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1A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:39 pm

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

”Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh” yawned Yusuke as he walked through the administration building. Reporting in early morning wasn’t fun, especially if you had to wake yourself up in the morning. The entire graduation ceremony had been one big confusing event. While others were greeted, represented, congratulated by their parents and family. Yusuke had no one to receive those gestures from. As courtesy, the owner of the orphanage that he had been raised in attended the ceremony. Yusuke was never the most exceptional student but he wasn’t the worst either, basically an average individual. So there wasn’t much to talk about. He greeted the orphanage owner and then parted ways with his headband.

Yanagi was a bit old for a genin but he had a strange childhood that confused even him. He had no recollection of his past other than his life at Iwagakure. Despite that fact, he had been taken in and had now become a genin. A shinobi of Iwagakure. No matter what his limitations were, one thing was for certain: Yusuke had no intention of becoming a disappointment.

Back to the present, it was the day after the graduation ceremony. He had yet to learn who he was assigned to and which squad he was a part of. As curious as he was, he was told to check whether he was assigned a mission or not. To his surprise, Yusuke was actually assigned a mission on his very first day. So meeting the squad came later, the priority was the mission. And he wasn’t supposed to do it alone either, it was with someone named: Oki Kuma. ”I wonder what kind of person would he be? Oh well, I’ll find out as we… fetch a … cat”, slightly disappointed Yusuke remembered the details of the mission. Well, he wasn’t a full fledged shinobi; he was a genin after all. So what did he expect? Assassinations on the first day?  

Yusuke checked his pouch one more time to make sure he had brought the basic supplies: A kunai, three shurikens and he was wearing the head band. Well, he was all ready to go. The first thing on the agenda was to find this other shinobi and then be off to find the cat. In order to do so, Yusuke began asking around about Oki Kuma. The sense of adventure had begun to excite him and he was getting restless on finishing up his very first mission.

The day was bright and the sun was shining on magnificently. Just the perfect day to go on a mission like this. Yusuke couldn’t wait to learn from his very first mission as a genin; not to mention a mission with a fellow genin too. What possibilities lay ahead?

Word Count: 460

Last edited by Yanagi Yusuke on Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

2A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:23 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Were Yusuke to follow the tips from locals in his search for Oki Kuma, he would find a recurring theme in reputation and where to find the genin. It would seem that this Oki Kuma had a reputation for a recent fight that destroyed quite a bit of the Iwagakure Bazaar. Ironically, said Bazaar was a common visiting site of the other genin as well. So, if Yusuke Yanagi follows the tips and sayings of the locale, or if he just wandered around until he found him, he would find himself the location of the genin rather quickly, standing next to… A bear.

Standing over an entire foot taller than Yusuke, the genin was rather muscular in build, looking identical to a black bear from a distance, if a black bear were in clothing. Speaking of clothing, his attire was rather practical; a large white vest top, that on him was quite tight, and a pair of black shorts. His feet, which had two inch long claws for nails, were protected by basic combat training boots, the skin and nails visible due to the sandal like nature of the boots. Wrapped around his neck like a scarf lay a metallic chain, and his hair, black and sharp, was spiked out and messy, as if he were just electrocuted. Placed in front of his throat, like a collar, he wore his Iwagakure forehead protector with pride. This rather bulky individual was Oki of the Kuma clan. And currently preoccupying the time of the massive individual was a rather short, chubby, bear cub. This caramel furred creature, with a white blotch at its snout and belly, was Debu. The Yogi and Booboo duo of Iwagakure.

Turning, Oki looked towards the stranger, a grin upon his face. In his hand was a piece of scrunched up paper, and despite being as young as he was, a sharp, black, goatee stuck from his chin. Humming to himself, Oki watched the person who showed up intently, stroking his goatee as if he were a bond villain, a reference nobody in character would get. He thought for a moment, the bear at his side flopped lazily and seemingly only glancing at the person nearby. Finally, Oki spoke up, clicking his fingers as an idea entered his head. “You sir! Do you need something?!” his voice bellowed the question, Oki clearly having taken the term indoor voice too literally.


