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Lifting herself out of the rubble, she looked around slowly seeing the world she had always known burning in black flames. Frantically she looked around not seeing any sign of life, finding her parents first she tried to move the burnt wood of their home off of them only then realizing how hot it is and the sluggishness that had come over her body. Upon moving just a little of the wood she realized her parents were dead and slowly stood up looking around until she saw red hair she ran as fast as she could before dropping to her knees at their side. Shoving everything she could off of the person she saw that they we're still breathing and cried out in relief before grabbing their shoulders and shaking them slightly.

"Shuiro wake up, we have to get out of here..." She said softly, her throat hurting from the smoke in the air before roughly shaking the girl until she got a reaction standing up again she shed her jacket and invoked her Inner Freeze so she could move just a little bit faster.




Getting a rude awakening from Tenshi, Shuiro looks up at Tenshi with a look of shock. She can feel where the rubble had been on top of her and feels the scratches from the wood. Looking down from Tenshi, she looks around to see the decimation. All of the black smoke pouring into the air, Shuiro grabbed Tenshi's shoulder while she was helped up. Shuiro notices the dull look on Tenshi's face and asks "What's wrong?" Without a response, Shuiro looks behind her and see's what exactly is wrong. Shuiro looks away from the bodies and grabs Tenshi's hand. Shuiro, bringing herself to gather the strength to do so, begins the first step of their escape.



Allowing Shuiro to take her hand she walks with her slowly their walk turns to a run towards the exit and entrance of the village she had known her entire life, the only place she'd ever known if truly allowed herself to think about it.

Turning her face to Shuiro she looked at her almost playfully. "Haven't you always wanted to see other villages? Well now is our chance." she said with a odd laughing burbling up in her body. She tried to ignore the relieved feeling that had swelled up inside her body since she realized the village that had always contained her was dying. Shaking her head she shed her jacket and tied it around her waist.

Sighing softly she turned to Shuiro "At least we're together huh?" She turned her eyes back to the road and tried to plot the distance in her mind.



Listening to Tenshi as they move, it was true, she had always wanted to see the other villiages; but not like this. She never even thought that this sort of thing was possible. An entire village being burned to the ground. What kind of monster would ever do such a thing? Shuiro pushed these thoughts from her head and turned to Tenshi, "You're right, I'm happy that you're ok." Shuiro blushes a bit as she says this and realizes that things aren't as bad as they could be.

Moving onto the main streets of the village, Shuiro can't even recognize which buildings were which. All she can see is black flames and smoke coming from the places she had been not too long ago.

As Shuiro and Tenshi make further progress in the village, they run into an wall of burning ruins. As they move past the rubble, some burning wood falls from the top of the great pile. Shuiro and Tenshi swiftly evade the falling pieces as they crumble onto the ground. After moving around the wall, Shuiro looks at Tenshi and says with a smile "I think we're almost to the exit"



Tenshi nods swiftly and smiles back at her trying not to look around to much and think of all those who lived here. She shook her head slightly to clear the thoughts and memories looking around she realized that they had made it to the gate in no time grinning slightly as she stepped out of Kiri she realized that her relieved feeling from before had grown even more. Turning her head back to Shioru she surveyed her looking for any signs of fatigue figuring that sleeping under a pile of rubble was not the most restful thing.

"Let me know when you need to stop okay? We can stop and camp out for the night and sleep in shifts." She said trying not to let the worry she felt in copious amounts for the Suiren girl color her words to much. Keeping her eyes on the girl next to her she slowed her pace to a leisurely stroll so as to keep from tiring herself out in the heat still radiating from the village not even 10 feet behind them.



As they moved further from the village, Shuiro suddenly stopped. She let Tenshi move a bit in front of her as she dropped slowly to her knees. A wave of emotion had hit her and many thoughts rushed into her head.
Where were they going? What were they going to do? They had just graduated from the academy weeks before and now this? How were they ever going to start their ninja career with no home? She looks up at Tenshi and asks, "Where are we going to go?" She tries to not let her sobs cover her words as she says this. Shuiro grabs parts of her pants as an attempt to relieve stress and breaks into a straight bawl.

After a few minutes of straight crying Shuiro pulls herself off the ground. She looks at Tenshi and states, "Sorry for losing my composure...I'll try to hold it together better." She slowly starts to move forward again with her head a bit lowered.



Looking in shock at the girl Tenshi quickly shook her head and pulls the girl into her arms and strokes her hair. Trying to think over how to explain things to her so that she relaxes she slowly pastes a confidant smile on first and pulls back to look at her. "We're going to the safest place right now Konoha. We have a alliance with them remember?" Stepping back she watched the girl intently to see if tears threatened to erupt again shaking her head slightly to stop the worry building up even more she turned away and started to walk again holding Shiro's hand to drag her along.

