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1Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:29 pm



Kicking a rock away from her, and going back and forth on the road, Shihai let out a sigh.

"Go play by the river or something!" Came a voice of someone shouting from the inside of the house.

Shihai turns around and stick her tongue out to the direction, before shuddering with a sudden thought of whether they would be able to see her from the window too, she quickly skipped out of the front yard and towards the street.

Hanging around the street for a bit, lingering and still trying to catch bit and piece of the conversation from inside, but from this distance it would have been impossible for a Genin like her to do so, without using any Jutsu or natural ability that is. Eventually Shihai decided to headed away from the Kimura main clan compound and towards the outskirt, heading out to the public section of the village.

If that's how they are going to behavior, then so be it! Let them have their secret missions and group meetings in the shadows and so what if she was technically too young to be in the meeting and couldn't even use her GKK properly? If she was old enough to fight for the village and potentially died on the battlefield, then she demands to be included in secret meetings too! But apparently not everyone in the clan shared her opinion.

Apparently something was happening around the village, that even a young Genin like Shihai managed to catch up on something, but it was only by coincident. A few weeks ago, her parents were send away to another village for a long term secret mission (according to her brother) and still hasn't returned, and that she was not supposed to hear from them or trying to contact them. Around the same time, her brother was also send away to a secret mission, and only to returned heavily injured, and was being really rude to her upon returning. None of those things are anything out of the ordinary, but now that the remaining clan members demanded an in person recount of what happened from her brother, naturally, as a fellow Kimura and as a good sister, of course she wants to hear it too! But she was told to play with the other kids outside instead, seriously what?!

Anyway, someone once said that a good Ninja is someone who would never easily give up - Shihai, so the young Genin had tried to hide on the roof top and ear-dropping on the group meeting. Yet by some strange and unexplained force! She was being found out by the other clan members not even after an opening paragraph was finished, and her brother roll his eyes at her openly.

Shihai was being shoo out from the house and being told to entertain herself elsewhere, go play by the river or something.

Fine! Be that way, I'm not interested in your boring stories anyway, and I got better things to do, and one day I am going to be an awesome Ninja just like The Great Leaf Eater from the "How to be an awesome Ninja in 30 days or less" and have my very own secret meeting and none of those so called "clan members" are invited!


They said that it was a clan meeting of some serious matter, but there weren't even that many people in the meeting anyway. Most of the combatant Kimura are away either on mission or in other villages, so it wasn't like it was a big deal or anything.

Walking down the road and kicking rocks on her way along the street, Shihai looks around in boredom, the clan compound seems strangely empty today and she wonders if there are anyone else still around here beside her.

As the wind blow by, lifting leaves that have fallen around the street of the compound, given a strange impression of a ghost town, she can't help but wondering just exactly where is everyone.

WC: 667

2Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Re: Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Sat Jun 25, 2016 1:39 pm



Takao loathed many things. From mundane things like the flavours of foods to the more severe, like the open ocean. But nothing inspired so much ire within him than meetings. When he held office, it was meeting after meeting. He would wake up and go to a meeting, leave that meeting for another, and then another and another until night had fallen and the cycle was to be repeated. One could describe Takao as a neophiliac, given that repetition was something he avoided at every opportunity.

At some point, the Kimura family had grown. What had originally started with just him and his father began to branch out. Men married, women married, and children were born. It was reminiscent of a proper clan now, and they had even managed their own compound within the great Village Hidden in the Leaves... yet Takao despised it. Shinobi were creatures of deception and disguise, of deceit and duplicity. With a known name came new abilities, and with a known face came an unwilling forfeit of the element of surprise. There was no better feeling than overwhelming an opponent that was taken by surprise, yet it seemed an event of that caliber was losing its plausibility. A plethora of tricks remained up his sleeve still, but he preferred to have as many at his disposal as possible.

His dislike of meetings and his dislike of the compound in general were largely unrelated to each other, until the time came for clan meetings within the compound. He would never say so himself, but over the years, Takao had become something of a prominent figure within the clan. Perhaps not a household name, but certainly a factor in decisions and the like.

