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A transplant. It wasn't her first, but it certainly was a rare occasion for a shinobi to go under her knife outside of the usual battle wounds needing to be fixed. The majority of the transplant surgeries she preformed were on civilians and they of course were the basic for any medic: a finger needing put back on due to some kind of accident with a saw, or a toe that got sliced off in a weed wacking incident, at worst a hand needing put back on because the idiot had made a drunken bet that he could stick his arm into a lions cage and not be injured. However, doing work on an actual shinobi called for a special set of skills - ones she thankfully still possessed. If you screwed up working on a shinobi you essentially could and would end their career, and likely destroy their life. It added a new level of stress and challenges to the job. No shinobi wanted to go under the knife unless they had to, and even then they demanded perfection and to come out better than they were when they went under - unfortuantly those kinds of odds couldn't always be delivered, but that didn't mean Amaya didn't try (or any medic for that matter).

At least this time around she wouldn't have to worry about putting an eyeball into someone's skull or something of the sort. Arrms, or limbs in general, were far easier to deal with than eyes. If you screwed up doing an eye transplant you could seriously kill someone or blind them permanently. If you attached a limb wrong you could simply fix your mistake - not that she was worried about doing that in the first place since she was a professional. She had done her homework, freshened up on the procedure itself and had even got some practice in on an injured ninken that had come in over the weekend so that she was as prepared as could be to make things easier on everyone.

Easier, but no less stressful - at least not in her case. She expected far too much perfection out of herself to ever be fully relaxed going into a surgery. Thank god she had steady hands no matter the situation.

In preparation for the surgery she was going to be preforming she had ensured herself a good ten hours of sleep, something she had told her patient to get as well. Amaya had also prepared by making sure she had a well rounded breakfast so she wouldn't have to worry about her stomach grumbling and distracting her while she worked. Chances were this was going to take hours and the last thing she wanted to do was be distracted by a hungry belly. Given the way Amaya normally ate she would be good for the next sixteen or so hours because she was used to running on little food.

She had given her patient a pamphlet of simple instructions along with the orders that if he didn't follow every single one to the letter he wasn't getting worked on. The biggest of the two rules had been to make sure he got plenty of rest the night before - eight solid hours or more was Amaya's preference though she would take anything really as she fully expected him to be nervous and thus have trouble sleeping - and that he didn't eat for at least twelve hours before the procedure was to be done. An empty stomach would help him to handle the gas he was going to go under better, and also would ensure Amaya that were he to get sick while he was under there was nothing for him to get sick on and thus choke and die on. Easier, safer. For both of them: for Amaya's whole medical team really.

Along with those instructions had also been a questionnaire she had wanted him to have filled out and ready to go when he arrived in her office within the hospital. The questions on it were simple enough but knowledge she absolutely had to have were something to go wrong - answers she preferred to get from her patient rather than rely on medical records for. It was his life he was taking into his own hands if he lied after all (something she had said herself to his face when she had handed him the piece of paper), which was why she told him that if he honestly didn't know an answer to a question to leave it blank or simply explain he didn't know. As Amaya sat in her office, waiting for him to arrive at their appointed time - ten o'clock sharp on the dot - she looked over a blank copy of the questionnaire she had given him...

1. When were you born and where?
2. Were there any complications with your birth?
3. Have you had any previous surgeries in the past?
4. If you have had previous surgeries then who preformed them and when?
5. Do you have any known allergies?
6. Are you on any medication?
7. If you are on any medication please list the names, doses, and how often you take them?
8. Do you partake in recreational drugs or alcohol?
9. If the answer to question eight is yes, then what and how often?
10. Do you have any known health problems or diseases?
11. If the answer to question ten is yes then please list what those are and give as much information as possible about them.
12. Do you have a next of kin or someone you wish to have contacted if something happens?

Twelve simple questions, yet they held important information and all needed to be answered in some form or another before she would be able to begin. She had to make sure she knew what was in him, why it was there, and what kind of risks or complications to be looking for other than the usual ones a medic had to deal with when preforming surgery like this. She also hooped he had someone to contact were something to go wrong: she hated risking something happening and no one being able to know and alert his friends and family. Of course, she figured he would have to give these answers verbally - unless he was crafty enough to have a means to write it all down which would score him even more points with her if that were the case.

