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1Learning About the Den [C-rank] Empty Learning About the Den [C-rank] Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:01 pm

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Light bounced off her white, latex jacket as she took a look around the club she was in. The words ‘Siren’s Den’ had been shamelessly displayed in criss-crossing neon tubes on the front, above the main entrance glowing bright pink and flickering every so often, and interior was little different in the pride the business showed in advertising the name that brought controversy from the rest of Kirigakure due to its contentious activities. Loud music boomed in her ears, the latest in pop or rock music, Weiss couldn’t tell, but she entertained the drink she’d ordered as her eyes roamed across the crowd, teenagers grinding against each other on the dance floor while paying unfocused attention to the lewd performance being held on stage by three stunning young women, who despite the adjective used didn’t appeal to Weiss, given her less than homosexual association.

The small, silver badge pinned to her left breast pocket glimmered faintly and fakely under the low disco lights of red and blue – her cover for the night as a simple inspector looking to guarantee that the club’s hygiene was up to standards, to hide the true mission she’d been assigned on this lovely night. According to gossips, the Water Daimyo had been located in Siren’s Den more than frequently, leading to his advisors to show concern for the image of their country. Weiss, for one, was appalled that anyone of his stature would be found frolicking in a place like this surrounded by half-naked women doused in poorly patented perfumes – such carnality was unbecoming of both women and someone who held as revered a station as the head of a monarchy.

She lifted some of the sweet Bloody Mary to her lips, careful not to overindulge lest she fall prey to the same desires she condemned. Her alcohol tolerance high as it was, she doubted any amount of training would help an eighteen-year-old down an entire cup without feeling the creeping side effects fogging her mind and whispering for her to let loose, like a devil over her shoulder simply dying to drive her beyond the moral grounds she’d set for herself. Her eyes perked up as she located someone with the Daimyo’s hat, only to shrug it off as a local politician instead of her target, having already memorised his features from pictures and sightings from her childhood, as well as the mission reports she’d been given.

A woman, dressed in nothing but a push-up bra and lacy lingerie strutted up to her, making no effort to conceal her exposed midriff or the pudgy thighs beneath her waist. Weiss fought her gag reflex when she realised the prostitute was looking for her as a potential customer. Regardless, she remained wary of the security in such a place – an establishment as known to house drunks as this was likely to have more than adequate bouncers and guards, and she was unarmed, unable to defend herself from any verbal and physical accusations until the opposing parties were willing to pay homage to her words.

“Hello there,” her voice, obviously more drunk than any poor soul could recommend, slurred as she leaned against the counter, trying to accentuate the curves but failing superbly at the act with her more or less sagging on the countertop. Weiss fought the urge to uncross her legs and bail, reminding herself to put the mission ahead of her personal distaste at being in an establishment so clearly meant to cater for men, not women such as herself.

She tried hiding her obvious displeasure and silence with a front of amusement, bringing a small fake smile to her lips as she raised the Bloody Mary to her mouth, hoping the sweet taste would be enough to choke down the rising bile in her throat. When it clearly didn’t work, she rested the cup at the side before eyeing what she presumed was supposed to be her ‘opportunity’. “Hi,” she responded with eyes half-lidded, only partially intentional on her end with the alcohol taking root in her brain.

“So, you seem… loaded,” came the answer, as the bartender slid the prostitute a drink – likely a policy of Siren’s Den to keep their dancers as drunk as possible, or to hand them a drink whenever they demanded. “Care to spend a night?”

“That depends. How good are you at keeping a girl company?” Weiss responded with a mental shiver.

“Well, I keep all the girls and boys happy, hun’. Just say the word and I can make your night worth it.”

“Hmm, I’ll think about it,” Weiss answered, but leaned uncomfortable closer so she was less than a foot away from said prostitute’s face. By all means she wasn’t a kiss virgin, but her lips had never been touched by another woman’s, and that fact kept her on edge. “What can you tell me about this place? Anything interesting going on? Political, maybe?”

She was likely pushing her buttons with her questions directed as obviously as that, but the drunk prostitute didn’t catch on, instead looking as bimbotic and ditzy as ever as she delivered her reply. “You mean the Daimyo? That guy never looks at me, but he’s been here multiple times, oh yes he has.”

“Oh really? Is he here right now?”

“Hmm, nah, he’s not here tonight. Hasn’t been in a few weeks. So, about that night…”

“About that night,” Weiss cut in for her, taking her purse along and removing herself from the stand, happy to have gotten the information she needed, at least for a preliminary investigation’s purpose. “I’ll have to take a raincheck. I just remembered I have to be somewhere tonight.”

As she turned to walk away, she heard a sharp voice, “Leaving so soon?”

While it wasn’t necessarily directed at the snow-haired girl who’d just upped to make her leave from the uncomfortable place, the timing could not have been more accurate, and so Weiss found herself turning around on instinct, seeing a middle-aged woman with black hair tied into a high ponytail and dressed in black latex, to seduce like her colleagues no doubt, walking to her with obvious sways in her hips and a confident smile on her face. It was both welcoming and firm, and because of that, Weiss felt fear.

“Not going to stay and keep Raine company?” she asked, placing a hand around the prostitute she’d just been speaking to, who didn’t seem to register the touch until the newcomer pressed their cheeks together. A small muffled noise came out, like a mewl or a moan of contentment, and her hands wandered to places indecent in an attempt to stir Weiss’ interest, unaware that it was clearly having the opposite effect on the girl whose interest lay in the opposite sex.

“No, I really have somewhere to be tonight,” Weiss quickly responded, anxiety creeping into her voice.

“But what better place to be than here?” said woman continued. “My name’s Crystal, and I’m sure Raine and I could convince you to stay, if you give us the chance.”

“Tempting offer but I do have to leave,” Weiss responded, receiving a pout from Crystal, though Raine felt content to nest in her arms and press her bare body against the black, glossy latex. She quickly turned and left with a brisk pace to her walk, eager to forget the happenings of the night save for the information she’d received: that the Daimyo was no longer frequenting, or had not in the recent weeks been frequenting, Siren’s Den. Her employers were likely to be elated at the news, though that didn’t clear the political issue of the debacle that could occur should someone out the Daimyo’s preferential side activities to the media or his court.

Being a mere Genin in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of Kirigakure, this was not expected of her. She wasn’t receiving a higher payroll for worrying about the well-being of her Daimyo, albeit most ninja would consider it patriotic to fight for such a cause. Her… She had a more personal stake on the line, and the large thriving company her father owned would surely take a hit to its booming profits should the court he served in be shamed by the public. Having a small share in it, as was natural for being in the family of the company’s head, she could not simply stand by and watch while a potential threat went unanswered; this fueling her drive, she made a beeline for the mission administration to turn in her findings, while her mind quickly churned for a suggestion the politicians could take, however critical it may be taken given her age.

1492 words


C-ranked mission: 1000 words
Reaction Time: E-0 to E-3, 450 words

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