3A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:00 pm

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

No matter who Yusuke asked, he got a reply about a large person who destroyed most of the Iwagakure Bazaar. Using the descriptions that Yusuke had got, he imagined a mental picture of a giant bear like monster, who blew away buildings with a single sneeze. ”I know I’m exaggerating a ton but still.. if he’s that large and strong, how come he’s just a genin like me?”. The fact that this Oki Kuma was such a capable shinobi made Yusuke want to learn more about him. Asking around led Yusuke in the direction of the genin he was looking for.

From a distance, Yusuke could make up the giant figure and a smaller more fuzzier figure. ”Are Oki and Kuma two different individuals? They didn’t tell me that. Well, the descriptions I got weren’t that elaborate but.. I don’t get it.” Confused but still excited Yusuke headed for the large shadow until he finally arrived. It was then that Yusuke realized the difference between their height. ”Woah”, the words slipped out of his mouth as he stared at the genin dressed in the large white vest and wearing a chain around his neck. From the appearance, Yusuke assumed that the chain would be quite heavy. However, this individual was wearing it like a muffler or something. Kind of like how Yusuke was wearing his necklace. Overwhelmed by the size difference, Yusuke almost didn’t notice the bear right next to him.

Yusuke noticed that the bear simply was glaring at him and stood right next to the giant individual. Was it a summon? Was it a pet? Was it a shinobi using transformation jutsu? If so, for what purpose? It was then that Yusuke’s trail of thought was broken by Oki’s loud voice. He was almost startled as he once again raised his gaze to look at the tall muscular genin. Unlike Oki, Yusuke was a slim and athletic built individual. One may argue that at this moment, Yusuke looked like a tooth pick in front of Oki. Yusuke wore casual full sleeves tea shirt and jeans. He wasn’t really dressed like a shinobi. Definitely not like Oki who looked prepared to start a war or something. The only shinobi like feature that Yusuke had was his bag of supplies containing the kunai and shuriken.

”Hai.. uhhh, I’m Yusuke Yanagi. I’m looking for a genin named Oki Kuma. We’re supposed to go for a mission together. Are you… Oki Kuma?”, the sudden question startled Yusuke enough for him to babble on as formal as he would in front of a kage. Seriously, what would you expect? He was a foot shorter than the guy who stood in front of him. And don’t even begin with the physical build difference.. yikes!

Word Count: 474
Total Word Count: 934

4A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:12 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Oki continued to listen to the stranger, looking from side to side, up and down, almost as if observing his posture and muscle mass, a light hum emanating from behind his lips. The name the stranger mentioned first sounded familiar… Yusuke Yanagi… Yusuke… Ah! Of course! There was a mission to be done today! And this man, if he was old enough to be called that despite his height, would be Oki’s partner. This thought was all but confirmed when he announced he was looking for a genin named Oki Kuma. Who could that handsome sounding devil possibly be? Of course, Oki knew who that handsome sounding devil was. He was that handsome sounding devil after all. With an uproarious laugh, Oki nodded, before following the question with an answer of his own, Oki style. “Yes, you are speaking to none other than I! Oki of the Kuma clan! The soon to be great bear of Iwa, student of a Monolith, and proud warrior! We have our mission to accomplish!” he declared, striking a pose while flexing his muscles. “So we shall go! And we shall save that pussy!” hearing this sheer stupidity, Debu simply put its paws over its head, pretending it had nothing to do with the idiot of a genin that was Oki. He was, after all, embarrassing to be around.

Laughing, Oki was incapable of realising that, from his sheer daftness and oblivious attitude, his pet bear, deciding it had enough of his stupidity for one day. With a grunt, the chubby bear walked off, its Iwagakure forehead protector hung loosely around its neck. Debu knew that the task wasn’t going to need him. After all, it was just fetching a cat from a tree. And while bears could climb trees, Debu just didn’t care enough. It was a D rank mission. A task that was basically just there to keep genin busy and from causing trouble. It wasn’t extreme enough for the dynamic duo to make a scene. Recently, there hadn’t been anything extreme enough that Debu felt the need to be there. Aside from the whole, being there, that is. So, he went home instead, letting Oki get on with his menial tasks and boasts while he went to go look for fish or something. Still oblivious to this, Oki simply patted the small man on the shoulder, long 2 inch nails sticking out past the person as Oki kept up his rather gleeful grin and spoke up once more. “Well now! Lead the way companion! We have a kitty to save!

