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It had been awhile for poor Jig-Jagi. A long while since he'd set foot into the lush, slightly cool forests of the more eastern Hi no Kuni. Out was all savanna. If he had anyone to talk to, he would gladly admit that he was back in this, ahem, neck of the woods. Surely enough, it was closer to Konohagakure no Sato, that being the place he didn't want to go back to. It wasn't very easy to get within such a close radius of the place again. After all, Jagi wasn't one to go back on his promises. Even to himself.

That's why he wasn't exactly heading closer. To be truthful, he didn't even have a map out. Did he even have a map...? At this point, thoughts were moving in and out of his head at random. Maybe it was better he wasn't considered "ninja" yet.

By virtue of his navigation or not, he happened upon a small reservoir; a sort of semi-stagnant pool of water that was lightly fed by a small river from upstream, and opened into a larger tributary on the other end. When one end was larger than the other and the pool was still somewhat filled....

Jagi's eyes opened a bit. It was a spring.

His realization came only a fraction of a second before the means of his happening-upon this place: that is, he fell in. Or, more precisely, on. His own powers of inner-energy control were developing....perhaps not hugely, but at least interestingly. He was able to use what, in a ninja's arsenal, would be called the Supernatural Walking Practice. And it didn't even drain him. He had tried once. He stood at a ninety-degree angle on a tree branch for an entire day. He was able to do it, and it tired him not in the least.

It saved him not from his fate, however. It was his fault that he stepped onto nothing thinking there would be ground there. He was just absentminded, and now all his things were soaked because of it.

Jagi gathered his bearings, and knelt on the surface of the water, springing up into a jump onto a nearby tree. He quickly removed the articles on his person, hanging them up on the smaller branches to dry. He hoped at least that they wouldn't take too long to dry. The water was comparatively warm, to his body. Was "tepid" the word?

...But, he didn't feel like sitting or standing exposed, as such, on tree bark. Simply for his own sake. Jagi, after all, had felt the compacted silt at the edge of the reservoir as he got out; he grabbed an already-damp towel to lay across his legs. It would make for a good enough seat, as he could keep his head (and only that) above the surface when he submerged himself. He got caught up in his surroundings again, as was so common for him: the swaying, vibrantly-green boughs of slightly waxy foliage around him, the individual blades that tickled his soles as he made his way leisurely into this water; and the water itself, its entirety showing no bit of turbidity; why, he could see some small bottom-feeders hangin' out at the bottom of this pool, even straight across from it.

So he sat. Some would say "this is the life". This was his only life, though. Perhaps he didn't enjoy these moments as thoroughly as others might at times, but he was also perfectly content. A faint smile crept across his relaxed face, his breathing barely keeping his countenance afloat.




Tired, so very tired. The young male had been power chaining missions for several days at this point; as soon as one was done, he would pick up another at the administration building and go from there. When the male decided that he was finally done with chaining, he had attempted to stop, only to find himself lost in the grip of the beast that was the administration building. Despite him no longer showing up to volunteer and take missions, he was continuously being assigned to them, and only being notified that he had a new once he reported back with the old one. It went on for days, until he somehow convinced Due to transform into him and turn in his mission just so he could slip away.

Tre could imagine that the administration supervisors would not be too happy that their favorite ninja lately had skipped out on them assigning him a new mission. But in Tre's mind, if they could not find him, they could not assign him anything. Tre could trust Due not to give him up, and he did not tell Due nor Uno where he was going; hell, neither of them knew about the place where he was headed to. A cozy little hot spring tucked away in the forest of the village, a place where he came to relax and get away from home when it became too crazy. He loved his siblings dearly, but peace and quiet was a must at times.

And so, the young male trudged through the forest, eyes almost half closed with exhaustion. He was clothed in his normal ensemble: He wears a black jacket with skull-motif buttons and sequenced details on pockets. He keeps it unzipped and the tag on the zipper also has a small skull. Underneath he wears a steel gray shirt with skull prints. Tré wears black cropped trousers and black buckled boots with red soles. He wears a black motorcycle glovelet on his left hand. He was sans his shinobi identification papers, but was carrying his civilian ones; not that it mattered to him. This was a rarely patrolled area, given how far out of the way it was from the main roads, and anything useful. He had little chance of running into someone he knew, let alone another shinobi from Konohagakure no Sato.

All he wanted to was settle his aching body into the water, and relax. Was that too much to ask? Perhaps, but frick it, he was no longer asking; he was demanding. He was going to get some goddamn peace and quiet, with no one bothering him about running a mission for a few hours, so help him --...

Blue eyes were cast upon the scene of his lovely little oasis to find it already occupied; another person was sitting in the water, appearing to relax. A silent scream welled up inside the male; who was this, and why were they invading his heaven? He was almost tempted to run this person out, but at the moment, the male was just too damn tired to do so.

Fucking hell. Perhaps he could come back another time, find another place to relax and hide...? No. Everywhere else he knew of had someone else who used it. At the very least, this place only had one person... Besides, it might be a good experience for him to get to know someone else. After all, a King had good connections, no?

A quiet cough was released, though loud enough to be heard properly across the spring to alert this man to his presence. "Hello."

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His head sunk below the surface; he didn't think anyone was here. It was purely a shock of surprise.



