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1Drug Runner [Mission / Solo / NK] Empty Drug Runner [Mission / Solo / NK] Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:19 pm



Mission name: Drug Runner (Repeatable)
Mission rank: D
Objective: Capture the drug courier
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 100 Ryo
Mission description: A drug dealer is employing a courier to deliver drugs to his customers. We have received news of his 3 stops today from an informant. You must capture the courier alive, preferably relatively unharmed (No permanent damage) so we can interrogate him and collect intel on the dealer himself.
Mission details: The courier is a civilian, but is very fast for a civilian, at D rank speed. He often delivers on a bicycle to further complicate matters. He may or may not even know he is delivering drugs. Either way, he is distrustful of law enforcement and will flee if he spots trouble or grows suspicious. The drugs he is carrying is up to the player.


[b]Mission name:[/b] Drug Runner (Repeatable)
[b]Mission rank:[/b] D
[b]Objective: [/b] Capture the drug courier
[b]Location:[/b] Sunagakure
[b]Reward:[/b] 100 Ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] A drug dealer is employing a courier to deliver drugs to his customers. We have received news of his 3 stops today from an informant. You must capture the courier alive, preferably relatively unharmed (No permanent damage) so we can interrogate him and collect intel on the dealer himself.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The courier is a civilian, but is very fast for a civilian, at D rank speed. He often delivers on a bicycle to further complicate matters. He may or may not even know he is delivering drugs. Either way, he is distrustful of law enforcement and will flee if he spots trouble or grows suspicious. The drugs he is carrying is up to the player.

Kaiya smiled to herself. This was a relatively fine morning compared to the average. That meant it was a few degrees cooler than normal and there was the barest hint of moisture to the sky, as if the sky was threatening to have a cloud or two, but hadn’t decided if it felt up to it or not. It didn’t rain much in the wind country, but sometimes there were clouds… a few dinky things compared to kirigakure clouds or… Well… Any place that wasn’t a desert’s clouds. Still. There was hope. And that made it a good day. Kaiya stood outside her apartment in sunagakure. It wasn’t much. A 1 bed one bath affair, but she didn’t need much. She had food in her fridge and a bed to sleep on. That made it enough. And she had more than both of those things. That made it good. That said one who went in might think her somewhat poor. Well, what money she had frequently went to keeping her parents fed if it came to that. But… well… you do what you have to do right? Especially for family.

Kaiya shook her head briefly, sending her black-blue hair waving around. Black, but with enough light, it gained very brightly blue. Her eyes scanned around and she stretched, warming up. After a short minute her hands found the briefing. She had taken a mission last night, in it, she had been given the stops a courier would make, and some identifying features. It was a drug runner she was to intercept, and he would be starting his task soon. She had had the evening and all night to plot her route and what she planned to do. How would she intercept him? Fortunately, the village knew where the drug drop offs were, and would confiscate them as soon as the courier was captured. If they acted too fast the courier could figure out they had his schedule and go into hiding. So… they would wait unroll Kaiya had completed her job before seizing the drugs.

Kaiya sighed and jumped atop a nearby building to get a good vantage point. After a quick scan she jumped down and headed out. She didn’t want to risk spooking her target. The last thing she wanted Her target to see was a ninja jumping into roofs, following them. So, she set off on the ground, trying to walk at an even, slightly brisk pace. Once she made it to relatively near the first drop off ahead of schedule, she found a solitary alley and used the basic transformation jutsu everyone knows. It wasn’t much. Just to transform her hair, eyes, etc. To look more… normal. It wasn’t long before she spotted her target. It was a relatively young man, about her age. He wore relatively typical clothing, with a large brown messenger bag. He hopped off a rather valuable bike and left a small package containing what she knew to be drugs of so? Sort. They knew that much, but the informant couldn’t be sure of what drug the dealer had send to this home. He hopped on his bike and took off, faster than most civilians to be sure. As fast as a typical genin.

Kaiya took what shortcuts she could to reach his final drop off point,skipping the second all together to buy more time. This street was thankfully less bustling, the last drop off was thankfully nearing the slums, not there yet but close enough that it wasn’t crowded. Kaiya waited, a single senbon resting in her hand, still transformed to hide her appearance. She sat on a small, rickety bench hand kept as eye on the courier as he approached. Just as the bike courier came passed her, she reached out so her foot casually, and winced as the bike crashed over her ankle. As the courier fell she ran over to him. ”Are you okay? So sorry I wasn’t paying attention. Do you need help getting up?” She spoke audibly, anyone on the street would likely here her.

Kaiya bent over the guy, under the pretence of seeing if he was okay and helping him up. In that moment, she raised a senbon to his neck, hidden from view by her body and sleeve. But not hidden from him, he could surely feel the point against his neck. Then she whispered; ”You don’t want to resist, I’d hate for you to get hurt… listen well, your fate is in your hands. Let’s not be coy… I know what’s in that bag… unless you care to get on the bad side of the village ninja, you’d best come quietly. Get up, don’t make a scene, and i’ll take you to my house to get you cleaned up. Play this right and you might well avoid a prison sentence…” Fortunately the courier had his wits about him. In less than a minute he was faking a limp, perhaps overacting, but not unreasonably so. A house had been prepared ahead of time just up the road, a civilian with a village ninja in the family had volunteered her home for the ruse, and from there, he could be covertly extracted.

Word Count: 875


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