428 + 402 = 830

5A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:37 pm

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

So, the guy who looked as strong as a kage was actually the genin that Yusuke was looking for. Just being around this guy was overwhelming. While Oki and Yusuke conversed, the bear decided to walk away. However, Yusuke was able to notice the head band hanging from the neck of the bear. Finally, he was able to deduct that the bear was no common bear. It was a ninja-bear, probably the partner of the bear-like individual standing right next to him. ”Seijutsu, was it?”, he thought to himself as Oki introduced himself from the Kuma clan. It all made sense.

Now that the introduction was out of the way and the bear on his own way, the two could focus on the task they were assigned: the mission. ”Hai, the old lady resides in the living district. So I’m betting that’s where we’ll find the scared cat” he replied. The sheer weight of the hand that was suddenly placed on his shoulders was something. And then there were those dangerous looking sharp two inch nails. ”It all makes sense why people described a monster when I asked about Oki Kuma”, thought the little genin as he began leading the way.

It would take them several minutes before the trio reduced to a duo now would make it to the tree with the cat. As the old lady had said it and as the mission details had been relayed to them, they could see before them a scared cat on top of a tree. ”Well, there’s the cat we’re supposed to rescue. I’m pretty sure if we approach it, it might get even more scared. What I’m not sure about is how to approach it. So, any ideas?” said Yusuke scratching his head. He wasn’t really the strategy planning type. Mostly, he wouldn’t mind following strategies but devising them? That was a totally different ball game and it wasn’t his ball game either.

The two genins had arrived in front of quite a tall tree. As climbing was a simple task for a shinobi, either could easily use an academy jutsu to climb the tree and get the cat. However, the cat was scared and probably had sharp claws too. Not to mention, it was a cute white colored cat that anyone would think twice before scaring. Little did the comparatively shorter genin know that he was about to solve the issue within the blink of an eye by going air borne.  

Word Count: 424
Total Word Count: 1358

6A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:21 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Several minutes of walking passed, and now Oki looked up, craning his neck backwards to look up the sheer height of the tree that he was standing in front of. It wasn’t that he couldn’t climb it. But a giant six foot five inch man climbing a tree with long nails and as much hair as a bear might be intimidating to an already startled cat. Judging from the pristine colour of the cat’s fur, it was used to being pampered before anyways. This also, as an animal lover, let Oki know that it was more easily startled, not used to the reality of the world outside of whatever luxurious comforts its owner would afford it. So, when Yusuke suggested thinking up a way of getting the cat without startling it, Oki began to think. After all, he couldn’t simply approach it normally, and likely, neither could the smaller individual. So, for once in his rather dumb life, Oki had to come up with an idea. Either approach the cat stealthily enough that it’s not startled, slowly enough, which could take all day, or fast enough.

With a grin, Oki decided on the last option.

I’ve got a plan” Oki announced as his only warning, before ducking down rather suddenly, grabbing his partner by the legs. He took a few large steps away from the tree, dragging Yusuke off his feet, but also making sure that he wouldn’t smack his head into the tree by accident. That’d be a pretty terrible thing to do after all. Satisfied that he was at enough of a distance from the tree so as to not smash his current partners head into the wood, Oki began spinning. Despite the calculations that went into the distance judgements, the whole motion was surprisingly quick and fluid, leaving little time for understanding as the smaller genin began spinning around. Once. Twice. On the third spin, Oki flipped his arms up, launching Yusuke directly up with the momentum he had built up, the smaller genin flying through the air like a majestic whale. With a grin, satisfied that he had used enough momentum to allow the other guy to reach the cat, Oki gave a thumbs up, having ignored any potential protesting Yusuke might have made, declaring with pride. “Catch the cat, and I’ll catch you tiny man!

