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Magetsu Fukitsuna

Magetsu Fukitsuna

Magetsu cradled the cold glass they rested in his hands. He looked up at the bar tender, with a stoic face. "More please." His thoughts had flooded his head with thoughts and ambition. The tender came back, and watched the cyan colored liquid waterfall into the glass. He gave a nod as a thanks. Magetsu thought about what he was told. His mission. He looked at the glass he shuffled on the counter. He lifted it up and slipped it in his mouth, letting the liquid down his throat. He looked into the just about empty glass. He looked around. The bar was mostly quiet. The only people who could be heard were the two men in a booth. He looked back on his plan. Magetsu looked at the bartender. "You look like a man who is in the know around here. I am looking for a type of person. A person who would be…dangerous. Someone who could get get into some trouble." The man closed his eyes, put his thumb underneath his chin, and tilted his hand ad up. Magetsu raised an eyebrow wondering what he was doing. "Yes. A lady named Ningyō. She is quite a fox, if you know what I'm saying. She detected from the Hidden Sand, yet recently she came back for whatever reason. She comes here sometime, so you might see her. She did a bunch of robberies. She's ranked A, and so far took down every ninja who came her way. Though she hasn't been up to anything lately. My guess is she laying low." Magetsu leaned back a little surprised. "WellbI didn't know you were THAT much in the know." The man smiled smugly. "I am a bartender. Its my job to be in the know." Magetsu gulped up what was left of the glass. "Good. Do you know where I can find her?"
"Yeah, she has a hideout of a old abandoned toy factory. Her parents were high end cooperate owners of a doll company. When they died in a fire in a another factory, the cooperation went under." Magetsu leaned forward. "How do you know all this." The bartender just shrugged. "When you are a bartender, people get drunk and just start talking." Magetsu gave a nod. "Thanks for the information. You were very helpful." Magetsu put some money on the table and got up. He gave a little extra to the payment. "Hey how about you stay for a while. Not like you'll hangover. You've been drinking non-alcoholic drinks since you got here." Magetsu thought about it. "Alright, fillerup." Magetsu drank as he tried to devise a plan. He would have to convince this Ningyō person to offer assistance. It shouldn't be hard. Then again she's rank A. He would have to not say anything to offend her. Magetsu could possibly befriend her. Magetsu decided to stop thinking about it. He relaxed and continued to drink his cyan drink.

500 WC



Sasijimi quietly sauntered along, moving through the alleyways of SUnagakure no sato. Making his way to the bar after a long day of training. He had been perfecting his bukijutsu instead of ninjutsu and as such his body was sore, and he was a bit tired from having used his weapons more than his chakra. He had to swing around a very large fan as well as a scythe on a very long chain. All in all, he was happy he had the experience with the two weapons. Having finished his training though, he'd stopped by his apartment in the market district of the hidden sand village, dropping the two weapons off in a tall locker on the inside of his bedroom. Having dropped his weapons he changed into fresh black shinobi tights, tabi, and a black netted t-shirt. He was clean, refreshed and ready to relax out on the town. As he reached the bar, he moved his hands back to tie his hair back into a ponytail, leaving a bit of his bangs alone to have them drift slightly into his face. With his appearance alright enough he made his way into the mildly lit establishment, looking around.

He nodded to a few familiar faces, making his way to the bar stools at the middle of the bar, sitting at the island, next to another young man, motioning for the bartender to come to him. "Western Whiskey." Two words was all it took to get the message across of what he needed. While he waited for the drink, he took a look at the male beside him. Drinking a strange, cyan liquid, that didn't smell as though it had any actual alcohol in it. Though his nose could possibly be off. Without another thought to it, he smiled and nodded in thanks to the bartender who brought his shot to him, placing a few ryo on the counter. He took the shot quickly and smirked at the harsh taste.  He motioned for another shot and once the bartender brought over another, he motioned for the bottle to be left. He drank the other shot and poured himself yet another. Yes, this was a good time to relax. He almost paid no mind to anything else around him while he enjoyed his strong liquor. He was not a robust man by any means but whiskey really hit the spot with him. It was one of his favorite drinks when he wanted to relax, if not the absolute favorite. Western countries sure knew their way around alcoholic beverages, if nothing else. Each day it seemed they came up with stronger and stronger drinks to put out there. Rum coming from there was awfully potent as well. Here Sasijimi was contemplating the alcohol of the west and how potent they were becoming and he was still struggling to become a chuunin. With a sigh he downed another shot and poured one more, looking into the dark brown liquid, contemplating his success so far. What little he actually had.

Training Bukijutsu: 510/2000

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