As Amaya put the copied piece of paper back on her desk she looked at the clock and was able to guesstimate by the time it read that her surgical team was ready and waiting. Everything would have been scrubbed twice, sterilized more, and triple checked. Amaya expected nothing less of her personal team, and they gave her their best which was all she asked for and expected. So, now all that was left to do was to wait for the arrival of her patient and get the beginnings of the procedure underway. First would be the paperwork, then the preparation, then the surgery so long as everything went off without a hitch.

Wordcount: 1,185



Another day, and hopefully, the final he would spend in his current condition. Ryoka sat at the edge of the bed, nervously staring at the case that housed his entire past six years, and yet at the same time, his future. So much blood, sweat, and tears went into the creation of this brief case and the contents, and now on this day, in a place so far from what was once known as home, it was all about to come to fruition. It was nerve wrecking, to say the least; he could not bring himself to eat anything, and could not sleep the night before. His mind was too occupied with what could happen, what would happen...

As he sat there, his eyes remained locked on the case. He could remember it clearly, the day he came into this world. He had appeared out in the deserts if Kaze no Kuni in a brilliant display of light and sound that tore across the expanse. The ground around him for dozens of meters was warped and torn asunder by the temporal and spacial energies affecting the world, glassing the sands. The young boy appeared in the midst of this, screaming in shock and pain as his poor mind came to the realization that he was not home and no longer possessed his arms. While the wounds were somehow healed over, the male was suffering from phantom limb sensation, and it was only pain that he was able to perceive. It was hours before he was found; a passing caravan happened upon the area, and pulled the sobbing child from the destruction. Somehow, they managed to calm him down enough to administer a balm to keep his 'wounds' from aching and to help him sleep. When the male woke up, the was laying in a clinic in Hi no Kuni, with a doctor and nurse examining him.

Snapping his mind back, the male steadied himself, swallowing hard. He had to get this over with. The sooner he did, the sooner he could get on with the rest of his life. Looking over at the questionnaire that Amaya had given him, he frowned. He was not sure what to make of it, but he figured... well, the young man did not know what to say. What could he say? He was not sure he could give the information that was asked of him; as far as he knew, the first question, he could not answer. The second... well... he did not know. He would have to bluff as best as he could. Grabbing the case from the table, he would make his way out of the inn and into the village. The walk to the hospital would not take too long, but he was still nervous as to what would happen....

469 WC



Amaya upon hearing movement outside of her door, and knowing that she didn't expect anyone else to be showing up, got up from her chair in a swift but graceful movement. She crossed her small office to the door within seconds and opened it in yet another quick movement. She would give Ryoka quick once over, noticing a tiredness about him that caused her to frown inwardly though she kept her face an impassive mask outside of her smile. Stepping back to allow him to enter she would wait for him to do so - if he did - before shutting the door to give them some privacy.

With a gesture of her hand she would indicate a comfortable chair across from her desk for him to sit in before returning to her own. "Have a seat if you'd like, we need to take a few minutes before we get down to business. Like I had mentioned the other day when we spoke I have some questions I need to ask of you - and I need answers as honestly as you can give them. I understand the need and want for privacy but this is your health and life you're taking into your own hands by giving me anything outside of the up most truth.", Amaya would say, looking Ryoka right in the eyes. She wanted, no she needed, for him to understand how serious of a matter this was. Not that he didn't know just how serious it was, but still... She had to know if there would be any anomalies to be looking forward to, anything she needed to prepare for outside of the usual issues that could or would come up in such situations. So, she would remain silent for several seconds before picking up the piece of paper she had been looking over with a bunch of questions on them she needed him to answer before they could even begin to prepare for his surgery.

"i'm going to ask you a series of questions, answer them as best you can for me... First: When were you born and where? If you cannot give me an approximate date - I know some people don't know their actual birth dates - then your best guessed age will do." Amaya asked first, pausing long enough to give him a chance to answer and if he did saving the response to memory. "Were there any complications with your birth? Any oddities?" Amaya would ask next, taking a pause like before so that he could have time to think and answer before she continued on. "Have you had any previous surgeries in the past? If so who preformed them, how long ago was it, and where was it?" The location was simply just so she knew whether or not he had had it done in an environment where there would have been contamination - even if it had been years ago there still was a chance that such a thing could act as a factor, and Amaya was anything if not thorough. "Do you have any known allergies to medications or anything else that I'll need to worry about?"

