or had told her this wasn't was he was looking for in the first place, she would simply walk off and begin searching the rest of the graveyard for clues as to where the temples might actually be, however either way, it was about this time that Mikori had noticed that most of the people that had been here had either gone home or simply vanished, and there was a man approaching her. With this she moved her hand behind her back, and as she did so she let her kunai glide down her sleeve, and into her hand that was held behind her back. The movement would have been too quick, and too far behind her back for the man to notice she had drawn her kunai. What he would notice however was the air around the girl beginning to get noticeably colder as she began to flex her chakra, and she would stand next to the man she had just talked too, staring directly at the man that had approached her. She seemed to be on his guard, and that made Mikori see way too many red flags to not be on her own guard too.

WC: 1034
Total WC: 3074
Training: ice release: missile storm technique. 3000/3000 words
74 words left over

Last edited by Mikōri on Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : included training)

6New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty Re: New Friends ( Invite Only ) Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:56 pm



The girl didn't seem startled. It was the opposite. She seemed relieved that someone actually started speaking to her. This was curious to Kairyu. Generally his size causes people to step back a bit. He wasn't the tallest person, but people who are around tall people are naturally apprehensive, especially since he was a shinobi as well. But for this woman, it was natural to just talk her mind. As he took a closer look at her, he was correct in his original assessment to her beauty. But rather, that fact didn't really matter too much at this point, since she actually seemed to know what exactly happened here. It was rather curious too. For so long he was warned never to go to this area, to avoid it at all costs. That the danger that lay in this ruins could maim, or even kill a shinobi. And yet, here he was, surrounded by people and shinobi alike with no care in the world.

To her first question to him, he nodded. He wanted to explore a bit more, and he was hoping that this person would help him. The feeling of adventure was better when it was enjoyed with someone else. As someone who was mostly by himself throughout his academy years, it was nicer now that he had freedom to try and find people to adventure with more.

"That's exactly what I am referring too. For so long, I've been told never to come here because of how dangerous it is around here. And here we are... and it's the complete opposite.", Kairyu said motioning towards the area around him as he spoke about it. From the gravestones, to the people, everything was the opposite of everything he has heard. To say he was perplexed was an understatement. It was the disappointment of his life so far. He was frightened of this place. he was scared of everything about it. And now that he is here, it was such a disappointment. There were no traps, no enemies that could come kill them. There was nothing. Disappointment.

Of course, the shinobi went on after Kairyu agreed with her. She analyzed the situation pretty well. Kairyu could only nod his head as she kept going on, asking him the rhetorical questions that would get her to her supposed solution to this, which was to finally journey around and actually try and find the actual dangerous place. As shinobi, they are adventurous by nature. And now that they were so disappointed with this outcome, perhaps a different route would lead to an overall better experience here in the ruins.

"I absolutely agree with you. It's time for a bit of an adventure, eh? My name is Kairyu. Pleasure to meet you.", Kairyu said, chuckling a bit. It's good to know your fellow adventurers' names before going on one, especially if the ruins were said to be extremely dangerous. Of course, it was after Kairyu finished his answer to her question when all of a sudden he felt the air get colder around him. He noticed that the air was noticeably colder around the woman in front of him, and that could only mean one thing. Danger. He didn't know what was going on, so he pretended to laugh a bit louder, placing his hands behind his head as he was doing so. But, he was actually going for his sword, the katana his family gave to him. He was ready for action immediately, especially if it meant something from this area.

WC: 784 + 599 = 1383

7New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty Re: New Friends ( Invite Only ) Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:14 pm



As his vision returned back to him he could fully make out what seemed to be two shinobi each probably here on their own whim but indeed the two could be together trying to actually find information on these temples. It was obvious that the temples were indeed in front of them but why simply wait out in the open many questions needed to be answered and by the looks of each of them they were ready to pounce on him. He only grinned when facing danger as he wanted to go home but if these were shinobi who wanted to steal information from these temples it would be easier to ask what they were looking for or waiting for but he was in the mood to get the blood flowing. With only a few steps he simply felt as if his legs were as light as a feather not being under him probably due to the praying he was completely committed to on the inside of the temple. Giving a jog towards the two he was quick on his feet for one who had not partake in any activities in a long time he indeed feel rusty but it was good to let his legs breath.

“Mhm Interesting either you two are here for more than you bargain or you both are simply lost!”

