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1Capturing a Dealer [Mission / Solo / NK] Empty Capturing a Dealer [Mission / Solo / NK] Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:08 am



Mission name: Sting Operation (Repeatable)
Mission rank: C
Objective: Capture the drug dealer alive.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 200 ryo
Mission description: A captured drug courier has revealed a drug dealer who is operating in and around the village. Intel shows he’s of a smarter sort than the kinda tempting kids around the academy. We have arranged a stint operation. The courier has flipped and is co-operating with us. He has divulged the location and time of his next pick-up. You will stay hidden from view as the meeting ensues. As soon as the drugs are in the couriers possession, ambush the dealer. Capture the drug dealer alive so that we may interrogate him to gain Intel on his supply source.
Mission details: What drugs he he dealing is up to the player. However, he will have a D rank criminal ninja bodyguard. This ninja will know the basic academy techniques, and uses a rusty katana that can cut 1 inch deep. He has all D0 rank stats. If the dealer gets away or the informant is killed, or the dealer dies or is in no condition to be interrogated (permanent damage that won’t heal fully) the mission is a failure and no reward will be given. The bodyguard will likely try fight to kill or maim, and despite his D ranked abilities should be treated with caution. The bodyguard may be killed.


[b]Mission name:[/b] Sting Operation (Repeatable)
[b]Mission rank:[/b] C
[b]Objective: [/b] Capture the drug dealer alive.
[b]Location:[/b] Sunagakure
[b]Reward:[/b] 200 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] A captured drug courier has revealed a drug dealer who is operating in and around the village. Intel shows he’s of a smarter sort than the kinda tempting kids around the academy. We have arranged a stint operation. The courier has flipped and is co-operating with us. He has divulged the location and time of his next pick-up. You will stay hidden from view as the meeting ensues. As soon as the drugs are in the couriers possession, ambush the dealer. Capture the drug dealer alive so that we may interrogate him to gain Intel on his supply source.
[b]Mission details:[/b] What drugs he he dealing is up to the player. However, he will have a D rank criminal ninja bodyguard. This ninja will know the basic academy techniques, and uses a rusty katana that can cut 1 inch deep. He has all D0 rank stats. If the dealer gets away or the informant is killed, or the dealer dies or is in no condition to be interrogated (permanent damage that won’t heal fully) the mission is a failure and no reward will be given. The bodyguard will likely try fight to kill or maim, and despite his D ranked abilities should be treated with caution. The bodyguard may be killed.

Kaiya waited outside in the slums. That courier from before had flipped, wishing to avoid jail time… And worse. He had apparently not known the contents of the packages he delivered. He claimed that was simply his job, he delivered packages all the time. It wasn’t his business to go snooping, besides in most cases, it would probably be mundane things anyway. Clever though, for the drug dealer to deliver via courier and keep his own hands clean. It made sense,and given how readily the courier flipped, he was deemed an innocent bystander in this matter. And that had lead to today's mission.

”Here, take this radio. Keep in touch just remember to take it off. If the dealer sees you trying to pick up the drugs with a wireless radio headset on, things won’t go well. We want to take him down after he has given you the packages to deliver, for maximum prison time. Then we have visual proof of him dealing. But keep in touch on the way there. Tell me if anything pops up, or if you need emergency assistance. Best stow it somewhere it can’t bee seen before you meet the dealer, just give me a heads up first okay?” Kaiya spoke calmly, helping reassure the courier, who was probably expecting a chunin to protect him, not a genin. But, as Kaiya had taken on C ranked missions before,specifically against drug dealers, they had allowed her to take on this mission. Though there was probably some ninja out there watching just in case. If so, Kaiya wanted them not to need to intervene. ”Oh… and… Don’t be too surprised if he’s decided to hire some thug. Just don’t react to over much. I… Well… killed a drug dealer not too long ago… and that combined with other ninja doing their job… Well… might put them a bit more on edge. Remember, you don’t know what is in those packages he tells you to deliver. You don’t like or pry, just pick them up like you have many times before,just some random package to deliver. But hey, it puts food on the table. If you are suddenly more curious than last time… well… It could make matters worse. Here… take this. It’s my only like I, but I have other weapons. And I’d feel safer if you had something. Keep that out of sight. If it is found… try to write it off as basic protection from muggers.”

Kaiya stopped there… Too much more and he’d be too scared to go. But… It might help to give him some tips at least. Not that she’s had much Experience with this specific situation. But she had years of academy training under her belt, he didn’t. Kaiya put on her wireless headset and nodded to him before making her way to the pick up location. She wanted to be sure no ninja were seen anywhere near the courier just in case. Best be as safe and secure as she could.