After another pause she would move on to ask her next question, "Are you currently on any medication? If so what are they, how often do you take them, and what are the doses?" Amaya would shift slightly in her chair, crossing one leg over another as she shifted the paper in her hand so that she could better see the rest of the questions - and also giving him a chance to think and answer once more. "Do you partake in any recreational drugs and alcohol? Please be as honest with this one as possible.. Your response isn't going to keep me from doing the surgery... If so what drugs or alcohol, and how often?"

"Do you have any known health problems or diseases? Anything that could add an extra complication to the surgery that you can think of? If so, what are they?" Amaya glanced up from the paper and looked to Ryoka, awaiting yet another response from him before continuing on, "Finally, do you have a next of kin, a friend, or even an acquaintance that you wish to have contacted were something to happen?"

Once all of the questions were answered she would place the paper down that she had been reading off of and place it on top of a small file with simply the name "Ryoka" written on it in her elegant handwriting. She would fold her hands in front of her, elbows resting on the arms of her chair and her fingers interlocked comfortably. She was calm, and collected, despite what she was about to be doing in such a short period of time. "Now, before we go to get you started are there any questions you have for me? Anything at all; don't consider anything silly or too minor to ask. I want you to be as informed as possible about what is about to happen to you as you can get. I do plan on giving you a play by play of what will be going on for you so you're aware, but anything at all you have to ask, go for it..." She would wait to see if there was anything he would ask - she was planning on giving him the step by steps of what was going to happen to him soon enough.

Wordcount: 917 | 2,102



The male was quiet as he stepped into the office, nervousness filling his every gesture and movement despite him attempting to conceal otherwise. The male was quietly wishing that this entire thing was over with already, or that it did not need to even happen. He avoided looking at anything in particular as he sat the case down on the floor beside him and took the offered seat.

"Have a seat if you'd like, we need to take a few minutes before we get down to business. Like I had mentioned the other day when we spoke I have some questions I need to ask of you - and I need answers as honestly as you can give them. I understand the need and want for privacy but this is your health and life you're taking into your own hands by giving me anything outside of the up most truth."

When Amaya began to speak, he would glance up at her, gold eyes falling to half mast as he listened. frick, she wanted to hear the truth from him. He was torn; if he gave her the truth, what would happen to him? Would he be taken in if she believed him? Would she dismiss him as a rambling nutcase? Or if he lied to her, would he die during surgery? He would have to take his chances...

"i'm going to ask you a series of questions, answer them as best you can for me... First: When were you born and where? If you cannot give me an approximate date - I know some people don't know their actual birth dates - then your best guessed age will do."

The male took a deep breath, calming himself. "I am nineteen years old, born on january eighth. As for where I was born... I am from a place called Hanagakure." The male paused himself, allowing for Amaya process the answer. It seemed to be a good answer, and he did not even have to lie. He was pretty sure that Hanagakue was not a village in this time period, and he was hoping that Amaya did not pick up on it. He prayed to every diety that he could think of that she just dismissed it as a simple, small village.

"Were there any complications with your birth? Any oddities?"

frick. How did he tell her that he was geneticly.. different. Perhaps this would be much harder than he originally thought. Perhaps he should just get it over with? "I am... I was genetically engineered to be the Perfect Soldier armed with the power of Psychokinesis?" A glance off the to the side for a moment before the young male brought his eyes back up to see if he was believed. "I mean.. I was created in a lab, if thats any better."

"Have you had any previous surgeries in the past? If so who preformed them, how long ago was it, and where was it?"

At this point the male scratched his head. This one, he honestly did not know -- he could not remember any kind of surgery that had been performed on him at anytime. "I.. do not think so. I do not remember having any kind of surgery?"

"Do you have any known allergies to medications or anything else that I'll need to worry about?"

A blink. Strange question, but he guess that it was necessary. "No, no allergies."

"Are you currently on any medication? If so what are they, how often do you take them, and what are the doses?"

"Medication? No, nothing at all. I do not take anything for anything."

"Do you partake in any recreational drugs and alcohol? Please be as honest with this one as possible.. Your response isn't going to keep me from doing the surgery... If so what drugs or alcohol, and how often?"