390 + 830 = 1210

7A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:57 pm

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

Toshi, a local shop keeper of Iwagakure had woken early in the morning today. He was on his way to his shop when he spotted two genin next to a tree. The duo seemed really strange since it comprised of one giant and one comparatively shorter shinobi.  What was such a strange duo standing there for? For some unknown reason, Toshi decided to stay and watch the two. From the direction of their gaze, he could deduct that the two were interested in a kitten. A kitten that happened to be sitting on a branch way high. ”So these two are probably going to bring the kitten down safely. This’ll be interesting. Are they going to run up the true or use some jutsu?”, he thought as he continued to observe them. Shinobi had a really interesting way of doing things. Even young individuals were capable of accomplishing wonderful feats. However, the event that unfolded within mere moments was jaw dropping.

While Yusuke was still thinking up of ways to handle this situation, his comrade in arms came up with one. However, Oki didn’t feel the need to discuss it with Yusuke. The sudden and unorthodox nature of Oki’s approach simply baffled Yusuke. As he became a stick, dragged by Oki. ”Hey!! Wait.. wait .. wait..”, protested the helpless little shinobi. Completely impervious to Yusuke’s attempt to say something, Oki continued on and began to spin Yusuke. ”Woah… woah…”, he said as he was helplessly spun. All of this unfolded so quickly that Yusuke had no way to question the actions of his larger comrade. Within moments, Yusuke was spinning and then in mid air. The spinning made Yusuke fuzzy enough that nodded his head in response while in mid air when told to catch the kitten. He even flapped his arms like a bird as he continued to propagate, almost out of it.

Toshi couldn’t fathom what was happening in front of him. A mere moments ago the two were standing and then the bigger one spun the shorter one a few times before throwing him directly towards the tree. As jaw dropping as it was, it wasn’t the end of it. The shinobi flung in mid air apparently lost it after being spun around since he was flapping his arms like a bird. Toshi couldn’t help but point and laugh at that.  Not only Toshi was amused but even the scared cat couldn’t help but find that funny. That wasn’t the end of it either though.

Whether it was Oki’s throw or whether it was Yusuke’s mindless flapping, the trajectory of the projectile wasn’t exactly towards the cat. The loud bang resulting from Yusuke’s crashing straight into the tree signaled the end of his short flight. ”I think I broke all the bones in my body.. owww”, barely spoke the almost squished shinobi. The sight was so funny that the vendor standing in the distance fell on his stomach, literally rolling while laughing. However, the street vendor wasn’t the only one laughing. Looking at Yusuke, the cat too couldn’t control her laughter and started laughing uncontrollably. As the cat laughed, it forgot to hold on to the tree and the result was now a falling cat. Headed straight for the large comrade who had sent Yusuke flying.

Well, one way or the other, their mission was just about completed. Even though Yusuke wasn’t in the best of shapes; he did help out, didn’t he? Thought the now injured shinobi as he hugged the tree with all his might. Kind of like the cat who they had come to rescue. That too was funny but more ironic, poor little Yusuke never expected rescuing a cat would turn out like this.

Word Count: 637
Total Word Count: 1995

8A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:47 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Oki watched with a satisfied grin as the smaller genin flew through the air, in a fashion that Oki for a moment deemed majestic. For a moment. Of course, moments aren’t long, this one especially not so. Flailing his arms around like a penguin that had fallen off a cliff, Oki surveyed as Yusuke, seemingly high on being high, seemed to forget he was a person, not a bird. But, perhaps he had a bloodline limit that allowed him to fly by looking like a fool? That could be feasible, in which case Oki would look like a genius for totally being able to tell and judge that in mere moments! A literally flying genin! Oh how glorious- Oh. With a THUD, Yusuke had found himself launched directly into the tree, moment of almost cartoonish humour passed. Uhh… Whoops? With the thud, the impact, the tree began to wobble, the cat that clung so cowardly to the branch losing its grip in the sheer oddity that was the passed moment.

So, the situation had escalated and changed rather dramatically. And by dramatically, of course it was actually really stupid. A falling cat, and a genin currently clinging to a tree as if the ground itself became something to avoid. In Oki’s defence, Yusuke did say to think of a plan. Thinking of a plan, and sharing said plan, are two separate things. Plus Oki kind of likes to throw things. It is good stress relief, and good for muscle building. After all, Yusuke must have weighed what, people weight? Whatever people weight was. So, what better way than to pick up and throw said weight to gain better muscle mass? Regardless, menial tangent aside, it was time for Oki to actually be productive. After all, the mission stated that the cat was to be returned unharmed. And if there was one thing Oki wasn’t adding to his reputation, it was this; He would not be responsible for an injured kitten.