"Guess that's the residual Hokage effect." Takao muttered idly, his words slightly muffled by the unlit cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. The more he thought about the meetings that had been held, the more ironic it seemed. It was a discussion about their eyes. The Kimura were an interesting bunch, their Dōjutsu wasn’t especially potent or powerful in the traditional sense, but it provided them with an angle on the battlefield that so many were quick to ignore. Too often did those combating Dōjutsu rely solely on a field of chakra to protect them, and it was in deception that Kimura prevailed so strongly.

Yet there was troublesome news afloat. Thieves of eyes, a concept that Takao was by no means unfamiliar with, yet the potential for them to target the Kimura was very real. He could only imagine that Suutei might have made the Dōjutsu known to the world, given that he was the only Kimura he knew to have left the village. The kid had always been proud of his bloodline.

The Kimura clansmen that were present for the meeting had dispersed, leaving the compound in an odd state of vacancy. It seemed like he was alone with his thoughts, with only the wind and ambiance of rustling foliage, with the faintest sounds of running water in the distance. He continued down the road for a while, until the sounds of footsteps alerted him to the presence of another.

It was a girl who looked to be a bit younger than him in age, and noticeably shorter as well. She was black of hair, long enough to reach her thighs, and a trained gaze picked out the hazel colour of her eyes that communicated boredom. In the interest of being social, Takao opted to start a conversation.

“I didn’t think anybody would still be around.” Takao said as he approached Shihai, hands falling into the pockets of his black trousers. His jaded eyes lingered on her, hoping that his approach hadn’t caught her off guard. “What’re you doin’ out here?”

3Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Re: Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:30 pm



Dropping her head low as she mope around the place in boredom, long black hair swinging left and right behind her as she meanders about, she thought that there was truly no one here nearby around the place. That was when she saw someone who walking ahead of her.

Blinking in surprised that there is someone still there, Shihai walked up to him casually just as he was turning around, seemingly taking a notice of her by the sound of her footsteps. He looks slightly older than she was, with short black hair and a neutral expression  on his face.

"I didn’t think anybody would still be around. What’re you doin’ out here?” He asked when he turned around.

Shihai stopped in front of him and blinked once at that. Despite having never met him before, he had looked somewhat familiar to her, as if she should know about him from somewhere, but at the moment she couldn't remember exactly where.

Shihai titled her head to the side and said in hesitation. " see, I got kicked out from the meeting...or should I said that I was excluded from the meeting for some reasons, even though it was meeting about questioning my brother, I can't believe that I wasn't allowed to be present. So I was here looking for something to do, not really doing anything at the moment. Name's Shihai Kimura, by the way, I'm a newly admitted Genin." Shihai blinks and narrowed her eyes at him, now that she had a good look, she starts to feel like she did saw him from somewhere before. "Say....are you in the meeting too? What was it ab.....wait a minute...!"

Shihai narrowed her eyes and leans slightly forward to get a better look at him, she paused and freezes in mid moment, her eyes widen in shock, and she immediately takes a step back and raise both hands to cover her mouth. The hell....!!

"You....! I....!" Shihai stutters at her words as her mind goes back to flashback to a conversation she had with her brother a long time ago. It was during one of their lessons that he showed her a picture book with pictures from back in the day of when the clan was first formed. The guy standing right in front of her had looked exactly like one of the first people of the clan, was he the head of the clan at the time? If not, then certainly someone notable within the clan.

"You are....Ta...Takao...? Right? I read about you from somewhere, you are the one everybody thinks of when I say Kimura." Shihai rolls her eyes at the sky and shakes her head, mutters quietly to herself. "Quite troublesome whenever I do self introduction...."