Another blink, followed by a nervous cough. He did not partake in any kind of drugs, nor did he drink; his life was fucked up enough before adding that stuff into it. If he had given into his depression and wallowed in the dark, deep pit of substance abuse, then he might have had the willpower to make it this far today. "No, nothing."

"Do you have any known health problems or diseases? Anything that could add an extra complication to the surgery that you can think of? If so, what are they?"

Another strange one. As far as he knew, he was human; save for the part of him being genetically engineered. "As far as I know, no. I was told that I was created to be immune to most diseases and viruses. Unless I have an extra heart or two, there should be nothing strange." He offered a smile, a possibly failed attempt at humor.

"Finally, do you have a next of kin, a friend, or even an acquaintance that you wish to have contacted were something to happen?"

The male's eyes widened for a moment, before he looked away again. A deep sadness crossed his face as his voice dropped to barely above a wisper. "I.. used to have a brother, but no. I have no family to contact. Kinda alone here." It was true, as far as he knew. He had yet to see any sign of his sibling at any point during his time in this place; he had come accross several other people from his time, and they knew as much as he did. They did not know what happened, and he would not offer his recount of the events. It was best to pretend that he was among the ignorant masses.

"Now, before we go to get you started are there any questions you have for me? Anything at all; don't consider anything silly or too minor to ask. I want you to be as informed as possible about what is about to happen to you as you can get. I do plan on giving you a play by play of what will be going on for you so you're aware, but anything at all you have to ask, go for it..."

Did he have any questions? Possibly. Perhaps it would be best to begin where he was most afraid. "Am.. am I going to be put under while the surgery is done? I only ask because there are written directions inside the case that explains how the arms function, as well as details for how to install them into the ports." He fell silent then, honestly not sure what else to ask.

1090 | 1559



Amaya kept the majority of her attention focused on Ryoka, she was curious about him of course considering he had wandered out of nowhere needing a transplant. But, she also was concerned about him in general: both his physical and his mental health. She hadn't exactly pried into what had caused him to not have arms, though she was sure she would see whatever damage was left soon enough when she prepared to operate on him. Still though, that kind of thing could traumatize even the best of people - and yet he seemed to be handling it just fine, at least in her own personal opinion. She could have been wrong though, as she wasn't infallible, and she barely knew him.

Amaya had asked a series of questions to him, and he had answered them all apparently to the best of his ability. All of his answers of course she had saved to mental memory, while also jotting down notes in the small file that would forever be his. He was nineteen years old, having been born January eighth in a place known as Hanagakure. She had never heard of such a village, but assumed it was likely at least as decent as Konoha since she heard no ill sounding will in his voice when he spoke the name. When he went on to mention he was genetically created to be the perfect soldier this caused her to frown a bit - she knew about such things in a way considering her own daughter whom she had lost before she was even born had been the product of two mothers instead of a mother and a father. But... this sounded far more darker of a situation. Still, she allowed it to slide in favor of moving on and getting the rest of her questions answered. He went on to say that he couldn't remember having any surgeries in the past, and was not on any kind of medications: he also did not drink or do drugs of any kind. He mentioned then how he had been created to be immune to most diseases and illnesses, and Amaya couldn't help but wonder how true that was or if the people who had created him had been lying or overstating matters, as well as think about how it would make her job easier if that was really the case because it meant there would be less chances of facing the risk of infection. Finally, he answered her last question by saying that while he used to have a brother, he now had no family to contact, that he was kind of alone. The latter made her a bit sad though she hid it well - she didn't want him to think she pitied him even if she understood all too well the feeling of being alone. Instead of commenting though Amaya simply nodded her head in understanding and prepared to answer any questions he might have, and he did have some.

He wanted to know if he was going to be put under during the surgery, and mentioned how there were written directions in the case on how the arms worked, as well as how to insert them into the ports. This caused Amaya to look thoughtful. "Actually, that was something I wanted to speak with you about... We have a new medication that allows us to numb the area completely - to the point to where you will not feel a single thing while we're working. This would allow you to remain awake if you wished for such. Or, we can put you under. The choice of course is yours. Some people prefer being put under simply because they fear what they might see happening to them. They feel not knowing about any risks, issues, or complications until afterward and they've already pulled through is easier to handle then being awake while it happens... It makes no difference to me what choice you make, though I feel it would be easier for you to be awake - you know more about these arms you had built than I do, and I'd be able to ask you questions as I worked to make sure everything really is going smoothly. The choice is yours though, whatever you're comfortable with doing I can more than handle." She truly meant it. She wouldn't force him into doing something he didn't want to do. Ultimately, he was in charge, as that was Amaya's policy with her patients. Whatever they wanted they got, no matter if it made her job easier or more difficult. It was them who had to live with the decision for the rest of their lives, Amaya just had to deal with it for that moment in time.