Quickly, Oki’s mind travelled to what the softest thing he could think of was. After all, despite cats always landing on their feet, it was best to make sure it had a landing, a surface, that wouldn’t break its feet. Forming quick hand seals, ones that didn’t seem right for a genin of his size, Oki poofed into smoke, from that smoke jumping… The bear from before that had walked off. With a leap, the chubby mass landed beneath the falling kitten, who rather comically bounced off the flabby flesh of the bear with a mewl, claws leaving minor scratches on the back of the animal that did next to nothing to the thick hide of the beast. Of course, said beast wasn’t actually Debu, but Oki using one of his clan’s best techniques. Bear stuff was weird. So, letting the cat back down to the ground and holding it by his mouth, Oki disguised as Debu looked up to the tree where Yusuke was still stuck, watching and waiting. This’d be interesting.

503 + 1210 = 1713

Chakra: 135/150 (-15 for C rank jutsu)

Jutsu used:

9A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:30 pm

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

Getting spun around and then being thrown into a tree does tend to get to your head. Even though Yusuke was a shinobi, completely capable of simply getting down, he was clinging to the tree for some reason. The impact didn’t do any serious damage but he was a tad bit hurt. Probably needed a few bandages here and there. However, as dramatic as he had made it sound, there were no broken bones or anything like that. For a few moments, Yusuke held on to the tree as tightly as his arms could manage with his eyes closed shut tight. Realizing his situation, finally Yusuke came to his senses and opened his eyes. Staring at the tree that he was hugging, then he turned and looked at his comrade. The comrade who was nowhere in sight and was replaced by the bear from before.

What had just happened while Yusuke was hugging the tree? Had Oki decided to leave and the bear had come out of nowhere? Did the two switch? Was it a summoning jutsu? Or was it a simple transformation jutsu? Well, Yusuke had no sensory skills so he couldn’t possibly know. Nor did he have any doujutsu either. ”I guess it might be transformation..”, he thought making a random guess for no reason. Then Yusuke gaze shifted towards the cat in the bear’s mouth, it was probably safe right? Wait.. The cat was in the bear’s mouth?! ”The cat’s in the bear’s mouth!!!”, he thought panicking as he did so. Was the cat dead? Where ever Oki was he was going to get an ear full about this. This wasn’t the time to think about Oki though, it was time to rescue the cat from a bear. ”A moment ago, you’re hurled to a tree and the next moment, you’re thinking of ways to fight a bear. Oh the inhumanity!!”, he thought struggling about the fact that he was about to fight a bear.

Whether it was desperation or simply the fact that he was worried about the cat, Yusuke let the tree go and jumped straight down at the bear. His plan? Well, it was a simple one but that was just because that’s who he really was. Yusuke was never an exceptional individual, never at the top of the class, never ahead of everyone; just the average shinobi. However, all of that never mattered when someone needed him. In his worry for the cat, Yusuke completely forgot the fact that the bear he had seen earlier wore a head band. And the bear that was in front of him also wore a head band. The head band simply signifying that it was neither hostile nor a threat.  

Yusuke fell straight downwards and as he fell, he made some hand signs resulting in a smoke cloud. A large net emerged from the smoke continuing to fall down. Yusuke had used the transformation jutsu to turn into a large enough net that would capture the bear. Well, if it was a hostile bear, even then the strategy wouldn’t be that smart. However, this was the only thing Yusuke could come up with.

Word Count: 537
Total Word Count: 2532

Chakra Used: 5.
Remaining Chakra: 145/150

Transformation Jutsu:

10A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:08 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

It would have, and quite simply should have, been an unbelievably easy mission. It was just rescuing a cat from a tree after all! But apparently, terrible team work can ruin any mission, no matter how simple. How did it ruin this mission? Many, many ways. For a start, throwing ones partner into a tree is probably not a good plan, unless of course you’re trying to fight a tree. Which was not the case. Secondly, a lack of communication probably doesn’t help. Like, perhaps it would have gone better if they had talked about the plan before acting it out, or really talked about anything? Thirdly, sheer stupidity. As anyone could tell, stupidity is the quickest way to ruin a plan. Just like right at this very moment. The plan was to safely rescue a cat from a tree. Yet now a net, which happens to be one of the two muppets, is falling on top of a bear, the other muppet, who is holding the cat in its mouth. Truly, a stupid situation. But situations involving Oki, well, they always were stupid.

