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1When it rains.. [Private/Taka] Empty When it rains.. [Private/Taka] Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:56 pm



Thin slithers of water dropped from the darkened sky, cascading down towards the canopies of the surrounding trees, crashing into the gravel that covered varying amounts of ground, and of course, invading the nearby lakes. The sound was harmonic to the Jugo, there was a chaos to nature, so many different sounds created from a single source.. It was rather.. motivational! There were few people out at this time of night, but Taro wanted to excel, to push the limits of what his body deemed acceptable, and perhaps that was what separated the boy from others, while most he knew had focused on the safer route of having some ranged aspect to them.. he focused on being a physical guy. People can't talk much trash with your fist in their mouth, can they? A faint smirk tugged on the corners of his lips as the thought cruised through his head, but it didn't distract him from his current task at hand. His hands were spread apart from his body, roughly shoulder width in distance, pressed firmly against the soaked earth beneath him. There was little resistance from the soil, which became indented when his force was applied to it due to it's currently inferior state. I mean, sure, Taro COULD have moved under a tree where there was going to be more solid ground, but he was stubborn and didn't wish to move, even if he'd eat the wet earth, that'd simply be the price paid. Extending his body away from his arms, he kept his back in line with his legs, creating an acute angle from the ground. Pausing for a second, he lowered his body down towards the welcoming earth, touching his nose against the soil briefly, before slowly pushing his body away from the ground again, exhaling calmly through his nose. He continued these motions for a while, maintaining a steady pace of breathing so that he didn't get exhausted faster than he needed to during this exercise.

The rain had been thudding against his body for quite a while at this point, soaking him to a rather debilitating extent. He wore a simple, navy vest which covered the main parts of him despite it's soaked state, with the rain running down his muscular deltoids, and down the forearms of the shinobi. His black pants were also noticably soaked, clinging to the thighs and calves of the man as he continued his push up exercises. His feet, however, lacked any sort of protection. They were digging into the earth themselves, curling the muck under his nails and deep into his toes, but who cares about hygiene when you can be making gains? And boy, was he making gains, or at least attempting to.

'Time to mix it up', he thought. He lowered his body down towards the ground in a controlled manner, inhaled sharply, and then pushed away from the ground more forcefully than usual; his hands left the wet clump of dirt, moving through the pouring rain to crash into one another in some sort of wet clap, before dropping back down towards the ground to brace him from the impact of, you know, smashing his face into the ground. He exhaled sharply through the movement, his body suitably tensed for the event. Taro repeated this exercise over and over, aiming to improve his form on each movement to be as efficient as he could. However, after a few more moments of this he started to feel something inside kicking at him. At the back of his mind, there was a scream.. Jolting through every fiber of his being. The soothing, pattering of the rain started to become thunderous, echoing bomb shells. His breathing started to increase rapidly..

He felt it coming on.

Taro threw his body from the ground, moving as quickly as he could to the sanctity of one of the many trees that littered the nearby area. He threw his body down onto the ground, skidding through the mud with his shoulder crashing into the trunk of the tree. His hands pressed against his temples, closing in on them like a vice as he attempted to control his own train of thought. 'No, no.. It's fine. No. No. No' He kept repeating the word over and over again, attempting to convince himself that nothing was going to happen although he didn't believe it. The rain continued to assault the grounds, striking the ground violently in a series of mini, watery explosions. He wanted to get violent. He needed to get violent. No.. no.. he'd discovered something about this. He could control it. He could stop these violent impulses from ever becoming reality.. He closed his eyes, ignoring the naturally destructive scene surrounding him, and started to work on his breathing. Controlling it, he inhaled through his nose and then exhaled from his mouth to allow for his heart rate to drop down to a more decent level, something that would help him.. not go berserk. He went into the recluse of his mind, focusing on relieving scenarios for himself. His mind envisioned a sunny scenario, where he was in the same spot as he is now. The sun beamed down gloriously to envelop the area with it's welcoming light, and the animals that were bold enough to live here were out in troves, interacting with one another in a surprising display of relations. It would be a rather ideal world, where nothing was wrong, and of course.. that's what was wrong. However, Taro didn't think about it too in-depth as he simply wanted to relinquish his hatred at the moment, to dispel the rage that was building inside of him and causing him to want to go berserk while he was so close to the village that was kind enough to let him stay inside undisturbed.

Opening his eyes after five minutes of envisioning the dream world, the rain continued to patter down around him peacefully, barely disturbing him any longer. It was just the way of nature, and it was rather tranquil. 'Don't over exert yourself that much, Taro. You know what happens, you can't control it.' He thought to himself, running his left, muddied hand through his slick, wet hair. He spiked it back up, his back pressing against the trunk of the tree behind him as to provide him some modicum of comfort, as if there was somewhere to rest.. to feel as if he was safe.. from himself, and perhaps to an extent, from others. He had to stop these destructive impulses that festered inside of him like a disease.. he was unsure on how to do that entirely, perhaps it was actually impossible.. but he'd have to at least give it a shot so that he could say, with his head held high, he did all he could to try and stop himself from being the monster that he can become. It was rather traumatic for the male.. to enter a state of unperturbed rage, inciting violence on anyone that he could.. Innocents, criminals, stronger shinobi.. Regaining your conscience after the ordeal to see the blood that was stained on your hands, unsure on whether it had come from your own wounds, or the shinobi that stood over you.. or, in the more worrying of cases, the civilian that lay below you, cold. 'No, no, no. frick them. They're weak.' He smacked his hand into his head a little, attempting to knock that train of thought out from his head. They were weak. He didn't have to care about what happened to such petty creatures. He slapped his head again, attempting to dispel the empathy that came from him when he said it. He didn't truly believe what he thought, but it was the only way he could cope with the scenario.. Knowing that you killed innocents, and embracing it as being who you are, a monster.. it was too much for the boy to handle, at least in this stage of his life.

[1337 leet WC]

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