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1Cave Diving [No Kill/Private] Empty Cave Diving [No Kill/Private] Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:00 am



Maikeru wore a white cloak, and raised the hood over his head. He looked around to make sure none of the Ram were here. He didn't want another ambush from a mysterious animal. Maikeru held his hands on his head. He started to smell the petrichor in the air. He looked to the sky to find the clouds began to darken. The loud crash was heard throughout the sky. Maikeru ran to find the it. Maikeru surely didn't want to get wet. He than heard a low growl. He looked behind him to find a only two wolves. He faced forward to make a run. I don't have time for- his train of thought was interrupted by another pair of wolves of wolves in front of him. Maikeru set himself in a defensive stance, ready for whatever attack they throw at him. He waited, but they only circled him, licking their fangs. They looked like they really wanted to take a bite out of the Otsuka, but weren't. What were they waiting for? Maiker softened loosened his nerves and body. He was wandering what was going on. They all let out a sharp howl into the night. Maikeru heard another howl that sounded more of the lines of a Hyman's. He looked behind him to see a man, early twenties. The lupin animals eased there way to him. He looked at Maikeru with a scowl. "Hey kid! Don't you know this is my turf now?" Maikeru raised a brow. "But....this isn't turf....its a mountain." The man's face turned red with anger. As he did so the wolves growled even more at Maikeru. "Oh, what are ya? Some sort of smartass?" Maikeru laughed. "Actually, I'm a shinobi, but thanks for the ego boost regarding my intelligence." The man pointed towards Maikeru. The wolves got into a position for pouncing. "Sick em!" The wolves ran to Maikeru with their teeth. Maikeru sighed and took out his kunai, annoyed by the situation. As the first one dumped to get a nip at his throat, Maikeru took his arm, and forced it into an uppercut launch, with his hand open. As his palm made contact with the wolves throat, he would continue, to lift him farther up, and slam him down by the neck. Maikeru smiled, and ran forward, raising his hand on another wolf. He being his hand down with great force, slapping his hand on the wolf's head. The animal fell to the ground and used his kunai to stab the wolf's head, pinning it to the ground. It whimpered at first, and than gurgled in confusion. Maikeru grabbed the remaining to wolves by the neck, and squeezed with their necks, hearing them choke and cough. Eventually they twitched and went limp. Maikeru threw them on the ground.

Maikeru looked at the man who had watched his wolves die. He dropped to his knees, and looked at them. His face was stunned, in utter disbelief. His eyes started to shake, yearning to not see the reality. " killed my wolves....they meant everything to me...and you..." he rubbed over and threw up. Maikeru watched this, than looked at the wolves. Maikeru watched the man take out a kunai. Maikeru  took a defensive stance again. The man's face was still stunned in horror. Maikeru loosened himself once more. The man shoved the knife into his own throat. He moved it all the way to the right, nearly decapitating himself. Maikeru witnessed blood poor out of him. He was surprised...this ended to be darker than Maikeru had intentionally wanted. Maikeru just thought the wolves were pawns. Maikeru Cursed. He didn't have time to dwell on it. He left the site, and continued to the cave.

WC: 639

2Cave Diving [No Kill/Private] Empty Re: Cave Diving [No Kill/Private] Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:45 am



The sun shifted slowly through the sky as Kui made his way out into this wilderness once again, bored of restraining himself within the confines of the village walls. He hadn't eaten a full and proper meal in days. Such was the life of a cannibal in a world where it was all considered taboo to devour the fallen, but not taboo to take their lives and waste them in six-foot deep holes. His black tattered clock blew against the wind as his sandals clicked and clacked across the barren, cracked up Iwagakure terrain. The smell of death wafted through the air toward Kui and his pace sped up. He made his way more quickly toward the direction the wind had blown on from. As he climbed upon a plateau which lead toward a series of deep dark caverns he found the source of the scent. A freshly deceased corpse lay on the ground, clearly he had slain himself. Kui traced his finger along the gash in the man's throat and licked the blood. It was a wonderful flavor, but as he leaned down to devour the poor sod, his eyes smelled a foul odor wafting now throughout the air. He stood and looked forward in horror. Multiple wolves lay upon the ground, still even slightly writhing in deaths cold grasp. Kui stumbled away from the man's corpse and sobbed, a mix of sadness and rage in his cry. It would flood the surroundings with terror and dread, his gasps and loud cries being the sound of nightmares. Finally he would roar, screaming out in fury across the wastes, and in an act of instinct he would rush forward into the cave directly before him.

The cave was dark, and anyone in their right mind wouldn't have come here without better preparation. Kui was merely on a hunt. He would avenge those poor wolves one way or another, and the bastard had to be in the cave. This line of thinking was completely irrational, of course, and the person to blame for the death of the hounds could've gone any direction at all. Kui just followed his gut. He ventured through the dark abysmal cavern half running, and half crouched over on all-fours like some sort of animal. As he entered an opening which lead to a much larger inner chamber of the cave, he utilized supernatural walking practice and scaled the caves wall, perching himself quite far up, but in the shadows as he witnessed one potential individual who may have been exactly who he was looking for. He would crawl into a corner, keeping to the darkness and out of sight. He had found a cranny just beside the only other exit to the room. Here he would blend in quite well, his tattered black robe making his large form less noticeable against this wall. It would be quite difficult for anyone to see him here. He hadn't yet got a terribly close look at whom it was he was dealing with. In honesty, he didn't care. This person could have been a kage, the overwhelming sensation of emotional rage wouldn't allow him to rationalize whether or not to attack him.

Training Taijutsu to C: 543/1500


3Cave Diving [No Kill/Private] Empty Re: Cave Diving [No Kill/Private] Wed May 17, 2017 1:59 am



Due to a long absence of both parties, I am concluding this thread.

[Exit Thread]

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