Shihai sighs and calms down a little, but still felt uneasy in the presence of someone who's probably a lot higher level than she is. Titling her head to the side, she frowned and asked hesitantly. "Say...but if even you are in the meeting...I guess that it must have been something serious...? What is going on....? Are we in danger?" Shihai asked in a worried tone, she hugs her arms to herself, lately her brother has been acting kind of strange too. "It's ok if you don't want to say anything, if it is confidential."

Shihai sighs and closed her eyes, shaking her head and takes in a fresh breath of air. Trying to clear her mind from the matter, and change to think about something else. She was just a Genin so whatever that was going on probably doesn't concern her, it is the higher level Ninja's business (so she had been told all her life). Besides there was nothing she could have do to help change the situation anyway. She opened her eyes and looked at him, now that the meeting was over, she wonders why he was still hanging around the place too, if there are still unfinished business? Or maybe he was just bored too. Should I ask? Maybe we could do something together, I could use some company, a pointer or two about the GKK is welcome, a history lesson could be nice too.  "So what are you planning to do after the meeting?" <- was what she was going to say.

4Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Re: Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:03 pm



Takao watched her carefully as she tilted her head and spoke with hesitation. She made mention of the meeting and being booted from attendance, which brought forth a lowly chuckle. “Ah, yeah. They like to keep unnecessary things secret… but since it was your brother, I guess I can understand their concern. Don’t worry, we didn’t do anythin’ bad to him or somethin’. Was more like a report.” He said, allowing for her to continue before he responded.

"You make it sound like I'm the posterboy for the Kimura. Not sure if I'm into that, to be honest.” Takao said, mulling over the thought just long enough for it to bring a chuckle to rumble in his chest and a small smirk to pull at the corner of his mouth. He liked to think that he embodied the spirit of what it was to be a shinobi. Deception, secrecy, covertness, all that hooplah. Being the face of a clan whose success hinged on deception and secrecy didn’t bode well for him… but in the end, it didn’t matter all that much; an amusing thought none-the-less.

“Anyway… S’nice t’meet you, Shihai. You already know who I am, but I’d still like to introduce myself proper. I’m Takao.” He said, offering a friendly smile. He’d always been taught manners, although they were something he rarely practiced, making this a rare occasion.

She asked if they were in danger, and the question brought him to pause. Were they? The obvious answer was yes, shinobi were always in danger. He wagered to say it was even in the job description as a shinobi. They were tools of war, some regarded as more human than others, but ultimately their purpose remained the same; kill the enemies of the state, the country, and thy neighbor. The notion of protecting comrades was occasionally thrown in to soften the rather unpleasant blow that was the reality of a shinobi’s life, but Takao had believed himself to have seen the underbelly of the beast. He had operated as ANBU and done the dirty work; the training of mental endurance that haunted him, the torturing for information, the brutalizing. All things that would remain with him for a lifetime, and all things that heavily skewed his perception of what it was to “be a ninja”.

"They told me to keep it confidential, but..." He lingered on the final syllable of the word as he mulled over a thought. "It concerns you just as much as it does them. It's better for you to know anyway." Takao continued. He knew fully well that if a team is to operate at pique performance, they need to be on the same “wavelength”, so to speak. Understanding not only what to do, but why to do it in that way was paramount to success, lest they imagine a better way that diverges from the main plan and thus incite chaos and disorder. In this case, knowing the situation they faced might help safeguard her, at least to some degree.

"We have “reason to believe” that the Kimura and several other Dōjutsu wielding clans are being targeted by eye hunters-- shinobi that hunt down Dōjutsu and steal them. Usually they'll sell 'em on some black market, but sometimes they'll have them implanted for themselves." Takao explained, his right hand raising to take the cigarette from the corner of his mouth and hold it between his index and middle fingers.

"Our Dōjutsu is unique since it doesn't see chakra, and most people don't think to hide their body temperature. Makes it a nice tracking mechanism. If that sort of information became public or the wrong people got 'hold of it, it's more than likely we'd be targeted." A deliberately slow inhale through his nostrils flooded his lungs with air, and was followed by the inevitable exhale.