Jagi was submerged, yet again. Of course, this time he didn't mind, as he was already wet. It was more of the fact that he was not alone in a place he thought he was alone. Now, he didn't dislike the company of others, as it were, nor did he detest someone joining him at the moment. It just happened he wasn't expecting it. Resurfacing took a little effort; having slipped off of his psuedo-seat, Jagi had floundered a bit below the surface, popping up near the edge. The relatively cold air made his upper half shiver in the slightest, although at least the rest of him was still in the warm water. Strange, he was usually good about being resistant to natural temperature changes....

At the time he got the water's flow from his hair out of the way of his eyes, he opened them to find a young man on the other side of the spring. Though, he had a sort of combination of a squint and a wide eye; he looked a tad frustrated, though Jagi thought little about what it could have been. He, again, looked over to his drying clothes, about a few feet to the right of the one that had stumbled upon this place. Or, he thought, maybe it was that person's intention to come here and Jagi was the one that had found it by accident. It mattered little at this point, he was just biding his time. Small, almost effervescent pinpricks on his nose made him blink for just a second; he must have smelled some of those natural bubbles popping.

Looking back to the person that had come here, he spoke at last. "Ah, were you planning on taking a dip? I fell in rather than meaning to come here, and, ehehe, I'm just waiting for my things to dry. You're free to come in, there's a lot of room." He folded up his towel and placed it neatly atop his head, in true onsen fashion.

Some things never changed, did they.

After speaking, he let his body float in the water, which was not quite dense enough to completely supply buoyancy, but his body light enough that it could just sort of hover a foot or so below the surface. He slowed down his breathing, and began to look up at the sky. The blues of that heavenly firmament made his skin cool even in the tepid water of this natural spring, the clouds providing a strangely fine abrasion-sensation against his skin that should feel wet. Some might call what he was feeling weird, or perhaps a medical disorder. Jagi just found it amusing.

After that, Jagi let his eyes close for one minute exactly. He couldn't let himself fall asleep, after all.





It would seem that the king's arrival had surprised this persona; they seemed to slip below the surface of the water when they heard him speak. Blue eyes looked on tiredly as the figure surfaced again, sputtering water and wiping it from his eyes.

"Ah, were you planning on taking a dip? I fell in rather than meaning to come here, and, ehehe, I'm just waiting for my things to dry. You're free to come in, there's a lot of room."

"....." For a moment, Tre contemplated if this would be worth doing; should he get in, or should he just turn around and leave this place? He was still almost tempted to run this person out, but at the moment, the male was just too damn tired to do so. Grunting in response, the male saw that the other male closed his eyes -- not that Tre was the modest type, but he took the time to strip off his clothing starting with the gloves before moving on to his jacket and dropping them unceremoniously on the ground . With this done, the male would move on to his booted feet and socks, unlacing and pulling them off in a few tired, lethargic motions.

Once his booths and socks were tossed aside, the male moved on to pulling his shirt up over his head and off, possibly around the time the other male would open his eyes. Tre did not care; he was too goddamn tired, and only wanted to soak his body for a while before having to return to the hell that was his job as a shinobi. With the shirt dropped on top of the jacket and booths, his hands would move to the front of his pants, undoing the button and tugging down the zipper as he shimmied out of fabric, leaving him clad only in a pair of tightly stretched briefs. For a moment, the male hesitated, contemplating his situation before throwing caution into the wind and shucking his underwear and stepping onto the water. He did not care what this other person saw -- not that Tre had anything to be ashamed of or hide. They were both guys, right?

The warm liquid felt like heaven on the soles of his tired feet. Slowly, the male allowed himself to sink down into, allowing it to wash over his body as he settled himself on the bottom of the pool. Blue eyes closed to the world for a bit, and a soft sigh was released from his maw.

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Jagi allowed his mouth to open, but not his closed-eyes to squint. His own version of a 'yawn'. It was not long in duration, nor was it very audible at all: simply his diaphragm doing its subconscious thing. The familiar yet always-alien rush of bloodflow that filled his hearing came and went in a second only.

He opened his eyes, and his mouth stayed open. It wasn't polite, maybe, but now that he (barely) put his mind to thinking, he never looked once in his life. He only had his shirt off, jeez.

Calm, stay calm, "don't let him know you're---"

Debonair for sure. He spoke the last few, if only in a hushed tone, before he cut himself off.

W....was I so distracted my word filter came down...!? Eh, well...nothing I can do now...

He let out a small sigh as he readjusted his makeshift seating, trying to keep his eyes to himself, just looking and feeling the nature around him. The slight abrasion of the 'chair' he was on was decidedly yellow. Something piquant hit his nose, the sound-smell of ruffling clothing. His face flushed a red that felt to him like it could start a fire in this forest, and he looked down in a rare show of embarrassment.

He huffed in slight, and got out of the warm pool himself, squeezing the towel he had again and putting it on his head after wiping his hands as much dry as they could be on it. Walking over to the place where they hung to wring out, he touched each of them. Soaking, still.

He promptly walked back to the pool, hands behind his head in a slight stretch - his neck was a bit pinned in the position he was in - as the other was almost prepared to get into the water himself. Damn, he was staring again. At the time he most certainly shouldn't have, no less. They dropped, and a gulp that came subconsciously. He should really just dip back in. But he was a little frozen at the moment, despite the rising steam. He had never looked, but he just had to get this as the first time he did...!? Not good.


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