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Demi glanced at Strafe when he looked at her: there would be payback that that orphanage woman would have to face, but both seemed to be in agreement that now was not the time or the place. If and when they went after that woman they would have to do so in a delicate way to ensure that no blame was placed upon them - in the end, it would likely have to be made up to look like some kind of accident. But, now was not the time to worry or plot such things. Now was the time to ensure that this boy and Kaia were safe and sound once again.

They reached home and she watched as the boy, whose name was Iro, entered into the house. Kaia followed after him after giving Momaru some scratches and loving hugs. Demi just beamed - she was quite happy that Kaia was the way she was, and hoped that the boy showed a good personality too once he was mentally and physically better. Demi would link her hand into Strafe's as she neared him, simply keeping quiet and on the edge of the situation. Given her Malkavian nature she tended to make such things worse without meaning to - so by keeping her distance she was simply ensuring her inner demons kept themselves in check.

Plus, it also gave Kaia a chance to speak to the child herself. Sometimes children related far better with another child rather than an adult, and Kaia certainly had experienced the same thing as the boy so he would be able to relate better to her than an adult.

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

The young boy's eyes were wide open as he looked around the house. The place was huge and he had obviously never been in such a nice house. Kaia would walk up beside him, gently take is hand in her own. The human contact soothed his anxiety, and he leaned his head on her shoulder. She started to speak, to which the young boy listened.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to... but I know how you feel. When I was living in Konoha I was in the orphanage that lady ran. I was saved by my first daddy named Mitsuo. He was a ninja, and one day he disappeared. That's when I came here to Kiri to find my new daddy. He's a really good medic, and really nice... so if she hurt you he can fix it good as new... You don't have to worry about her being able to get in here either, because no one can get into the compound without permission, let alone the house. Everything is really well protected. Plus, my mommy Demi, and daddy are very strong."

He teared up at her words, but it was not with sadness. He just couldn't believe he got out of there and to find someone that knew what he went through? He didn't know the words to tell her how he felt, so he wiped his eyes and turned to her. "Thanks. I..." He was was trying to say he appreciated all the help, but he couldn't get it out before starting to tear up again. He would look the other way for a second. He took a breathe before looking back at her. "I don't want to think about that woman anymore. Want to go do something fun?" He said as his personality slightly changed back to his normal self. He was really a happy kid when he wasn't being torn down constantly.

Strafe smiled as Kaia gave the lion some affection before scurrying off to help her new friend. Demi swooped beside him, locking their hands together. "You know, I think he should stay here. Considering what he's been through, I don't trust anyone else with his mental care. Thanks for helping me honey." He said before giving her a peck on the cheek. She was truly a doll, and having her around made him rise to the occasion as a man and father. Things were looking good for his new family.

Word Count: 425 + 3,752 = 4,177



A big smile spread across Kaia's face as she nodded her head. He didn't want to live in the past and Kaia couldn't blame him. She personally didn't like to think about the things that had happened in her own past, so she couldn't blame him for not wanting to do the same. He mentioned finding something fun to do to which Kaia giggled happily and nodded her head yes once more.

"Okay! Come on! There's lots of fun things to do... There's games, and I have a whole bunch of art supplies because I'm going to paint my room soon, and there's other stuff too... I'm sure we'll find something we like to do together.", Kaia would say before gently leading her new brother away from everyone else and up the steps...

Surely they'd be able to find something to do together while Strafe and Demi figured everything else out. Plus, it was a chance for her to get to know her new brother-friend.


Wordcount: 170 | 2,328



Kaia seemed intersted in making fast friends with Iro, and Iro seemed to have calmed down a lot now that he was in the house. It all made Demi smile quite a bit as she tilted her head sideways and rested it against Strafe for a moment. Iro would do welll in life here, and Demi knew it, the same as Kaia. "You're welcome, dear. Kaia and him will become fast friends, I'm sure..", Demi said softly before lifting her head up.

"I think it's a good idea for him to stay here, too... I can sense a sort of... trouble mind within him. But, it's notihng that time won't heal. Time and lots of love and happiness." She returned Strafe's peck on the cheek before yawning. "Mm... nap time."

Lightly she would poke Strafe on his nose in a playful manner. "I'm going to go nap.. wake me when the food gets here?", Demi would wait for a response before wandering up the steps...


Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

As Demi leaned over to lay her head on him, she spoke. He watched the children with admiration while also listening to her. She agreed with him and thought that staying here would benefit his health. Strafe smiled at the fact that his home was was going to be the place where Iro's life gets a jumpstart. She also commented on the trouble she sensed in him. Strafe nodded as he had picked up similar vibes. She was right though, proper parenting and love was all it would take for him to be back healthy and happy. "You are perfect." His eyes shifted to her with a smile to match. The kids ran upstairs to do something fun, so he had some time to kill.

Demi then yawned before asking if he would wake her up when the food arrived. "Of course honey, go ahead." He would smile as she pecked him on the cheek and ran upstairs to bed. A sigh would escape his Sannin lips. With how boring the day had started, he was happy it ended with him adopting a new son. Momaru would nudge him to the couch to relax before laying down beside the arm rest. Strafe flipped open a book, moving the bookmark from his previous page. At least for today, he was at ease and happy.

[Exit Thread]
Word Count: 224 + 4,177 = 4,401
Perception C-2 -> C-3: 700/700
Perception C-3 -> B: 700/700
Strength C -> C-1: 575/575
Strength C-1 -> C-2: 600/600
Strength C-2 -> C-3: 700/700
Strength C-3 -> B: 700/700
Remaining Word Count: 426



This thread was exited, just doing my math for my stats...
Due to my genius perk I recieve a 20% reduction to all WC's and have adjusted my numbers to reflect that.

Total WC is 3,490
Endurance E1 - E2: 3490 - 120 = 3370
Endurance E2 - E3: 3370 - 180 = 3190
Endurance E3 - D: 3190 - 240 = 2950
Endurance D - D1: 2950 - 260 = 2690
Endurance D1 - D2: 2690 - 320 = 2370
Endurance D2 - D3: 2370 - 360 = 2010
Endurance D3 - C: 2010 - 420 = 1590

Perception D - D1: 1590 - 260 = 1330
Perception D1 - D2: 1330 - 320 = 1010
Perception D2 - D3: 1010 - 360 = 650
Perception D3 - C: 650 - 420 = 230

Remaining WC: 230

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