Ultimately, she would wait until he decided which he wanted to do, more than prepared to work things either way. "Anything else you want to know?" She wanted to wait until he was out of questions before giving the play by play; she didn't want to distract him from knowing anything he was curious about.

Wordcount: 849 | 2,951



She seemed to be taking his responses as if they were normal. The young male continued to fidget as she wrote down his responses, his anxiety growing with each passing second. He almost expected her to to press a button, revealing a wall panel that would open up and allow the men in the white coats to drag him away to a padded room with the jackets that made him hug himself. When she did not do any of this, the male released a sigh of relief, eyes following her hand movements as she wrote down his answers still. When she turned to answer his question about being put under, he listened intently.

"Actually, that was some thing I wanted to speak with you about... We have a new medication that allows us to numb the area completely - to the point to where you will not feel a single thing while we're working. This would allow you to remain awake if you wished for such. Or, we can put you under. The choice of course is yours. Some people prefer being put under simply because they fear what they might see happening to them. They feel not knowing about any risks, issues, or complications until afterward and they've already pulled through is easier to handle then being awake while it happens... It makes no difference to me what choice you make, though I feel it would be easier for you to be awake - you know more about these arms you had built than I do, and I'd be able to ask you questions as I worked to make sure everything really is going smoothly. The choice is yours though, whatever you are comfortable with doing I can more than handle. Any thing else you want to know?"

The young man nodded to this; it was a fair thing to suggest, especially given her reasoning. He was indeed the 'creator' of his transplant materials, and he did know more about them than anyone else. "Alrighty. I'll stay awake for the transplant. But please.. promise me; if I start to panic, put me under." A simple enough request; while he wanted to ensure that this transplant went off with out a problem, the young man was still not totally sure that sure that he would not panic down on the table. If he did, he wanted to be put down to sleep so that the surgery could still be finished. The last thing the young man wanted to day was for the surgery to be not completed because because he could not remain calm.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, the male nodded to Amaya quickly. "I do not have any more questions. I am ready when you are, Amaya."

460 | 2019



So, it would appear Ryoka wished to be awake during the transplant. However, he had request that he be put under if he couldn't handle it so that the procedure could continue on without actually having to stop the whole thing halfway through. Amaya would respect that decision, and so she nodded her head yes with a slight smile forming on her face. "That shouldn't be a problem at all. The medication we will use to keep you entirely numb during the procedure will not mash badly with the gas we'll use to put you under should you start to freak out.

When he mentioned that he didn't have any other questions Amaya nodded her head and figured it was time to get down to explaining how everything was going to work. "Alright, so this is how things are going to work. When we leave here we're gong to head down to the prep room. There you'll be placed in special attire - a glorified hospital gown basically with pants - that have been sterilized twice to keep contamination from happening. Once you're dressed my prep team will come in and insert an IV into you through which medicine will be pumped as soon as we're ready to begin. They'll have you lay down, and make sure you're comfortable before before taking you to the surgery room. You won't see me after you enter into the prep room until you're brought into the surgery room - once I started scrubbing in I won't risk contamination by going back and forth. You'll be placed into the center of the room and let me warn you - it's bright, and a bit cold. Once you're in there, before we start getting to work, you'll be given one last chance to change your mind and be put under before the surgery begins. Should you decline I'll start from there by having my team hook you up to various monitoring devices that'll keep track of not only your blood pressure but your pulse rate as well... I will be the only one actually operating on you, the others who will be around us will simply be my support staff there to hand me things, and help with monitoring you. If everything goes good, and the situation with your arms isn't more complicated than needs to be, you'll be in the operating room for less than an hour. If you have any questions at all during the surgery don't hesitate to ask - you won't distract me from my task, I'm great at multi-tasking." Amaya paused, wondering if there was anything at all she was forgetting, but coming up blank on anything she might have missed.