“I don’t expect us to be in any more danger than normal. Your brother isn’t in any particular danger either; I don’t know that it’s my place to tell you ‘bout everything that went on though, so I’ll leave it to him to decide.” Takao said, not wanting to overstep the boundaries of what the siblings might have to discuss. It wasn’t his place after all, as he’d said.

“So, Shihai.” Takao began with an offer to change the subject to something a bit more casual. “You said you’re a fresh graduate, yeah? Have you been given a squad assignment yet?”

5Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Re: Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:16 pm



"We have “reason to believe” that the Kimura and several other Dōjutsu wielding clans are being targeted by eye hunters-- shinobi that hunt down Dōjutsu and steal them. Usually they'll sell 'em on some black market, but sometimes they'll have them implanted for themselves." Takao explained.

Shihai can't help but stares for a bit. What now? People who steal eyes and sell them on the black market? Well...I guess that it would be kind of similar to a human organ black market then...wait...did he just said that the Kimura and several other clans are being targeted?! Not sure about the several other clan, since at the moment she only briefly knows one other person from a Dojutsu clan so all of this still felt really far away from her. Shihai raises a hand to touch her right eye...

But I have the eye too, does that mean that I might be targeted as well...? What...surely, mean...this is Konoha, we have so many Jounin around that it would be impossible for this place to not be safe. The Anbu and the saint swordsman squad would never let the poachers in, by outward break through or by sneaking in, it would be impossible. The hidden leaf village is way too secured and all of the more experienced Ninjas are super reliable, the occasional mean attitudes aside, there's no reason to doubt their capability.  

Shihai was silent briefly. Sighing to herself, why would the clan be keeping something like that a secret? Was it because that they didn't want to cause a panic just yet, maybe they don't have enough proof, or do they somehow think that they can contain this themselves? And throughout all of that, and no one said anything...well, beside Takao, who for his reputation, is surprisingly acting like one the nicest people she had met so far.

Shaking her head, nevertheless, as a new Genin, all that she can do is to be more on alert, there's not much else she could do, she would just trust the higher level Ninjas to handle this. There is no problem! This is Konoha after all.

“So, Shihai.” Takao began with an offer to change the subject to something a bit more casual. “You said you’re a fresh graduate, yeah? Have you been given a squad assignment yet?”

"Ei?" Shihai blinks and paused for a bit, before letting out a laugh. "Hahaha, I wish! But no. I don't even have a squad yet. Not for the lack of trying mind you. I been searching for a squad ever since I graduated, but my timing was always off, either I'm too new for a squad or I'm too late to join, so I just couldn't find a squad where I can join. But..." Shihai paused and thinks for a bit. "There was this rumor going around, something about a someone looking to form a squad near the market place, or something like that, I might have to check it out later on and see if the rumors hold any truth."

Shihai turns to look at Takao, she blinks and tries to recalled from her memory of the book. "Pardon me. And correct me if I am wrong. But from what I have heard, you once had a squad yourself." Shihai titled her head looking at him. "It might sounds strange, but is there any possibility that you can still take in a student as a sensei instead of a squad leader? I would be honored to learn more about how to use the GKK properly from another Kimura." Shihai lift up a smile. "But I might be getting ahead of myself; I understand that you may be busy with official business. Nevertheless, it would be great if we can do a mission sometimes. I have only been doing solo missions thus far, saved for one, sort of. And it would be great to see another Ninja in action, and learn what being a Ninja is all about, for real this time."

6Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Re: Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:56 am



A careful set of eyes watched as she lifted her hand and touched her own right eye, resulting in the slight smile on his face to tug downward into a more neutral and borderline frown. It was a morbid thought to implant into the mind of somebody that was fresh to the evils of the world, to tell them that somebody they didn’t know would have no problem with plucking an eye from their skull to use for themselves… or even worse, to simply sell, as if they were just cattle to be harvested. It was important for her to be informed of the dangers, that much he couldn’t deny himself, but disturbed none the less.

