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Aqua sat cross-legged in a large field of grass, flatlands for as far as the eye could see before it disappeared into a wall of trees that formed a semicircular barrier to the northern edge of the environment, roughly twenty meters in radius. This was Training Ground 314, just one random training ground arbitrarily picked from a deluge of available choices to hold her training session with, if her sensei hadn’t been joking with her, another Genin of the Leaf.

He’d approached their team last night, while they’d been eating at one of the ramen stands in Konoha. They were still in a rather uplifting mood, still riding the wave of their recent victory against Team Mihoko, extending their winning streak by yet another game of Capture the Flag when their opponents had fell for a simple ploy, diverting their attention to the objective while leaving the team itself divided and easily conquered by Aqua’s own. While the actual game itself hadn’t played out as perfectly as they had imagined it to during their planning, they’d still somehow managed to clinch a victory by the hair with Aqua returning with the piece of cloth which made up the banner she was supposed to retrieve. While Aqua did feel slightly bad for her sister, whose team she’d one-upped, she’d managed to put it out of the way for the time being, allowing her to fully revel in the moment – one of a rare few with her team – before Sumimoto Kyudoka had dropped in. Her sensei had gently pulled her aside, leaving her two male teammates to joke around between themselves about the fight against Hirotsugu that they almost always seemed to play up.

‘I’ve signed you up for a spar’, he’d said last night. With who, exactly, he hadn’t specified. Or, more accurately, even he hadn’t know who she’d be pitted up against. All she knew was that he’d asked the Konoha administrative board for permission to test her against another budding Genin of Konoha, and their reply had been a blunt and vague ‘Approved’. There had been no further information as to who she’d be up against, what clan they’d be from, or even what gender her opponent would be. The only detail her sensei had been left with, and so had been able to pass onto her, had been the knowledge that the spar would be scheduled for ten in the morning, which was fifteen minutes from now.

She leaned back against the middle of three wooden poles, each standing at two meters tall, and each arranged in a line with a three meter gap between them. The three posts were placed in the center of the clearing she found herself in, and she waited patiently for her sparring partner to arrive. As she did so, she contemplated the reasons her sensei would suddenly, just out of the blue, pull her aside for a spar against another Genin, not even one of her team. Most of the time, the only other sparring partners she’d receive would have originated from her sister’s squad, and it would have occurred in a Capture the Flag game where she could take into account tactics, strategy, and numbers that would help her squad get the upper hand. It would never be a one-on-one match. Ever. What made her Sumimoto’s proudest pupil of the three he had under his wing was that she didn’t charge into a fight like her other two teammates, but she couldn’t say that the circumstances when it was an equal one-on-one fight would permit her to exercise her advantages as she had in the past.

Regardless of anything, however, she calmly waited for the minutes to tick by. Ten o’clock in the morning was her appointment, and she patiently sat, cross-legged, in Training Ground 314 for her partner.

WC: 667



At exactly ten until ten, the young male could be seen making his way in to Training Ground 314, taking his sweet time. The yound man had been told earlier that morning that a sparring exercise had been organized between him and another student. Upon inquiring as to whom he was supposed to be sparring against, he was told that he would find out when he arrived. Looking back, it seemed fair; if he knew anything of his opponent, then the fight would be tipped unfairly into his advantage. The Administration was a strange thing to be handling this; the request had come down in a fashion similar to a mission. For all he knew, his sparring partner was an academy student.

The male moved along the grassy clearing at a lesuirely pace, blue eyes darting around as to attempted to gain sight of any sign of his sparring partner. He was dressed in his usual ensemble: He wears a black jacket with skull-motif buttons and sequenced details on pockets. He keeps it unzipped and the tag on the zipper also has a small skull. Underneath he wears a steel gray shirt with skull prints. Tré wears black cropped trousers and black buckled boots with red soles. He wears a black motorcycle glovelet on his left hand. Strapped to his left side was the sword that he'd recently gained from his mission deliver a package to the outpost. It was a beautiful thing; a jian, or a Chinese straight sword. The blade is approximately seventy centimeters long and four centimeters wide, with the grip measuring about twenty centimeters long. The sword is light and flexible, weighing less than one kilogram. Comes with a hard leather scabbard. The blade is a testament to the skill of its creator; a true work of art with no visible flaws on its surface at all. The hilt is covered with decorated silk and the guard can be accented by ingraining pearls or precious gems into its surface, as well as making unique designs specific to each blade. Despite the length and width of the blade, it is strong and will not break under stress. It is sharp and has the shine of a polished weapon that glistens in the light. He had brought the weapon with him as this was a trainning spar, and he needed to treat it as if it were a real fight to the death, despite him not actually being out to kill his opponent. Not that the sword was the only thing he brought with him; there was Kunai and several shuriken hidden on his persona as well, ready to be brought out should the situation call for it.