In a couple blinks of an eye he appeared even closer to the two as he continued to take a step until coming to a stop upon the field yes he was of some distance but indeed he was not scared if these two were after all enemies of the village. About six meters away from the two it seemed one was a younger female as the other a mighty tall male bigger than Burittsu in fact but no doubt if these two were here to cause some trouble he would defend the secrets with honor. Glancing at both of them he only felt it was wise to simply attempt to talk to them instead of going on a rampage if they were allies of the village with the beating warmth of the sun he simply felt as if he was going to break out. Wiping his forehead he only wondered if the two were indeed allies it be a shame to break out a easy sweat due to the heat of the sun with a glance over his shoulder at the temple he only gave out a sigh as he faced the two once more. Each already on the offensive to the male and in the situation he was outnumbered but he bared no regrets if he had to slaughter to protect what he valued he simply buried his emotions and was ready to face the answers ahead.

“So..Put the weapons down..I do not harm fellow shinobi unless you are here for something much worse than simply paying the respects of the dead than i’ll show no mercy to those who seek more than that it is given..”

Crossing his arms his face was stern and serious only awaiting for the reactions of the two if they would come to reason or would be like most who attempted to gain more information indeed if it was the temple they seeked. They should themselves enter and find out for themselves the civilians dare not be so adventurous staying in their respective lane and not dare search around. The two looked young probably about the age Burittsu himself decided to come to the temple back when things were simple as you walk in almost experiencing near death situations. But he could only assume that these two were fresh out here the way the stood next to each and how each only had the determination to protect themselves showed that they were only in for their own lives. With a sigh he simply breathed out a thick gust of cold air into the atmosphere as it appeared he was smoking being clearly to see as the lust for a battle boiled deep inside of him but he only awaited their response making it easier for him to get on with his life if he did not slaughter fellow shinobi.

“Hurry up make your choice put the weapons down if you are neutral but if you are here once more for something more than you bargain and assume you can get through me to get to it make the move you both are preparing for..Make sure it’s a good one too..”

WC: 756

8New Friends ( Invite Only ) Empty Re: New Friends ( Invite Only ) Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:51 am



Mikori paused for a second, given the man time to answer if that what he was indeed referring too. reguarding the whole cemetery situation.  He responded with "That's exactly what I am referring too. For so long, I've been told never to come here because of how dangerous it is around here. And here we are... and it's the complete opposite.". With that Mikori simply nodded, and continued on her tangent about her thoughts on the situation regarding the graveyard and it's possible ties to the actual temple, though this was by no means the real temple. After her tangent, the man simply responded with "I absolutely agree with you. It's time for a bit of an adventure, eh? My name is Kairyu. Pleasure to meet you.". Mikori, simply nodded. "Yeah, sure. I think an adventure would be fun. plus given how dangerous we were told the actual temples were, i'd probably be better off having someone by my side in case we get into any trouble or anything." she would say giving a brief eye smile before following it up with "My name's mikori, and like-wise."

She hadn't known this man for very long, but he seemed nice, and genuine. She also already was beginning to feel like the two were naturally going to get along, with out any real qualms. And she certainly hoped this was the case. Simply due to the fact that as a child she really hadn't had many friends, if any at all. Not that she really minded, but it was nice to have friends you could talk to and hang out with, and in this case go on an adventure with. And so even if they didn't end up finding the temple today, or something else happened that prevented them from finding the actual temples, she was still glad she came today due to the fact that she had met Kairyu. Well that was if all panned out between the two of them. Which for her sake she really hoped it did. Because as stated before she had never really had a real friend before, and so she was honestly curious as to what that would entail, besides her assumptions.

However, just as these thoughts were crossing her mind, and she turned around to begin this exploration adventure with the two of them, either via exploring for more clues in the temple its self, or by wandering out in the forest surrounding the cemetery, and searching for clues that way. She hadn't decided which way she would take yet nor would she get too, as she had seen what was previously stated. All of the people that were here before seeming to have left, or go into parts of the small ruined temple-esq grave centers and were simply out of site. Either way, there was only one person that Mikori could see, and that seemed to be a man whom had his guard up, and was slowly approaching the two of them. As stated before, unbeknownst to Mikori before the man's vision had restored. She made a sly move, moving her hand behind her back and dropping a kunai into it, all in the same fluid motion that even some chunin would have trouble having followed the entire thing closely, and might have not even have caught the kunai. It was then that the man muttered a few words out of his mouth that Mikori barely caught.