“You’re a Kimura,” Takao began, the desire to offer her a bit of comfort after the distressing news he’d given. “...and Kimura protect each other. For as long as I’m alive ‘n breathing, nobody’s gonna take your eyes-- or anybody else’s eyes for that matter.” He said, offering another smile of reassurance. It was a tall order to lay claim to, protecting the entirety of the clan. He knew fully well that there was always somebody bigger and stronger, but it was no less a life worth protecting.

“Forming a squad on the streets?” Takao asked curiously, one eyebrow quirked upward and his arms folded. There were a plethora of issues that came with an inactive, borderline Missing-In-Action Hokage. The workload found itself scattered chaotically which lead to disorganization and, as one would expect, chaos indeed. But for something like squad assignments to fall through the cracks? That was certainly an annoying product of the umpteenth’s Hokage’s absence.

“...Well, ‘spose that’s one way to do it. The village sure is disorganized at the moment. You’d think squad assignments would be easy enough to do.” Takao muttered lowly, more-so thinking out loud than actually offering a response. Takao hadn’t been the best Hokage during his short time some years ago, although he did like to think he was cut some slack due to the circumstances. Taking over at the age of sixteen and immediately heading into a war negotiations was a lot to expect from a kid, and he’d done his best… even if it had resulted in a few unnecessary deaths. Win some, lose some, all that nonsense.

“I’ve had a few squads over the years, actually. Most of ‘em ended up retiring, although one of my students ended up becoming Hokage.” He answered, words not particularly intended to be bragging. Tatsumaru, the Hokage that had succeeded Takao, was an old memory he would much rather forget. Thusly, he quickly moved on from the subject. “But uh, yeah. Had a few squads that didn’t work out.”

Her inquiry developed into a request, or a proposition of studentship. Takao’s head tilted to side slightly and he considered her for a moment, glancing her over before nodding slowly. “Y’know, I’ve actually been looking for a proper student. My old students never really worked out ‘cause I’m a bit of a hard ass and don’t share my secrets, but…” His arms unfolded, one moved into his pocket and the other rested on his hip. “My secrets are more-so the Kimura secrets-- techniques and strategies that only work when used by a Kimura. So, I’d be happy to have you as my student, Shihai.”

7Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Re: Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:17 pm



Shihai blinks, and was momentarily speechless by the bold proclamation. To protect an entire clan...? That is not something that any one can do easily, or even doable for that matter, there always will be unseen enemies, and there will always be someone who fall through the crack. The strong eats the weak, that is the game of this world. And the victim, can blame no one but themselves for their own lack of strength. Still, it was certainly not something she would have ever dreamed of to heard from a true Ninja, especially considering the rumors that she had heard about him.(what is this about a veteran experienced Anbu?)  Nevertheless, Shihai blinks, it was inspiring. To know that within this world where a Shinobi is valued for their deception, heartlessness and absolute obedience to the orders from above, that something as meaningless as kinship was valued by someone, other than herself. It had felt like a light in the everlasting darkness of the night, a small sparkle of fire in the dead cold winter.

Shihai nods to Takao. "I am a Kimura too, and as part of the clan, it will be my duty to help and contribute as well. I would do my part to help out in all of this mess, you can rely on me too, regardless of how little that I can affect in all of this, I will do my best. Even if the enemies are still hidden, one day, I'm sure they will be found and bought to the light."  

And one day, I want to be like that too. One day, I will become strong too. Instead of hiding behind the walls, and watching things from afar, letting other people handles the situation, while can do nothing but to run away from the day, I will be stronger, enough to offer someone protection, to be an alley in a dangerous situation, to be a friend in someone's time of need. Such silly things, thoughts as childish as it can be, gives me a chuckle when I think about it. It was like a dreaming nonsense in the Ninja world, where loyalty and friendship does not exist, there is only order, and either compliance or non-compliance. Still, like a silly dream by a silly little girl, it can go on for a little longer.