As the sun shone down on the grassland, the male peered into the distance; spotting what appeared to be three posts set up, and someone leaning against it. From the way he was approaching, they would see him clearly as he made his way closer. The first thing he noticed about the persona was the blue hair atop their head. An odd color, it was, and the young man was rather confused. He had never seen anyone with blue hair before, dyed or otherwise. Perhaps he would ask her about after the fight.

As the male drew nearer to the persona, he could see that it was a female; he was assigned to fight a woman? Huh. Oh well. He was not one to judge, but he was curious as to why he was chosen, and why this session was called for in the first place. Perhaps, he would find out soon? Coming to a stop several feet away from the blue haired female, he smiled politely.

"Hatake, Tre. Are you my training partner?"

624 wc



The sun beat down on the girl who sat alone at the training grounds, awaiting the individual whom she was supposed to spar with, either to teach them something or have herself taught a valuable lesson in a one-on-one, nearly-no-holds-barred fight. She lounged against the training post, sitting at the center post with Rainfell, her blade, lazily placed at the side, crushing countless blades of grass under even its light weight. Her blade was considered by many, most actually, to be oddly shaped. Forgoing the traditional hilt and just a single long, straight blade reminiscent of most swords, she’d opted to change from the traditional forms to a more contemporary weapon, with the blade focused mainly on the tip, focusing on cutting power in one direction while it dealt dangerous piercing in the other. Its blue hue ran along the main length of the blade, with the guard of the weapon fashioned out of meek silver, and a single keychain could be seen trailing one and a half decimeters from the bottom of her weapon.

Aqua adjusted the sleeves that hung around bands attached to her upper arms, covering the majority of her arms from her mid-upper arm to her wrists, with white sleeves that flowed silkily from golden circlets often hiding the fingerless gloves. She wore a form-fitting halter top with two intersecting belts, and short shorts coupled with thigh high socks, ending in a pair of armored boots or low heels, complete with a scarf wrapped around her waist. A very simple attire, yet not quite either, but it was one that Aqua had gotten used to over the years, and the style of which Aqua too had gotten inexplicably attached to.

It seemed as if the girl wouldn’t have to wait long, for a quick five minutes passed before she saw someone on the horizon, walking steadily towards her and the training ground itself. He seemed the typical person you would find in Konoha, an ordinary build for a person his age, roughly her own. Aqua noticed that most of his attire was consisted of mainly black, standing out in contrast to the omnipresent shade of green that most people would find scattered all around the Village Hidden in the Leaves and its immediate, and sometimes not-so-immediate, surroundings, interrupted in its blend only by the wood, stone, and concrete buildings that had been erected in the village itself to house the myriad of people and businesses and economies that had come to see the village as their home.

As he approached, Aqua would stand up, withdrawing Rainfell from her lazy position on the grass and strapping it back to her left waist, such that her weapon was pointed backwards with its protruding edge facing Aqua’s front. Her back would face the training post as the man approached, more than likely her training partner for the day, given how it was unlikely that anyone would’ve accidentally stumbled onto Training Ground 314, as well as how it was likely marked down for their training session, unless of course Sumimoto-sensei had been in charge of booking this particular training ground and had forgotten to do exactly that.

“Hatake, Tre,” he introduced as he came to a stop several feet from her. “Are you my training partner?”

A Hatake? Aqua had to admit she didn’t know particularly much about that clan. While they were considered one of the more prestigious and respected clans of Konoha, they also liked to keep to themselves and avoid drawing too much attention to their clan or their members. She didn’t particularly know why, as it was almost common knowledge, at least among the civilians and the ninja who weren’t involved in the higher politics that ran around in the village and added unnecessarily to its bureaucracy, that prestige and fame for a clan or a ninja in a social standing far outweighed the dangers that would come from having one’s name whispered in all five corners of the continent. With that thought in mind, though, she did note the blade that was strapped to his left side, similar to how Rainfell was her own, indicating he was at least proficient in the use of Bukijutsu. It would be something to keep note of, though whether it was a specialisation that he had decided to devote himself to or if it was something that most clan members found to be within their blood, she would have to find out.