So, here, the bear looked startled, the net now falling at increasing paces towards the semi-suspecting creature, gravity doing its part to aid in the acceleration of the net. Taken off guard by the sudden net from the sky, in a poof of smoke, undisguised from his transformation technique, the cat still caught by the fur by its neck within the teeth of Oki, done in a way so as to cause minimal pain, if any at all to the cat, the only pain coming from if the feline moved to try get away, which would of course cause the fur to pull. With a yell, Oki of course concluded the best thing to do with a net… Is wrestle with it! So, kitten in mouth, Oki began standing up to his two feet, having just been on all fours due to transforming as a bear. Of course, being as large as he was, there was no way he’d stand up wholly before a net fell on him. So, if the net were to poof back into being Yusuke, his partner, then the smaller ninja would likely just bounce off the large brick of a man. If however, for some reason the ninja did not undo their transformation, well, then it’d just be awkward, the large six foot five man caught in a net, like a beast caught in the hunt.

415 + 1713 = 2128

11A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:17 pm

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

Whether it was the fluency of the situation or was it simply because of Yusuke’s sheer inability to pay attention, this situation was actually happening. Yusuke had assumed earlier that the bear might be a transformation and then he had stupidly assumed that the cat was in danger of some kind. How could the two possibilities occur simultaneously? Well, he hadn’t paid attention the obvious.  That is why, Yusuke was now falling on top of Oki who had transformed into his comrade bear. Meanwhile, Toshi, the shop owner was still laughing and watching intently at the hilarious scene. The previously hilarious scene had now become slightly dramatic but even more interesting. Shinobi were most certainly interesting individuals from Toshi’s perspective.

In mid air, Yusuke noticed his mistake but thanks to gravity, he didn’t have much time to react. In his transformed form as a net, he propagated towards the now six foot tall comrade from before. Right before the net landed on Oki, Yusuke finally understood his mistake and released the transformation jutsu. Thus, he didn’t land on Oki in the form of a net. Instead, he reverted back and then placed his hand on Oki’s shoulder to use as a leverage. Placing his right hand on Oki’s left shoulder, he swung around in the form of a flip. However, there were no smooth landings because of the speed of his propagation. Consequently, Yusuke  simply flipped and then landed on his back on the floor behind Oki. Another loud thud could be heard once more and this time Yusuke had no one else to blame. ”Owww … owwww.. owww… I think whatever was left then, is broken now”, he whispered bearing with the pain.

Once again, following the thud, loud laughter could be heard from the distance as Toshi broke into laughter. The shop vendor now late simply didn’t care because he was having too much fun. ”Oh this is rich, hahaha!, he said as he continued to enjoy the scene. ”Is it?” asked a rather angry toned female voice from behind. A chill ran down the spine of Toshi as he turned to look back. He knew from the voice who it was and he turned out to be correct: his wife holding a pan in her hand. ”You’re going to be late again and you’re just standing there watching people!! What’s wrong with you!!” shouted the angry lady scolding her husband as he began running away. Ah, the joys of the squabbles of the married life.

The only other sound of laughter could be heard near Oki as the cat too giggled enjoying the scene. For better or worse, the cat had forgotten about its fright and was rather enjoying the whole scene. Well, that was probably a bonus achievement or something right? Not only did the two rescue the cat, they also fixed its mood too. ”Well.. at least someone is happy”, said Yusuke as he lay on the ground staring at the sky. His body was quite in pain but there was no alarming damage. Just some stuff that would require a few bandages and some stuff that would require him to take some pain killers.