"If at anytime things feel strange to you let me know...just make sure you tell me whether or not they're strange in a good or bad way... Getting the sudden sensation of a body part can be a bit strange, so I'm sure things'll be a bit weird at first for you. Unless you have any questions you can follow me and we'll get you set up..." Amaya would wait, and if he had no questions to ask she would lead the way out of her office and down the hallway. She headed not in the direction of the usual operating suites but toward her own private one - one she had had claim to since the days of originally being Kenta's personal medic. She walked in silence, but kept her pace calm and leisurely; she wanted to give Ryoka as much a chance as possible to think and figure things out before all of this was about to go down. Eventually, fairly soon really, they would reach the suite and Amaya would hold the door open to allow him to walk in.

Amaya would walk in after him, closing the door behind herself and looking to the small team of three people who were waiting: two men, and one female. They all had the same gentle smile on their face as Amaya did, and seemed eager to be of help in any way. "This is Ryoka... Ryoka, this is my prep team. Lee, Yang, and Prin. They're here to help you in any way, and to get you ready like I have explained. Answer any questions Ryoka may have, team, and if I'm needed for anything I'll be scrubbing in. I'll see you in a few minutes, Ryoka, and we'll get you squared away soon enough." Again Amaya would wait to see if he had anything to say or any questions to ask before she would leave the room and head to go get scrubbed in and ready to preform Ryoka's surgery.

.oO(Go ahead and play out the team as you wish in helping to go through the motions of getting prepared. They're at your disposal~)

Wordcount: 807 | 3,758



"That shouldn't be a problem at all. The medication we will use to keep you entirely numb during the procedure will not mash badly with the gas we'll use to put you under should you start to freak out. Alright, so this is how things are going to work. When we leave here we're gong to head down to the prep room. There you'll be placed in special attire - a glorified hospital gown basically with pants - that have been sterilized twice to keep contamination from happening. Once you're dressed my prep team will come in and insert an IV into you through which medicine will be pumped as soon as we're ready to begin. They'll have you lay down, and make sure you're comfortable before before taking you to the surgery room. You won't see me after you enter into the prep room until you're brought into the surgery room - once I started scrubbing in I won't risk contamination by going back and forth. You'll be placed into the center of the room and let me warn you - it's bright, and a bit cold. Once you're in there, before we start getting to work, you'll be given one last chance to change your mind and be put under before the surgery begins. Should you decline I'll start from there by having my team hook you up to various monitoring devices that will keep track of not only your blood pressure but your pulse rate as well... I will be the only one actually operating on you, the others who will be around us will simply be my support staff there to hand me things, and help with monitoring you. If everything goes good, and the situation with your arms isn't more complicated than needs to be, you'll be in the operating room for less than an hour. If you have any questions at all during the surgery don't hesitate to ask - you won't distract me from my task, I'm great at multi-tasking. If at anytime things feel strange to you let me know...just make sure you tell me whether or not they're strange in a good or bad way... Getting the sudden sensation of a body part can be a bit strange, so I'm sure things'll be a bit weird at first for you. Unless you have any questions you can follow me and we'll get you set up..."

Ryoka nodded slowly, getting up and following Amaya after. His nerves did not calm themselves as he had hoped they would, but frick them. This was happening. He did not care anymore. He would end this day with his arms and hands even if he had to do it himself! For now, he would follow after Amaya down the hallways and into the private suite. The young man did not know what to expect out of this entire venture; it was his first time being inside a formal hospital, so he was beyond curious as to what things were and did. But as it was, he was here for his surgery; there would be times for questions later once it was complete. Eventually, fairly soon really, they would reach the suite and Amaya would hold the door open to allow him to walk in. Amaya would walk in after him, closing the door behind herself and looking to the small team of three people who were waiting: two men, and one female. They all had the same gentle smile on their face as Amaya did, and seemed eager to be of help in any way.

"This is Ryoka... Ryoka, this is my prep team. Lee, Yang, and Prin. They're here to help you in any way, and to get you ready like I have explained. Answer any questions Ryoka may have, team, and if I'm needed for anything I'll be scrubbing in. I'll see you in a few minutes, Ryoka, and we'll get you squared away soon enough."