“Mhm Interesting either you two are here for more than you bargain or you both are simply lost!” she wasn't sure why the man had shouted at the end, but Mikori was already flexing her chakra making the air around her noticeably colder than it was a few moments ago. As he began to take a step towards the two of them, Mikori flung her kunai not but a meter in front of him, and spoke the words "Don't take another step forwards, if you do, i'll attack i can't promise that i'll hold back. I have no idea what you mean by if we are here for more than we bargain for. However i believe you mean to insight we are grave robbers. which i can assure you we are most certainly not." she would say clearly so the man could her. Though by his actions she wasn't completely sure the man was sane, and he might just attack them anyways. Either way, Mikori would grab the headband that hung around her neck, loosely but tight enough it'd stay even in rigorous combat, and she'd hold it up as far as it would go so it was more visible. Even though it wasn't far, but the object was plenty visible in the first place. "The both of us are Kirigakure Shinobi, and would never do anything to disrespect the dead." she would say, having seen the headband that rested on Kairyu's arm, and one of which she couldn't stop anywhere on the creepy and possibly deranged man before her. "The two of us were simply misinformed, as to the location of the actual temples, and not the temple's burial site, and we shall be leaving shortly. However, if you wish to engage us, i would highly advise against it, given how not only is it two versus one, but we are also Trained Shinobi, and i can't see any identifying marker on you, so i shall have to assume you are but a mere civilian." She would finish up. having spoke clearly the entire time, but having held a defense position as well, with kunai drawn, which she drew in the same movement that she had thrown the kunai, again giving a slight jolt, so as to release the senbon from hidden holsters up her sleeve, to give her easy access to them. However even though she had spoken clearly and relatively confidently, there was a hint of nervousness in her voice. Not much, and barely noticeable. Hardly at all noticeable if one was paying more attention to the words then the fluctuation in her voice, but it was there. There was all possibility this man was simply a crazed lunatic whom liked to hang around graveyards and attacked anyone in sight whom he deemed had unjust purposes in the graveyard its self, and it was for this reason that the man made her nervous. Of course this was all assuming he followed her instructions and didn't take a step forward without first explaining himself, or asking permission.

If the man before Mikori and Kairyu decided he didn't want to heed her warning, Mikori would quickly launch herself backwards shouting the words "Kairyu be careful!" ash she pushing off of her heels and she sprung back, flinging the set of senbon in her left hand, three of them to be exact, one aiming for each thigh, and the last aiming for the right side of his neck, each aiming for a specific vital point, and as she landed on her leap back she would throw her second set of three, one of each aiming for the hollow area where the shoulder meets the torso on either side, and the other aiming for the left side of his neck, again with the last one aiming for a specific vital point, and she was sure that the soft place in between the shoulders and the torso would hurt like hell if punctured. This second round of senbon, would be accounted for if the man had or was going to dodge the first pair, these pair would go towards his new location, leading if she had too. As the girl began sliding back, she channeled her chakra into her hands, creating ten more senbon, however these ones were slightly different. They radiated cold off of them, not that Mikori really felt it, but they were made of solid ice. The girl finished her slide at ten meters away from the where the man had started, and five meters away from where she was. She would then throw her ten senbon. These senbon, would however like the last pair, wouldn't fly straight at the man, and they were no longer senbon but small birds made of ice. they would fly in a small arc, tracking his very location and making it very unlikely if not impossible to dodge. Not only that, they would fly at twenty meters a second, meaning if the man was anywhere near Mikori, they were reaching him in a mere blink of an eye, or even before he could register she had thrown them. These birds were aiming at not only vitals like his neck, and the arteries in his thighs, but also at disabling the man, and aiming for tendons in his arms, and at his ankles and the backs of knees, and if they ever caught the man, they would relentlessly and continually slash the man. To make matters worse, Mikori hadn't really taken her eyes off the man at all, unless the situation changed of course. focusing on him almost exclusively, to make sure her regular senbon would be on mark. But, she would also be mindful of Kairyu's position, making sure to either throw around him, or if absolutely needed to hold off on her senbon for a mere moment, to allow herself not to hit Kairyu. she was tactical and mindful, and if the man had run at her, she surely witnesses that he outclassed her, but surely even then, she wasn't going to give up on this fight, and she would fight till her last breath, for her pride in Kirigakure. however this was all assuming that the man didn't actually heed her warning.

WC: 1649
Total WC: 4723
If warning isn't heeded:

OOC note: alright, so i cut off your post when you began to move please be sure to keep that in mind. I interupted your action, so the rest of the post beyond that never happened, and is void, if you wish for it to continue please simply repost the actions again in your next post, however do be mindful. Mikori views you as someone whom doesn't have all of their screws right simply due to how you have acted in the thread prior to this post, and she has given a verbal warning. The last paragraph will ONLY happen if you decide you don't want to heed Mikori's verbal warning and charge on anyways. if you have any questions or concerns please pm me, or you can reach me on skype @ Kaekio. This is of course if i am not in the chat box.

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