But for now, a new Genin such as her should focus on her training, in her daily happy little life, and with all of the secrets and bloodshot still kept away from her world yet, she is afford a bit more time before she grew up.

"So your squad didn't work out?" Shihai asks, brighten up at the mention of squads. "Retiring Ninjas, it is unfortunate but perhaps it was for the best. I am sure that whatever path that they have chosen would lead them to a better life." Feeling a little more pumps up at the mention of a potential squad and team mission. "I want to have a squad too! But it might not work out. Now that we are not in war anymore, a full squad seems a bit excessive and not necessary. Even a Genin like myself can already handle a bunch of different missions, solo seems to be the popular way to go. Especially since a lot of the time, the personality of each individual might not necessarily mess together well to be in a same team. But speaking of teams.."

>o<  Shihai pumps her fist into the air now that Takao has agreed to take her in as a student, she finally has a mentor now! Feeling no longer alone and without guidance.

"You promised to be my sensei~! So be ready to be pestered by me~! XDD I want training, and learning how to be an Anbu too, and...." Shihai's words trail off as someone else approached them. It appears to be an older Kimura, holding a suit case in one hand and he was looking at Takao.

"Sir, the reports are ready now, though we still somewhat lacks evidences. The elders have requested an audience with you, for your input, before we set this down for course of action." The Kimura says to Takao, with only a glance over to Shihai.

Sensing that playtime is now over and Takao is wanted for official business now, Shihai quietly takes a step back, not wanting to interfere with them. Forming a hand speaker she quietly says to their general direction. "Good luck with the clan business...! I'm going to check out that squad around the market place, but I'm going to come bother you later!"

Not sure if any of them have heard her but sensing that she shouldn't by hanging around, hesitantly, she nods to their way, waves a little before heading out to the market place. She knows there are elders in the clan, though she never met any one them, she imagine them to be the grumpy and strict type but who knows, and she wonders what they are trying to do now.

[Shihai Exit]

Total WC: 2897

Last edited by shihai on Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

8Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Empty Re: Like fire that burns... [Invite|NK] Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:15 pm



Takao was no stranger to making bold claims and big promises. It had landed him in trouble in the past and would continue to do so in the indefinite future, but he just couldn’t help himself. Setting a goal for himself to achieve was what kept him moving forward, what kept his progression from plateauing and his mind from rotting at the hands of inactivity. Promising others the safety with the odds stacked so strenuously against him wasn’t fair, neither to himself nor to them, but he seldom concerned himself and his decisions with what was fair and what wasn’t. He would protect them until he drew his last breath. Shihai, the Kimura, and even Konohagakure. It was his home, and they were his family. In the darkest moments, they would be the light that shined for him. They would be the beacon in the darkness that kept him walking forward.

So it wasn’t fair for him to use her and the Kimura as his means of giving himself purpose, but it was what he felt needed to be done. Simply by its nature, it wasn’t a selfish pledge either. It just wasn’t something he was necessarily doing out of the good in his heart.

“They’ll slip up and make a mistake eventually. ‘n when they do, we’ll be there to make sure they don’t get an opportunity to make another. I’d be happy t’have you with me then.” He said, offering her a slight nod of his head.

At the inquiry of his squads not working out, he simply shook his head and shrugged. “They like t’think that the squad selection process works wonders, but it’s a gamble in reality. Skillset compatibility rarely align with personality compatibility, and chances of success are severely hindered if a squad is constantly at odds with one another.” He explained, arms folding at his chest. It hardly looked good to have so many squads under his leadership fall apart, and some might say it spoke of his ability to lead and teach. In reality, Takao understood when he was the right teacher for somebody and when his instruction would be more detrimental than it was good.

It was then that some suit and tie approached him, briefcase in hand, and informed him that there were inconclusive reports ready. A huff of breath escaped his nostrils and he nodded, glancing back to Shihai. “Sorry to bail on you.” He said, bowing his head slightly. “I’ll be around the compound. Have fun at the marketplace.”

Thread exited.

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