As Amaya left, Ryoka nodded to the group smiling a bit sheepishly. "I.. uhm.. left the case containing my arms in the other room. Could one of you please get it and take it to the operating room?" The female, Prin he assumed, nodded slowly and stepped out of the room to retrieve the case. In the time she was gone, the remaining nurses had already helped Ryoka into the hospital attire.

"Is this the case you spoke of?" Ryoka, nodding his head at that point, wasn't entirely sure where she should put it, but thankfully Prin came to the rescue before he could bother asking. "Alright, I will go get it prepared for the surgery room - this way it's where Miss Uchiha requires it to be for her own ease of access.", Prin would explain, pausing to see if Ryoka had any objections to this to which he did not. Instead, he watched Prin walk out of the room before looking to nearest male nurse whose name tag indicated he was named Lee.

Lee waited patiently, but once Ryoka was paying attention to him he would motion for Ryoka to lay down. "It is easier if we add the IV and hook you up to the machine while you are laying down. The IV might pinch a little but the rest of the pads for the machines won't. They're a bit sticky, but other than that they shouldn't cause a problem." Lee explained, which caused Ryoka to wonder if Amaya had instructed him to do so, to explain everything he was going to do before he did it. Or perhaps all of the hospital staff were simply trained in such a manner? Ryoka didn't exactly have a base to judge the rest off of, so he would simply have to wait and see what happened. Either way, he followed Lee's instructions and laid back on the bed, even though he felt his heartbeat sky rocket as the situation began to become all too real.

Would he really be able to handle staying awake during the whole procedure? Should he take Amaya's cue when she gave him the last chance to go under and do so? No, frick that. He would be stronger than this fear. He would over come it, he would rule it! Ryoka was distracted out of his thought by a pinch in his foot; the IV being inserted. He knew such things normally went into hands or arms, but considering he lacked both he didn't bother asking why the foot was chosen instead. He then became aware of the sticky pads he had been warned about being played in various locations on his chest; locations he assumed there was some pattern or reason to, and which weren't actually as random as they looked to him. Machines around him beeped to life which were attached to the head of the bed and he assumed they were proving he was alive and well if not a bit anxious.

Prin returned then with that same gentle smile on her face that everyone else seemed to be wearing. "The case is ready, as is Amaya. We'll wheel you in there, and we'll go from there. I'm sure Amaya already explained she'll give you one last chance to decide to be put under or not, so be prepared with your answer. Otherwise, we'll start this immediately and you won't feel a thing. I was instructed to cover you with a blanket for now though because it's quite cold in the other room. It has to be like that for the medical equipment, as well as maintaining a clean and sterile environment." Ryoka simply nodded, feeling numb in the emotional sense. He felt the nurse cover his body, all but his most upper portion of his chest, with a blanket that was surprisingly already warm: a nice heated blanket to help him feel all toasty warm even if his nerves had him feeling like he was on ice.

He was jerked out of his thoughts by the soft jerking of his bed as the rails were lifted up, likely to keep him from being able to roll or fall out of the bed, and the bed was rolled into the operating room. Sure enough the place was cold, and very bright like Amaya had said. Thankfully, there was no observation box up top for people to look through like in the movies, so he wouldn't have to worry about an audiance for this procedure. He was gong to be happy just to come out on the other side, and hoped that this whole thing went very quickly just like Amaya had said it would. For now he looked around, searching for the one face in the room that held his fate in a way: Amaya's.

1460 | 3479



Amaya, fully scrubbed and ready to operate, awaited the arrival of Ryoka to the operating room. She had his case, and the arms he wished to have transplanted onto him. Her operating team was in place, and they too were scrubbed in and completely ready to go. Soon enough the double doors were pushed open via the front of Ryoka's bed and he was wheeled into place in the very center, or heart, of the room. She watched as he looked around, presumably for her, and so she stepped forward and to his side. She had no intentions of skipping over the question she had told him she would give him one last chance to answer differently. "Are you sure you want to be awake for this? I can still put you under before we begin." Were he to say yes, that he did indeed change his mind and wanted to be put under, her team would administer a special mixture of gas that would have him completely knocked out and numb to the entire proceedure in less than three seconds and thus blissfully unaware of what was about to, and would, happen to himm. If he chose to stay awake however she would nod to her team which, through the IV inserted into his foot, they would begin to insert a special medication which would numb not only the location she was doing the surgery but nearly his entire body minus vital organs.

