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1One Million Grains of Sand [Plot/Private] Empty One Million Grains of Sand [Plot/Private] Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:15 am

Eita Uchiha

Eita Uchiha

Wandering aimlessly through the endless dunes, as the haze of the land taunts her mind.  The voice inside the girls head speaks to her, it speaks crude things.  Unruly things that shatters this girls core, at times this voice takes her over.  Causing controversy with her true feelings, and steers her away from her true self.  This voice this persona known as Violet haunts this girl from the afterlife, with origins from her families past.  A once powerful women with vast power as large as a million grains of sand, and a dream of conquering the world.  That dream was short-lived once she succumbed to a heart virus, and very shortly after passed away.  Yet her spirit yearned for the power, and could never peacefully rest.  Roaming the lands for over a century, and claiming the mind of this girl, Eita, Eita Uchiha.

This girl Eita once lead a normal life alongside her family, and her dear grandmother.  Sent away to Sunagakure no Sato to live with her step-brother, and lead a life outside of the corruption that is Konohagakure no Sato.  She is no here wandering the land, and once a completely normal girl.  A walking time bomb awaiting to blow away all that lay in it's path.  This girl completely unstable from the transition of her seemingly normal life, now being terrorized by a being from the afterlife.  What has it come to know her life in shambles, her brother missing?  Her life ruined by an undying spirit?

Looking ahead the girl could see a figure with long flowing dark violet hair, much similar to her own curly red hair. Yet something was different she thought it was a mirage, and her mind was playing tricks on her from the heat. The girl inside her head managed to manifest as an illusion, and could now communicate with her. She could finally see her as herself, and she had many similar and distinct features such as herself. Eita raised an eyebrow to this illusive figure, and muttered who she presumed could, very well possibly be this figment of her imagination.


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