As they walked she let her mind drift off of the goal of their new home and onto Shuiro's stability Is this to much for her? echoed through her head she tried to turn her head slightly so as to watch the girl without letting her know.



Getting dragged by her hand, Shuiro walked silently behind Tenshi. She knows she probably worried her with that whole scene back there. She hates when she makes Tenshi worry about her.

After a while of walking, Shuiro squeezes Tenshi's hand and opens her mouth to say something. She tries speaking but no words will come out. All she can focus on is her memory of the burning village. She remains quiet and continues to follow.

As they walked further the sun started to slowly set behind the mountains in the distance. The air temperature started to drop as the light started to slowly to draw back. "Do you think we should stop to make a camp for the night?" Shuiro says looking around, noticing the trees in the distance.



Tenshi nodded slowly looking around. "Yeah Konoha shouldn't be to much longer from here." She looked around then at themselves wincing a bit from the realization that they had no food, water, blankets, pillows no nothing but the clothes on their backs for them to use. She untied the jacket around her waist and threw it to Shuiro.

"I know its not really a pillow but use this, I'll take first watch so you can sleep." She said before walking to a tree and climbing a few branches so that she was out of sight if anyone where to pass and see Shuiro.

Sitting high enough up that she assumed her face was unreadable to the red headed girls eyes she watched her intently trying to decipher her body language. She sighed softly wondering if she wasn't better left in Kiri before shaking her head knowing exactly what would happen if she had tried to leave the ninja below her alone. She tried not to notice the hollow place in her chest at the thought of being with out her. "Good Night Shuiro" She called out just loud enough for the girl.



Shuiro bundled Tenshi's jacket and placed it under her head. She laid on her back and looked up into the tree that Tenshi was in. "Goodnight Tenshi," Shuiro whispered to herself. Not long after she was asleep.

A few hours later Shuiro was awakened by Tenshi for her turn of the shift. She gave Tenshi back her jacket and moved her way into the tree. She watched as Tenshi laid on the ground and was soon asleep. She stared off into the distance, wondering what Konoha was like. She pondered about this for a good while then decided to take a quick look around, just to be safe.

After her look around, finding absolutely nothing, Shuiro remained sat at the top of the tree. She watched the tops of the mountains as the first rays of light began to peer over the peak. Silently sighing to herself, Shuiro dropped out of the tree and landed by Tenshi. She shook Tenshi a bit to wake her up. "Good morning Tenshi, should we look for something to eat?" Shuiro said as Tenshi sat up.



Sitting up she stretched letting out a yawn and stood slowly. She thought over it looking around and looking back at Shuiro. "Sure but be careful we don't know this area nor whats edible." She said over her shoulder as she walking towards konoha, while looking for food that she knew she stopped at a bush finding a bushel of berries that she saw in some of the more rural areas of Kiri taking off a branch she smirked and threw it back to Shuiro "It's not vanilla ice-cream but that should help your stomach" She said laughing.



Shuiro ate one of the berries and then proceeded to eat the rest of the berries extremely fast. She blushed after eating them, noticing how much of a slob she probably just looked like. "Sorry," exclaimed Shuiro, "I guess I didn't realize just how hungry I was."

After their short meal, Shuiro and Tenshi continued walking towards Konoha. They walked for what felt like hours, having short conversations, laughing the entire time. Shuiro could feel herself getting happier as they moved further away from the decimation. She still felt sad about Tenshi's parents, and about the whole city in general, but she knew that she had to move on if she wanted to improve herself. Konoha was a new start, and to be honest, she was actually excited.



She looked up as they finally arrived to their destination and smiled happily though stopping hesitantly at the entrance. Looking over at Shuiro she wondered how the other girl was faring with everything happening. "Are you ready to do this? If not we...can well find another place to go maybe." She said staring intently at her companion for any signs of back tracking.

Word Count: 1,010/800



Looking straight ahead at the breath taking view of the new city, Shuiro replies,"No, this is perfect." She grabs Tenshi's hand and looks happily to her. "We made it, we finally made it" Shuiro exclaimed with excitement. Shuiro takes a small glance behind her, remembering just how far they had come and remembering all of the pain they had felt not too long ago. She turns her back to the city, and with Tenshi's hand still in hers, takes one big step inside the city. A wide smile of anticipation is spread on her face as they walk further into the city.

Word Count: 1,012/800

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