Amaya would wait several long seconds, monitoring his health via the machines, and ensuring that there were no adverse reactions to the medication before the proceedure would begin. Were Ryoka to have chosen to be awake she would begin to speak in a calm voice, "We're going to begin. I'm going to start with your left arm since my current set up is easier on that side. I'll attach the arm as quickly but thoroughly as possible. If at any time you want to stop, or wish to be put under, let me know. I'm going to talk you through what I'm doing though so you're aware... I know being numb like this can be a bit odd at first, and hard to handle, but there's nothing to worry about because soon enough the sensation will end and you'll be good as new again." The case was moved over at that point so it was near, and for the first time Amaya would get a look at what she would be attaching to Ryoka's shoulders - it was interesting to say the least, nothing she had seen before, but she wouldn't allow that to stop her. So, she got to work. The first thing she had to do was get a look at where it would be attached; smooth shoulder, a lot better than what she had feared she'd be working with.

The transplatn would begin and end with success; each single step of the process explained to Ryoka so long as he proved he could handle being awake. She went quickly, but ensured she was doing the job properly as she attached first his right and then his left arm. Each and every step was taken to ensure not only his life remained safe while she worked, but that everything was done properly the first time. Every few moments she would pause to ensure he was alright, that any questions he might have had were answered to the best of his ability, and to generally make sure his health was being monitored and was in an okay range. Were all these things to work out perfectly, the transplant would and did go smoothly.

At the end, with both fo Ryoka's arms fully attached, she stepped back and nodded to the team to turn off the numbing medication - which was done without hesitation. Removing her gloves, which were covered in a small amount of blood from where she woudl have had to make insisions to attach the arms properly, she would personally wheel Ryoka back into the room he was in previously - which would now act as his recovery room. [color=red]"Don't try and move too fast or too much right now.. give you body a second to adjust. The numbness should be wearing off within the next few seconds, and you'll have some strange sensations at first. That's normal though, so don't be alarmed. When you're ready I want to you try to slowly flex or move your arms - even a few fingers is good. I need to make sure everything is attached properly and working the way it needs to be. Go slow though, else you might end up moving more than you expect at first. I had a man kick one of my nurses into a wall one day when I reattached his leg because he put all of his strength into the movement from the very beginning instead of easing it to it slowly.." Had everything been done right Ryoka should have had full function of his arms and hands, and so Amaya waited to see, feeling her own heart beat within her chest with the type of unease that always lingered for her after a surgery while she waited to see what the results were.

Wordcount: 875 | 4,633


Reaction Time : A-2 -> S-0: 4,633 - 2,850 = 1,783
Speed : A-2 -> A-3: 1,783 - 1,300 = 483
Speed A-3 -> S-0: 483 / 1,550

Last edited by Amaya Uchiha on Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



Ryoka felt his nerves increase, his heart rate accelerate as Amaya gave him one last chance to say no. He didn't take it, he wanted to stay awake. And so he remained throughout the whole procedure as first his right and then his left arm was attached. During the whole thing Amaya kept giving him a chance to be asked to be put under, none of which he took. With Amaya explaining things as she went things were far easier to handle then dealing with the unknown.

When it was all over Amaya herself wheeled him into what was now his recovery room, giving him further instructions.

"Don't try and move too fast or too much right now.. give you body a second to adjust. The numbness should be wearing off within the next few seconds, and you'll have some strange sensations at first. That's normal though, so don't be alarmed. When you're ready I want to you try to slowly flex or move your arms - even a few fingers is good. I need to make sure everything is attached properly and working the way it needs to be. Go slow though, else you might end up moving more than you expect at first. I had a man kick one of my nurses into a wall one day when I reattached his leg because he put all of his strength into the movement from the very beginning instead of easing it to it slowly.."

Ryoka, keeping Amaya's words in mind, slowly tried to move his fingers figuring he'd start slow and work his way up from there. They twitched, and then his hand closed completely. Next he bent his arm at the elbow, and then rolled his shoulders. He lifted his arm completely up and then the other. Everything worked. The transplant was a success and he was happy with it working. "It works... it all works. Thank you, Amaya sensei."

321 | 3800

3000/3800 = Transplant Done

800 WC remaining

800/400 = SPD D-1 to D-2

400/400 = PER D-1 to D-2

~Thread Exit~

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