It didn’t take long for her to get there. It was in the slums, a rather solitary place near what seemed to be a dilapidated set of apartments. An ideal place for a drug deal. No one living in these cheap apartments was going to stick their nose up a dealer’s business, lest they lose it. Even If a fight broke out… well… they’d leave it well alone lest the druggies target them. Kaiya was heavily crouched on the roof, one tiny step above lying prone. A light breeze blew by, sending waves a cross her outfit. A pair of dark brown pants, and a dark brown tank top of sorts, with a beige jacket accented with dark brown, so light and airy that despite the long sleeves, it didn’t retain any real heat. It went with a similar style skirt which had 2 large slits to keep movement quick and avoid snags. ”I’m almost there… Can you see me?” Kaiya scanned the area, and found him just out of visual range of the buildings, she would not have seen him save her vantage point. ”Yes, ready when you are. Take a moment to Keep calm if you must. Remember, just another random pick up, nothing unusual.”

Kaiya heard a deep breath on the other end, then some disturbance as the wireless headset was shut off and hidden. He was coming in for the pick up. Kaiya readied herself, adjusted her position so she could act quicker. As the courier became visible, the dealer emerged from his apartment, as did… A thug as she had worried might happen. They wielded a rusty katana, and looked more akin to a trained thug than a ninja. Still… this could be tricky. The door shut behind them. They probably had a stash in there they didn’t want the courier to see. ”Hey! Thanks for stopping by as I asked. I’m coming to depend on you, most delivery services can’t deliver packages same day around the city, anyway, drop these off where it says on this list. I didn’t want you to forget where to go after all”

To Kaiya this seemed a bit too quick… but she supposed dealers didn’t want to stand around in the open holding drugs now did they. As for it being a same day thing… or couriers being more reliable, she doubted that. It was probably simply that most delivery services would check for drugs. Fortunately the courier kept most of his cool, and perhaps his abundant sweating was written off, considering the dealer and thug had just come from cool inside air to full suna heat…

It didn’t take long,and the courier was walking away. Now… How to take down the thug without letting the dealer get away. But… She couldn’t let the thug leave knowing the courier had flipped. He would have to die. Kaiya removed 2 senbon and, just as the dealer was inside his room, about to close the door, she threw them, targeting the dealers ankles. Senbon wouldn't do any permanent damage, but he’d be heavily limping for a while, untill he got to a hospital at least. Kaiya smiled as a thick stream of obscenities flowed forth, and much yelling for the thug to find whoever has done it.

Kaiya couldn’t risk the thug getting away. No… It was best he was felt with quickly. She jumped down from a roof, now plainly visible, and the thug pulled free his katana and charged. Kaiya sighed to herself, and Yankee her jacket off, out of it’s sash. Her dark brown tank top of sorts now visible, as well as her shoulders and upper arms, both coated in sunscreen. The hired thug didn’t seem to care to mince words, he seemed intent on killing Kaiya.

He came, and he slashed, but, to Kaiya’s utter astonishment, he was pathetically slow. Not his movement speed… That was around genin level to be sure… But his swing posed no threat. It was so easier to dodge Kaiya was briefly wrong footed. Kaiya had been preparing to use genjutsu, but in light of his lack of sword skill or striking speed, that almost seemed unsportsmanlike. So, caving in chakra, for now, she reached back and unhooked her twin tonfa, and took the caps off to reveal the spikes. All the while, sidestepping and jumping away. Why was he so slow? She doubted she was supremely faster than him in terms of running speed… but she was not used to reacting so soon to an oncoming attack that evading was this easy. Kaiya sighed as she readied herself. She entered a basic muay boran stance, parried the next blow of his katana with her legal tonfa, and, with a look resigned sadness, lashed out, stabbing him in the throat with her spiked tonfa. ”Sorry… I don’t enjoy killing… But… if only you had chose a better path. You’d have made a great genin. With some training… You might even have beaten me. That said… I’m just a genin myself.”

Kaiya checked the room briefly, looking through the door he hadn’t closed in his haste to remove the senbon. ”Look, I’m not a cruel person… Despite my blatant disgust that you sacrificed your life for a drug deal, a man making money from many broken families.” Kaiya knocked the katana out of his grasp and kicked it, sending it spinning across the ground. He was on ground before his katana stopped, clutching at his neck, with its inch deep puncture wound. Kaiya focused, and created a most around two of her fingers and held it to his nose, knocking away his faltering attempts to stop her. ”it isn’t much… but it’ll at least dull the pain a bit.” With that, Kaiya left to take the dealer to be interrogated, the sounds of gasping and gurgling behind her.

Word Count: 1,507
Chakra: 125/140

As for why i had all his attacks miss… it was a matter of D0 speed vs C2 reation time and C0 speed. With a rank and a half higher rea than the npc had speed, and tiers higher speed to boot… it seemed most likely that he couldn’t lay a finger on her.

Jutsu Used:

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