Word Count: 540
Total Word Count: 3072

Remaining Chakra: 145/150

12A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:28 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

A touch. A bounce. A splat. It was like a circus that had gone terrible. A performer who didn’t know how to perform. With half amusement, half intrigue, Oki watched as his mission partner fell from the tree, and bounced off the large man, barely flinching at the pressure of someone falling on him, and then… Flipping onto the ground. Perhaps it was just because it was comical, seeing someone do a flip, or perhaps it was just the overall stupidity of everything, but Oki couldn’t help but snicker, dropping the cat into his hands from his mouth. This guy was a laugh, just from how daft he was, so, Oki made a mental note to be on the lookout for him. After all, a good laugh was a good time, and a good time was exactly what Oki cared for.

Oki’s eyes shot to the shopkeep who had been laughing throughout the entire thing, albeit now it seemed he was getting his comeuppance, a woman who Oki could only assume was his other half telling him off and scolding him for his waste of time laughing at strangers. Every bit of the situation seemed like a joke, like something someone had scripted, written. But philosophical thoughts that were derived from a fourth wall breaking joke aside, Oki really just had enough of this situation. This was the longest a mission had taken him. And he’d wrestled a rock python! With his bare hands! Granted, said bare hands have the equivalent of kunai on the ends of the fingers, but they are still technically not weapons, so, still something he’d count as cool!

Holding the kitten carefully in his left hand, Oki sighed, looking down at Yusuke, who lied face up on the dusty earth. A lot quieter than before, to not startle the now calmed animal, Oki spoke. “I will go return this little one to whoever its carer is. Do not worry, I will tell nobody of your interaction with the tree. I can imagine having a cat laugh at you is embarrassment enough as it is. So, tiny Yanagi, you go get yourself some rest, and be sure to pick up your payment from the Administration Building later.” With a nod, Oki turned, walking off, cat in hand to go find the person who had lost their cat. Of course, such a task wouldn’t take long, since he had the mission details, and the mission details stated who set the task. With a grin, he shook his head as he made his way. This task had taken a lot longer than was needed.

After about ten minutes of walking, Oki had calmed the cat to sleep, and delivered it to its owner. In hindsight, he probably should have dragged Yusuke with him, but, well, this was Oki, so, that wasn’t going to happen. Why not? Because realistically, about five minutes after leaving, Oki had forgotten him. Then the ten minutes passed, and Oki remembered. But oh well. By the time he’d thought about it, the moment would have passed, and Yusuke would no doubt be on his way home. So, satisfied the mission was done, and that Yusuke wasn’t severely injured (at least as far as he knew from what little attention he paid), Oki went home.

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13A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Empty Re: A tricky Kitty [Yanagi/Oki/NK] Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:18 am

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

As troublesome and ‘challenging’ as it was, their mission had come to an end. The ordeal that the two genins had no one else to blame for was now over with. Yusuke lay on his back, bearing the pain as he stared at the clear skies above him. It felt so peaceful he could doze off. He almost didn’t listen to his bear comrade with the cat. His friend something about not telling anyone about Yusuke’s interaction with the tree. As embarrassing as it may have been, Yusuke had no reputation to uphold. He was no exceptional shinobi nor one with a name that may have been known. So, even if someone tried to defame him, he didn’t have any fame.

Yusuke wouldn’t have to deal with the task of delivering the kitten back, Oki took it upon his strong shoulders to do it. Well, one less thing for Yusuke, at least in his condition he didn’t need anything to deal with. Expecting to be picked up or thrown onto Oki’s shoulders, Yusuke was surprised when Oki just simply walked away.”Really? No handshakes? No bows? Aren’t even going to lift me back to my feet?”, he wondered as he only replied with a thumbs up to the departing genin. Yusuke wasn’t one to make good impressions and this interaction was not an exception to that generally applicable rule.  

He watched as his friend departed with the now calm kitty. Before Yusuke could walk in the administration building and claim his reward. He had to get some medical attention and even before that, he had to actually get up and move. Not a good situation but well, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. He struggled but managed to get back onto his feet. Then, came the never ending path towards the administration building. Perhaps it was because Yusuke had never been hurt like this before. It was through this experience that he deducted two things. One, experiences can be painful at times. Two, he needed to be capable enough to accomplish greater things. So it was right then that he had decided, he would find someone to help him train. Who exactly would that be? For now, he had no answer to that question.


Word Count: 384
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