“That really depends. I wasn’t given the name of my training partner,” Aqua answered. “My name is Aqua Uchiha,” she supplied in a gentle voice, before clearing her throat and continuing, “Regardless, if we’re both here, I would appreciate a spar nonetheless, if you don’t mind,” all the while keeping her hands positioned at her sides in hopes of keeping their exchange in comity.

WC: 828 + 667 = 1495



“That really depends. I wasn’t given the name of my training partner. My name is Aqua Uchiha. Regardless, if we’re both here, I would appreciate a spar nonetheless, if you don’t mind,".

Hm. If that was her wish, then he would abide by it. But there was no reason as to why they could not be cordial about the situation. The male offered the blue haired woman a warm smile, nodding. "Well met, Uchiha Aqua. If you wish to spar, then we can. But before then, would you like to talk a bit? Its pretty early, and I'm sure we can teach each other more than just how to swing a weapon."

There it was, the bait was offered. Would she take it? If she did, he would be more than happy to entertain her for the moment until they both felt that it was time to spar. If she was instead all business, then he would be able to accommodate that as well. It really was up to her.

"Tell me, what do you specialize in?" He nodded to the strange weapon that hung at her side. "Quite obviously, you are a weapon user, but is there anything else you use in combat to aid you? I myself rely on sword skills, obviously." An innocent enough question; but he was indeed curious. It was very much possible that he was attempting to probe for information regarding her fighting style for the upcoming spar, but then again, perhaps he did not care? He was very much in this for the conversation, mostly. He was bored with the day to day happenings of the village, and a bit still tired from his previous day. He would pause and wait, allowing the female time to respond if she wished to do so.


300 | 924



“Well met, Uchiha Aqua. If you wish to spar, then we can. But before then, would you like to talk a bit? It’s pretty early, and I’m sure we can teach each other more than just how to swing a weapon.”

So, idle chatter before they fought? Aqua saw little reason in doing so, but she also saw little reason in refusing the offer that had been courteously placed on the table. Her sensei and her teammates had always been edging her to socialise more with other people; this was one such session where she could surely exercise her skills in interacting with other people in an area that didn’t involve a clashing of jutsu or blades. So, with her mind made up, she went to accept.

“Very well,” she answered, attempting to mask some emotion into the natural formality of her voice.

“Tell me, what do you specialise in? Quite obviously, you are a weapon user, but is there anything else you use in combat to aid you? I myself rely on sword skills, obviously.”

“Hmm,” Aqua hummed in thought. On one hand, this was a Konoha shinobi, hence there was little reason to hide her skills from an ally. However, they were soon-to-be opponents in combat, hence she needed to weigh the decision with a little more care than any other, like perhaps her sister, would if thrust into the same situation. That being said, though, while she had been on the verge of telling him about her interest in Genjutsu – not particularly her skill, but rather just the interest that she dabbled in from time to time due to seeing the potential that such a subtle art had for ninja – a figure landed behind her, one just a head taller than her.

He would be dressed in the standard Konoha Jonin uniform, and he sported brown, messy hair falling down around his face, framing hard cheeks and a strong jaw, with a few stubbles on it. He placed a hand on her shoulder as she turned to address him: Sumimoto Kyudoka, her sensei who had arranged this particular meeting between her and her would-be opponent. His interruption was… To be honest, it took Aqua by surprise. Sumimoto wasn’t known to be one to act on a whim, wasn’t one to change his plans, so unless he had planned to crash in on her spar, something must’ve made him change his mind about pitting Aqua up against a random stranger.

In a gruff voice, devoid of any of the drunken slurs that she was used to, he addressed the man, “Sorry about cutting this meeting short; don’t mind if I borrow my student for a while, do you? I’ll return her in… Hmm, must’ve forgotten the date,” he said with the trademark smirk she was so used to seeing on his face, before the two of them disappeared from the area as a result of Sumimoto’s Body Flicker.

They landed in a clearing a few… hundred meters away? Aqua herself couldn’t be sure. The landscape around Konoha was often so familiar that one didn’t see much difference having travelled several dozen or several thousand meters, but she quelled her desire for answers when she saw the serious gleam in Sumimoto’s eyes. Had he not been her sensei for the past eight years, she’d have suspected someone to have infiltrated Konoha under his guise, which would be worrisome in and of itself. Unfortunately for her though, perhaps him being him would’ve been a much worse scenario than she’d initially expected.

“Aqua. We need to talk.”

And that would be the beginning of a slew of information that would turn her world upside down, as well as the end to her reality as she knew it.

