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1Konoha Suggestions Thread! Empty Konoha Suggestions Thread! Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:03 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

So since there's a fairly healthy population of Konoha ninja floating around, some old abd many new, I want to hear what kinds of suggestions for improvements for the villages y'all have. These can be quality of life improvements, adjustments to specialist groups, ideas for new areas, plots you want to see, etc. Just remember, it has to be doable within site standards, so no free EMS Sharingan for everyone or anything like that.

2Konoha Suggestions Thread! Empty Re: Konoha Suggestions Thread! Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:23 pm



drop random npc monsters to certain areas so we can fight without it being PVP! this slice of life rp is killing me. or a konoha event thread with npc enemy group? (not that i will be there due to vacation ><)

3Konoha Suggestions Thread! Empty Re: Konoha Suggestions Thread! Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:27 pm



Since we already have a bukijutsu, fuinjutsu, and medical corps could we maybe have a taijutsu and ninjutsu versions? :v

Also free EMS for everyone por pavor.

4Konoha Suggestions Thread! Empty Re: Konoha Suggestions Thread! Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:34 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Working on something similar to that idea, Shihai. There will be an update on that soon.

Given the prevalence of ninjutsu in the village, we cloths do that. But it'd need a lot of work to make worth while. Tai would be much the same.

5Konoha Suggestions Thread! Empty Re: Konoha Suggestions Thread! Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:57 pm



Since the event and what happens is confirmed canon, I myself and a few others will use it as plot. Perhaps the village whole will? Like suddenly there are snake sighting in the village and the smell of incense in the air. Ninja of various ranks are disappearing and after the attack of the dreaded Orochi, Enaka (npc plot villain from some time ago), the village is very suspicious of the Ouroboro clan because of their connection to him. Various rumors begin to spread as more and more people disappear.

Perhaps even add people are seeing really weird stuff in some areas where there could be a lot of incense like LCD effect and ninja now do patrol to blow the incense away and help victims who claim they see monsters?

6Konoha Suggestions Thread! Empty Re: Konoha Suggestions Thread! Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:41 pm



I second the plotting idea that Nishi's brought forward. SNAKES. O3O//

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