WC: 645 + 1495 = 2140

[Exit thread]



He found himself glad he had some form of patience as he had to pause and wait slightly longer than expected before the female before him responded with a 'hmm' like sound: one he took to mean she was thinking about how to answer his question. It was, at least, better than being ignored entirely. Tre knew that most were very secretive with their abilities, especially when they would likely be facing the person they were talking to in a spar in just a few moments time. Still, she seemed willing to tell him which he took as a hopeful sign - he really had wanted a chance to converse some beforehand anyway, and the added bonus of learning some information from his opponent before this began would also be a plus. Of course, she was likely to want the same question of him answered as well, a tit for tat, though he wasn't entirely sure how he felt about doing the same. Sort of the pot calling the kettle black in a way: expecting something from someone he was not all that ready to give up.

Quite suddenly however a male dressed in standard Konoha garb dropped in on the location, causing the female to look surprised but not fightened. She knew him then? It was a logical assumption, even if Tre would rather have the hard and concrete facts instead of using assumptions to go on. In a gruff voice and a smirk on his face this individual who had arrived so suddenly spoke saying “Sorry about cutting this meeting short; don’t mind if I borrow my student for a while, do you? I’ll return her in… Hmm, must’ve forgotten the date,” before snatching the girl up and all but disappearing to only the gods knew where.

Well, that had certainly called and end to that, hadn't it? What was he going to do now? HIs conversation was lost, as was his spar. Just when he had been feeling hopeful on having something to do to pass the next few hours by. Perhaps even a friend to make? No matter, what was done was done and it couldn't be undone - at least not by him. Not unless the female happened to decide she didn't want to be whisked away in such a fashion, taken off to have some kind of conversation he clearly wasn't meant to overhear. He had a feeling it was important, and he had a feeling she wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. Maybe later, then, perhaps? He could only be so hopeful.

Still, as Tre turned and began to make his way from wence he came he couldn't help but also be worried a little. Should he have allowed the female to be snatched up as she had been? Should he have done something to stop it? Could he have? He appeared to be a sensei or something of some sort, but who knew in this game they played called ninja? Perhaps right now that very girl was being interregated and tortured for information. They would find her body laying in the swamp somewhere, eyes goudged out, tongue removed, maybe fingernails pulled off... No, he had to stop, he was getting far too ahead of himself. She would likely be fine, and he would likely see her again soon enough wandering through the village as if nothing had ever happened. Perhaps they would even be given another chance to converse and likely spar in the near future. Hopefully, that future would be soon enough to cure his current boredom and put a stop to it.

No matter. For now he would head home and find his sister - she always was up for a spar even if she hated having to go all out like he demanded she do. Neither one of them would improve if she chose to hold back just because they were related. Tre had an ulterior motive to this too - by making sure that Uno went all out now, by making sure she was used to having to do that against someone she loved and cared about, it meant that were she to ever have to go up against an opponent she knew for any serious reason - if put into a position that her life depended on her being able and willing to fight to the death against someone who she had once been close to - she could do it. It was big brother syndrome at its core, but that was what family did for each other, they looked out for each other - even if it seemed a bit twisted and wrong in the sense of making sure Uno tried to whoop his ass with all of her might. Even if it meant that Tre himself didn't hold back when dishing it out to her.

Maybe Tre would even get lucky and his sister would have learned a new jutsu, or new move, to try out against him. Something that would take him by surprise enough to cure his boredom. It was no fun fighting someone whose every move you knew already after all - surprises made everything all that much more fun - especially since he knew that Uno would never hurt him to the point of causing permanent damage let alone risk ending up killing him. As Tre allowed his mind to wander he allowed his feet to pick up speed, heading down the sure path now that he had figured out what he wanted to attempt next. A spar with his sister would do them both some good, while also curing his current boredom. It would also put out of his mind any thoughts of the female he had just met and what could possibly be going on at that moment in time with her. It was, after all, none of her business so long as she wasn't being harmed - and even though that only became his business because he was a Konoha nin the same as she was so it was his duty to protect his fellow villager from harm and danger.

Without even having to really think too hard on where he was heading his feet let him to home where he found a light on inside where there had been none - his sister had to be home; Due never even crossing his mind considering he had been missing for so long. He stepped in cautiously, wondering if his sister would have any traps or surprises waiting for him - he wasn't after all the only person who liked to duel, his sister did as well. He closed the door behind himself, shutting out the rest of the world...


1122 | 2024

2024/2000 = White Raiton Unlocked

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